Baccus 2008 Oms Circuit
Baccus 2008 Oms Circuit
Baccus 2008 Oms Circuit
Certain ganglion cells in the retina respond sensitively to differential motion between the receptive field center and surround, as produced
by an object moving over the background, but are strongly suppressed by global image motion, as produced by the observer’s head or eye
movements. We investigated the circuit basis for this object motion sensitive (OMS) response by recording intracellularly from all classes
of retinal interneurons while simultaneously recording the spiking output of many ganglion cells. Fast, transient bipolar cells respond
linearly to motion in the receptive field center. The synaptic output from their terminals is rectified and then pooled by the OMS ganglion
cell. A type of polyaxonal amacrine cell is driven by motion in the surround, again via pooling of rectified inputs, but from a different set
of bipolar cell terminals. By direct intracellular current injection, we found that these polyaxonal amacrine cells selectively suppress the
synaptic input of OMS ganglion cells. A quantitative model of these circuit elements and their interactions explains how an important
visual computation is accomplished by retinal neurons and synapses.
Key words: neural coding; eye movements; motion processing; computational model; neural circuit; inhibition
Intracellular recordings were made from a total of 22 bipolar cells where F(x, y, ) is the linear response kernel of the bipolar cell at position
(resting membrane potential ranging between ⫺45 and ⫺55 mV), 4 (x, y) and delay ; s(x, y, t) is the stimulus intensity at position (x, y) and
horizontal cells (⫺40 to ⫺50 mV), 12 OMS ganglion cells (⫺60 to ⫺70 time t, normalized to zero mean and unit variance; b(t) is the membrane
mV), 21 polyaxonal amacrine cells (⫺55 to ⫺65 mV), and 14 amacrine potential of the bipolar cell; and T is the duration of the recording. To
cells of other types, including slow ON–OFF cells, ON cells, and OFF cells predict the bipolar cell response to a jittering grating, the spatiotemporal
(⫺50 to ⫺65 mV). Not all stimuli were presented to all cells. The soma of filter, F(x, y, ), was convolved with the stimulus, yielding the predicted
each neuron was situated in the center of the “object region” of the response
stimulus, which was more than twice as large as the receptive field centers
of the bipolar, amacrine, and ganglion cells from which we recorded. A T
cell was identified during the experiment by its response to flashes and
global motion and differential motion stimuli. After the recording ses-
b⬘ 共 t 兲 ⫽ 冕 s共 x,y,兲␣F共 x,y,t ⫺ 兲dxdyd, (2)
sion, the neuron was filled with dye iontophoretically, and the cell type
was confirmed by imaging in the live preparation using a 40⫻ water- where ␣ is a scaling factor set to yield the best prediction. To predict the
immersion objective. Selected neurons were micrographed using a CCD OMS ganglion cell response from measured bipolar cell responses, we
camera and their processes traced from three-dimensional image stacks. postulated a simple nonlinear transformation followed by integration
Cell nomenclature. The five major classes of retinal neurons can be over many bipolar cells (see Fig. 4 D):
recognized unambiguously. Within each class there exists a wide range of
cell shapes and physiological properties, and it is thought that these re-
flect discrete genetic types of neuron. In the salamander retina, the ana-
g⬘ 共 t 兲 ⫽ 冘
N 共 b 共 t 兲兲 , (3)
冢冕 冣
zky et al., 2003). Their light response is OFF dominated. Their correspon-
Visual stimulation. Visual stimuli were projected onto the retina from
Judging from the receptive field sizes (see Fig. 2), an OMS ganglion cell
a video monitor, at a photopic mean intensity of ⬃8 mW/m 2. The cir-
receives input from at least 20 bipolar cells. For the simulation of Equa-
cular object region was 800 m in diameter, and the background region
tion 4, we therefore replicated the measured bipolar cell receptive field
measured 5900 ⫻ 4400 m. The two regions were separated by a 92 m
F(x, y, t ⫺ ) at 20 different spatial phases relative to the grating. Al-
gray annulus, although this annulus is not required for differential mo-
though the actual number of contributing bipolar cells may well be
tion selectivity (Ölveczky et al., 2003). The eye movement during fixa- larger, a finer phase spacing makes little difference for the predicted OMS
tional drift resembles a random walk (Skavenski et al., 1979; Engbert and response.
Kliegl, 2004), with horizontal and vertical motion occurring indepen- To characterize the speed tuning of a bipolar cell, we estimated its
dently. Statistics of these eye movements are qualitatively similar across linear response to a grating stimulus (184 m period) moving at constant
species, including humans and salamander (Manteuffel et al., 1977; En- speed, by filtering the stimulus with the cell’s spatiotemporal receptive
gbert and Kliegl, 2004). To approximate the trajectory of fixational drift, field (Eq. 2). This generated a periodic output, whose amplitude was
grating stimuli consisting of black and white bars with a periodicity of taken as the cell’s sensitivity at that speed. The high-speed cutoff was
184 m were jittered in one dimension. The trajectory was generated by defined as the speed at which the sensitivity fell to 90% of its peak value.
stepping the grating randomly every 15 ms with a step size of 9.2 m. In Fast, transient OFF-type bipolar cells were identified from their receptive
the global motion condition, the seeds for generating the random walk fields as those cells with a speed tuning cutoff of ⬎300 m/s for a 184 m
were the same for the object and background regions, producing the period grating.
same motion trajectory in both regions. In the differential motion con- To predict the OMS ganglion cell response to differential motion, the
dition, the seeds were different for the object and background regions. In amacrine response was used to reduce the gain of the input to the recti-
the local motion condition, the background region was gray. To map fication stage in the ganglion cell receptive field center,
receptive fields, the stimulus was a randomly flickering checkerboard,
冢 冣
with square fields 18 –92 m in width, each modulated independently by T
1 ⫹  a⬘ 共 t 兲
, (5)
where a⬘(t) is the amacrine cell potential scaled to range between a value
F 共 x,y, 兲 ⫽ 冕 s共 x,y,t ⫺ 兲b共t兲dt, (1)
of zero and one, and  is an optimized gain factor. This best value of 
was found to be 1.04, meaning that at times of greatest inhibition, the
0 gain of the bipolar subunit input was reduced by a factor of 0.49. This
Baccus et al. • A Retinal Circuit That Computes Object Motion J. Neurosci., July 2, 2008 • 28(27):6807– 6817 • 6809
We presented to the isolated salamander
retina visual stimuli with different combi-
nations of object and background motion
(Fig. 1). The display was divided into a cen-
tral circular object region and a surround-
ing background region. Stripe gratings in
each region were jittered in a random walk
with the characteristics of drifting fixa-
tional eye movements (Manteuffel et al.,
1977; Engbert and Kliegl, 2004), but lim-
ited to one dimension for simplicity. The
jitter trajectories were chosen to produce
three motion conditions (Fig. 1 B–D):
global motion simulated the image of a
static scene scanned over the retina by fixa-
Figure 1. Stimuli and working model for studying the OMS circuit. A, Diagram of object and background regions in the tional eye movements; differential motion
stimulus display. B–D, First row, Space–time plot of a vertical cross section through the center of the stimulus (line in A), showing simulated an object moving over a static
trajectories for global motion, differential motion, and local motion. Second row, Firing rate of a sample OMS ganglion cell in background and scanned by eye move-
response to 10 repeats of each stimulus sequence. Third row (D), Response to a local motion stimulus having the same trajectory ments; local motion was an artificial stim-
but reversed grating phase (180°), with black and white bars exchanged relative to 0° phase. E, Working model of the OMS circuit. ulus used to isolate the effects of the central
An OMS ganglion cell (G) receives excitatory input in the object region from multiple small subunits. Each subunit applies a linear object region. The motion trajectory of the
spatiotemporal filter to the stimulus in its receptive field. The result is then rectified and summed with the output of other
object was identical in all three cases, and
subunits. An inhibitory amacrine cell (A) in the background region receives input from a similar set of rectified subunits. The
output of the amacrine cell then inhibits the ganglion cell. Both inhibition and excitation are temporally sparse. Traces show the
we recorded from OMS ganglion cells
excitatory and inhibitory components of the model’s response to global motion. Numbers identify the key circuit elements to be whose receptive field centers were con-
identified, as listed in the text. tained in this object region. These neurons
respond robustly to differential or local
motion, but are nearly silent during global
divisive interaction of amacrine and bipolar input yielded a better fit than motion (Fig. 1 B–D). Motion in the background has little effect
a subtractive interaction. on the response to the object (Fig. 1, differential vs local), unless
To compute correlation coefficients between actual and model mem- its trajectory matches that of the object (Fig. 1, differential vs
brane potential responses, spikes were removed by setting a threshold for
global), in which case it suppresses firing almost completely.
the derivative of the membrane potential, and then each response was
smoothed with a box filter of width 20 ms. The correlation coefficient r Thus, the circuits of the retina must somehow compare the mo-
between two responses x(t) and y(t) was then calculated as tion trajectories in the object and background regions, and the
main challenge lies in finding how this is implemented.
冑 冑
Figure 2. Receptive fields and morphology of relevant neurons. A, Top, Spatial profile of the receptive field for two OFF bipolar cells; the same scale bar applies to receptive fields in B and C.
Bottom, Tracing of an OFF bipolar cell in tangential and radial views. Dotted lines indicate borders of the inner plexiform layer. The axon terminals ramify in the outer (OFF) sublamina. B, Top,
Receptive field of an OMS ganglion cell. Bottom, Tracing in tangential view. C, Top, Receptive field of a polyaxonal amacrine cell. Bottom, Tracing in tangential view showing ON dendrites (red), OFF
dendrites (blue), and axons (black). Dashed lines indicate missing image information. The axons were followed beyond the pictured region and extended ⬎3 mm from the soma. Receptive fields
and tracings are from different cells.
object. An example of this insensitivity to visual pattern can be mammalian ganglion cells, it has been proposed that these recti-
observed by reversing the phase of the grating; swapping the black fied subunits correspond to individual bipolar cells (Victor and
and the white bars has almost no effect on firing (Fig. 1 D). Sim- Shapley, 1979; Demb et al., 2001).
ilarly, changing the period of the grating leaves the firing pattern
virtually unchanged (Ölveczky et al., 2003). Such invariance to The role of bipolar cells
the spatial pattern of the stimulus can be understood as a direct To identify directly the subunits of the OMS ganglion cell, we
consequence of the postulated summation over rectified subunits recorded intracellular light responses from bipolar cells. First, we
(Shapley and Victor, 1979; Ölveczky et al., 2003). mapped each cell’s spatiotemporal receptive field (see Materials
The second important computational property of the OMS and Methods). Bipolar cell spatial receptive fields measured 50 –
circuit, selectivity for differential motion, arises in this model 150 m in diameter (Fig. 2 A). They were considerably smaller
from the sparse nature of the neural signals (Fig. 1 E). Both the than those of OMS ganglion cells (⬃400 m) (Fig. 2 B) or of the
excitation from the object region and the inhibition from the polyaxonal amacrine cells (⬃400 m) (Fig. 2C), interneurons
background region are delivered to the ganglion cell in a sparse that might mediate long-range inhibition (Ölveczky et al., 2003).
sequence of transient pulses. If the background trajectory In both the receptive field center and the antagonistic surround
matches the object trajectory, then inhibition arrives coincident region, the bipolar cell’s temporal filter followed a biphasic time
with excitation, silencing the ganglion cell. However, when the course (Fig. 3A). The surround response was delayed and in-
two trajectories are different, inhibition and excitation arrive at verted in sign relative to the center.
different times, and the ganglion cell fires. When stimulated with a jittering grating, bipolar cells pro-
Although this block diagram describes the response of the duced strong fluctuations in membrane potential, whose time
OMS ganglion cell accurately, it does not specify what neuronal course could be predicted accurately by passing the visual stimu-
circuit implements the computation. To test whether the retina lus through each cell’s measured spatiotemporal receptive field
indeed uses this algorithm and to flesh out the schematic with (Fig. 3B). The correlation coefficient between actual and pre-
actual neural elements, one needs to answer the following ques- dicted responses (see Materials and Methods) was r ⫽ 0.70 ⫾ 0.02
tions (Fig. 1 E): (1) What is the cellular identity of the subunits? (4 cells), nearly as large as the correlation between repeats of the
(2) How is the output of these subunits integrated? (3) At what identical stimulus (r ⫽ 0.78 ⫾ 0.05). Thus, in response to object
level is the signal from background motion combined with that motion that can be discriminated by OMS ganglion cells, these
from the object region? (4) What is the identity of the inhibitory bipolar cells essentially applied a linear spatiotemporal filter to
cell that reports on the background motion? the stimulus. In particular, the voltage response changed sign
when the phase of the jittering grating was reversed (Fig. 3B),
Basis of insensitivity to spatial pattern unlike what happens in OMS ganglion cells (Fig. 1 D). Clearly the
A key feature of the working model in Figure 1 E is the summation characteristic of pattern invariance is not yet elaborated at the
over small receptive field subunits. Based on recordings from level of bipolar cells.
Baccus et al. • A Retinal Circuit That Computes Object Motion J. Neurosci., July 2, 2008 • 28(27):6807– 6817 • 6811
Suppression of responses by
background motion
To measure how object and background
motion are integrated at the level of gan-
glion cell synaptic input, we recorded
membrane potential responses from an
OMS ganglion cell while presenting either
differential motion or global motion (Fig.
6). As observed previously, spiking was al-
most completely suppressed by global mo-
tion. In addition, the subthreshold mem-
brane potential fluctuations were smaller
under global motion, decreasing to a frac-
tion of 0.45 ⫾ 0.08 (5 cells) of their value
during differential motion (Fig. 6 B). How-
ever, there were no large IPSPs as might
result from strong hyperpolarizing inhibi-
tion, and the decrease in response was con-
sistent with either shunting or presynaptic
inhibition. OMS ganglion cell responses
were very homogeneous, in that each cell’s
intracellular recording was highly corre-
lated to the average OMS cell response (r ⫽
0.78 ⫾ 0.03, 7 cells).
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