A List of Character Traits PDF

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Character Trait List  Childish  Efficient  Humorous  Nagging

General Character  Clever  Embarrassed  Ignorant  Neat

Traits  Clumsy  Energetic  Imaginative  Nervous
 Cold-hearted  Enthusiastic  Immature  Noisy
 Absent-minded  Compassionate  Exciting  Impatient  Obedient
 Active  Competitive  Fair  Impolite  Obnoxious
 Adventurous  Conceited  Faithful  Impulsive  Observant
 Affectionate  Concerned  Fearful  Impatient  Optimistic
 Afraid  Confident  Fidgety  Impolite  Organized
 Ambitious  Confused  Fierce  Impulsive  Outspoken
 Angry  Contented  Fighter  Inactive  Patient
 Annoyed  Conscientious  Forgetful  Independent  Patriotic
 Anxious  Considerate  Forgiving  Insistent  Peaceful
 Argumentative  Cooperative  Foolish  Intelligent  Persistent
 Astonished  Courageous  Flashy  Inventive  Pessimistic
 Attentive  Cowardly  Friendly  Jealous  Picky
 Babyish  Creative  Frustrated  Jolly  Playful
 Bewildered  Critical  Fun-loving  Jovial  Pleasant
 Boastful  Cross  Funny  Kind  Polite
 Bold  Cruel  Fussy  Lazy  Popular
 Bored  Curious  Generous  Leader  Precise
 Bossy  Dainty  Gentle  Logical  Proud
 Brave  Dangerous  Glamorous  Lonely  Puzzled
 Brilliant  Daring  Gloomy  Loud  Quarrelsome
 Busy  Demanding  Greedy  Loving  Quick
 Calm  Dependable  Grouchy  Lovable  Quick-tempered
 Carefree  Determined  Gullible  Loyal  Quiet
 Careless  Disagreeable  Handsome  Lucky  Reasonable
 Caring  Discouraged  Happy  Mannerly  Reckless
 Capable  Dishonest  Hardworking  Mature  Relaxed
 Careful  Disrespectful  Hateful  Mean  Reliable
 Cautious  Doubtful  Helpful  Messy  Relieved
 Changeable  Dreamy  Honest  Meticulous  Resourceful
 Charismatic  Dull  Hopeful  Mischievous  Respectful
 Charming  Eager  Hopeless  Moody  Responsible
 Cheerful  Easygoing  Humble  Mysterious  Restless
 Rowdy  Sweet Add to this list of
 Rude  Tactful traits below:
 Sad  Talented
 Sarcastic  Talkative
 Satisfied  Tasteful
 Scared  Tenacious
 Secretive  Terrified
 Self-centered  Thankful
 Self-confident  Thoughtful
 Selfish  Thoughtless
 Self-reliant  Thrifty
 Sensitive  Timid
 Sharp-witted  Tough
 Shiftless  Tolerant
 Shifty  Touchy
 Silly  Trusting
 Shrewd  Trustworthy
 Shy  Uncontrolled
 Sincere  Understanding
 Skillful  Unfriendly
 Sly  Unkind
 Smart  Unselfish
 Sneaky  Upset
 Snobbish  Useful
 Sociable  Valiant
 Soft-hearted  Versatile
 Spunky  Vivacious
 Stern  Vulgar
 Stingy  Warm-hearted
 Strange  Weak
 Strict  Wild
 Stubborn  Willful
 Studious  Wise
 Successful  Witty
 Superstitious  Zany
 Suspicious  Zealous
Specific Traits for Mental flaws Negative  humble  needy
Mental, Moral,  clueless characteristics  immature  unfriendly
Social, Energy, and  delusional (flaws)  modest  aggressive
Normality.  discontented  shaken  pushover  clueless
 dissatisfied  criminal  reserved  old-fashioned
This list of words  foolhardy  uptight  sensitive  strict
used to define and  flighty  treasonous  anti-social
describe characters  harried  puritanical Normality  naïve
in novels, movies,  milquetoast  hypocritical Positive levels of  insecure
songs, short stories,  paranoid  self-appointed normality  spiteful
and life in general.  pie-in-the-sky  self-centered  disorganized
 conventional
(over-idealistic)  untactful
 familiar
Mental  reckless Energy  pushy
 one-of-a-kind
Characteristics and  self-assured  ignorant
 usual
Mindsets  sheltered Sympathetic traits  dumb
 zany
 smug  adventurous  selfish
Generally positive  stubborn  dedicated  passive
mindsets  unquestioning  driven Character flaws  jealous
 blasé (unduly obedient)  energetic  alien  arrogant
 careful  unstable  exuberant  bizarre  smirky
 carefree  intrepid  conformist  weird
 cautious Moral  rugged  eccentric  unprincipled
 confident  maladjusted  saucy
 creative Sympathetic traits Character flaws  weird  dangerous
 curious  conscientious  flighty  rude
 dutiful  dutiful  bored Secondary Positive  sickly
 enlightened  faithful  disinterested Characteristics  coarse
 exuberant  honest  crippled  good-humored  bad sense of
 idealistic  idealistic  languid  gregarious humor
 intelligent  innocent  lethargic  eloquent  hard
 light-hearted  just  sedate  calm  deceitful
 logical  law-abiding  analytical  impulsive
 methodical  prim Social  athletic  critical
 savvy  proper  charming  moody
 sophisticated  rebellious  frank Negative  pensive
 spiritual  upright  elegant Characteristics  nervous
 steady  generous  superstitious  pampered
 serious  haughty  combative
 whimsical  helpful

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