Application No : 2024-S2-P-B-37569
I, kanak sharma hereby declare that I am an Indian citizen and Pursuing, B.Tech in Computer
Science & Engg. from National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh, National Institute of
Technology Arunachal Pradesh. If selected for Internship in VSSC, I agree to abide all conditions
stipulated by VSSC/ISRO and declare that I will not present/publish/submit any part or full portion of
the internship report, data or any other details of the work carried out by me in VSSC/ISRO, in any
conference/seminar/workshop/journal/book etc. either in print or in electronic media, without the prior
I also declare that I have not carried out any Internship in ISRO previously as part of this degree.
I certify and I stand responsible for the above mentioned terms regarding the Internship undertaken at
VSSC/ISRO by Mr./Ms kanak sharma , B.Tech student in Computer Science & Engg. at our