Steam Boilers Report - Osama Mamdouh Mostafa - Section (2)
Steam Boilers Report - Osama Mamdouh Mostafa - Section (2)
Steam Boilers Report - Osama Mamdouh Mostafa - Section (2)
Reported to:
Assoc. Prof. Mohamed Nawar
November 2023
Steam boilers are the workhorses of various industries, providing essential
thermal energy for power generation, heating, process steam, and marine
propulsion. Their diverse applications and critical role in modern infrastructure
highlight the need for a thorough understanding of their classifications, types,
and specifications.
This technical report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of steam
boilers catering to engineers, operators, and anyone interested in understanding
these complex yet fascinating machines. It delves into the different
classifications of boilers, exploring their key features and operating principles.
Additionally, the report details various boiler types, including fire-tube and
water-tube, along with their specifications, advantages, and disadvantages. This
enables readers to make informed decisions regarding boiler selection for
specific applications.
Furthermore, the report explores additional components like economizers and
superheaters, highlighting their importance in enhancing boiler efficiency and
steam quality. Finally, it touches upon the diverse applications of steam boilers,
demonstrating their widespread impact across various industries.
By providing comprehensive information and insightful analysis, this technical
report strives to serve as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their
knowledge of steam boilers. It fosters a better understanding of these essential
machines, enabling readers to make informed decisions, optimize their
operation, and contribute to the advancement of steam boiler technology in the
Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................................................................................i
List of Figures ......................................................................................................iv
List of Tables ......................................................................................................... v
1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
2 Steam Boilers Classifications ....................................................................... 3
2.1 According to location of boiler shell axis ................................................ 3
2.2 According to the flow medium inside the tubes....................................... 3
2.3 According to Boiler Pressure ................................................................... 3
2.4 According to the draft used ...................................................................... 4
2.5 According to Method of water circulation ............................................... 4
2.6 According to Furnace position ................................................................. 4
2.7 According to type of fuel used ................................................................. 5
2.8 According to number of Tubes ................................................................. 5
2.9 According to Boiler Mobility ................................................................... 5
3 Steam Boiler Types & Specifications ........................................................... 7
3.1 Fire Tube Boiler........................................................................................ 7
3.1.1 Lancashire boiler ............................................................................. 8
3.1.2 Economic boiler (two-pass, dry back) .......................................... 11
3.1.3 Economic boiler (three-pass, wet back)........................................ 12
3.1.4 Packaged boiler ............................................................................. 13
3.1.5 Four-pass boilers ........................................................................... 14
3.1.6 Reverse flame/thimble boiler ........................................................ 14
3.1.7 Advantage & Disadvantage of Fire tube Boilers .......................... 15
3.2 Water Tube Boilers ................................................................................. 16
3.2.1 Longitudinal drum boiler .............................................................. 17
3.2.2 Cross drum boiler.......................................................................... 18
3.2.3 Bent tube or Stirling boiler ........................................................... 18
3.2.4 Advantage and Disadvantage of water tube boilers ..................... 19
3.3 Miscellaneous boilers ............................................................................. 20
3.3.1 Coil boiler ..................................................................................... 20
3.3.2 Vertical tubeless packaged steam boiler ....................................... 21
3.4 Economizers ........................................................................................... 22
3.5 Superheaters ........................................................................................... 23
4 Steam Boilers Applications ......................................................................... 25
5 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 27
References ........................................................................................................... 28
List of Figures
Fig. 1.1: Simple kettle boiler. [2] .......................................................................... 2
Fig. 2.1: Boiler Classification [4] ......................................................................... 6
Fig. 3.1: A typical two-pass boiler configuration: a) dry back boiler. b) wet back
boiler [3] ................................................................................................................ 8
Fig. 3.2: Lancashire boiler. [3] .............................................................................. 9
Fig. 3.3: Economic boiler (two-pass, dry back). [3] ........................................... 11
Fig. 3.4: Economic boiler (three-pass, wet back) [3] ......................................... 12
Fig. 3.5: Modern Packaged Boiler. [3] ................................................................ 14
Fig. 3.6: Thimble or reverse flame boiler. [3] ..................................................... 15
Fig. 3.7: Natural water circulation in water-tube boiler. [3] ............................... 16
Fig. 3.8: Longitudinal drum boiler. [3] ............................................................... 17
Fig. 3.9: Cross drum boiler. [3] ........................................................................... 18
Fig. 3.10: Bent tube or Stirling boiler. [3] .......................................................... 19
Fig. 3.11: Coil boiler. [3] ..................................................................................... 21
Fig. 3.12: Vertical tubeless packaged steam boiler. [3] ...................................... 22
Fig. 3.13: A shell boiler with an economizer [3] ................................................ 23
Fig. 3.14: A water tube boiler with superheat. [3] .............................................. 24
List of Tables
Table 3.1: Size range of Lancashire boilers [3] .................................................... 9
Table 3.2: Size range of two-pass, dry back economic boiler ............................ 11
Table 3.3: Heat transfer details of a modern three pass, wet back, econmoic
boiler. [3] ............................................................................................................. 12
Table 3.4: Comparison of 5000 kg/h boilers. [3] ................................................ 13
1 Introduction
Steam generators, or boilers, use heat to convert water into steam for a variety
of applications. Primary among these are electric power generation and
industrial process heating. Steam is a key resource because of its wide
availability, advantageous properties, and nontoxic nature. Steam flow rates and
operating conditions are the principal design considerations for any steam
generator and can vary dramatically: from 1000 lb/h (0.1 kg/s) in one process
use to more than 10 million lb/h (1260 kg/s) in large electric power plants; from
about 14.7 psi (0.1013 MPa) and 212°F (100°C) in some heating applications to
more than 4500 psi (31.03 MPa) and 1100°F (593°C) in advanced cycle power
plants. [2]
Fuel use and handling add to the complexity and variety of steam generating
systems. The fuels used in most steam generators are coal, natural gas and oil.
However, nuclear energy also plays a major role in at least the electric power
generation area. Also, an increasing variety of biomass materials and processed
byproducts have become heat sources for steam generation. These include peat,
wood and wood wastes, bagasse, straw, coffee grounds, corn husks, coal mine
wastes (culm), and waste heat from steelmaking furnaces. Even renewable
energy sources, e.g., solar, are being used to generate steam. The steam
generating process has also been adapted to incorporate functions such as
chemical recovery from paper pulping processes, volume reduction for
municipal solid waste or trash, and hazardous waste destruction. [2]
The central job of the boiler designer in any of these applications is to combine
fundamental science, technology, empirical data, and practical experience to
produce a steam generating system that meets the steam supply requirements in
the most economical package. Other factors in the design process include fuel
characteristics, environmental protection, thermal efficiency, operations,
maintenance and operating costs, regulatory requirements, and local geographic
and weather conditions, among others. The design process involves balancing
these complex and sometimes competing factors. [2]
About 40% of the world’s power is generated by using boilers fired with
pulverized coal and steam turbines operating on the Rankine cycle. Large,
pulverized coal fired and circulating fluidized bed supercritical pressure units
are being considered as candidates for power plant capacity addition, though
several issues such as solid particle erosion, metallurgy of pressure parts,
maintenance costs, and start-up concerns remain. It may be noted that in Europe
and Japan supercritical units are more widespread than in the United States. [1]
The process of boiling water to make steam is a familiar phenomenon.
Thermodynamically, instead of increasing the water temperature, the energy
used results in a change of phase from a liquid to a gaseous state, i.e., water to
steam. A steam generating system should provide a continuous process for this
conversion. The simplest case for such a device is a kettle boiler where a fixed
quantity of water is heated (Fig. 6). The applied heat raises the water
temperature. Eventually, for the given pressure, the boiling (saturation)
temperature is reached, and bubbles begin to form. As heat continues to be
applied, the temperature remains constant, and steam escapes from the water
surface. If the steam is continuously removed from the vessel, the temperature
will remain constant until all of the water is evaporated. At this point, heat
addition would increase the temperature of the kettle and of any steam
remaining in the vessel. To provide a continuous process, all that is needed is a
regulated supply of water to the vessel to equal the steam being generated and
removed. [2]
2 Steam Boilers Classifications
The different ways to classify the boilers are as follows.
2.1 According to location of boiler shell axis
a) Horizontal
b) vertical
c) Inclined boilers.
When the axis of the boiler shell is horizontal the boiler is called horizontal
boiler. Example: Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock, and Wilcox
boiler etc. [5]
If the axis is vertical, the boiler is called vertical boiler. Example: Cochran
boiler. [5]
If the axis of the boiler is inclined, it is known as inclined boiler. [5]
2.2 According to the flow medium inside the tubes
a) Fire tube
b) Water tube boilers.
The boiler in which hot flue gases are inside the tubes and water surrounding
the tubes are called fire tube boilers. Example: Lancashire, locomotive,
Cochran, and Cornish boilers. [5]
When water is inside the tubes and the hot gases are outside, the boiler is called
a water tube boiler. Example: Simple vertical boiler, Babcock, and Wilcox
boiler. [5]
2.3 According to Boiler Pressure
According to pressure of the steam raised the boilers are classified as follows:
a) Low pressure (3.5 - 10 bar)
b) Medium pressure (10-25 bar)
c) High pressure boilers (> 25 bar)
- Low pressure: Cochran and Cornish boiler
- Medium pressure: Lancashire and Locomotive boiler
- High pressure: Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
2.4 According to the draft used
a) Natural draft
b) Artificial draft boilers
Boilers need a supply of air for combustion of fuel. If the circulation of air is
provided with the help of a chimney, the boiler is known as natural draft boiler.
When either a forced draft fan or an induced draft fan or both are used to
provide the flow of air the boiler is called an artificial draft boiler. [5]
- Natural draft boiler: Simple vertical boiler, Lancashire boiler.
- Artificial draft boiler: Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Locomotive boiler.
2.5 According to Method of water circulation
a) Natural circulation
b) Forced circulation.
If the circulation of water takes place due to difference in density caused by
temperature of water, the boiler is called natural circulation boiler. When the
circulation is done with the help of a pump the boiler is known as forced
circulation boiler. [5]
- Natural circulation: Babcock & Wilcox boiler, Lancashire boiler.
- Forced circulation: Velox boiler, Lamont boiler, Loffler boiler.
2.6 According to Furnace position
a) Internally fired.
b) Externally fired boilers.
When the furnace of the boiler is inside its drum or shell, the boiler is called
internally fired boiler. If the furnace is outside the drum the boiler is called
externally fired boiler. [5]
- Internally fired boiler: Simple vertical boiler Lancashire boiler, Cochran
- Externally fired boiler: Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
2.7 According to type of fuel used
a) Solid
b) Liquid
c) Gaseous
d) Electrical
e) Nuclear energy fuel boilers
The boiler in which heat energy is obtained by the combustion of solid fuel like
coal or lignite is known as solid fuel boiler. A boiler using liquid or gaseous fuel
for burning is known as liquid or gaseous fuel boiler. Boilers in which electrical
or nuclear energy is used for generation of heat are respectively called electrical
energy headed boilers and nuclear energy heated boilers. [5]
2.8 According to number of Tubes
a) Single tube
b) Multi-tube boiler
A boiler having only one fire tube or water tube is called a single tube boiler. A
boiler having two or more fire or water tubes is called a multi tube boiler. [5]
- Single tube boiler: Cornish boiler, Vertical boiler.
- Multi-tube boiler: Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock, and
Wilcox boiler.
2.9 According to Boiler Mobility
a) Stationary
b) Portable
c) Marine boilers
When the boiler is fixed at one location and cannot be transported easily it is
known as a stationary boiler. If the boiler can be moved from one location to
another it is known as a portable or mobile boiler. The boilers which can work
on the surface of water are called marine boilers. [5]
- Stationary: Lancashire, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, vertical boiler.
- Portable: Locomotive boiler.
- Marine: Marine boilers.
Fig. 2.1 shows the previous Boiler Classification on a tree diagram.
3 Steam Boiler Types & Specifications
Boiler surface is defined as the tubes and drum shells that are part of the steam-
water circulation system, and that are in contact with the hot gases (flue gas).
Although the term boiler now frequently refers to the overall steam generating
system, the term boiler surface excludes the economizer, superheater, reheater,
or any component other than the steam-water circulation system itself. [2]
While boilers can be broadly classified as fire tube and water tube types,
modern high-capacity boilers are of the water tube type. In the water tube boiler,
the water and steam flow inside the tubes and the hot gases flow over the
outside surfaces. The boiler circulation system is constructed of tubes, headers,
and drums joined in an arrangement that provides water flow to generate steam
while cooling all parts. The water tube construction allows greater boiler
capacity and higher pressure than shell or fire tube designs. The water tube
boiler also offers greater versatility in arrangement; this permits the most
efficient use of the furnace, superheater, reheater, and other heat recovery
components. [2]
3.1 Fire Tube Boiler
Shell boilers may be defined as those boilers in which the heat transfer surfaces
are all contained within a steel shell. Shell boilers may also be referred to as
‘fire tube’ or ‘smoke tube’ boilers because the products of combustion pass
through the boiler tubes, which in turn transfer heat to the surrounding boiler
water. [3]
Several different combinations of tube layout are used in shell boilers, involving
the number of passes the heat from the boiler furnace will usefully make before
being discharged. [3]
Fig. (3.1a) shows a dry back boiler where the hot gases are reversed by a
refractory lined chamber on the outer plating of the boiler. [3]
Fig. (3.1b) shows a more efficient method of reversing the hot gases through a
wet back boiler configuration. The reversal chamber is contained entirely within
the boiler. This allows for a greater heat transfer area, as well as allowing the
boiler water to be heated to the point where the heat from the furnace will be
greatest - on the end of the chamber wall. [3]
Fig. 3.1: A typical two-pass boiler configuration: a) dry back boiler. b) wet back boiler [3]
These two side ducts met at the back of the boiler and fed into the chimney.
These passes were an attempt to extract the maximum amount of energy from
the hot product gases before they were released into the atmosphere. [3]
Later, efficiency was improved by the addition of an economizer. The gas
stream, after the third pass, passed through the economizer into the chimney.
The economizer heated the feedwater and resulted in an improvement in
thermal efficiency. [3]
One of the disadvantages of the Lancashire boiler was that repeated heating and
cooling of the boiler, with the resultant expansion and contraction that occurred,
upset the brickwork setting and ducting. This resulted in the infiltration of air,
which upset the furnace draught. [3]
These boilers would now be very expensive to produce, due to the large
amounts of material used and the labor required to build the brick setting. [3]
The large size and water capacity of these boilers had a number of significant
▪ Sudden large steam demands, such as a pit-winding engine being started,
could easily be tolerated because the resulting reduction in boiler pressure
released copious amounts of flash steam from the boiler water held at
saturation temperature. [3]
▪ These boilers may well have been manually stoked, consequently the
response to a decrease in boiler pressure and the demand for more fuel
would have been slow. [3]
▪ The large volume of water meant that although the steaming rate might
vary widely, the rate of change of the water level was relatively slow. [3]
▪ Water level control would again have been manual, and the operator
would either start a reciprocating, steam powered feedwater pump, or
adjust a feedwater valve to maintain the desired water level. [3]
▪ The low-level alarm was simply a float that descended with the water
level, and opened a port to a steam whistle when a pre-determined level
was reached. [3]
▪ The large water surface area in relation to the steaming rate meant that the
rate at which steam was released from the surface (expressed in terms of
kg per square meter) was low. [3]
This low velocity meant that, even with water containing high concentrations of
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), there was plenty of opportunity for the steam and
water particles to separate and dry steam to be supplied to the plant. [3]
As control systems, materials, and manufacturing techniques have become more
sophisticated, reliable, and cost effective, the design of boiler plants has
changed. [3]
3.1.2 Economic boiler (two-pass, dry back)
The two-pass economic boiler was only about half the size of an equivalent
Lancashire boiler, and it had higher thermal efficiency. It had a cylindrical outer
shell containing two arge-bore corrugated furnace flues acting as the main
combustion chambers. The hot flue gases passed out of the two furnace flues at
the back of the boiler into a brickwork setting (dry back) and were deflected
through a number of small-bore tubes arranged above the large-bore furnace
flues. These small-bore tubes presented a large heating surface to the water. The
flue gases passed out of the boiler at the front and into an induced draught fan,
which passed them into the chimney. [3]
3.1.3 Economic boiler (three-pass, wet back)
A further development of the economic boiler was the creation of a three-pass
wet back boiler which is a standard configuration in use today. This design (see
Fig. 3.4) has evolved as materials and manufacturing technology has advanced:
thinner metal tubes were introduced allowing more tubes to be accommodated,
the heat transfer rates to be improved, and the boilers themselves to become
more compact. [3]
Typical heat transfer data for a three-pass, wet back, economic boiler is shown
in Table 3.3
Table 3.3: Heat transfer details of a modern three pass, wet back, econmoic boiler. [3]
3.1.4 Packaged boiler
In the early 1950s, the UK Ministry of Fuel and Power sponsored research into
improving boiler plant. The outcome of this research was the packaged boiler,
resulting from further development on the three-pass economic wet back boiler.
Mostly, these boilers were designed to use oil rather than coal. [3]
The packaged boiler is so called because it comes as a complete package with
burner, level controls, feed pump and all necessary boiler fittings and
mountings. Once delivered to site it requires only the steam, water, and
blowdown pipework, fuel supply and electrical connections to be made for it to
become operational. [3]
Development has also had a significant effect on the physical size of boilers for
a given output:
▪ Manufacturers wanted to make the boilers as small as possible to save on
materials and hence keep their product competitive. [3]
▪ Boilers with smaller dimensions (for the same steam output) tend to be
lower in capital cost. Table 3.4 demonstrates this, and other factors.
Fig. 3.5: Modern Packaged Boiler. [3]
Fig. 3.6: Thimble or reverse flame boiler. [3]
Disadvantages of shell boilers:
▪ The package principle means that approximately 27 000 kg/h is the
maximum output of a shell boiler. If more steam is required, then several
boilers need to be connected together. [3]
▪ The large diameter cylinders used in the construction of shell boilers
effectively limit their operating pressure to approximately 27 bars. If
higher pressures are needed, then a water-tube boiler is required. [3]
3.2 Water Tube Boilers
Water-tube boilers differ from shell type boilers in that the water is circulated
inside the tubes, with the heat source surrounding them. Referring back to the
equation for hoop stress, it is easy to see that because the tube diameter is
significantly smaller, much higher pressures can be tolerated for the same stress.
Water-tube boilers are used in power station applications that require:
- A high steam output (up to 500 kg/s).
- High pressure steam (up to 160 bar).
- Superheated steam (up to 550°C).
However, water-tube boilers are also manufactured in sizes to compete with
shell boilers. Small water-tube boilers may be manufactured and assembled into
a single unit, just like packaged shell boilers, whereas large units are usually
manufactured in sections for assembly on site. [3]
Many water-tube boilers operate on the principle of natural water circulation
(also known as ‘thermosiphoning’). Fig. 3.7 helps to explain this principle:
Fig. 3.10: Bent tube or Stirling boiler. [3]
• The small diameter tubes and steam drum mean that much higher steam
pressures can be tolerated, and up to 160 bar may be used in power
stations. [3]
• The design may include many burners on any of the walls, giving
horizontal, or vertical firing options, and the facility of control of
temperature in various parts of the boiler. This is particularly important if
the boiler has an integral superheater, and the temperature of the
superheated steam needs to be controlled. [3]
Disadvantages of water-tube boilers:
• They are not as simple to make in the packaged form as shell boilers,
which means that more work is required on site. [3]
• The option of multiple burners may give flexibility, but the 30 or more
burners used in power stations means that complex control systems are
necessary. [3]
3.3 Miscellaneous boilers
In many applications:
➢ The amount of steam required is too small to warrant a shell boiler, i.e.
Less than 1 000 kg / h.
➢ The small process requiring steam operates on a day shift only, meaning
that the plant would be started every morning and shut down every night.
➢ The capital cost of a conventional shell boiler would adversely affect the
economic viability of the process.
➢ The level of expertise on site, as far as boilers are concerned, is not as
high as would be required on a larger steam system.
To meet these specific demands two types of boilers have been developed. [3]
3.3.1 Coil boiler
These are a ‘once through’ type of water tube boiler and referred to in some
regulations as “boilers with no discernible water level”. [3]
Water supply to the boiler will usually be at 10 to 15% above the steaming rate
• Ensure that all the water is not evaporated, thus ensuring that superheated
steam is not produced. [3]
• Provide a vehicle for the feedwater TDS to be carried through. If this
vehicle was not available, the salt in the feedwater would be deposited on
the insides of the tubes and impair heat transfer, leading to overheating
and eventually to tube failure. Clearly, a separator is an essential
component of this type of boiler to remove this contaminated water. [3]
Being of the water tube type, they can produce steam at very high pressures.
Typical applications for steam generators and coil boilers include laundries and
garment manufacture, where the demand is small and the rate of change in load
is slow. [3]
Fig. 3.11: Coil boiler. [3]
Fig. 3.12: Vertical tubeless packaged steam boiler. [3]
3.4 Economizers
The flue gases, having passed through the main boiler and the superheater, will
still be hot. The energy in these flue gases can be used to improve the thermal
efficiency of the boiler. To achieve this the flue gases are passed through an
economizer. [3]
The economizer is a heat exchanger through which the feedwater is pumped.
The feedwater thus arrives in the boiler at a higher temperature than would be
the case if no economizer was fitted. Less energy is then required to raise the
steam. Alternatively, if the same quantity of energy is supplied, then more steam
is raised. This results in higher efficiency. In broad terms a 10°C increase in
feedwater temperature will give an efficiency improvement of 2%. [3]
Fig. 3.13: A shell boiler with an economizer [3]
3.5 Superheaters
Whatever type of boiler is used, steam will leave the water at its surface and
pass into the steam space. Steam formed above the water surface in a shell
boiler is always saturated and cannot become superheated in the boiler shell, as
it is constantly in contact with the water surface. [3]
If superheated steam is required, the saturated steam must pass through a
superheater. This is simply a heat exchanger where additional heat is added to
the saturated steam. [3]
In water-tube boilers, the superheater may be an additional pendant suspended
in the furnace area where the hot gases will provide the degree of superheat
required (see Fig. 3.14). In other cases, for example in CHP schemes where the
gas turbine exhaust gases are relatively cool, a separately fired superheater may
be needed to provide the additional heat. [3]
Fig. 3.14: A water tube boiler with superheat. [3]
4 Steam Boilers Applications
Steam boilers play a crucial role in various industries and applications due to
their ability to generate steam, which is used for heating, power generation, and
other processes. Some common applications of steam boilers include:
1. Power Generation: Steam boilers are widely used in power plants to
generate electricity. The steam produced by the boiler is used to drive
turbines, which, in turn, generate electrical power.
2. Heating: Steam boilers are used for heating buildings, facilities, and
industrial processes. The steam can be distributed through a network of
pipes to provide heat for space heating or to maintain specific
temperatures in industrial processes.
4. Food Industry: In the food industry, steam boilers are used for cooking,
drying, and sterilization processes. They are also employed in the
production of beverages, dairy products, and other food items.
5. Textile Industry: Steam is used in the textile industry for processes like
dyeing, drying, and finishing. Steam boilers are essential for maintaining
the required temperatures and pressures in these processes.
8. Paper and Pulp Industry: Steam boilers are used in the paper and pulp
industry for drying paper and producing steam for various processes in
paper manufacturing.
9. Oil and Gas Industry: Steam is employed in the oil and gas industry for
processes like enhanced oil recovery (EOR), oil refining, and the
generation of power for offshore platforms.
10. Laundry and Dry Cleaning: Steam boilers are used in laundry and dry-
cleaning facilities for heating water and generating steam for pressing
and drying clothes.
11. Hospitals: Steam boilers are used in hospitals for sterilizing medical
equipment, heating buildings, and providing hot water for various
13. Brewing and Distilling: Steam is utilized in the brewing and distilling
industries for processes such as brewing, mashing, and distillation.
5 Conclusion
This technical report has comprehensively presented the classifications and
types of steam boilers, providing a detailed analysis of their specifications,
advantages, and disadvantages.
Key findings:
• A wide variety of steam boilers exist, classified based on parameters like
location, flow medium, pressure, draft, circulation, furnace position, fuel,
number of tubes, and mobility.
[1] Ganapathy, V. Industrial Boilers and Heat Recovery Steam Generators
Design, Applications, and Calculations. Marcel Dekker, 2003.
[2] John, B. Kitto, and Steven C. Stultz, editors. Steam, Its Generation and
Use. 41st ed., Babcock & Wilcox, 2005.
[4] Paul, Akshoy Ranjan, and Firoz Alam. “Compliance of boiler standards and
Industrial Safety in Indian subcontinent.” International Journal of
Engineering Materials and Manufacture, vol. 3, no. 4, 2018, pp. 182–189,