Q.2 The rim pull (lbs) of tractor can be computed by the formula, as
a) (375 x H.P. x efficiency) / Speed (mph)
b) {(H.P. x efficiency)/Speed (mph)} x 100
c) (Speed (mph) / efficiency) x 100
d) (H.P. / efficiency) x 100
Q.3 ‘Drawbar test is associated, to
a) Tractor
b) Power tiller
c) Engine
d) Mower
Q.4 The formula for drawbar pull (HP) is
a) [Pull (kg) x speed (mph)]/ 4500
b) [Pull (kg) x speed (kmph)]/ 4500
c) [Pull (kg)/ 4500] x 100
d) [Pull (kg) x speed (m per min)]/ 1000
Q.5 In hydraulic system of tractor, the pressure developed by the pump, is about
a) 150 kg/cm2
b) 250 kg/cm2
c) 75 to 80 kg/cm2
d) 120 kg/cm2
Q.6 Amongst operating costs, the fuel and oil consumption can be calculated on the basis of
a) 3/4th load of the tractor
b) 1/2th load of the tractor
c) 1/4th load of the tractor
d) Total capital money
Q.7 During operation, the effective pull on belt is equal to
a) T1-T2
b) T2 –T1
c) 10 kg/cm2
d) 100 kgf
Q.8 Horse power of belt drive, is equal to
a) (T1-T2)/ 4500 x V
b) (T1-T2)/ 4500
c) [(T1-T2)/ 4500] V
d) (T1-T2)/ 75. (1/V)
Q.9 In belt drive, the ratio between belt tensions on the tight and slack side, is given by
a) T1/T2 = e
b) T2/T1 = e /
c) T1 = T2 e-
d) T1 = T2 e
( is the coefficient of friction and is the angle of lap)
Q.19 In the flat belt drive, the belt can be subjected to maximum tension (T) and centrifugal tension
(Tc). The condition for transmission of maximum power will be given by
a) T = Tc
b) T = 2 Tc
c) T = 3 Tc
d) T = 3 Tc
Q.20 For maximum power the velocity of the belt will be
a) (T/m)
b) (T/2m)
c) (T/3m)
d) (T/4m)
Q.21 The face angle of bevel gear is equal to
a) Pitch angle – addendum angle
b) Pitch angle + addendum angle
c) Pitch angle – dedendum angle
d) Pitch angle + dedendum angle
Q.22 The included angle for the V-belt is usually
a) 200 - 300
b) 300 - 400
c) 400 - 600
d) 600 - 800
Q.23The V- belts are particularly suitable for drives
a) short
b) long
c) medium
d) None of the above
Q.24 The groove angle of the pulley for V- belt drive is usually
a) 200 - 250
b) 250 - 320
c) 320 - 380
d) 380 - 450
Q.25 The wire rope makes contact at
a) Bottom of groove of the pulley
b) Side of groove of the pulley
c) Side and bottom of groove of the pulley
d) Anywhere in the groove of the pulley
Q.26 Which one of the following is a positive drive
a) Cross flat belt drive
b) Rope drive
c) V-belt drive
d) Chain drive
Q.27 The relation between the pitch of the chain (p) and pitch circle diameter of the sprocket (D) is
given by
a) p = D sin (900/ T)
b) p = D sin (1200/ T)
c) p = D sin (1800/ T)
d) p = D sin (3600/ T)
Q.28 In order to have smooth operation, the maximum no. of teeth on the smaller sprocket, for
moderate speed, should be
a) 15
b) 17
c) 21
d) 25
Q.29A gardener moves a lawn mower to a distance of 100m by applying 15 N of force, calculate
wages of gardener at the rate of 10 paisa / 25 Joule. Assume that on mower thr force was applied at
an angle of 600 to th direction of motion.
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
Q.30 A man goes on drive, using a tractor on hill slope of 1 in 20 with the velocity of 10 kmph. If
the weight of tractor is 3000 kg. Calculate the horsepower of tractor.
a) 5.1
b) 5.2
c) 5.3
d) 5.4
Q.31 An engine running at 150 rpm drives a line shaft by means of a belt. The engine pulley is 750
mm diameter and the pulley on the line shaft is 450 mm. A 900 mm diameter pulley on the line
shaft drives a 150 mm diameter pulley keyed to a dynamo shaft. Find the speed of the dynamo
shaft. When (a) there is no slip (b) when there is slip of 2 %.
a) 1500 and 1440
b) 1440 and 1500
c) 1540 and 1400
d) 1440 and 1500
Q. 32 Two pulleys one 450 mm diameter and other 200 mm diameter on parallel shaft 1.95 m apart
are connected by a cross belt. Find the length of the belt require and the angle of contact between
the belt and each pulley. What power can be transmitted by the belt when the larger pulley rotates at
200 rev per min. if the maximum permissible tension in the belt is 1 KN and the coefficient of
friction between the belt and the pulley is 0.25.
a) 4.974, 2.738
b) 4.977, 2.788
c) 5.974, 3.738
d) 6.974, 4.738
Q. 33 A cast iron pulley transmits 20 KN at 300 rpm. The diameter of pulley is 550 mm and has 4
straight arm of elliptical cross section in which the major axis is twice the minor axis. Find the
dimension of the arm (major and minor axis) if the allowable bending stress is 15 MPa.
a) 75.6 mm, 37.8 mm
b) 37.8 mm, 75.6 mm
c) 47.8 mm, 33.8 mm
d) 55.6 mm, 34.8 mm
Q. 34 An overhung pulley transmits 35 KN at 240 rpm the belt drive is vertical, the distance of the
pulley centerline from the nearest bearing 350 mm, = 7200 kg/ m3. Determine diameter of pulley.
a) 1m
b) 2m
c) 3m
d) 4m
Q. 35 A counter shaft of an engineering workshop is being driven by an electric motor with the help
of canvas belt and pulley arrangement, such that the speed of the belt is 600 m/ min. and it transmits
70 HP. Find the difference between the two tension on either side of the belt if the tension on the
tight side of the belt be twice that on the slack side. Find two tensions.
a) T1 = 1050 kg, T2 = 525 kg
b) T1 = 525 kg, T2 = 1050kg
c) T1 = 105 kg, T2 = 1525 kg
d) T1 = 100 kg, T2 = 552 kg
Q. 36 Find the width of the belt to transmit 15 Hp to a pulley 35 cm in diameter. Pulley makes 1600
rev/ min. coefficient of friction between belt and pulley is 0.22, and angle of contact is 20 0.
Maximum tension in the belt not exceeds 8 kg / cm width.
a) 8.66 cm
b) 7.66 cm
c) 6.66 cm
d) 5.66 cm
Q. 37 Fig. Shows the valve timing of tractor engine has 3 cylinders with stroke lengths 9 cm. and
bore 7.5 cm if the piston reciprocates 2000 rpm and length of connecting rod is 30 cm. calculate
location of intake valve at which it gets open from TDC.
Q. 38 A single reduction gear of 120 KW with a pinion 250 mm pitch circle diameter and speed 650
rpm is supported in bearings on either sides. Calculate total load due to power transmission assume
pressure angle as 200.
Q. 39 The no. of teeth in driving spur gear is 80. the circular pitch of the teeth is 30 mm. The
tangential force transmitted by driving gear is 120 kg. Calculate HP transmitted to the driven gear at
180 rpm of driving gear.
a) 23.04
b) 24.04
c) 23.40
d) 24.03
Q. 40 The spur gear are used to connect two parallel shafts, speed of driving and driven shafts is
150 and 600 rpm, resp. Distance between both the shafts is about 100 cm. modulus of teeth on spur
gear is 6 mm. Determine the exact distance between the axes of two shafts.
a) 99 cm
b) 100 cm
c) 98 cm
d) 101 cm
Q. 41 In a simple planetary gear drive, the sun gear is used to give drive a planet carrier mounted
with 3 planetary gears, while ring gear is held stationary. If sun gear and all the 3 planetary gear
have 18 teeth each and ring gear has 54 teeth, the gear ratio will be what?
a) 4: 1
b) 1: 4
c) 1:5
d) 5:1
Q. 42 A tractor has 1.5 m rear wheel diameter. If the gear ration of final drive and differential gear
is 5: 1 and 3: 1 respectively. Calculate forward speed of tractor (kmph). Assume the engine speed as
1250 rpm and gearbox reduction as 2:1.
a) 11.77 kmph
b) 10.73 kmph
c) 12.77 kmph
d) 13.77 kmph
Q. 43 Two obtain 160 kg-m of torque at transmission output shaft, what gear ration would be
necessary. Assume, transmission efficiency 96 % and input torque as 15 kg-m
a) 1:11
b) 1:12
c) 12:11
d) 12:1
Q. 44 A diesel engine was tested by using proney brake, having a tare of 22 kg. the brake drum was
60 cm long at a certain setting of fuel pump, the engine runs at 1140 rpm and the gross weight on
the brake scale is 222 kg. Calculate (a) crankshaft torque (kg-m), (b) power of engine (Kw)
a) 120, 200
b) 140, 220
c) 220,140
d) 160,180
Q. 45 If a driven pulley is rotated by 350 rpm through a driving pulley of 0.3 diameter running at
1200 rpm speed, then find the diameter of driven pulley and length of belt in open drive if pulleys
are 1.8 m apart.
a) 1.028m, 5.76 m
b) 2.028m, 4.76 m
c) 3.028m, 3.76 m
d) 4.028m, 2.76 m
Q. 49 Determine theoretical maximum drawbar pull of a track type tractor weighing 2800 kg with
36 cm width and 1.70 m long track. soil parameters are as follows: c = 0.12 kg/ cm2, = 280, Kc =
3, K = 0.5, coefficient of shrinkage of wheel is 0.2.
Q. 50 Evaluate the maximum traction thrust of a track type tractor with two tracks each 360 mm
wide and 1680 mm long. The weight of tractor is 31.75 KN. Assume that the lugs on the track are
such that the soil is sheared of in a plane area at the ends of the lugs. Soil parameters are as follows:
c = 14 KPa, = 300.
a) 35.26 kN
b) 34.26 kN
c) 33.26 kN
d) 32.26 kN
Q. 51 Determine maximum drawbar pull of a track type tractor with 35 cm wide and 160 cm long
track. The weight of tractor is 3500 kg. The lugs on the track are such that the soil is sheared of in a
plane area at the ends of the lugs. The soil parameters are as: c = 14 KPa, f = 300, Kc = 3, Kf = 0.5,
n = 0.2.
Q. 52 How much load can be lifted by a hydraulic system having cylinder diameter of 5 mm and 50
mm the load of the small cylinder (hydraulic level) is 5 kg.
a) 500
b) 400
c) 300
d) 200
Q. 53 Out of 60 million draft animals available in the country, 20 % are engaged in transport of
commercial goods. A pair of animals transports 2 tonne of material for 1600 h in a year at a
constant speed of 5 km/h. estimate the total available power and energy of the draft animal.
a) 12900 million kwh
b) 13900 million kwh
c) 14900 million kwh
d) 11900 million kwh
Q. 54 If an engine is operating at 1400 rpm and 1500 rpm at no load and full load resp. calculate the
percent regulation.
a) 6.7%
b) 6.8%
c) 6.9%
d) 6.6%
Q. 55 A tractor is attached with a 9x 25 cm trailed cultivator. The tractor is having 15 x 40 cm
and33 x 90 cm size tyres in front and rear wheel resp. assuming a clearance of 5 cm between the
furrow wall and inner surface of the wheel. Calculate the wheel trade.
a) 2.63 m
b) 1.63m
c) 2.20 m
d) 1.19 m
Q. 56 Calculate the torque required to drive a pump at 2000 rpm speed, if chang in pressure across
the pump is 240 bar. Assume flow of oil is 0.125 lit/ min.
a) 0.234 Nm
b) 1.234 Nm
c) 2.234 Nm
d) 3.234 Nm
Q. 57 A pump delivers the fuel at the rate of 40 lit./min to a 10 cm dia. cylinder for producing 2200
N force. Calculate a) Pressure required b) Hydraulic power required
a) 0.28 MPa and 0.1867 kW
b) 1.28 MPa and 1.1867 kW
c) 2.28 MPa and 2.1867 kW
d) 3.28 MPa and 3.1867 kW
Q. 58 In hydraulic power transmission system, the motor converts fluid power to a rotary
mechanical output. In such system, the output torque from the motor is 90 N-m at 225 rpm. The
required flow rate is 30 lpm. The motor displacement 0.105 lit./rev. and motor overall efficiency is
75 % . The total pressure loss in lines, fittings, valves, etc is niglisible.Calculate volumetric
efficiency of motor and pressure drop across the motor.
a) 10ì¥Á87 88ð¿8888888888888¿?88
9bjbjUU999999999999999999 9&d997|997|
¨9999999¨999¨9999999¨9999999¨9999999¨9999999¨999µ99999999999´ 999999999999999999-
999999999ì¥Á97 99ð¿9999999999999¿?99
10bjbjUU101010101010101010101010101010101010 10&d10107|10107|
10101010101010101010´ 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 gear
ratio of the tractor is
a) 7.53
b) 6.78
c) 15.06
d) 4.07
Q.60 A hydraulic motor is required to develop a torque of 125 N-m at a maximum speed of 600
rpm. The maximum pressure drop across the motor is 150 bar. The torque and volumetric efficiency
are both 0.90. determine a) the suitable motor displacement (LPS) b) Flow required on the motor in
a) 6.2 LPM, 0.09 LPS
b) 5.2 LPM, 1.09 LPS
c) 4.2 LPM, 2.09 LPS
d) 3.2 LPM, 3.09 LPS
Q.61 A hydrulic pump having 37.5 cm3displacement per rev., develops 15 MPa at 88% volumetric
efficiency. At 3000 rpm the pump supplies oil to a torque converter, whose shaft rotates at 60 rpm
and has 85 % overall efficiency. Calculate the torque available at the shaft of the converter.
a) 25716.75 Nm
b) 24716.75 Nm
c) 23716.75 Nm
d) 22716.75 Nm
Q. 62 A tractor weighing 2000 kg turns at 8 kmph speed in a radius of 3 m. how much force will it
experienced also calculate kinetic energy of tractor.
a) 523.4 kg m, 322.67 kg
b) 524.4 kg m, 321.67 kg
c) 525.4 kg m, 323.67 kg
d) 526.4 kg m, 324.67 kg
Q63. A tractor having weight as 15kgf is brought to a speed of 5kmph in 5 seconds by applying a
uniform acceleration. Calculate initial force on tractor.
a) 416.67 N
b) 415.67 N
c) 414.67 N
d) 413.67 N
Q. 65 How much Time will 1 m mower will take to cut the grass of 4 ha area. The mower is
working at the speed of 4 km/ h and the efficiency of mower is 75 %.
a) 130 20” 0’
b) 130 20” 49’
c) 120 20” 0’
d) 130 25” 0’
Q. 66 The second gear of the tractor gear box of 15 cm size is rotating at 2000 rpm. It is
transmitting 12 Kg-m torque. Determine power transmitted by the gear.
a) 33.5
b) 32.5
c) 31.5
d) 30.5
Q. 67 A power sprayer is discharging 32.5 l/m at the designed pressure. Determine the discharge
rate if the pressure is reduced by half of the original pressure.
a) 22.98
b) 23.98
c) 20.98
d) 19.98
Q.74. Determine the length of belt to connect the pulleys on two shafts which are 8 m apart. The
diameter of pulleys is 80 cm and 50 cm. a) for open belt b) for cross belt
a) 18.04, 18.09
b) 17.04, 17.09
c) 16.04, 16.09
d) 19.04, 19.09