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Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, S.Ag,M. Hum

Aranged By:

Name : Winda Khofifah

Id Number : 0304213091

Class : Tbi 3/ Sem 6

Subject : Sociolinguistics





Introduction To Linguistics , Author Moch Imam Machfudi, Editor by Moh Arif Mahbub, Date
Of Submission 4 April 2023 , Mataram , Page Count 141 pages, Published in Indonesia by UIN
KHAS Press , ISBN 978-623-09-0109-6 (PDF).

This book focuses on equipping students majoring in English with linguistic knowledge
or language studies. There was quite an interesting experience when one day last semester, I
asked students if they had ever heard the word "linguistics". They show different answers. One
answer is “yes, we hear the word linguistics but we don't know what it means.” Of course, this
book will not explain the linguistic meaning of ansich, but also about the characteristics of
language, macro and micro linguistics as well as the study of syntax, semantics, phonology,
morphology and pragmatics. And thus, this will be a broader area to study. This book
encompasses XI chapters. It begins with the first chapter that talks about Language and
Linguistics. It mainly human communication, the properties of language whichfocused on
discussing the characteristics of language itself. Chapter II is the discussion about linguistics and
its study. Chapter III up to chapter VII is what is considered to be the study of micro linguistics
or the study of linguistics from the aspect of language itself such as syntax or the study of
discusses the definition of language, the origin of language and sentence structure, semanticsor
the study of word and 1 sentence meaning, phonology or the study of sound patterns of language,
morphology or the study of word formation process, and pragmatics or the study of the meaning
of utterance.

In Chapter 1: Introduction to Language and Linguistics, Language is a system of

communication that uses arbitrary symbols to represent meanings, It is a complex and
multifaceted phenomenon that is essential for human interaction and thought, The origins of
language are still debated, but it is generally believed to have emerged gradually over time as
humans evolved and their communication needs became more complex, Language has a number
of properties that make it unique, including discreteness, arbitrariness, productivity, and cultural
transmission. Language serves a variety of functions, including communication, expression,
representation, and social control. In Chapter 2: The Definition of Linguistics, Linguistics is the
scientific study of language. It encompasses a wide range of subfields, including phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and sociolinguistics. The goals of linguistics are to
describe, explain, and theorize about language. Linguists seek to understand how language
works, how it varies across cultures and over time, and how it is used in society. Linguists use a
variety of methods to study language, including fieldwork, experimentation, and corpus analysis.

In Chapter 3: The Sound of Language , Phonetics is the study of the sounds of language.
It includes the study of how sounds are produced, perceived, and represented.Voiced sounds are
produced with vibration of the vocal cords, while voiceless sounds are produced without
vibration.The place of articulation is the location in the vocal tract where a sound is produce. The
manner of articulation is the way in which a sound is produced. Phonetic transcription is a
system for representing the sounds of language in a written form. In Chapter 4: The Sound
Pattern of Language , Phonology is the study of the sound patterns of language. It includes the
study of how sounds are organized and combined in a language. Phonemes are the basic units of
sound in a language. They are distinguished by their ability to cause a difference in meaning.
Segments are individual sounds, while suprasegmantals are features that extend over multiple
segments, such as pitch, stress, and intonation.

In Chapter 5: Morphology , A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language. It

can be a word, a part of a word, or a combination of words. A free morpheme can stand alone as
a word. A bound morpheme cannot stand alone as a word. It must be attached to a free
morpheme. In Chapter 6: Syntax , Syntax is the study of the structure of sentences. It includes
the study of how words are combined to form phrases and sentences. Deep structure is the
underlying meaning of a sentence, while surface structure is the actual form of the sentence as it
is spoken or written. Linguists use a variety of symbols to describe syntactic structure, including
brackets, trees, and rules.

In Chapter 7: Semantics, Semantics is the study of meaning in language. It includes the

study of how words and sentences convey meaning. Conceptual meaning is the abstract meaning
of a word or sentence. Associative meaning is the additional meanings that are associated with a
word or sentence, such as connotations and cultural references. Semantic roles are the roles that
words play in a sentence, such as agent, patient, and instrument. In Chapter 8: Discourse
Analysis Discourse analysis is the study of language in context. It includes the study of how
language is used to create and maintain social relationships. Cohesion is the way in which the
elements of a text are connected to each other. Coherence is the way in which a text makes sense
as a whole.

In Chapter 9 : Language and the Brain ,Language is processed in the brain. The Broca
area is located in the left hemisphere of the brain and is responsible for language production. The
Wernicke area is located in the left hemisphere of the brain and is responsible for language
comprehension. Damage to either the Broca area or the Wernicke area can result in aphasia,
which is a language disorder. In Chapter 10 : Language Acquisition , Language acquisition is the
process by which children learn language. There are several different theories of language
acquisition, including the behaviorist theory, the nativist theory, and the interactionist theory.
The behaviorist theory suggests that children learn language through imitation and
reinforcement. The nativist theory suggests that children are born with an innate ability to learn
language. The interactionist theory suggests that children learn language through a combination
of nature and nurture.

In Chapter 11 : Language and Society , Language is used in a variety of social contexts.

Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. Sociolinguists
study how language is used in different social groups, such as different classes, genders, and
ethnic groups. They also study how language is used in different social contexts, such as in the
workplace, in schools, and in the media.

In summary, reading this book can bring readers to many valuable perspectives that are
conveyed in encouraging students majoring in English with knowledge of linguistics or language
studies. In the Introduction to Linguistics course, my focus is on introducing language study
concepts. There is much in the literature to explain the key elements of language study, and this
coursebook provides exactly what English majors need. and I hope that students of the English
Department will find this thin book useful and interesting too. I believe that motivation in
learning a language plays a very important role and this book will be one of the triggers for
students to learn a language further.

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