Step 4 Guidance
Step 4 Guidance
Step 4 Guidance
Do not be restricted by this list. It is just to help you get started. List your resentments on the next pages.
Step Four Resentments Checklist Column 4*
“Putting out of our minds the wrongs others had done, we resolutely looked for our
own mistakes. Where had we been selfish, dishonest, self-seeking and frightened?”
• Manipulating others to do my will
• Putting others down internally or
externally to build me up
• Engaging in character assassination
• Acting superior _______________
• Acting to fill a void *Thanks to Anonymous in New England.
• Engaging in gluttony or lusting at the
expense of another person
• Ignoring others’ needs
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Do not be restricted by this list. It is just to help you get started. List your fears on the next pages
abandonment flying needing anyone
aging fourth & fifth steps not being good enough
anger future, the not being happy
authority figures getting fat or thin not being liked
being alone God not being perfect
being deceived going home people (specify who)
being found out going out on a “whim” police, the
being myself having children poverty
change homelessness procrastination
compliments homosexuality rape
confrontation honesty rejection
creditors humiliation relationships
death hurting others resentments, my
denial, my I’m a fraud and others will find out responsibility
disapproval incarceration risks
disease intimacy saying that I can’t do something
divorce IRS, the sex
embarrassment letting go sponsor, my
employment living success
facing myself loneliness unemployment
failure losing hope unknown, the
fear love violence
feelings mediocrity work
financial insecurity money Search your own experience for other fears.
Step Four Sex Conduct Checklist*
Column 1 checklist (We reviewed our sex DISHONEST (to me or others) SUSPICION:
conduct over the years past. Whom had • Leading someone on–saying I care for • Of her, him, family, friends, co-
we hurt?) him/her more than I do because I want workers, etc.
sex • How did I cause suspicion (lying,
• Her, him, family, friends, co-workers, • Not admitting my sexual orientation flirting, tricking, coming home late,
etc. • Thinking I'm better (grandiosity) etc.)?
• Me with guilt or shame • Being perfectionistic BITTERNESS:
• Infecting him/her a sexually • Not being clear about my motive
About her, him, family, friends, co-
transmitted disease (wanting fathering, mothering, workers, etc.
• Involving him/her in legal approval, approval, or sex) About me (guilt, shame)
proceedings How did I cause bitterness?
• Wanting to vent my emotions on or
• Embarrassing him/her control him/her
Column 4 (Where was I at fault?)
• How did I cause the hurt? • Cheating on him/her
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