All Antomy Mcqs Final-1
All Antomy Mcqs Final-1
All Antomy Mcqs Final-1
a) Thoracolumbar facia
b) Suspensory ligament
c) Clavipectoral fascia
d) None of above
a) Pectrolis minor
b) Pectrolis major
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of above
Qno4. All are the branches of brachial artery except
a) Nutrient artery
b) Profunda artery
c) Superior radial collateral artery
d) Inferior ulnar collateral artery
Qno5. Brachial artery begins at the lower border of
a) Teres minor
b) Teres major
c) Rohmboid major
d) None of above
Qno6. Axillary lymph nodes are arranged in
a) 5 groups
b) 6 groups
c) 7 groups
d) 8 groups
Qno7. Infraclavicular group of axillary lymph nodes lies in groove between
a) Thoracic duct
b) Right lymph trunk
c) Subclavian lymph trunk
d) All of the above
Qno9. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves out which 8 lies in
a) Thoracic
b) Sacral
c) Cervical
d) Coccygeal
Qno10. In adults the spinal cord ends at
a) Median nerve
b) Bifurcation of brachial artery
c) Tendon of bicep muscle
d) Radial nerve ( superficial branch)
Qno12. The termination of spinal cord forms bundles of nerves known as
a) Sacrum
b) Coccyx
c) Caudaequina
d) None of above
Qno13 the outer part of shaft of bone is covered by connective tissue known as
a) Epipheasal cartilage
b) Metaphysis
c) Diaphysis
d) Periosteum
Qno14. Largest sesamoid bone is ------------ and located in -----------
a) Pelvis, quardricepfemoris
b) Tibia, hamstring
c) Patella, quadriceps femoris
d) Fibula, quardicepfemoris
Qno15. The cell bodies of nerve fibres are situated in a swelling on posterior root called as
a) Brachilais
b) Brachioradilais
c) Biceps
d) Brachial artery
Qno17. On emerging from foramen the spinal nerve divides into
a) CNS
b) Eye ball
c) Epidermis of skin
d) All of above
Qno19. Sutures of skull classified into which joint type
a) Pivot joints
b) Saddle joints
c) Condyloid joints
d) Fibrous joints
Qno20. The joints whose articular surfaces are flat or almost flat and permits sliding
a) Hinge joints
b) Plane joints
c) Pivot joints
d) Saddle joints
Qno21. Symphysis pubis is an example of
a) Plane joints
b) Fibrous joints
c) Cartiligenous joints
d) None of above
Qno22. Only Rotation is possible in
a) Acromioclavicular joints
b) Manubrium sterni
c) Symphsis pubis
d) Atlanoaxial joint
Qno23. A layer of flat broad tendons supplied by blood by blood vessels is called
a) Facia
b) Flexor retinaculum
c) Extensor retinaculum
d) Aponeurosis
a) Superficial fascia
b) Deep fascia
c) Sweat gland
d) Sebaceous gland
Qno25. Medium size deep arteries accompanied by two veins
a) Venous plexus
b) Venae comitantes
c) Sinusoids
d) Tributaries
Qno26. Ulnar artery lies between the tendons of
a) Suprascapular nerve
b) Nerve to subclavius
c) Dorsal scapular nerve
d) All of above
Qno28. A patient came to physiotherapy OPD with baseball blow to the posterior of neck. This
blow creates sudden pressure on posterior triangle of neck. After assessment you came to
know that patient is unable to rotate the scapula during movement of abduction. According to
your assessment which nerve is damaged and which muscle its supplies.
a) Subscapularis
b) Supraspinatus
c) Infraspinatus
d) Teres major
Qno33. This muscle originates from medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of
ulna. It is inserted in middle phalanx of medial four fingers. Its function is to flex the middle
phalanx of fingers and it assists in fkexing the proximal phalanx and hand.
Qno35. It is sub branch of ulnar artery. And after brief course it divides into anterior and
posterior arteries. Name the sub branch of ulnar artery.
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Radial nerve
c) Ulnar nerve
d) Axillary nerve
a) Epimysium
b) Aponeurosis
c) Fascia
d) None of above
Qno41. It is a thickening of deep fascia that holds the long flexor tendons in position
a) Extensor retinuculum
b) Flexor retinaculum
c) Both A and B
d) None of above
Qno42. The membrane that unites the shaft of radius and ulna
a) Interosseous membrane
b) Aponeurosis
c) Palmar arch
d) None of above
Qno50. Head of radius and radial notch of ulna is covered by which ligament
a) Anular ligament
b) Radial ligament
c) Ulnar ligament
d) None of above
Qno63. Which muscle divides the axillary artery into three parts
a) Pectroalis major
b) Pectorlais minor
c) Subscapularis
d) None of above
Qno64. A patient presented to physiotherapy OPD with pain along the medial side of the arm,
forearm and little and ring finger. After assessment you came to know that this nerve originates
from medial cord of brachial plexus. Which nerve is involved?
a) Medial pectoral nerve
b) Medial cutaneous nerve of arm and forearm
c) Ulnar nerve
d) Medial root of median nerve
Qno65. A patient presented to you in physiotherapy OPD, complaining pain along eight ribs and
inferior angle of scapula. When you perform rotation of scapula patients complains of severe
pain. Which nerve and muscle is involved
a) Pectoralis major, pectoral nerve
b) Pectoralis minor, pectoral nerve
c) Subclavius, nerve to subclavius
d) Serratus anterior, long thoracic nerve
Qno66. A patient presented to you with unable to abduct, flex, extend and medially rotate arm.
When you assed the patient. You came to know that the nerve involved arises from posterior
cord of brachial plexuses. The muscle which it supplies is largest muscle and used in muscular
a) Thoracodorsal nerve
b) Subscapular nerves
c) Radial nerve
d) Axillary nerve
Qno70. A patient presented to physiotherapy OPD with unable to perform extension, adduction
and medial rotation. After assessment you came to know the muscle involved is the largest
muscle of back. The nerve supplying this muscle arises from posterior cord of brachial plexus.
Name the nerve
a) Thoracodorsal nerve
b) Subscapular nerves
c) Radial nerve
d) Axillary nerve
2. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of the lungs, and is the place where pulmonary vessels,
bronchial vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and leave the lung?
a) The hilum
b) The helium
c) The milum
d) The ileum
e) The jejunum
3. Apex of the heart is formed by left ventricle & present at?
a) 3rd intercostal space
b) 4th intercostal space
c) 5th intercostal space
d) 6thintercostal space
e) 7th intercostal space
4. The nasal cavity is divided into two by the bony nasal septum, which is largely formed
a) Inferior Conchae
b) Lacrimal
c) Maxilla
d) Palatine
e) Vomer
30. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
a) Mesentery
b) Mesoappendix
c) Omenta
d) Peritoneum
e) None of above
31. Largest gland in the body is
a) Liver
b) Pituitary
c) Thymus
d) Thyroid
e) None of above
32. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hand known as
a) Caudal
b) Cephalic
c) Planter
d) Palmer
e) Ventral
33. The upper seven pairs are attached anterior to the sternum by their costal cartilages
a) False ribs
b) Floating ribs
c) True ribs
d) Tubercles of the ribs
e) Vertebrochondral ribs
34. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separate the chest cavity above from the
abdominal cavity below is?
a) Diaphragm
b) Linea alba
c) Pericardium
d) Rectus sheath
e) Rectus abdominus
35. The liver may be divided into a large right lobe and the small left lobe by the
attachment of the peritoneum of the ligament is?
a) Caudate lobe
b) Falciform
c) Ligamentum teres
d) Ligament venosum
e) Porta hepatic
36. A small shallow depression is known as
a) Fossa
b) Fovea
c) Fissure
d) Tubercle
e) Tuberosity
37. Which of the following is absent in porta hepatis?
a) Hepatic ducts
b) Peyer patches
c) Hepatic vein
d) Portal vein
38. Which of valve of heart contain two cups?
a) Aortic
b) Mitral
c) Pulmonary
d) Pulmonary and aortic
e) Tricuspid
39. Two-layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus IS?
a) Mesenteries
b) Mesocolon
c) Omenta
d) Peritoneum
e) Sigmoid mesocolon
40. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers, which is in effect the
inside space of the balloon is called the
a) Mesenteries
b) Omenta
c) Peritoneum
d) Peritoneal space
e) Pleural cavity
41. Which one of the is true regarding diapharm?
a) Flatten upon contraction
b) Move outward on expiration
c) Protect lungs
d) Protect liver and instestine
e) Under the control parasympathetic nerves
42. Deep fascia is well defined in?
a) Eye lids
b) Head
c) Limb
d) Neck & limb
e) Trunk
43. Thoracic cage is made up of all except?
a) Clavicle
b) Costal cartilage
c) Ribs
d) Sternum
e) Thoracic vertebrae
44. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to the posterior surface of the bladder
a) Epididymis
b) Seminal vesicles
c) Ureter
d) Urinary bladder
e) Uterine tubes
45. Lesser omentum____________
a) Connects with duodenum
b) Forms falciform ligaments
c) Related to left adrenal gland
d) Related to left kidney
e) Related to right kidney
65. The cremasteric fascia is the term used to describe the ___________ and its fascia
a) Cremaster muscle
b) Pyramidalis
c) Rectus muscle
d) Scarpa’s fascia
e) Transversus
Sample Paper
1st Semester
Paper Anatomy-I
A. 1.5 meters
B .2.5 meters
C. 2 meters
D. None of these.
A. About 5.5 cm
B. About 6.5 cm
C. About 7.5 cm
D. About 4.5 cm
A.iliocaocal valve.
B.jejuniocaocal valve.
C. Deudonocaocal valve.
D. None of these.
A. About 10 _ 16 cm b. About 12 _ 15 cm
f. One osteon B. Half osteon C. Both and A and B. D. Large number osteons.
28. Bone looks like a honey comb?
b. Skull and face. B. Vertabra and thoracic cage. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.
30. Face is formed by ….. Bones.
b. Lunate_Scaphoid_Triquetrum_pisiform. B. Trapezium_trapezoid_capitate_hamate.
C.Scaphoid_lunate_triquetrum_pisifrom. D. Triquetrum_lunate_pisifrom_scaphoid.
37. Tibia and fibula are articulated with…. At from ankle joint.
A. Flexion b. Abduction
A. T6 b.T7 c.T4 d. T5
A. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
A. 2 b.3 c.4 d. 1
A. 2cm b.5cm
A. Pleura b. Pericardium
b. Yellow bone marrow. B. Red bone marrow. C. Both A and B. D. None of these.
54. Irregular bone consists?
A. Pericardium b . Myocardium
g. One osteon B. Half osteon C. Both and A and B. D. Large number osteons.
59. Bone looks like a honey comb?
b. Apple
c. Pear
d. Oval
e. Non of these
63.Female urether is approximately long
k. 4 cm b) 5 cm
e. 6 cm d) 3 cm
A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
65. Heart are ________ long
A. 10 cm b. 12 cm
C. 15 cm d. Both a and b
A. Dermis
B. Epidermis
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
1 B 26 D 51 A
2 A 27 C 52 C
3 E 28 D 53 E
4 C 29 A 54 D
5 B 30 D 55 A
6 B 31 C 56 B
7 D 32 D 57 C
8 D 33 A 58 A
9 B 34 D 59 A
10 E 35 C 60 E
11 A 36 A 61 E
12 B 37 B 62 A
13 C 38 A 63 B
14 E 39 C 64 D
15 B 40 E 65 A
16 C 41 D 66 A
17 C 42 C 67 E
18 D 43 D 68 D
19 B 44 C 69 C
20 C 45 D 70 A
21 D 46 A
22 B 47 C
23 C 48 D
24 B 49 D
25 E 50 E
Multiple choice Questions
Total Marks 70
Encircle the correct one
66. At what level does the manubrium lie?
a) Just below the sternal notch
b) At level of T3, T4 vertebrae
c) At level of T4, T5 vertebrae
d) At level of t4, t5 vertebrae
e) At level of t6,t7 vertebrae
67. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of the lungs, and is the place where pulmonary vessels,
bronchial vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and leave the lung?
a) The hilum
b) The helium
c) The milum
d) The ileum
e) The jejunum
68. The nasal cavity is divided into two by the bony nasal septum, which is largely formed
a) Inferior Conchae
b) Lacrimal
c) Maxilla
d) Palatine
e) Vomer
69. The ----------- is a mobile single bone found in the midline of the neck below the
mandible and abides the larynx
a) Cervical vertebrae
b) Clavicle
c) Hyoid
d) Mandible
e) Maxilla
70. Incomplete fusion of two medial nasal swelling results in the production of
a) Lateral cleft of upper lip
b) Medial cleft of upper lip
c) Macrostomia
d) Microstomia
e) Oblique facial cleft
71. Acromial fibers of the deltoid are example of
a) Bipennate
b) Multipennate
c) Tripennate
d) Unipennate
e) Both A & B
72. Symphysis Pubis is an example of
a) Diarthrosis
b) Fibrous joints
c) Primary cartilaginous joints
d) Secondary cartilaginous joint
e) Synovial joints
73. Decrease between the angle of two anterior surface is
a) Abduction
b) Adduction
c) Extension
d) Flexion
e) Rotation
74. Location of spleen in abdomen is
a) Epigastrium
b) Lt. Hypochondria
c) Lt. Iliac fossa
d) Rt. Hypochondria
e) Rt. Iliac fossa
75. There is _____ pair of thoracic Nerves
a) 5
b) 7
c) 8
d) 10
e) 12
76. Basic Cells of cartilage are
a) Chondrocytes
b) Osteocytes
c) Osteoclast
d) Mast cells
e) Trabeculae
77. True ribs directly attach via cost chondral to the
a) Manubrium
b) Sternum
c) Vertebrae
d) Xiphoid process
e) Xiphisternal
78. Lower jaw bone is known as
a) Ethmoid
b) Maxilla
c) Mandible
d) Sphenoid
e) Zygone bone
79. Mediastinum, which lies between the pericardium and the vertebral column is
a) Anterior mediastinum
b) Inferior mediastinum
c) Middle mediastinum
d) Superior mediastinum
e) Posterior mediastinum
80. The heart is innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic
nervous system via the
a) Brachial plexus
b) Cardiac plexus
c) Femoral plexus
d) Lumber plexus
e) Portal plexus
81. The upper two thirds of trachea are supplied by the inferior thyroid arteries and the
lower third is supplied by the
a) Axillary arteries
b) Alveolar arteries
c) Bronchial arteries
d) Carotid artery
e) Subclavian arteries
82. The umbilicus is a scar representing the site of attachment of the umbilical cord in the
fetus; it is situated in the
a) Linea talus
b) Libea majora
c) Linea alba
d) Libia minora
e) Linea pelican
83. All are retroperitoneal organ except
a) Duodenum
b) Kidneys
c) Pancreas
d) Spleen
e) All of above
84. Two yellowish organs that lie on the upper poles of the kidneys are
a) Pituitary glands
b) Suprarenal glands
c) Parathyroid glands
d) Thymus gland
e) Thyroid gland
85. All are the muscles of anterior abdominal wall except
a) External oblique
b) Internal oblique
c) Psoas muscle
d) Rectus abdominus
e) Pyramidalis
86. Transversus abdominus muscle is supplied by all except
a) Iliohypogastric nerve
b) Ilioinguinal nerves
c) Lower six thoracic nerves
d) 2nd lumber nerve
e) None of above
87. A thick fibrous membrane covering the surface of bone. It contains blood and lymphatic
vessels & nerves called?
a) Endosteum
b) Medullary cavity
c) Periosteum
d) Perichondrium
e) None of above
88. Which muscle titled as visceral muscles
a) Cardiac
b) Skeletal
c) Smooth
d) All of above
e) None of above
89. The cell membrane of a muscle fiber called
a) Myofibrils
b) Sarcolemma
c) Sarcoplasm
d) Sarcomere
e) None of above
90. The area of mucous membrane covering the internal surface of the base of the bladder
is called
a) Apex
b) Base
c) Detrusor muscle
d) Mucosal layer
e) Trigone
91. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube which begins in the neck as a
continuation of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage is?
a) Bronchus
b) Esophagus
c) Pharynx
d) Trachea
e) None of above
92. The neck of the bladder lies inferiorly and rests on the upper surface of the?
a) Pituitary
b) Pineal
c) Prostate
d) Thymus
e) Thyroid
93. A thin plate of cartilage that become ossified at its proximal end during adult life. No
ribs or costal cartilages are attached to it called
a) Angle of louis
b) Body of sternum
c) Manubrium
d) Xiphoid process
e) None of above
94. The widest part of uterine tube is called
a) Ampulla
b) Fimbriae
c) Isthmus
d) Infundibulum
e) All of above
95. The part of the uterus that lies above the entrance of the uterine tube called
a) Ampulla
b) Body
c) Cervix
d) Fundus
e) Vagina
96. In the lower part of hip bone, a large opening called?
a) Acetabulum
b) Obturator internus
c) Obturator foramen
d) Pubic ramus
e) Pelvic brim
97. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
a) Mesentery
b) Mesoappendix
c) Omenta
d) Peritoneum
e) None of above
98. Largest gland in the body is
a) Liver
b) Pituitary
c) Thymus
d) Thyroid
e) None of above
99. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hand known as
a) Caudal
b) Cephalic
c) Planter
d) Palmer
e) Ventral
100. The upper seven pairs are attached anterior to the sternum by their costal
cartilages called
a) False ribs
b) Floating ribs
c) True ribs
d) Tubercles of the ribs
e) Vertebrochondral ribs
101. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separate the chest cavity above from
the abdominal cavity below is?
a) Diaphragm
b) Linea alba
c) Pericardium
d) Rectus sheath
e) Rectus abdominus
102. The liver may be divided into a large right lobe and the small left lobe by the
attachment of the peritoneum of the ligament is?
a) Caudate lobe
b) Falciform
c) Ligamentum teres
d) Ligament venosum
e) Porta hepatic
103. A small shallow depression is known as
a) Fossa
b) Fovea
c) Fissure
d) Tubercle
e) Tuberosity
104. First part of small intestine is?
a) Cecum
b) Colon
c) Duodenum
d) Ileum
e) Jejunum
105. The most tubular part of stomach is?
a) Antrum
b) Body of stomach
c) Cardiac orifice
d) Fundus
e) Pylorus
106. The dome shaped full of gas part of stomach is called?
a) Antrum
b) Body of stomach
c) Cardiac orifice
d) Fundus
e) Pylorus
107. Two-layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus IS?
a) Mesenteries
b) Mesocolon
c) Omenta
d) Peritoneum
e) Sigmoid mesocolon
108. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers, which is in effect
the inside space of the balloon is called the
a) Mesenteries
b) Omenta
c) Peritoneum
d) Peritoneal space
e) Pleural cavity
109. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?
a) Crania
b) Cricoid cartilage
c) Esophagus
d) Trachea
e) Larynx
110. Deep fascia is well defined in?
a) Eye lids
b) Head
c) Limb
d) Neck & limb
e) Trunk
111. Thoracic cage is made up of all except?
a) Clavicle
b) Costal cartilage
c) Ribs
d) Sternum
e) Thoracic vertebrae
112. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to the posterior surface of the
bladder is?
a) Epididymis
b) Seminal vesicles
c) Ureter
d) Urinary bladder
e) Uterine tubes
113. Most abundant form of cartilage having perichondrium membrane associated
with synovial joint is?
a) Costal cartilage
b) Elastic cartilage
c) Fibro cartilage
d) Hyaline cartilage
e) Meniscus
114. Carpals and tarsals are the examples of?
a) Flat bones
b) Irregular bone
c) Long bones
d) Short bones
e) Sesamoid bones
115. Largest sesamoid bone of the body is?
a) Clavicle
b) Fibula
c) Femur
d) Hip bone
e) Patella
116. Ribs scapula & skull are examples of?
a) Flat bones
b) Irregular bone
c) Long bones
d) Short bones
e) Sesamoid bones
117. Human skull consist of?
a) 8 bones
b) 14 bones
c) 22 bones
d) 26 bones
e) 33 bones
118. An immovable joint that holds most skull bones together is?
a) Ball & socket joint
b) Ellipsoid joint
c) Hinge joint
d) Saddle joint
e) Suture
119. The out pouching of the testis is?
a) Ductus deferens
b) Omenta
c) Rete testis
d) Scrotum
e) Tunica albuginea
120. A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas deferens lying on its
medial side is?
a) Epididymis
b) Omenta
c) Rete testis
d) Scrotum
e) Tunica albuginea
121. A fibromuscular glandular organ that surrounds the prostatic urethra is?
a) Epididymis
b) Prostate gland
c) Rete testis
d) Scrotum
e) Tunica albuginea
122. Apex of the heart is formed by left ventricle & present at?
a) 3 intercostal space
b) 4th intercostal space
c) 5th intercostal space
d) 6thintercostal space
e) 7th intercostal space
123. The four vertebrae fused together to form a small triangular bone called?
a) Coccyx
b) Hilum
c) Sacrum
d) Scapula
e) Skull
124. Shaft of the long bone is also called?
a) Diaphysis
b) Epiphysis
c) Metaphysis
d) Medullary cavity
e) Epiphyseal plate
125. Dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and small intestine
a) Colon
b) Esophagus
c) Jejunum
d) Rectum
e) Stomach
126. The stomach is a dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus
and the
a) Large intestine
b) Larynx
c) Pharynx
d) Rectum
e) Small intestine
127. Because the left lobe of the liver is smaller than the right so
a) Left kidney is higher than right
b) Left kidney is lower than right
c) Right kidney is higher than left
d) Right lung is smaller than left
e) Right lung is higher than left
128. The short gastric veins and the left gastroepiploic veins join the
a) Gastric vein
b) Hepatic vein
c) Iliac vein
d) Pancreatic vein
e) Splenic vein
129. The esophageal opening in the diaphragm is at
a) L1
b) T6
c) T8
d) T10
e) T12
130. Which muscle is NOT used in forced expiration?
f. Diaphragm
g. External oblique
h. Internal oblique
i. Rectus abdominis
j. Transverses abdominis
131. Nerve supply for Pyramidalis is
a) 12th thoracic nerve
b) Iliohypogastric nerves
c) Ilioinguinal nerve
d) Lower six thoracic nerves
e) 6th thoracic nerve
132. The best example of _______ joint is the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
a) Condyloid joint
b) Ellipsoid
c) Hinge
d) Planer
e) Saddle
133. They are roughly cuboidal in shape and are composed of cancellous bone
a) Flat bone
b) Irregular bone
c) Long bone
d) Short bone
e) Sesamoid bone
134. The term _____ refers to the same side of the body
a) Anterior
b) Contralateral
c) Ipsilateral
d) Supine
e) Prone
135. The cremasteric fascia is the term used to describe the ___________ and its
a) Cremaster muscle
b) Pyramidalis
c) Rectus muscle
d) Scarpa’s fascia
e) Transversus
1 B 26 D 51 A
2 A 27 C 52 C
3 E 28 D 53 E
4 C 29 A 54 D
5 B 30 D 55 A
6 B 31 C 56 B
7 D 32 D 57 C
8 D 33 A 58 A
9 B 34 D 59 A
10 E 35 C 60 E
11 A 36 A 61 E
12 B 37 B 62 A
13 C 38 A 63 B
14 E 39 C 64 D
15 B 40 E 65 A
16 C 41 D 66 A
17 C 42 C 67 E
18 D 43 D 68 D
19 B 44 C 69 C
20 C 45 D 70 A
21 D 46 A
22 B 47 C
23 C 48 D
24 B 49 D
25 E 50 E
contains blood and lymphatic yyyy. The neck of the bladder lies
vessels & nerves called? inferiorly and rests on the upper
a. Endosteum surface of the?
b. Medullary cavity a. Pituitary
c. Periosteum b. Pineal
d. Perichondrium c. Prostate
e. None of above d. Thymus
uuuu. Which muscle titled as e. Thyroid
visceral muscles zzzz. A thin plate of cartilage that
a. Cardiac become ossified at its proximal end
b. Skeletal during adult life. No ribs or costal
c. Smooth cartilages are attached to it called
d. All of above a. Angle of louis
e. None of above b. Body of sternum
vvvv. The cell membrane of a c. Manubrium
muscle fiber called d. Xiphoid process
a. Myofibrils e. None of above
b. Sarcolemma aaaaa. The widest part of uterine
c. Sarcoplasm tube is called
d. Sarcomere a. Ampulla
e. None of above b. Fimbriae
wwww. The area of mucous c. Isthmus
membrane covering the internal d. Infundibulum
surface of the base of the bladder is e. All of above
called bbbbb. The part of the uterus that
a. Apex lies above the entrance of the
b. Base uterine tube called
c. Detrusor muscle a. Ampulla
d. Mucosal layer b. Body
e. Trigone c. Cervix
xxxx. A mobile cartilaginous and d. Fundus
membranous tube which begins in e. Vagina
the neck as a continuation of the ccccc. In the lower part of hip bone,
larynx at the lower border of the a large opening called?
cricoid cartilage is? a. Acetabulum
a. Bronchus b. Obturator internus
b. Esophagus c. Obturator foramen
c. Pharynx d. Pubic ramus
d. Trachea e. Pelvic brim
e. None of above ddddd. A thin serous membrane that
lines the walls of the abdominal and
8 D 33 A 58 A 19 B 44 C 69 C
9 B 34 D 59 A 20 C 45 D 70 A
10 E 35 C 60 E 21 D 46 A
11 A 36 A 61 E 22 B 47 C
12 B 37 B 62 A 23 C 48 D
13 C 38 A 63 B 24 B 49 D
14 E 39 C 64 D 25 E 50 E
15 B 40 E 65 A
16 C 41 D 66 A
17 C 42 C 67 E
18 D 43 D 68 D
b. The median portion of thoracic a) Atria
cavity: b) Pulmonary vein
j. Parietal cavity c) Semilunar valve
k. Visceral cavity d) Aorta
l. Intra pleural
m. Outer plural g. Trachea is located at level of:
b. C3 to T4
c. Inferior mediastinum lies between c. C4 to T2
sternal angle and: d. C5 to T5
f. Thoracic inlet e. C6 to T5
g. Middle mediastinum
h. Diaphragm h. What carries the oxygenated blood
i. Inferior mediastinum from the lungs to the left atrium of
the heart?
d. Thoracic duct, trachea, and c. Atria
esophagus are present in: d. Semilunar
qqqqqq. Anterior mediastinum e. Aorta
rrrrrr. Superior mediastinum f. Pulmonary veins
ssssss. Middle mediastinum
tttttt. Posterior mediastinum
i. The trachea is lined internally with:
e. Brachiocephalic veins pass through: j. Ciliated columnar epithelium
j. Anterior mediastinum k. Stratified columnar epithelium
k. Middle mediastinum l. Simple columnar
l. Superior mediastinum m. Pseudo-Stratified columnar
m. Inferior mediastinum epithelium
i. 15-16 g. T4 vertebra
j. 16-21 h. T5 vertebra
k. 18-22 i. T6 vertebra
l. 18-21
p. Segmental bronchi are also known
k. The blood vessel bringing the as:
deoxygenated blood from head and f. Primary bronchi
upper parts of the body into the g. Secondary bronchi
heart is: h. Tertiary bronchi
b. Superior vena cava i. Lobar bronchus
c. Inferior vena cava
d. Coronary sinus
e. Coronary vein
a. True pelvis f. 12 cm
b. False pelvis s. Shape of obstetrical outlet is:
c. Perineum aa. Oval
d. Anal canal
bb. Diamond
p. Anterior boundary of pelvic outlet:
cc. Pyramid
j. Superior margin of pubic
dd. Round
t. The pelvis occurs frequently in men:
k. Inferior margin of pubic
symphysis k. Android
l. Coccyx l. Gynaecoid
m. Ischial tuberosity
m. Anthropoid
q. Posterior boundary of pelvic inlet:
b. Pubic symphysis n. Platypelloid
c. Linea terminalis u. The pelvis in which childbirth is
d. Sacrum
e. Ischial tuberosity
b. Gynaecoid
r. Diameter of pelvic cavity measures c. Android
d. Anthropoid
c. 9 cm
d. 10 cm e. Platypelloid
e. 11 cm
n. Collagen Fibres in the skin that forms creases are also known as_____________.
a. Collagen lines b. Lamb’ s lines c. Langer’ s Lines d. Langer’ s Fibres
e. Long lines
r. The ____________ peritoneum lines the internal surface of the abdominal wall
a. Mesentery b. Parietal c. Pleural d. Visceral
e. Vesicouterine
s. Rectouterine pouch is also known as
a. Double pouch b. Douglas pouch c. Female pouch d. Uterine
e. Vesicouterine
v. The greater curvature of the stomach provides space for the attachment of
a. Greater Omentum b. Inferior Mesentery c. Lesser Omentum d.
Superior Mesentery e. Visceral Peritoneum
ee. The opening in mid of duodenum that receives bile and pancreatic ducts is known as;
a. Major Duodenal papilla b. Minor Papilla c. Orifice d. Pancreatic
Papilla e. Pylorus
Answer Keys:
31. B
32. D
33. C
34. C
35. D
36. C
37. D
38. B
39. B
40. A
41. C
42. A
43. A
44. A
45. D
46. C
47. B
48. A
49. C
50. B
51. A
52. E
53. C
54. A
55. B
56. C
57. D
58. C
59. A
60. C
61. D
62. B
63. D
1) Which of the following terms describes the body's ability to maintain its normal state?
(A) Anabolism
(B) Catabolism
(C) Tolerance
(D) Homeostasis
(E) Metabolism
2) Which of the following best describes the human body's defense mechanism against
environmental bacteria?
(A) Lymphocyte
(B) Monocyte
(C) Erythrocyte
(D) Basophil
(E) Neutrophil
4) Which of the following is flexible connective tissue that is attached to bones at the joints?
(A) Adipose
(B) Cartilage
(C) Epithelial
(D) Muscle
(E) Nerve
(A) Aorta
(B) Esophagus
(C) Heart
(D) Pancreas
(E) Trachea
6) Which of the following is the body cavity that contains the pituitary gland?
(A) Abdominal
(B) Cranial
(C) Pleural
(D) Spinal
(E) Thoracic
7) Which of the following closes and seals off the lower airway during swallowing?
(A) Alveoli
(B) Epiglottis
(C) Larynx
(D) Uvula
(E) Vocal cords
8) Which of the following is located beneath the diaphragm in the left upper quadrant of the
abdominal cavity?
(A) Appendix
(B) Kidney
(C) Liver
(D) Spleen
(E) Stomach
9) Which of the following anatomical regions of abdomen lies just distal to the sternum?
(A) Epigastric
(B) Hypochondriac
(C) Hypogastric
(D) Lumbar
(E) Umbilical
11) Which of the following terms describes the motion of bending the forearm toward the
(A) Abduction
(B) Eversion
(C) Flexion
(D) Pronation
(E) Supination
12) In which of the following positions does a patient lie face down?
(A) Dorsal
(B) Erect
(C) Lateral
(D) Prone
(E) Supine
(A) Inward
(B) Outward
(C) Upward
(D) Downward
(A) caudal
(B) dorsal
(C) frontal
(D) transverse
(E) ventral
15) Which of the following is a structural, fibrous protein found in the dermis?
(A) Collagen
(B) Heparin
(C) Lipocyte
(D) Melanin
(E) Sebum
16) A patient has a fracture in which the radius is bent but not displaced, and the skin is intact.
This type of fracture is known as which of the following?
17) Which of the following is the large bone found superior to the patella and inferior to the
(A) Calcaneus
(B) Femur
(C) Symphysis pubis
(D) Tibia
(E) Ulna
18) The physician directs the medical assistant to complete a request form for an X-ray study of
the fibula. The procedure will be performed on which of the following structures?
(A) Heel
(B) Lower leg
(C) Toes
(D) Thigh
(E) Pelvis
(A) Dyslexia
(B) Epilepsy
(C) Hydrocephalus
(D) Narcolepsy
(E) Shingles
20) Which of the following is the point at which an impulse is transmitted from one neuron to
another neuron?
(A) Dendrite
(B) Glial cell
(C) Nerve center
(D) Synapse
(E) Terminal plate
21) Which of the following controls body temperature, sleep, and appetite?
(D) Thalamus
(E) Thyroid gland
22) Which of the following cranial nerves is related to the sense of smell?
(A) Abducens
(B) Hypoglossal
(C) Olfactory
(D) Trochlear
(E) Vagus
23) Which of the following is a substance that aids the transmission of nerve impulses to the
(A) Acetylcholine
(B) Cholecystokinin
(C) Deoxyribose
(D) Oxytocin
(E) Prolactin
24) Which of the following best describes the location where the carotid pulse can be found?
25) A patient sustains severe blunt trauma to the left upper abdomen and requires surgery.
Which one of the following organs is most likely to be involved?
(A) Appendix
(B) Gallbladder
(C) Pancreas
(D) Urinary bladder
(E) Spleen
27) Blood flows from the right ventricle of the heart into which of the following structures?
28) Oxygenated blood is carried to the heart by which of the following structures?
(A) Aorta
(B) Carotid arteries
(C) Inferior vena cava
(D) Pulmonary veins
(E) Superior vena cava
29) The thoracic cage is a structural unit important for which of the following functions?
(A) Alimentation
(B) Menstruation
(C) Mentation
(D) Respiration
(E) Urination
30) Which of the following substances is found in greater quantity in exhaled air?
(A) Alveoli
(B) Bronchi
(C) Bronchioles
(D) Capillaries
(E) Pleurae
32) At which of the following locations does bile enter the digestive tract?
35) Which of the following organs removes bilirubin from the blood, manufactures plasma
proteins, and is involved with the production of prothrombin and fibrinogen?
(A) Gallbladder
(B) Kidney
(C) Liver
(D) Spleen
(E) Stomach
36) Which of the following is an accessory organ of the gastrointestinal system that is
responsible for secreting insulin?
37) Which of the following is the lymphoid organ that is a reservoir for red blood cells and
filters organisms from the blood?
(A) Appendix
(B) Gallbladder
(C) Pancreas
(D) Spleen
(E) Thymus
38) Which of the following best describes the process whereby the stomach muscles contract to
propel food through the digestive tract?
(A) Absorption
(B) Emulsion
(C) Peristalsis
(D) Regurgitation
(E) Secretion
39) Saliva contains an enzyme that acts upon which of the following nutrients?
(A) Starches
(B) Proteins
(C) Fats
(D) Minerals
(E) Vitamins
40) In men, specimens for gonococcal cultures are most commonly obtained from which of the
following structures?
(A) Anus
(B) Bladder
(C) Skin
(D) Testicle
(E) Urethra
41) Which of the following describes the cluster of blood capillaries found in each nephron in
the kidney?
42) Which of the following conditions is characterized by the presence of kidney stones (renal
(A) Glomerulonephritis
(B) Interstitial nephritis
(C) Nephrolithiasis
(D) Polycystic kidney
(E) Pyelonephritis
43) Which of the following best describes the structure that collects urine in the body?
(A) Bladder
(B) Kidney
(C) Ureter
(D) Urethra
(E) Urethral meatus
44) In men, which of the following structures is located at the neck of the bladder and
surrounds the urethra?
(A) Epididymis
(B) Prostate
(C) Scrotum
(D) Seminal vesicle
(E) Vas deferens
46) Which of the following are mucus-producing glands located on each side of the vaginal
(A) Adrenal
(B) Bartholin's
(C) Bulbourethral
(A) Cervix
(B) Fallopian tube
(C) Ovary
(D) Uterus
(E) Vagina
48) Calcium, potassium, and sodium are classified as which of the following?
(A) Androgens
(B) Catecholamines
(C) Electrolytes
(D) Estrogens
(E) Prostaglandins
49) Which of the following is the master gland of the endocrine system?
(A) Adrenal
(B) Pancreas
(C) Pineal
(D) Pituitary
(E) Thyroid
50) Patients with which of the following diseases are treated with injections of vitamin B-12?
1) D
2) B
3) C
4) B
5) E
6) B
7) B
8) C
9) A
10) E
11) C
12) D
13) B
14) B
15) A
16) A
17) B
18) B
19) D
20) D
21) B
22) C
23) A
24) D
25) E
26) E
27) C
28) D
29) D
30) A
31) A
32) B
33) C
34) C
35) C
36) D
37) D
38) C
39) A
40) E
41) B
42) C
43) A
44) B
45) D
46) B
47) B
48) C
49) D
50) E
Anatomy Key
1 D 21 C 41 B 61 D
2 C 22 D 42 A 62 D
3 A 23 D 43 D 63 B
4 C 24 C 44 D 64 C
5 B 25 B 45 A 65 D
6 B 26 B 46 D 66 D
7 B 27 D 47 A 67 B
8 C 28 D 48 B 68 D
9 C 29 C 49 C 69 A
10 C 30 B 50 A 70 A
11 D 31 C 51 A
12 C 32 D 52 A
13 D 33 C 53 C
14 C 34 B 54 A
15 B 35 C 55 B
16 B 36 B 56 A
17 D 37 B 57 B
18 D 38 B 58 A
19 D 39 A 59 A
20 B 40 A 60 B