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Renewables Academy Blended Learning

Green Energy Finance Specialist

Renewables Academy Blended Learning

Green Energy Finance Specialist
In-depth knowledge on RE and EE finance topics,
Blended Learning concept including final exam and graded certificate

Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

RENAC Blended Learning..................................................................................................................................................... 3

What is the “Green Energy Finance Specialist” Blended Learning?.................................................................................... 3
Programme.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
RENAC Online: Highlights & Features ................................................................................................................................. 6
Live Virtual Classrooms (Webinars)..................................................................................................................................... 6
Registration and discounts ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Learning objectives and content.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Assessments...................................................................................................................................................................... 14


Content and layout:

Renewables Academy

Blended Learning: Online and face-to-face training combined

RENAC Online: RENAC Face-to-face: RENAC staff are:

 Study with flexibility following  Interactive and many-sided  Certified trainers
your own schedule training concept  Experienced professionals
 Learn at any time and from any  Exchange with experienced  In direct contact with the
location lecturers working in the field industry
 Extensive support & interactive  Practical training at RENAC‘s
learning through videos, gra- Training Center and field trips
phics, self-evaluation exercises,  Exchange platform with partici-
discussion forum and virtual
pants from multiple countriess
ELM Certified European e-Learning Manager

What is the “Green Energy Finance Specialist” Blended Learning?

Green Energy Finance Specialist finance and the portfolio context of  Develop and evaluate portfolios of
(GEFS) is tailored to deliver com- RE investments. RE and EE projects
prehensive, in-depth knowledge on After successful completion of the
green energy finance topics through This training suits you if you: GEFS programme, Alumni may
a combination of a 20-week online compliment/continue their educa-
 Want to specialise in RE and EE
training and a 3-day face-to-face tion with a distance-learning Master
project financing (e.g. as Credit
seminar. It provides insights into programme offered by the Berlin
Analyst, Project Finance Specialist,
financing of renewable energy and School of Economics and Law (HWR)
Client Relationship Manager)
energy efficiency projects particularly in collaboration with RENAC: Master
from the bank’s perspective.  Have to evaluate RE or EE projects
of Science in Business Management
and related credit requests
- Green Energy and Climate Finance.
Introductory courses  Seek to establish a green energy All completed modules of the GEFS
Each participant will have access to finance or climate finance unit count as credit points in this master
short introductory courses on energy within your organisation programme.
and electricity topics to learn or
revise some physics basics. After the GEFS programme,
participants will be able to:
Courses  Evaluate relevant RE and EE
The online courses and the semi- technologies as well as respective
nar topics include fundamentals of projects
RE and EE technologies, political  Use financial models and to
support mechanisms and market develop term sheets for RE and EE
frameworks, financial appraisal projects
and due diligence including credit  Identify options for international
application, financial modelling and climate finance and how to access
project valuation, as well as climate such funds |3
Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

Blended Learning Programme

Online Phase Face-to-Face Seminar Fee: 3,850 € incl. VAT

Duration: 5 months
20 weeks 3 days Study time: 220 hours
8 modules (with assignments) Final exam / 10 hours a week
Start date: 1 April / 1 October Sept. / March

Online Phase

The online phase is designed to offer course materials (videos, self-as-  RE project financing
insight information into Green Ener- sessment tests, lectures delivered  Project contracts & financial
gy and Climate Finance for self-study. via virtual classrooms, technical modelling
A series of virtual classrooms, short and organisational support)
 Special issues in project evaluation
assignments and forum discussions  Participants will receive a copy of
will make the programme interactive  International green finance
the course materials
and vivid. Among others the prepa-  RE projects in portfolio context
 The course language is English
ration of a term sheet for a specific
model case is a prerequisite to parti-
The online phase is divided into 8
cipate in the F2F seminar.
modules with the following topics:
 The GEFS Online Training lasts 20
weeks; participants will need ap-  Introduction to green finance
prox. 10 hours study time per week  Political and legal market frame-
 The participation in the online work
courses includes access to all  Energy efficiency projects

Face-to-Face seminar

In the F2F seminar participants  Travel and accommodation costs a written exam which covers the full
will activate the previously studied have to be covered by the partici- scope of the online phase and F2F
content and dive into deepening pant training. Successful participants will
discussions, group work and hands-  The course language is English receive a printed certificate including
on exercises using a modelling tool. a final grade.
Furthermore, the seminar focusses The topics covered in the F2F
on the exchange of experiences from seminar comprise:
RENAC experts as well as among the
participants.  Overview of the global RE market

 The participation in the seminar  Climate Finance

includes materials, coffee / tea  Applied Due Diligence for RE
breaks, lunch for the duration of projects (group work)
the seminar  Financial modelling (exercise)
 The location of the seminar will be  Energy efficiency financing
announced The F2F seminar will terminate with

RENAC Online: Highlights & Features

Self-study material

1 Text and Images 2 Videos 3 Tests

Courses are structured in small, illus- Video lectures explain some of the Many self-assessment tests within
trated units of instruction; learners most important topics in a visual and each course help participants to test
are guided through the material entertaining way. their knowledge.
Renewables Academy Online Navigation English (En) You are logged in Question 11 of 16 Point value 10

1 c Wind power / Energía eólica

Match the three first steps in PV scenario development to their Access

Renewable Photovoltaics
My home My courses CapREG Wind Wind turbine elements / Elementos de la tirbina eólica energy

Those steps need to be performed prior to simulation of spatially Wind Access

Table of contents General design and temporally highly resolved PV feed-in. Wind

1 General design Learning objective: Get an overview of the general design of wind turbines
Match the items on the left with the items on the right. Renewable
Directive Renewable
2 Rotor blades Wind turbines can bes constructed to withstand strong storms, operate under arctic and tropical weather conditions, Energy Renewable
in the sea in front of coasts or in deserts. Quite a wide range of different designs exist for special purposes. Wind
3 Speed ratio
turbines are designed with a vertical and horizontal axis, one blade up to about 20 rotor blades, small capacity of some
4 Power control watt up to some megawatt, with or without gear box and with direct current or alternalting current generator. A gene-
ral design does nor exist, although the three bladed horizontal upwind turbines are the most successful ones. Assess the technical potential
5 Power curves and wind turbines Determination of
6 Power coefficient curves of PV by reviewing existing installed capacity
7 Nacelle studies and
8 Standards and norms - quality
9 Standard and norms - grid connection
Consider political, economic
and ecological aspects to Geographical positioning
detemine what

Book administration
Course administration Consider local irradiation,
Switch role to.... temperatures and terrain data Potential analysis
My profile settings as well as proximity to
Site administration Mooring Line Buoyancy stabilized
Ballast stabilized stabilized


Extensive support

1 Forum 2 Assignment 3 Virtual classroom

Support and communication take After studying each course, Participants should attend the
place in a discussion forum. RENAC participants are asked to answer live virtual classroom sessions
monitors the forum constantly. an assignment question. RENAC (webinars). These are conducted
RENAC experts are ready to give gives individual feedback for these by renewable energy experts.
assistance and discuss the course assignments. During and after the presentation
topics. participants are invited to discuss in
the live chat.

All participants who score above 70%
during the F2F seminar will receive
a printed certificate recognized by
FAA within the title “Green Energy
Finance Specialist”. |5
Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

Course dates: Assessments: Scheduled exam dates:
 Spring and fall semester each year The courses are designed for a Participants take the exam during the
continuous participation from the F2F seminar only.
 Start date online: 1 April / 1 October
beginning until the exam. There
 Face-to-face seminar: Sept. / March
is an assessment for each online
Recommended study time: module, which counts towards the
10 hours per week final grade. Assessment tasks need
to be handed in by the deadlines.
Resulting duration: Assessment tasks are short written
5 months for the entire training essays, quizzes, development of
(20 weeks online phase, 3 days F2F a term sheet as well as a financial
seminar soon afterwards). modelling exercise.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

Introduction to green finance Political & legal frameworks Energy efficiency projects RE project financing
 Introduction to RE/EE projects  RE/EE support mechanisms  Systematic approach to energy  Project finance of RE projects
saving  Debt financing process
 Market overview  EE support mechanisms
 Financing energy efficiency projects  Optional: Business cases
 Elective: PV, wind, biogas, hydro,  Elective: Political and market and ESCOs
geothermal frameworks for RE & EE in the
respective country  Optional: EE buildings II
 Elective: EE industry, EE buildings I

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8

Project contracts and Special issues in project International green finance Project in portfolio context
financial modelling evaluation  Climate finance  RE portfolio management
 Project contracts  Insurance in project finance  Climate finance options  Optional: Investment vehicles for
 RE Project Evaluator  Environmental and social  Optional: Accessing the RE projects
 Optional: Negotiation skills standards Green Climate Fund (GCF)
 Optional: O&M Strategies

Module 9
3 day seminar in Berlin
Final exam

Live virtual classrooms (webinars)

During the online phase, six live virtual classrooms are part of the training. These live
events are not mandatory, but participation is strongly recommended. Each session takes
approx. 1 hour. It will be recorded so participants can watch it later.

Webinar 1 Webinar 2 Webinar 3

Intro to RENAC Online RE support mechanisms Energy efficiency finance
First week of the training Module 2 Module 3

Webinar 4 Webinar 5 Webinar 6

RE project cash flow RE Project Evaluator Climate Finance
Module 4 Module 5 Module 7

Registration and discounts
Registration: Technical information
You can register for the Blended Learning training via the registration form at: You need to provide an e-mail address, which you
green-energy-finance-specialist-gefs-in-europe/ check regularly. Furthermore you
need a computer with a stable inter-
net connection (at least 2 Mbit/s).
Deadlines: For webinars, the AdobeConnect
Early bird deadline: 20 February / 20 August add-in or app should be installed,
Registration deadline: 27 March / 27 September and a headset or speakers are requi-
red to listen to the presentation.
Participants who are not able to finish the online training in one semester can
book an extension of 6 months (following semester) at a 80 % reduced course fee

Early bird 10 %; group (2 or more) 5 %; combination of both 15 %

VISA, MasterCard, American Express, invoice

Demo course

For a first impression of our online platform, have a look at: |7
Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

Learning objectives and content of the online courses

Module 1 – Introduction to green finance
 Introduction to renewable energy projects
 Introduction to energy efficiency projects
 Market overview of global RE and EE financings

Select one of the following courses on renewable energy technology

 PV - application
 Wind power
 Biogas – application
 Small hydro power
 Geothermal power generation – application

Select one of the following courses on energy efficiency

 Energy efficiency in the industry – application
 Energy efficient buildings – application

Learning outcome – students will be able to:

 Demonstrate principles of commonly used renewable energy technologies
 Breakdown the principles of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects
 Summarise the global and regional market development for renewable energy and energy efficiency investments
 Assess the potential of renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency sectors in their country

The assessment comprises an assignment with a couple of questions relating to renewable energy and energy efficiency
perspectives in the different countries.
© Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin

Module 2 – Political and legal market framework
 Support mechanisms for renewable energy projects
 Support mechanisms for energy efficiency projects
 For selected countries, learning material on specific political and market frameworks is available and may be used for
further reading

Learning outcome – students will be able to:

 Categorize different policy measures for renewable energy and energy efficiency
 Discuss the pros and cons of different policy measures and propose suitable policy measures for your country
 Assess the political and market framework regarding renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment in their country

The assessment comprises an assignment with a couple of questions relating to policy measures for renewable energy and
energy efficiency in the different countries.
© Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin

© Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin |9
Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

Module 3 – Energy efficiency projects A


 Systematic approach to energy saving
 Financing of energy efficiency projects and ESCOs

Optional courses
 Energy efficient buildings – technology

Learning outcome – students will be able to:

 Demonstrate two different approaches for companies how to achieve energy savings
 Explain the special features of energy efficiency finance and ESCO models
 Appraise an energy efficiency project in detail, also under the use of the ESCO model

The assessment comprises an end-of-module exam.

Module 4 – RE project financing

 Renewable energy project finance
 Debt financing process and credit risk management

The following courses are an optional course for interested participants:

 Business case studies
 Loan syndication for RE projects

Learning outcome – students will be able to:

 Demonstrate two different approaches for companies how to achieve energy savings
 Perform a risk assessment for renewable energy projects
 Develop a term sheet for a renewable energy project
 Amend bank-internal procedures for credit evaluation in a way that they are suitable for renewable energy projects

The assessment of this module consists of the development of a term-sheet. It is simulated that a project sponsor of a
RE (wind/solar) project submits some data on one of his projects and he/she wants to receive a loan from a bank. The
participants are now in the position of the credit officer of the bank. He/she has to make a proposal to the project sponsor
and thus develops a term sheet.

10 |
Module 5 – Project contracts & financial modelling
 Project contracts
 RE Project Evaluator

The following course is an optional course for interested participants:

 Negotiation skills

Learning outcome – students will be able to:

 Utilize a provided financial model (RE Project Evaluator) for a renewable energy project
 Assess the financial attractiveness, financial viability as well as pricing of a renewable energy project by using the provided
financial model
 Choose and analyse different types of contracts required in renewable energy project finance

The assessment of this module consists of a financial modelling exercise. In continuation from the term sheet development,
it is simulated that the bank now has to undertake a due diligence for the project. The project sponsor of the previously
presented RE project accepted the term sheet offer. The participants are again in the position of the credit officer of the bank
and have to use the Excel-Model “RE Project Evaluator” to see if the project is viable and the projected returns are sufficient
to cover the installements of the loan.

Module 6 – Special issues in project evaluation

 Bankable insurance cover for international renewable energy projects
 Environmental and social standards in RE projects

The following course is an optional course for interested participants:

 Bankable O&M strategies for RE systems

Learning outcome – students will be able to:

 Assess the impact of insurance programmes on the risks encountered in a renewable energy project
 Utilize insurance programmes to reduce the risks for all concerned stakeholders
 Compile a checklist of internationally recognized standards to which larger renewable energy and energy efficiency projects
have to comply

The assessment comprises an end-of-module cover the installements of the loan. | 11
Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

Module 7 – International green finance

 Climate finance energy projects

The following course is an optional course for interested participants:

 Climate finance options
 Accessing the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Learning outcome – students will be able to:

 Assess the current climate finance landscape including the current institutions, sources of finance and mechanisms
 Organise procedures to receive funding from domestic or international climate finance sources
 Carry out a study to identify the most suitable climate finance option for their organization

The assessment comprises an assignment with a couple of questions relating to international climate finance options for
renewable energy and energy efficiency projects

12 |
Module 8 – RE projects in portfolio context
 Portfolio management in renewable energy

The following course is an optional course for interested participants:

 RE investment vehicles and the aggregation of projects

Learning outcome – students will be able to:

 Assess a renewable energy project portfolio
 Structure a renewable energy project portfolio

The assessment comprises an end-of-module exam.
© Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin | 13
Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

Learning objectives and content of the Face-to-Face seminar

Module 9 – Face-to-Face seminar


The first session of the seminar is meant to introduce participants to each other as well as to clarify expectations of the
participants towards the facilitators and vice versa. Moreover, the global RE market development will be presented and
Duration: 1.5 hours
Learning objectives
 Outline the most important aspects of the online courses studied previously
 Identify connections and interdependencies of the different topics presented in the online courses
 Individual and group work
 Query participant´s knowledge
 Identify and answer open questions
 Develop a “big picture” comprising all topics related to this programme

Duration: 1.5 hours

© Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin

14 |
Learning objectives
 Evaluate and prioritize different climate finance options based on mutual exchange of experiences
 Develop new ideas how to access climate finance options
 Brainstorming and group work
 International Climate Funds
 Availability and accessibility of funds in partner country
 Climate Finance schemes in partner country

Duration: 1.5 hours


Learning objectives
 Identify various risks involved in RE project finance
 Develop risk mitigation measures for RE project finance risks
 Group work and presentation of results
 Main risks of particular RE technologies (e.g. wind, PV, bioenergy)
 Prioritizing of such risks according to their importance in the context of a financial due diligence (DD) process
 Discussion about differences in the focus of the DD

Duration: 1.5 hours

© Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin | 15
Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

Learning objectives and content of the F2F seminar


Learning objectives
 Identify pitfalls and traps in contracts for RE projects
 Improve contracts for RE projects such that they are bankable
 Group work and presentation of results
 Screening of sample RE project contracts
 Identification of important information needed as input factors for financial models und clauses and wordings that might be
considered critical in the context of a bankability assessment
 Results are shortly presented to facilitate in-class discussions

Duration: 3 hours


Learning objectives
 Improve modelling skills with the RE Project Evaluator tool
 Perform sensitivity analysis with the financial modelling tool
 Practical computer-based exercise (individual work)
 Discussion of results of the financial modelling exercise from the online course
 Interpretation of key financial project ratios related to the exercise
 Sensitivity and scenario analysis with the financial model

Duration: 3 hours
© Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin

16 |
Learning objectives
 Investigate the feasibility and performance of energy efficiency projects
 Discuss the advantages of systematic approaches to energy efficiency for providers of finance
 Presentation, Discussion, Partner Work
 Fundamentals of EE technology
 Feasibility study on EE projects
 Performance analysis of EE projects
 Energy Management
 Financing EE

Duration: 3 hours


The last two sessions of the seminar contain the final exam, which will be taken by all participants at the computer/laptop.
Afterwards, the participants have time for a personal evaluation of the seminar.
Duration: 3 hours
© Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin | 17
Renewables Academy Blended Learning
Green Energy Finance Specialist

There are different methods of assessment for this training programme. There is an assessment for each online module as well
as a final exam during the face-to-face training. The assessments for each module can be a short assignment, an online test
or a practical exercise (development of a term sheet and financial modelling). The total points which you can earn during the
online phase will make up one third of the final mark. The final exam will make up two thirds of the final mark. For details, see
the table below.

Element Credit points Share of total grade Passing mark

Module 1 – Assignment 1 Score point 2.78% n.a.
Module 2 – Assignment 1 Score point 2.78% n.a.

Module 3 – End-of-Module Exam 1 Score point 2.78% 70%

Module 4 – Term sheet 2 Score points 5.56% *)

Module 5 – Financial modelling 4 Score points 11.11% *)

Module 6 – End-of-Module Exam 1 Score point 2.78% 70%

Module 7 – Assignment 1 Score point 2.78% n.a.

Module 8 – End-of-Module Exam 1 Score point 2.78% 70%

Total for Modules 1 – 8 12 Score points 33% n.a.

Final Exam (during seminar) 24 Score points 66% 70%

Total 36 Score points 100%

Short assingment
Participants have to write a short essay of approx. 200 words (minimum 150). They have to answer between one to three
specific questions in which they have to show their analytical skills. For example, participants have to connect the content that
they have learned with the current situation in their job or country or suggest solutions for a given problem. The text has to
be submitted in a special forum within the online course. Participants can see the answers of other participants only after they
have posted their answer. Participants should work on the assignment for approx. 30 minutes.
If participants do not submit anything, if their answer is too short or if the content of the answer is inappropriate, no credit
points will be granted. There is no guarantee that a detailed feedback is given to each answer submitted.

End-of-module exam
The end-of-module exam is a self-evaluating test on the online platform. This test contains a selection of exercises that are also
included in the self-tests of the courses that belong to that module. The selected exercises cover questions that relate to the
main learning objectives of the module. Participants should finish the end-of-module exam within 30 minutes.
One end-of-module exam comprises of 15 exercises. The types of questions can be multiple choice, multiple select, sorting, gap
text, drag & drop into image or matching exercises. Participants can take the exam during the last five days of the respective
module. The passing score is 70%. If a participant scores less than 70%, he/she fails this test and can take one re-sit. Feedback
will not be given to the exam questions. The re-sit may contain at least partially of different questions compared to the original

18 |
Term sheet development
Participants have to develop a term sheet based on a specific case that is provided to all participants. Participants can work
alone or in groups which are formed by voting on the online platform. Participants will have access to a collaborative working
space (wiki) in which they can develop their work continuously. Besides information on the case, participants receive the struc-
ture of a sample term sheet which has to be completed with the individual results. The final term sheet has to be submitted as
a pdf-file until the last day of the respective module.
Each participant has to submit himself/herself his/her own work or the work of his/her group. The submission of the term sheet
is a requirement to continue the training programme and be eligible for the face-to-face seminar that takes place after the end
of the online training.

Financial modelling
Participants have to use a financial model based on MS Excel®, they have to insert data from an elaborated case study into the
model and submit the results of the modelling process as a pdf-file. RENAC provides the model free of charge for the duration
of the training programme. Each participant has to submit his/her own results; however, group discussions are allowed in the
forum of the course. Results have to be submitted as a pdf file which can be easily created from the Excel-model.
The submission of the financial model is a requirement to continue the training programme and be eligible for the face-to-face
seminar that takes place after the end of the online training.

Final exam
The final exam is taking place at the end of the face-to-face seminar. Participants have to do it online on a laptop while sitting in
the seminar room. Similar to the end-of-module exams, the final exam is a self-evaluating exam with different types of exercises
(multiple choice, multiple select, sorting, gap text, drag & drop into image or matching exercises).
The final exam will comprise of 80 exercises, participants have 120 minutes to answer them. There are exercises for each of the
modules. The exercises are partly taken from the self-tests from the courses and partly designed specifically for the final exam
in which participants have to show an overall understanding of the content and context.
Participants may not use other resources (course material in printed or digital form, online sources etc.), which has to be ensu-
red by the supervisors throughout the exam.
In case a participant fails, he/she may take one re-sit at a defined date and place which has to be announced by RENAC at the
beginning of the online training. This date will be typically 1 or 2 weeks after the face-to-face seminar. The exam will take place
at one of RENAC’s service providers who will be supervising the exam. | 19
Renewables Academy

Katharina Hartmann
Project Director
Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG
Schönhauser Allee 10-11
10119 Berlin (Germany)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 24 | 20

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