Data Collection Procedure Marc

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Data Collection Procedure

The questionnaire will be distributed at the end of the school year 2022-2023, to be on June
2023 and to ensure that the respondents have sufficient exposure to their teaching competence
and methods. Before the distribution of the questionnaire, a formal letter requesting permission
to conduct the survey will be sent to the school administrator. The researcher will also provide a
brief explanation of the study to the respondents to ensure their understanding of the purpose
and importance of the research. To ensure voluntary participation, no intervention will be made
by the researcher during the distribution of the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be
distributed to a predetermined number of senior high school teachers employed at Pinukpuk
Vocational School. For any vague statements or questions in the questionnaire, necessary
assistance or explanation will be provided to the respondents to ensure that their answers
accurately reflect their perception of their teachers' competence and teaching methods.

Data Collection Instrument

Various primary and secondary sources will be used to gather relevant data and information.
The primary tool for data gathering will be a questionnaire that is carefully prepared and logically
arranged, with both statements and questions used to elicit information. The questionnaire will
be self-administered to save time, and a structured response format will be used with limited
possible choices or ranges of response to make data analysis easier.

The first part of the questionnaire will cover the personal profile of the respondents, including
name which is not mandatory for the respondents to fill in, gender, age, status, position, years of
experience, educational attainment, and major to allow for comparison purposes. Fifteen
questions will be structured to assess the effect of teacher's competence on academic
performance. The questions will be directed towards the teacher's perception of their teaching
competence, teaching methods, and level of engagement in the classroom. The questionnaire
will be distributed on the month of June where the school year ends.

Observation method will be used as a supplement to the primary gathering tool, with the
researcher using a structured observation guide to take note of aspects of student behavior that
are relevant to the study. Other sources of information such as books, magazines, internet, and
early studies made related to the study will also be used to gather additional data.

To ensure the validity of the instrument, the questionnaire will be submitted to advisers for
comments and suggestions prior to the actual floating. Final corrections and refinements will be
made based on their feedback.

While the data gathering tool did not undergo any reliability test, steps will be taken to ensure
the accuracy and consistency of the data collected. The questionnaire will be distributed at the
end of the school year, to ensure that the respondents have sufficient exposure to the teacher's
competence and teaching methods.

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