French Ii

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UNIT: Shopping “On fait les magasins?” Unit 2.1

1.1 Provide & obtain information, express feelings, exchange opinions
1.2 Interpretation of written & spoken language
1.3 Present information & ideas to an audience
2.1 Relationship between practices & perspectives
2.2 Relationship between products & perspectives
3.1 Reinforce & further knowledge of other disciplines (math, science, history,…)
3.2 Acquire & recognize distinctive viewpoints only available through foreign language
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparing French & English
4.2 Compare French culture to American culture
5.1 Use French within & beyond school setting
5.2 Demonstrate lifelong learning by using language for personal enjoyment


1.1 Students will exchange information about past events 1. Communicate completed past actions using the
while discussing personal shopping habits. passé compose with verbs that take “avoir” as a
1.2 Interpret written and spoken dialogue about past events. helping verb.
1.2 Create a fashion show and present it to the class. 2. Utilize vocabulary pertaining to clothing in such
2.1 Discuss perspective evident in the European practice of a way as to fully describe what various people are
dressing more formally on a daily basis. wearing now and did wear in the past.
3.1 Analyze similarities of past tense formation in 3. Compare culturally acceptable clothing trends.
languages spoken by students in the class (Eng., Span,..) 4. Students will be able to communicate their own
4.1 Compare different structures of compound tenses in opinions about what to wear and where.
English and French. 5. Students will be able to give directions and
4.2 Discuss culturally appropriate dress and how it changes advise another person what type of store they need
over time and space. to go to, to purchase various products.
5.1 Present a fashion show of French clothing styles to
other language classes, or for international day in the halls.
1. Instructional review of the conjugation of “avoir”, study 1. Participation during instructional and
of irregular and regular past participles. cooperative lessons.
2. Cooperative constructive activity to formulate a fashion 2. Independent work done outside of the class.
show, students are given some elemental prerequisites. 3. Quiz on vocabulary and dictation.
3. Sentence writing with the verb “mettre” in the present 4. Class work evident in fashion show.
tense and other verbs in the passé compose. 5. Written response to listening and reading test.
4. Game: box of clothes- Mettez les vetements si rapide
que possible.
5. View a video- describe what people are wearing.
RESOURCES: 1. Find some pictures of people wearing different
1. Bien Dit level I, chapitre 7 clothing and label the elements you can see.
2. Box of clothing articles for game 2. Peer practice- name the clothing articles
3. Various videos: for example “A year in Provence”, for
authentic French dress. ENRICHMENT:
4. Video camera and film to watch and critique 1. Web Quest: Using IPL, find and present current
presentations. fashion trends in francophone countries.
Curriculum/French II/ Unit 1/ on fait les magasins ?
UNIT: House and furniture “a la maison” Unit 2.2

1.1 Provide & obtain information, express feelings, exchange opinions
1.2 Interpretation of written & spoken language
1.3 Present information & ideas to an audience
2.1 Relationship between practices & perspectives
2.2 Relationship between products & perspectives
3.1 Reinforce & further knowledge of other disciplines (math, science, history)
3.2 Acquire & recognize distinctive viewpoints only available through foreign language
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparing French & English
4.2 Compare French culture to American culture
5.1 Use French within & beyond school setting
5.2 Demonstrate lifelong learning by using language for personal enjoyment


1.1 Describe homes and articles of furniture in them. 1. Students will learn the acronym “Vandertramp” and
1.2 Interpret story or dialogue about home furnishings. recall the verbs that use etre as a helping verb in passé
1.3 Present elements of a dream house to the class. composé.
2.1 Describe the concept of the rez-du-chausée and premier étage 2. List the rooms of the house in French and learn the
and the difference between les toilettes and la salle de bains. difference between “le premier étage” and the first
3.2 Find gender and number cues in some verb forms of French. floor.
4.1 Compare compound verbs of English to Passé Composé in 3. Conjugate the irregular “airplane” verbs: dormir,
French. sortir, partir and servir and –yer verb such as nettoyer in
4.2 Discuss costs and types of housing options. the present tense.
5.1 Presentations will be conducted in class to other students. 4. Describe a room by the location of furniture elements
French club will be available after school for further practice of and in relationship to where it is located in relationship
French. to other rooms in the house.
5. Past participle agreement will be discussed
6. New verbs pouvoir and devoir will be practiced.
1. Students draw pictures of homes based on classmates oral 1. Participation- asking and answering questions during
descriptions of their dream homes, labeling rooms and furniture. instructional sessions.
2. Read dialogue that brings the reader through different rooms of a 2. Home work- individual practice using “Vandertramp”
home. Practice pronunciation and memorization of the dialogue. Learn verbs in the passé compose with past participle agreement.
about typical family chores in Senegal. 3. Class work- creating description and interpreting another
3. Create cards with names and pictures of furniture, then listen to a student’s description of a house.
description of where moving men are to place the furniture, and with 4. Quizzes- on vocabulary and dictation.
tape on the back of the card, place the card on the board within the 5. Test- on listening and reading responses.
confines of the correct room displayed by a floor plan drawn on the
4. Using new verb forms fill in the correct form that shows subject 1. Review adjective agreement, and then do exercises that
agreement with airplane verbs and Vandertramp verbs. require past participle agreement (to show correlation).
5. Rehearse Vandertramp verbs by writing them on the board, then 2. Practice passé compose with both “avoir” and “être” as the
create sentences using each one. Using pp agreement! helping verbs.

Bien Dit, chapitre 8 1. Describe your dream house and list rooms and furniture
3x5 cards, white board with markers, floor plan to display. not given in our text book.
French/English dictionaries.
Curriculum/FrenchI I/ Unit 2/ à la maison
UNIT: getting around a city “En ville” Level 1 book, chp 9 Unit 2.3

1.1 Provide & obtain information, express feelings, exchange opinions
1.2 Interpretation of written & spoken language
1.3 Present information & ideas to an audience
2.1 Relationship between practices & perspectives
2.2 Relationship between products & perspectives
3.1 Reinforce & further knowledge of other disciplines (math, science, history)
3.2 Acquire & recognize distinctive viewpoints only available through foreign language
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparing French & English
4.2 Compare French culture to American culture
5.1 Use French within & beyond school setting
5.2 Demonstrate lifelong learning by using language for personal enjoyment


1.1 Directional and locational information is exchanged. 1. Students will use the appropriate prepositions with
1.2 Action based on comprehension is demonstrated using TPR various means of transportation.
to show meaning of new prepositions. 2. Giving and following directions will be practiced and
1.3 Students give and follow directions to/of classmates. prepositions will be physically demonstrated.
2.1 The unique practices that stem from living in a walled city 3. Use voir, savoir and connaître in idiomatic phrases.
like Aigues-Mortes will be discussed. 4. Review and expand use of adjectives.
2.2 The French Telecarte and its use will be introduced. 5. Students will compare their city to Aigues-Mortes.
3.1 Geography of France will be discussed and studied. 6. Students will describe their town/ city/ or
3.2 Prepositional idioms will show historical and geographical neighborhood.
4.1 Comparison of prepositional use will be discussed.
4.2 Unique culture of a walled city will be compared to our own.
5.1 Students will consider and create directions around town.
5.2 Internet research of walled cities may pique interest.
1. Small groups will be assigned a mode of transportation and 1. Participation- asking and answering questions during
create a short skit that uses ten directional prepositions. instructional sessions.
2. Large group will practice demonstration of locational 2. Home work- individual practice creating and
prepositions using mime type charades. answering directional questions.
3. Pairs will conduct read alouds of dialogues, cultural readings - research walled cities of France.
and work on writing activities together. 3. Class work- Fill in missing words in polite questions.
4. Whole class will practice pronunciation and use new words in - following directions around school.
scripted dialogue before creating dialogues of their own. 4. Quizzes- on vocabulary and dictation.
5. Students will do some internet research on Aigues-Mortes. 5. Test- on listening and reading responses.

RESOURCES: REMEDIATION: Students may draw pictures or

Bien Dit, chapitre 9 label a picture with adjectives that describe the
Hand out with directional prepositions location of individual elements.
3x5 cards for writing down directions
Internet access in computer lab. ENRICHMENT: Student may create a power point
presentation on walled cities using new
prepositional vocabulary in lieu of test.

Curriculum/French II/ Unit 3/ en ville

UNIT: Vacations “Enfin les vacances” Level 1 book, chp 10 Unit 2.4

1.1 Provide & obtain information, express feelings, exchange opinions
1.2 Interpretation of written & spoken language
1.3 Present information & ideas to an audience
2.1 Relationship between practices & perspectives
2.2 Relationship between products & perspectives
3.1 Reinforce & further knowledge of other disciplines (math, science, history)
3.2 Acquire & recognize distinctive viewpoints only available through foreign language
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparing French & English
4.2 Compare French culture to American culture
5.1 Use French within & beyond school setting
5.2 Demonstrate lifelong learning by using language for personal enjoyment


1.1 Students will exchange opinions about preferred vacations. 1. Students will practice integrating the use of present
1.2 Written and spoken language interpretation through skits. and past tense verb forms in dialogue.
1.3 Skits will be presented to the class. 2. Idiomatic expressions using the verb “faire” will be
2.1 August vacation in France will be discussed. rehearsed and used in reading and speaking samples.
2.2 Cirque du Soleil from Quebec will be read about (viewed?) 3. The verb “appeler” will be compared to “s’appeler”.
3.1 History of Brittany region will be studied 4. Reflexive verbs and their pronouns will be used in
3.2 The legends associated with King Arthur, Merlin, and Tristan passé composé tense.
and Iseult have had an influence on both French and English. 5. Past participle agreement will be discussed.
4.1 Past participle agreement is contrasted in the two languages. 6. Vocabulary associated with travel will be worked
4.2 Escargots, Foie gras and other cultural foods will be into student created skits.
5.1 French cuisine may be created and brought into class.
5.2 French cuisine is a source of personal enjoyment for many!

1. Small groups will be assigned to create travel skits. 1. Participation- asking and answering questions during
2. Large group will practice games that differentiate the “etre” instructional sessions.
and “avoir” helping verbs in passé compose. 2. Home work- individual practice writing sentences
3. Pairs will conduct read alouds of dialogues, cultural readings using reflexive verbs in the past tense.
and work on writing activities together. 3. Class work- Create a skit about traveling abroad.
4. Whole class will practice pronunciation and use new words in 4. Quizzes- on vocabulary and dictation.
scripted dialogue before creating dialogues of their own. 5. Test- on listening and reading responses.
5. Individuals will have differentiated worksheets according
to their level of comprehension using “etre” and “avoir” REMEDIATION: Students will review the “passé
helping verbs in passé compose. compose” tense. Avoir and Etre verbs will be kept
separate to further cement the concept of treating the
verbs differently.
RESOURCES: Bien Dit 1 chapitre 10
Sample travel dialogues from work sheets or books. ENRICHMENT: Students will integrate present, past
Remedial handouts for passé compose. and near future tenses into their skit.

Curriculum/French II/ Unit 4/les vacances

UNIT: Friends & family “Ma Famille et Mes Copains” Level 2 book, Chapter 1 Unit 2.5

1.1 Provide & obtain information, express feelings, exchange opinions
1.2 Interpretation of written & spoken language
1.3 Present information & ideas to an audience
2.1 Relationship between practices & perspectives
2.2 Relationship between products & perspectives
3.1 Reinforce & further knowledge of other disciplines (math, science, history)
3.2 Acquire & recognize distinctive viewpoints only available through foreign language
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparing French & English
4.2 Compare French culture to American culture
5.1 Use French within & beyond school setting
5.2 Demonstrate lifelong learning by using language for personal enjoyment


1.1 Provide & obtain information about family & friends, exchange 1. Students will be able to apply adjective agreement
opinions & feelings using good adjective agreement. correctly using regular & BANGS adjectives.
1.3 Presentation of information about one’s family ancestry to the class. 2. Students will properly conjugate
Presentation of Research project. regular ER, IR & RE verbs.
2.1, 2.2 Demonstrate relationships between France & the US through 3. Students will learn basic European Geography in
discussion and teacher presentation. French while learning about France’s rivers,
3.1 Reinforce and further knowledge about history and art through mountains, cities, large bodies of water, and
study of the major monuments of Paris, the castles of the Loire Valley surrounding countries.
and the Provinces. 4. Students will write a research paper related to
3.2 Acquire & recognize distinctive viewpoints of the French through France’s culture and/or geography
their architecture, art, geography, and family traditions 5. Students will prepare an oral presentation for the
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through class.
comparison of grammatical constructions, (Inversion, verb conjugation, 6. Students will learn to conjugate verbs like “dormir”
& adjective agreement) 7. Students will apply all ways to form a question.
4.2 Comparing US culture to French & European cultures while
studying geography.
5..1 Student Francophone Culture presentation to perform for other
1. Skits – asking & talking about Friends & Family 1. Oral dialogues & skits
2. Class discussion about Family life in France 2. Map quiz on France’s Geography
3. The verb game (A conjugation game) Using a mixture of ER, 3. Verb quiz on Regular ER, IR, & RE verbs
IR, RE, & irregular verbs 4. Written research paper
4. Write research paper about some geographic region of France 5. Oral Presentation
or about a particular building, castle, or monument.
Bien Dit (2008) level 2. Chapitre 1 “Ma Famille et Mes Copains” 1. Extra help after school 2. Peer tutoring
Teacher generated France geography maps and worksheets. 3. Practice sheets
Châteaux de la Loire Study sheets and worksheets, Teacher’s 4. Ability grouping
Discovery, 2000 for listing of and access to world ENRICHMENT:
newspapers on line. 1. Additional vocabulary related to chapter. (Foreign
Blume, French First Year,3rd edition, Amsco countries, nature vocab., …)
Various teacher generated hand-outs and work sheets 2. The past perfect tense (l’imparfait)

Curriculum/FrenchII/Unit 5/ Ma famille et mes copains

UNIT: Let’s Party “On fait la fête” Level 2 book, Chapter 2 Unit 2.6

1.1 Provide & obtain information, express feelings, exchange opinions
1.2 Interpretation of written & spoken language
1.3 Present information & ideas to an audience
2.1 Relationship between practices & perspectives
2.2 Relationship between products & perspectives
3.1 Reinforce & further knowledge of other disciplines (math, science, history)
3.2 Acquire & recognize distinctive viewpoints only available through foreign language
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparing French & English
4.2 Compare French culture to American culture
5.1 Use French within & beyond school setting
5.2 Demonstrate lifelong learning by using language for personal enjoyment


1.1 Express feelings by wishing someone a good time, ask for and give 1. Students will be able to wish someone a good time.
advice and ask for help 2. Students will be able to ask for and give advice.
1.2 Interpretation of written and spoken language by being able to fill 3. Students will ask for help
in blanks with appropriate vocabulary. 4. Students will be able to check if things have been done.
1.3 Presentation of information of a French or Francophone holiday. 5. Students will able to use direct & indirect object pronouns
2.1, 2.2 , 4.2Discussion of French holidays & how they correctly.
compare/contrast to our holidays. Products bought/sold for those 6. Students will accurately apply the “passé composé using
holidays. Avoir or Être depending on verb
3.1, 3.2 Reinforce and further knowledge of Art and Business, Word 7. Students will learn about France’s major holidays and
Processing through creation of greeting cards in French and researching about other French customs.
gifts for that holiday in France. 8. Students will learn more expressions of negation.
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through
grammar. Formation of the past tense using avoir and être, negative
expressions and object pronouns.
5.1 Celebrate French holidays as they come up.
1. Skits – asking & talking about a party. 1. Oral dialogues & skits
2. Class discussion & essay about holidays & festivals in France. 2. Written vocab. quizzes on holidays & festivals.
3. Write about something in the Past. 3. Verb quiz (verbs related to chapter)
4 Prepare a French holiday party. (Invite Elem. Or Inter. Students. 4. Essay on related topic- (Student choice of holiday or
5. Presentation of a festival or particular tradition within a festival)
festival/holiday. (A dance, song, recipe)
RESOURCES: 1. Extra help after school
Bien Dit (2008) level 2, Chapitre 2 2. Peer tutoring 3. Practice sheets
French holiday packets given as needed. 4. Ability grouping for listing of and access to world
newspapers on line. ENRICHMENT:
Blume, French First Year,3rd edition, Amsco 1. Additional vocabulary related to chapter. (Parties,
Various teacher generated hand-outs and work sheets holidays, more negative expressions)
2. Double object pronouns within a sentence

Curriculum/French II/ Unit 6/ On fait la fête

UNIT: Let’s Shop! (Faisons les Courses) Level 2 book, Chapter 3 2.7

1.1 Provide & obtain information, express feelings, exchange opinions
1.2 Interpretation of written & spoken language
1.3 Present information & ideas to an audience
2.1 Relationship between practices & perspectives
2.2 Relationship between products & perspectives
3.1 Reinforce & further knowledge of other disciplines (math, science, history)
3.2 Acquire & recognize distinctive viewpoints only available through foreign language
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparing French & English
4.2 Compare French culture to American culture
5.1 Use French within & beyond school setting
5.2 Demonstrate lifelong learning by using language for personal enjoyment


1.1 Express feelings & opinions about foods 1. Students will be able to ask about food preparation
1.2 Interpretation of written and spoken language by 2. Students will be able to make requests and ask where things are
filling in the blanks of a French menu and 3. Students will be able to shop for groceries
interpreting what another says about foods 4. To be able to ask where things are
1.3 Present a recipe to the class in French 5. Students will use and review Partitive Articles
2.1, 2.2 Discussion about foods in France and other 6. Students will use the pronoun Y and EN
Francophone countries along with their similarities and 7. Students will review question formation
differences. 8. Students will review object pronouns and their placement
3.1, 3.2 Reinforce and further knowledge of Math 9. Students will review contractions with à and de
(weights and measures, fractions) History (of certain
regional foods) Discuss common views about food in
France versus the United States
4.1, 4.2 Demonstrate the nature of language through the
use of partitive articles and the use of Prendre over Avoir
when talking about food.
5.1,5.2 Use French to host a Foods Party inviting French
students from the level 1 & 2

1. Skits & dialogues about shopping 1.Participation – During instructional and cooperative lessons
2. Foods survey to create a menu. 2.Home Work – Individual practice writing sentences using Direct
3. Research on traditional foods of Quebec object pronouns and the pronouns Y and EN as well as contractions of
4. Learn how to make Maple Syrup à and de.
5. Practice using fake Euros to pay for items in Student
3.Class work – Practice dialogues that would take place shopping.
created stores.
6. Listening games like 20 Questions to guess a recipe 4.Quizzes – On vocabulary and dictation
7. Readings like “Le Petit Nicolas” 5.Test – Reading, Writing, Listening, & Speaking

RESOURCES: REMEDIATION:Extra help after school, Peer tutoring, Practice sheets,

Bien Dit (2008) level 2. Chapitre 3 “Faisons les Courses” Ability grouping. for listing of and access to ENRICHMENT:
world newspapers on line. 1.Additional vocabulary related to chapter. (Advanced foods, double object
Blume, French Secondt Year,3rd edition, Amsco pronoun sentences, additional vocab. On stores,…)
Various teacher generated hand-outs and work sheets 2.Create a comic strip with food vocab.
3.Internet research on Jean-Jacques Sempé & René Goscinny. Choose a
book and write about what book they want to read & why.
Curriculum- French II – Unit 7

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