PDF (Ebook PDF) Psychology in Everyday Life 3rd Edition Download
PDF (Ebook PDF) Psychology in Everyday Life 3rd Edition Download
PDF (Ebook PDF) Psychology in Everyday Life 3rd Edition Download
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For Alexandra Corinne Myers,
beloved granddaughter
David Myers received his psychology Ph.D. from the University of Iowa.
He has spent his career at Hope College, Michigan, where he has taught
dozens of introductory psychology sections. Hope College students have
invited him to be their commencement speaker and voted him “outstand-
ing professor.”
His research and writings have been recognized by the Gordon Allport
Intergroup Relations Prize, by a 2010 Honored Scientist award from the Fed-
eration of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, by a 2010 Award for
Service on Behalf of Personality and Social Psychology, by a 2013 Presiden-
tial Citation from APA Division 2, and by three honorary doctorates.
With support from National Science Foundation grants, Myers’ scientific
articles have appeared in three dozen scientific periodicals, including Sci-
ence, American Scientist, Psychological Science, and the American Psychologist. In
addition to his scholarly writing and his textbooks for introductory and so-
cial psychology, he also digests psychological science for the general public.
His writings have appeared in four dozen magazines, from Today’s Education
to Scientific American. He also has authored five general audience books, in-
cluding The Pursuit of Happiness and Intuition: Its Powers and Perils.
Hope College Public Relations David Myers has chaired his city’s Human Relations Commission, helped
found a thriving assistance center for families in poverty, and spoken to
hundreds of college and community groups. Drawing on his experience,
he also has written articles and a book (A Quiet World) about hearing loss,
and he is advocating a transformation in American assistive listening
technology (see www.hearingloop.org). For his leadership, he received an
American Academy of Audiology Presidential Award in 2011, and the Hear-
ing Loss Association of America Walter T. Ridder
Award in 2012.
He bikes to work year-round and plays daily
pickup basketball. David and Carol Myers have
Kathleen Paulsson
Nathan DeWall is professor of psychology and director of the Social Psy-
chology Lab at the University of Kentucky. He received his bachelor’s degree
from St. Olaf College, a master’s degree in social science from the University
of Chicago, and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in social psychology from Flor-
ida State University. DeWall received the 2011 College of Arts and Sciences
Outstanding Teaching Award, which recognizes excellence in undergraduate
and graduate teaching. In 2011, the Association for Psychological Science
identified DeWall as a “Rising Star” for “making significant contributions to
the field of psychological science.”
DeWall conducts research on close relationships, self-control, and aggres-
sion. With funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National
Science Foundation, he has published over 120 scientific articles and chap-
ters. DeWall’s research awards include the SAGE Young Scholars Award from
the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology, the Young Investiga-
tor Award from the International Society for Research on Aggression, and
the Early Career Award from the International Society for Self and Identity.
His research has been covered by numerous media outlets, including Good
Morning America, Newsweek, Atlantic Monthly, New York Times, Los Angeles Times,
Harvard Business Review, and National Public Radio. DeWall blogs for Psychol- Brian Connors Manke
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Brief Contents
Contents x CHAPTER 10
Preface xvi Stress, Health, and Human
Flourishing 283
Content Changes xxxiv
Time Management: Or, How to Be a Great Personality 311
Student and Still Have a Life xlii
Social Psychology 337
Psychology’s Roots, Big Ideas, and
Critical Thinking Tools 1 CHAPTER 13
Psychological Disorders 371
The Biology of Mind and CHAPTER 14
Consciousness 29 Therapy 409
Developing Through the Life Statistical Reasoning in Everyday
Span 67 Life A-1
Gender and Sexuality 107 Psychology at Work B-1
Sensation and Perception 133 Subfields of Psychology C-1
Learning 167 Complete Chapter Reviews D-1
Memory 193 Answers to Chapter Test
Questions E-1
Thinking, Language, and Glossary G-1
Intelligence 219
Glosario GE-1
References R-1
Motivation and Emotion 255
Name Index NI-1
Subject Index SI-1
Preface xvi
Content Changes xxxiv The Biology of Mind and
Time Management: Or, How to Be a Great Consciousness 29
Student and Still Have a Life xlii
Biology and Behavior 30
Psychology’s Roots,
How Neurons Communicate 31
Big Ideas, and Critical How Neurotransmitters Influence Us 32
Thinking Tools 1
The Nervous System 33
The Peripheral Nervous System 34
Psychology’s Roots 2
The Central Nervous System 34
Psychological Science Is Born 2
Contemporary Psychology 4 The Endocrine System 36
Adolescence 86
Physical Development 86
Cognitive Development 87
Social Development 89 Sensation and
THINKING CRITICALLY ABOUT: How Much Credit or Perception 133
Blame Do Parents Deserve? 91
Emerging Adulthood 92
Basic Principles of Sensation and
Thinking About Continuity and Stages 93
Perception 134
Adulthood 94 From Outer Energy to Inner Brain Activity 134
Physical Development 94 Thresholds 135
Cognitive Development 96 THINKING CRITICALLY ABOUT: Can Subliminal
Messages Control Our Behavior? 136
Social Development 97
Sensory Adaptation 137
Thinking About Stability and Change 101
Perceptual Set 138
Context Effects 138
Studying Memory 194 Do Other Species Share Our Cognitive Skills? 228
Our Two-Track Memory System 195 The Brain and Language 232
Thinking Without Language 233
Automatic Processing and Implicit Memories 195
Do Other Species Have Language? 234
Effortful Processing and Explicit Memories 196
Motivation and Stress, Health, and
Emotion 255 Human Flourishing 283
© Sigrid Olsson/PhotoAlto/Corbis
their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
For those of you familiar with other Myers introductory psychology texts,
you may be surprised at how very different this text is. We have created this
uniquely student-friendly book with the help of input from thousands of in-
structors and students (by way of surveys, focus groups, content and design
reviews, and class testing).
In addition, each main section of text
begins with numbered questions that
establish learning objectives and direct
student reading. The Chapter Review sec-
New Co-Author What Else Is New tion repeats these questions as a further
self-testing opportunity (with answers
new co-author, University of Kentucky Edition? dix). The Chapter Review section also of-
fers a page-referenced list of Terms and
professor Nathan DeWall. (For more in- Concepts to Remember, and new Chap-
formation and videos that introduce Na- In addition to the long, chapter-by- ter Test questions in multiple formats to
than DeWall and our collaboration, see chapter list of Content Changes that promote optimal retention.
www.worthpublishers.com /myersde- follows this preface, other significant Each chapter closes with In Your Ev-
wall.) Nathan is not only one of psychol- changes have been made to the over- eryday Life questions, designed to help
ogy’s “rising stars” (as the Association all format and presentation of this new students make the concepts more per-
for Psychological Science rightly said third edition. sonally meaningful, and therefore more
in 2011), he also is an award-winning memorable. These questions are also
teacher and someone who shares my
passion for writing—and for commu-
NEW Study System
nicating psychological science through Follows Best Practices
writing. Although I continue as lead au- From Learning and
thor, Nathan’s fresh insights and contri-
butions are already enriching this book, Memory Research
especially for this third edition, through The new learning system harnesses the
his leading the revision of Chapters 4, testing effect, which documents the ben-
10, 11, and 14. But my fingerprints are efits of actively retrieving information
David Myers
also on those chapter revisions, even as through self-testing ( FIGURE 1). Thus,
his are on the other chapters. With sup- each chapter now offers 12 to 15 new
port from our wonderful editors, this is Retrieve + Remember questions inter- FIGURE 1 Testing effect For suggestions
of how students may apply
a team project. In addition to our work spersed throughout ( FIGURE 2 ). Creat-
the testing effect to their own
together on the textbook, Nathan and I ing these desirable difficulties for students
learning, watch this 5-minute
enjoy co-authoring the Teaching Current along the way optimizes the testing ef-
YouTube animation: www.
Directions in Psychological Science col- fect, as does immediate feedback (via in- tinyurl.com/HowToRemember
umn in the APS Observer. verted answers beneath each question).
in the area of biological psychology, in- and Emotion chapter. This chapter
cluding cognitive neuroscience, dual pro- has also been reorganized to reflect
cessing, and epigenetics. See p. xxxiii for changes to psychiatry’s latest edition
a chapter-by-chapter list of significant of its diagnostic manual—the DSM-5.
Content Changes. In addition to the new • There are two new text appendices:
study aids and updated coverage, we’ve Statistical Reasoning in Everyday
introduced the following organizational Life, and Subfields of Psychology.
• Chapter 1 concludes with a new sec- More Design Innovations
tion, “Improve Your Retention—and
FIGURE 2 Sample of Retrieve + Remember With help from student and instructor
Your Grades.” This guide will help
students replace ineffective and in- design reviewers, the new third edi-
efficient old habits with new habits tion retains the best of the easy-to-read
that increase retention and success. three-column design but with a cleaner
designed to function as excellent group
new look that makes navigation easier
discussion topics. The text offers hun- • Chapter 3, Developing Through the thanks to fewer color-distinguished fea-
dreds of interesting applications to help Life Span, has been shortened by mov-
tures, a softer color palette, and closer
students see just how applicable psy- ing the Aging and Intelligence cover-
connection between narrative coverage
chology’s concepts are to everyday life. age to Chapter 8, Thinking, Language,
and its associated visuals.
These new features enhance the and Intelligence.
Our three-column format is rich with
Su r vey- Q uest ion-Read- • Chapter 7, Memory, visual support. It responds to students’
Retrieve-Review (SQ3R) follows a new format,
Scattered throughout this expectations, based on what they have
format. Chapter outlines and more clearly
book, students will find told us about their reading, both online
allow students to survey interesting and informative explains how differ- and in print. The narrow column width
what’s to come. Main sec- review notes and quotes ent brain networks eliminates the strain of reading across
tions begin with a learn- from researchers and process and retain a wide page. Illustrations appear near or
ing objective question (now others that will encourage memories. We worked within the pertinent text column, which
more carefully directed them to be active learners
closely with Janie helps students see them in the appropri-
and appearing more fre-
and to apply their new
knowledge to everyday life. Wilson, Professor of ate context. Key terms are defined near
quently) that encourages Psychology at Georgia where they are introduced.
students to read actively. Southern University
Periodic Retrieve + Remember sections and Vice President for Programming
and the Chapter Review (with repeated of the Society for the Teaching of key terms Look for complete definitions of
Learning Objective Questions, Key Terms Psychology, on this chapter’s revision. each important term in a page corner near the
list, and complete Chapter Test) encour- term’s introduction in the narrative.
age students to test themselves by re-
• Chapter 10, Stress, Health, and
Human Flourishing, now includes a
trieving what they know and reviewing
discussion of happiness and subjec- In written reviews, students com-
what they don’t. (See Figure 2 for a Re-
tive well-being, moved here from the pared our three-column design with a
trieve + Remember sample.)
Motivation and Emotion chapter. traditional one-column design (without
knowing which was ours). They unani-
Reorganized Chapters • Chapter 11, Personality, offers more mously preferred the three-column de-
complete coverage of clinical per-
and More Than 600 New spectives, including improved cover-
sign. It was, they said, “less intimidating”
and “less overwhelming” and it “moti-
Research Citations age of modern-day psychodynamic
vated” them to read on.
approaches, which are now more
Thousands of instructors and students In this edition, we’ve also adjusted
clearly distinguished from their his-
have helped guide our creation of Psy- the font used for research citations. In
torical Freudian roots.
chology in Everyday Life, as have our read- psychology’s journals and textbooks,
ing and correspondence. The result is a • The Social Psychology chapter now parenthetical citations appropriately
unique text, now thoroughly revised in follows the Personality chapter. assign credit and direct readers to
this third edition, which includes more • Chapter 13, Psychological Disorders, sources. But they can also form a vi-
than 600 new citations. Some of the most now includes coverage of eating dis- sual hurdle. An instructor using the
exciting recent research has happened orders, previously in the Motivation second edition of Psychology in Every-
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
“Scattered material makes it better for reference than for straight
reading. No index.”
“We cannot, with the best will in the world, see in the result more
than a task—faithfully and conscientiously performed to the best of
the author’s power—but a ‘task accomplished,’ and not even
successfully at that. For we feel that it is determination rather than
inspiration, strength of will rather than the artist’s compulsion,
which has produced ‘The captives.’” K. M.
“No reader will set ‘The captives’ down without the figure of
Maggie Cardinal having been permanently limned upon his memory.
The portrait is consistent throughout. The pictures of the band of
religious fanatics, some of them charlatans, and of their sincere
leader are particularly forceful. Mr Walpole’s method is that of the
realist, but he has scarcely employed it to the best of its possibilities.”
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton
“As to the learning and competence for his task, no question can be
raised, but the method he elects to adopt is one which has brought
much work on the history of science into not unjustified contempt.”
C: Singer
“Severe compression has been necessary; but the process has not
interfered with the lucidity or the interest of this instructive little
health. *$2.25 (2c) Little 265.8
The title poem has for its theme an episode of French history and
tells how Don Folquet, a trader’s son, was first celebrated at the court
of Toulouse as Prince of song, how he tired of court life and became a
monk and later the Bishop of Toulouse and as such pronounced a
ban on the city for its wickedness. Among the other poems are a
Mother Goose sonnet series; Murillo paints “The assumption”;
Catullus anent his Lesbia; The sigh for Deirdre; Ad limina.
“To this reviewer ‘Don Folquet’ is less interesting than other things
in the book. It is a poem for those who would forget reality. ‘The
brownstone row,’ written in the kind of unrhymed cadence now in
vogue, shows that Mr Walsh could do something with reality if
romance charmed him less.”
The author views dreams from many points of view and is not
pledged to any one theory. He presents the theories made popular by
recent writers on psycho-analysis, but also sets forth the opinions of
Freud’s critics. Contents: Historical sketch; The mind in sleep; The
material of dreams; The instigators of dreams; The peculiarities of
dreams; Dreams as wishes; The effects of dreams; Typical dreams;
Prodromic dreams; Prophetic dreams; Nightmare; Night terrors;
Somnambulism; Miscellany; The analysis of dreams; Day-dreams.
There are two indexes, to proper names and to subjects. The author
is a practicing physician and he has endeavored to make the work as
practical as possible with a view “toward aiding sufferers from
nervous affections, as well as toward promoting a better
understanding of various normal and abnormal mental processes.”
Reviewed by R: Le Gallienne
“Dr Walsh might have made his point of view clearer, but he at
least presents attractively a good deal of interesting material.”
“The poems are few but well chosen from the standpoint of the
seeker after clear language and well-defined images. There is little of
that strained impressionism and hazy, finespun introspection which
are the bane of modern verse.”
“The only person of any interest in the book is the daughter, Helen,
and the only episode of any interest is Helen’s discovery of the real
culprit who had run over and killed her father. This has not much to
do with Oscar Montague—paranoiac, who is quite a secondary
character in a poor novel.”
Reviewed by C. G. Fenwick
“In this latest of his several volumes Professor Ward makes his
most notable contribution to the religious interpretation of the
changing social order. Professor Ward’s discussion of the
controverted points dealt with is frank and fearless, notwithstanding,
perhaps the more because of, the criticism he has all along met from
certain ecclesiastical and special interest groups.” Graham Taylor
+ Survey 44:121 Ap 17 ’20 850w
The Times [London] Lit Sup p407 Je
24 ’20 150w
“The chapter on the Russian soviet constitution is far and away the
ablest and clearest statement yet given to us upon that very
important subject. Mr Ward is to be envied for his twofold gift of
grasping details and of strong speculative thinking; and this
combination makes his book a singularly valuable and safe guide for
the student.” R. R.