Curriculum Vitae of Ashiqur Rahman
Curriculum Vitae of Ashiqur Rahman
Curriculum Vitae of Ashiqur Rahman
• AWS certified solution architect associate with 8+ years of professional
experience, have been working on the field of mobile technologies (Android,
Flutter), data scraping (Python) and web back-end (Php, Laravel).
• Managing a team of 10-15 people consisting web back-end and mobile
developers. Defining the collaboration path between front-end, back-end and
mobile (Android/iOS/Flutter) development teams as needed.
• Writing code, automation testing, debugging, code reviewing, and issue fixing in
different platforms such as Android, Linux, macOS and Windows for different
• Designing and developing easy to use solutions by analyzing requirements and end
Contacts user behavior.
Current Address:
House# 211, Road# 04, EDUCATION
Mohammadia Housing
(Mar 2009 – Sep 2013) Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering
Society, Adabor, Dhaka - 1207.
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh
[email protected]
(Dec 2021 – Present) AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (Verified Link)
8+ years of professional experience in Frameworks: Laravel, Selenium, Laravel-Livewire, VueJS, Javascript, JQuery.
software engineering. Looking
forward for a challenging position in Database: SQLite, MySQL, Oracle, Aurora.
the software field for growth with the Tools: GIT, Gitlab, Confluence, Jira, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Android Studio, VS
organization. Code.
Personal Strengths
• Innovative and creative.
• High Grasping Power.
(Oct 2018 – Present) MazeGeek Technologies BD LTD.
• Flexible team player.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
• Can work under pressure to meet
- Software Architect
• Requires minimum input to learn. (Feb 2018 – Sep 2018) MazeGeek Technologies BD LTD.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Language Proficiency - Principal Software Engineer
• English - Moderate (Feb 2014 – Jan 2018) IPvision Canada Inc.
• Bengali - Native Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Software Engineer
Neomeet • This is a web app to hold online meetings specially for the Housing Companies
April 2020 – Present of Finland with their applicable laws to cast vote and take meeting minutes.
(Php, Laravel, Laravel-Livewire, VueJS, • Design and developed the full solution from scratch as the lead developer.
Javascript, JQuery, MySQL) • Designed and developed the cloud solution with AWS which act in accordance
with GDPR compliances.
• Applied GitLab's CI/CD.
Textnock • Developed a web-based backend system for sending bulk SMS/MMS using
February 2020 – March 2020 Telnyx api.
(Php, Laravel, Javascript, JQuery, • There was also a chat type module so that if someone send SMS/MMS back,
MySQL) it can be quick replied to give support.
Part Scanner • Designed and developed a web-based backend solution to fetch invoices from
December 2019 – March 2020 mail and save parts number to be arrived and then on arrival check for missing
(Php, Laravel, Javascript, JQuery, parts by scanning the parts numbers using mobile app.
MySQL) • R&D on retrieval of data from pdf.
• Provided api to Mobile team for updating the parts.
Advanced Remote Sensing App • Developed a desktop-based app using Python PyQT5 for viewing and
December 2019 – December 2019 manipulation of various variables of atmospheric correction.
(Python, PyQT5)
Circuit House Bangladesh • Developed the Android app to manage Circuit Houses in Bangladesh.
November 2019 – December 2019 • Lead the back-end team to design the api flow and develop the admin portal.
(Android, JAVA)
Jani O Janai (Online/Offline) • Developed two Android app to train the trainers of Rohingya refugees in
September 2019 – November 2019 Bangladesh.
(Android, JAVA) • For the online version also lead the back-end team for api flow design.
• Given onsite training to the users of this app.
Quizgiri • This is a Quiz playing related app where one can gather knowledge as well as
September 2018 – April 2020 challenge friends and win prizes.
(Android, JAVA, Flutter) • Developed the Android app and then helped to rewrite it in Flutter for cross
platform support.
Vinndo / AutopartsZ • Managed the full team including iOS and web back-end as well as testing from
February 2018 – February 2021 the very beginning.
(Android, JAVA, Python) • Defined the api designs and architecture for the Android, iOS and web apps.
• Defined the flow for third party api integrations.
• Developed the full Android app from scratch.
• Worked on some data scrappers to fetch and update auto parts related data.
ringID • Worked from the starting of this product on the Android app development
February 2014 – January 2018 team which now have 5M+ downloads.
(Android, JAVA) • Implemented features for various modules on this app.
• Analyzed requirements and contributed to api design flows with back-end