The document contains 24 multiple choice questions about anatomy related to the heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles of the thoracic wall. The questions cover topics like the attachments of the mammary glands, structures in the mediastinum, branches of arteries, heart valves, muscles of the larynx and locations of structures penetrating the diaphragm.
The document contains 24 multiple choice questions about anatomy related to the heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles of the thoracic wall. The questions cover topics like the attachments of the mammary glands, structures in the mediastinum, branches of arteries, heart valves, muscles of the larynx and locations of structures penetrating the diaphragm.
The document contains 24 multiple choice questions about anatomy related to the heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles of the thoracic wall. The questions cover topics like the attachments of the mammary glands, structures in the mediastinum, branches of arteries, heart valves, muscles of the larynx and locations of structures penetrating the diaphragm.
The document contains 24 multiple choice questions about anatomy related to the heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles of the thoracic wall. The questions cover topics like the attachments of the mammary glands, structures in the mediastinum, branches of arteries, heart valves, muscles of the larynx and locations of structures penetrating the diaphragm.
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Soalan anatomy cardio and respi
1. Mamae is fixated on thorax wall by
a)skin b)ligamentum suspensorium cooper c)m.serratus anterior d)m.pectoralis major e)m.pectoralis minor
2. Which linea axillary medius is boundary on mammae? a)caudal b)lateral c)anterior d)posterior e)media
3. Intermedia layer of muscle thoracic wall: a)m.serratus anterior b)m.pectoralis minor c)m.subcostalis d)m.intercostalis internus e)m.transversus thoracis
4. The innermost layer of the thoracic wall is a)pleural parietalis b)fascia endothoracica c)m.intercostalis intima d)m.subcostalis e)m.transverses thoracis
5. Which organ is loacated in mediastinum superior and inferior a)thymus b)esophagus c)cor d)trachea e)a.anonyma
6. Which one is located in the mediastinum posterior? a)cor b)esophagus c)arcus aortae d)thymus e)vena cava superior
8. A.coronoria is a branch of a)arcus aorta b)aorta ascendens c)aorta descendens d)aorta thoracalis e)a.anonyma
9. Valvula consist of 2 cuspid located on: a)ostium AV sinistra b)ostium AV dextra c)ostium aortae d)ostium trunchi pulmonalis e)ostium vena cava inferior
10. Which one is a protrusion of myocardium into atrium? a)m.peptinate(right atrium) b)moderator band(right ventricle) c)papillaris(ventricle) d)trabecula e)trabecula septa marginalis
11. Sinus coronaries is related to a)empty into atrium sinistra b)obtain blood from anterior cordis vein c)received blood from middle cordis vein d)located on sulcus interventricular e)run with right coronaria artery
12. Which vessels is arise from right ventricles? a)venca cava superior b)vena cava inferior c)aorta d)vena pulmonalos e)a.pulmonalis
13. Profound cervical nodulus lymphatic is located along a)a.jugularis anterior b)a.jugularis externa c)a.jugularis interna d)a.carotis interna e)a.carotis externa
14. What is the floor of the parietal nasal? a)os palatum
15. Which muscles is its function is to depress larynx: a)m.glenohyoideus b)m.stylopharyngeus c)m.salphingopharyngeus d)m.palatopharyngeus e)m.sternothryoideus
16. Intrinsic muscle which innervated by superior largneus nerve is: a)m.cricothyroideus b)m.cricoartyaenoideus lateralis c)m.thyroartaenoidues d)m.vocal e)m.throepiglottis
18. .the following muscle which form the profunda layer of chest wall : a. m pectoralis minor b. m. subscostalis c. m. intercostalis internus d. m latissmus dorsi e. rhomboideus minor 19. . the muscle in the heart that prevents AV collapse is called: a. myocyte muscle b. pacemaker muscle c. papillary muscle d. septal muscle e. fibrous muscle 20. . which is right when ejection phase occurs: a. atrial pressure is higher than ventricular pressure b. blood from atria moves to ventricles c. aorta and pulmonal valves open d. QRS wave presents onECG e. second heart sound occurs 21. .what structures are connected by ligamentum arteiosum Botalli? a. arcus aorta with R. dekstra of pulmonary arteri b. arcus aorta with R. sinistrer of pulmonary arteri c.ascendens aorta with R. sinister of pulmonary artery d. Ascendens aorta with R dekstra of pulmonary artery e. Descendens aorta with R. sinister of pulmonary artery 22. .Which of the following structures is belong to apertura superior? a.Corpus of vertebra thorachalis XII b.processus Xyphoideus c.cartilaginis costa II d.manubrium sterni e.scapula 23. .Blood transport by pulmonary veins returns to the : a. left atrium b. right atrium. c. left ventricles d. right ventricles e. trunchus pulmonary 24. . The following muscle which form the profunda layer of chest wall : a. m subcostalis b. m. latissimus dorsi c. m. pectoralis minor d. m. rhomboideus minor e. m intercostalis internus