80+ Essential HPLC Interview Q&A
80+ Essential HPLC Interview Q&A
80+ Essential HPLC Interview Q&A
HPLC interview questions are the most commonly asked topic during the quality control
laboratory interview for the pharmaceutical industry. HPLC is the pharmaceutical industry’s
most widely used technique of analysis; therefore, most of the interview questions and answers
are around HPLC technique and HPLC troubleshooting.
You will find interview questions and answers on components of an HPLC system, isocratic and
a gradient HPLC system, types of gradient mixing, function of the HPLC column, types of
sample injector, function of the HPLC column oven, commonly used detector in HPLC systems,
types of detectors used in HPLC systems, typical HPLC startup procedure, procedure to flush
the new reversed-phase column, checkpoints before starting an HPLC analysis, relative
retention time (RRT) in liquid chromatography, ‘fronting’ or ‘leading’ in liquid chromatography,
peak symmetry, signal-to-noise ratio, procedures for mobile phase degassing, advantages of
acetonitrile in the mobile phase, advantages of methanol in the mobile phase, reasons for
variable Retention Times (RT) in HPLC analysis, and many other relevant and valuable HPLC
interview questions and answers.
The interview questions cover questions from basic to advanced levels of technical aspects.
These HPLC interview questions and answers will help crack an interview, enhance your
knowledge, and also be helpful for the interviewer who is involved in the recruitment process.
You will find it much more enjoyable while going through these interview questions and
answers. So enjoy learning and best of luck with your interview! Happy Learning.
It can be distinguished easily. If there is only one inlet tube for the eluent, it is an isocratic
instrument, and, there are two or more are present, its a gradient system.
In a gradient system, two or more solvents are continuously mixed during the separation.
(a) When mixing of solvent happens before the pump by a proportional valve, it is a low
pressure gradient.
In a low pressure gradient system, the mixing happens in the normal pressure or low pressure
side of the device before the pump.
(b) When the mixing happens after the pump on the high pressure side, mixing takes place in
a mixing chamber where the solvents of both pumps meet. Such an instrument has a high
pressure gradient.
5. What are the types of sample injector?
The HPLC column is the heart of the system. The function of the HPLC column is to separate
the compound with various separation mechanisms.
Function of the column oven is to maintain a constant temperature of the column and support
to get reproducible results.
UV detector and diode array detector (also called as PDA – Photodiode Array).
(ii) PDA Detectors (Diode Array Detector or Photo Array Diode Detector) HPLC detector
(vi) HPLC-Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS) Detector
10. What is used to transfer the mobile phase from one module to another?
The mobile phase is transferred from one module to the another module through capillaries
made up of stainless steel or PEEK (polyetheretherketone).
The typical internal diameter of the HPLC capillaries between pump and injector is 0.5-1 mm.
The typical internal diameter of the HPLC capillaries after the outlet of the injector is less than
0.2 mm.
12. What is the internal diameter of the HPLC capillaries when back pressure is required to
Detectors such as fluorescence detectors need some back pressure for adequate operation
which can be achieved with a 0.1-0.2 mm capillary internal diameter.
13. What are restrictor capillaries, sometimes also simply called or restrictors?
A restriction capillary or restrictors are the capillaries with very narrow internal diameter, that
restrict the mobile phase flow. It has the capability to closely mimic the normal operating
conditions by generating back-pressure of 1k to 2k psi.
14. What is the reason for using interconnection pieces of HPLC from the same manufacturer?
Interconnection pieces of HPLC such as ferrules and fittings should be used from the same
manufacturer, because while using different make, they may have different dimensions and
internal diameters leading to a small dead volume. This can cause abnormality during
a. Flush system without column at a flow rate of 1 ml/min with a 50/ 50 mixture isopropanol/
water for about 10 min.
b. Inject the mobile phase a few times in order to ensure that the old eluent or impurities are
removed from the sample injection system.
16. What precautions should be considered before the first sample run in the HPLC?
i. Once the mobile phase is prepared and run in the system, leave the HPLC system for a little
time to equilibrate to flush impurities or dirt if any out of the column.
iii. No particles should remain in the sample, use membrane filtration as per method.
iv. Ensure that your dissolved sample should not precipitate in the mobile phase.
vi. Ensure that the baseline is stable with no drift and peaks are symmetrical.
vii. Ensure that the chromatogram after the second injection is identical to the first one.
While installing a new reversed-phase column, flush it with acetonitrile or methanol before use
it for the first run.
Flush the system first with an isopropanol/ water mixture and then with methanol.
19. What is the procedure to temporarily stop the HPLC (When you are aware that you will run
the HPLC on the next day or after a pause)?
When you know that you will run the HPLC (same setup) after some time, shut down all
components of the instrument except the pump. Keep the pump running at a lower flow rate
about 0.1-0.3 ml/min.
Ensure that sufficient mobile phase is available. Do not run HPLC dry. While resuming the
HPLC again, adjust the flow as per the method.
When you want to stop HPLC for a longer duration, flush the system using water to remove the
buffer out from the system. Followed by flushing the HPLC using 20-30 ml methanol or
Store the column using acetonitrile or methanol. Close the column with end fittings to prevent
drying of the stationary phase.
21. What is the preferred solvent to store the column if the column need not be used for a
longer time? Why?
3. Check the tubing and solvent container for absence of air bubbles. If any air bubbles are
observed, remove air from tubes by sucking solvent with the help of a syringe by opening the
purge valve. Perform the purging and priming of the system.
4. Ensure that the solvent container is closed to prevent objects falling into it as well as
evaporation of solvents.
5. Check the system flow by switching the pump and ensure that solvent is coming from
mobile phase container/ solvent containers to the waste container.
a. Air in pump
8. Ensure that the mobile phase is prepared by counting required number of injections, run
time and flow rate.
9. Ensure that buffered mobile phases are filtered using a membrane filter, degas with helium
or with degasser.
10. While using a manual injector ensure that the container is kept under the overflow.
11. Maintain the injection needles clean to avoid contamination when using manual injector.
14. Check the UV detectors lamp energy when using the UV detector.
15. For RP-HPLC, use 10-20% methanol in the water to prevent microorganism growth.
16. Use a waste container to collect waste. Ensure the safety precautions to prevent spillage and
evaporation in the lab.
17. Before starting the standard, verify the baseline.
18. Before starting the sample, verify the peak shape of standard, system suitability and area.
Retention time, (tR) is the time between the injection of the compound and the maximum
peak response of the eluted.
The volume between the is the volume between the point at which the eluents (mobile phase/
solvent) meet and the inlet of the column (Or the top of the column).
The time required for elution of an unretained component (In following schematic, an air or
unretained solvent peak, with the baseline scale in minutes).
The volume of mobile phase or solvent required for elution of an unretained component. It is
calculated using hold-up time ((tM)) and the flow rate (F), mL/min.
Formula is VM = tM × F
29. What is Number of theoretical plates (N) OR Plate number (N) in chromatography?
Number of theoretical plates (N) OR Plate number (N) is a measure that indicates column
efficiency. In other words, it is a number that is indicative of performance of column OR column
tR – retention time
W – peak width
N = 5.54 (tR/Wh)^2
tR – retention time
Theoretical plate height is height equivalent to a theoretical plate. It is a ratio of the column
length (L), in micrometers, to the plate number (N): H = 𝐿/𝑁
It indicates the rate for the band broadening of peak broadening in HPLC equipment. The
smaller the H value, the bigger the plate number.
When bigger the plate number, the better the column is packed and the smaller the dead
volume of the instrument and, the sharper the peaks. It also means that the efficiency of the
column is good.
31. What are the factors affecting the Number of theoretical plates (N) or Plate Height (H)?
tR1 and tR2 are the retention times of the two components
W1 and W2 are the corresponding widths at the bases of the peaks obtained by extrapolating
the relatively straight sides of the peaks to the baseline.
Retention volume (VR) a volume of mobile phase or solvent required for elution of a
The peak-to-valley ratio can be considered as a system suitability criterion for related
substances test in the condition of non achieving separation of two peak at the baseline level.
Schematic representation is given as follows.
35. What is Relative retention (r) in liquid chromatography?
Relative retention (r) is the ratio between the adjusted retention time of a component relative
to that of another used as a reference obtained under same chromatographic conditions.
tR2 – retention time measured from the point of injection of the compound of interest
tR1 is the retention time measured from the point of injection of the compound used as
Relative retention time (RRT) is also known as the “unadjusted relative retention”.
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The Gaussian form of peak is generally completely symmetrical. When the rear is spread out to
more or less extent and forms a ‘tail’. This phenomenon is called ‘tailing’.
f is the distance from the peak maximum to the leading edge of the peak
Reference: USP
In opposite of tailing phenomenon; when the front is flatter than the back, it is called as
‘fronting’ or ‘leading’.
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The repeatability and reproducibility of signal/ area/ response that is represented as % Relative
Standard Deviation (% RSD) of consecutive measurements for Not Less Than (NLT) three
standard solutions or applications of an applicable reference solution.
In size-exclusion chromatography, the retention time of a component whose molecules 280 are
smaller than the smallest gel pores (Figure 5).
It may be measured using the flow rate (F) in ml/min and total mobile phase time. The
equation is 𝑉𝑡=𝑡𝑡×𝐹
If not specified in the monograph or test method such as assay, related substance or other test,
the symmetry factor or tailing factor applicable for the peak during quantitative evaluation is
0.8 to 1.8.
The signal to noise ratio represents the capability of a method to detect or quantify the elute in
a consistent manner; in other word, the signal-to-noise ratio represents the system sensitivity.
When the signal-to-noise ratio is more than 3, compounds can be consistently detected for
each time. When the signal-to-noise ratio is more than 10, compounds can be consistently
quantified for each time
43. What are the issues if the Reverse Phase HPLC column (stationary phase) is not cleaned
Inadequate cleaning of the Reverse Phase HPLC column (stationary phase) results in a high
back pressure, decrease in separation performance, broadening of peak, peak tailing and
sometimes “ghost peaks” are detected.
This happens because of hydrophobic organic molecules, for example, lipids or large organic
molecules easily stuck to RP HPLC Columns.
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44. What is the procedure to clean the Reverse Phase HPLC column (stationary phase) quickly
and efficiently?
Inject 100 to 200 microliter methanol or acetonitrile. Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times. If a
garbage peak still observes, do the normal flush with methanol or acetonitrile.
If you are using acetonitrile, ensure that it does not cause a precipitation of buffer-containing
Noisy or drifting baselines and pressure fluctuations are signs of insufficient degassing.
46. What are the various procedures used for mobile phase degassing?
• Refluxing
• Vacuum degassing
• Helium degassing
• Ultrasonic degassing
47. What are the suggested procedures for mobile phase degassing?
• Ultrasonic degassing – Ineffective method. Works good for acetonitrile/ water mixtures.
50. What could be the impact of too high or too low pH of the mobile phase on the C18
Impact of high pH environment on C18 Column is silica gel dissolves at above pH 8. Because of
this, the column performance will rapidly decrease.
Impact of low pH environment on C18 Column, C18 chains are hydrolyzed at pH 2 and lower.
Because of that, the column bleeds, and the performance decreases.
51. What is the solution to deal with very high (above pH 8) or very low pH (at pH 2 and lower)
mobile phase?
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Install a pre-column or old CI8 column between the pump and the injector.
On installation of this precalumn, the alkaline eluent will get saturated with silica gel and will
not affect the separation column.
At low pH, the C18 chains of the pre column are hydrolyzed, protecting the main column.
52. What are the possible reasons for a change in retention time in HPLC analysis?
Following are potential reasons for change in retention time in HPLC analysis.
Change in temperature
53. What are the most probable reasons for the short life span of the HPLC Columns?
Strongly adsorbed contaminants in the sample can ruin the column performance
Shedding seals may clog column filters and the top layers of the packing.
Mechanical weakness of the packed bed which could be the consequence of rough
handling of the column while handling in the lab or during shipment..
Inconsistent column life may occur because of adsorption of sample constituents on the
top of the column. This could either occur because of precipitation because of low
solubility of sample in the mobile phase or they may be strongly adsorbed. This can also
happen if one injects more samples. In that case, contaminants build up on the top of
the column and prevent the sample to properly adsorb and distribute. This issue results
in a peak distortion and an increase in back pressure.
Column collapsing may occur if a mobile phase pH outside the recommended range of
Sample dissolved in a strongly acidic or alkaline solution.
Columns exposed to the wrong solvents.
Repeated column “washing”.
54. What are the solutions to increase the life span of the HPLC Columns?
Sample clean up with a suitable sample preparation method.
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Use a guard column or precolumn. This will prevent column clogging and accumulation
of contaminants at the top of the column. To have the highest performance of the guard
column, use exactly the same packing as the analytical column.
(Not preferred method) Column washing could be one of the solutions that dissolves the
contaminants on the top of the column. The drawback is washing will remove hydrolyzed
bonded phase. Therefore, a repetitive washing may result in accelerated aging of the
(Not preferred method) Column backflushing. The drawback is when washing with a
different solvent than the mobile phase, same consequences as column washing. While
doing this using the mobile phase, it’s time consuming and sometimes it doesn’t work.
(Note: Backflushing should not be made as standard practice).
55. What are the possible reasons for variable Retention Times (RT) in HPLC analysis?
Randomly changing and inconsistent retention times – Pump(s) and the solvent mixing
devices malfunction and not giving consistent flow.
Retention time does not change from run to run but they vary from day to day – most
likely the source of variation is the composition of the mobile phase. Note: Rule of thumb,
if you make an error of 1% in the amount of organic solvent, the retention time can
change by between 5% and 15%, typically by about 10%.
Temperature fluctuations (Rule of thumb – RT change by about 1% – 2% per 1 ºC).
Air conditioning shut down usually at weekends.
56. What are the solutions to prevent the variation in retention time in HPLC analysis?
Accurately preparation of the mobile phase. While preparing the mobile phase, measure
the amount of solvent very carefully. Preferred method to prepare the mobile phase
gravimetrically rather than volumetrically.
Method of degassing of mobile phase contributes to variability. Very good degassing
method is applying vacuum and ultrasound together for about one minute.
Consequently there will be very good degassing with a nominal amount of solvent
evaporation. Another good method is the use of helium sparging. Precaution: After initial
equilibration, the flow of helium to be reduced to prevent helium to carry solvent vapors
with it and reduce evaporation.
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Accurate measurement of pH. A change of as little as 0.1 pH units can result in a retention
time shift of 10%.
Control of the pH is critical when your sample contains ionic or ionizable compounds.
Temperature is an important factor to prevent the fluctuation of retention time.
57. What are the reasons for Drifting Retention Times in HPLC analysis?
In normal phase chromatography the Retention time is sensitive to the quantity of water
adsorbed on the silica surface. Solubility of water in solvents such as methylene chloride or
hexane is very low, column equilibration takes time. Still there are chances that RT my shift
when dry hexane is used.
58. What is the solution for prevention of drifting Retention Times in HPLC analysis?
In normal phase chromatography it is recommended to avoid using very dry solvents. Most
preferable approach to solve the equilibration problem of silica with water is to use solvents
that are “half-saturated” with water. It can be prepared by saturating a provided volume of
hydrophobic solvent with water and mixing it 1:1 with “dry” solvent. This will facilitate quick
equilibration of the column.
59. What are the possible reasons for the peak shape issue of Peak Tailing?
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60. What are the solutions to prevent peak shape issues of Peak Tailing?
61. What are the possible reasons for the peak shape issue of Split Peaks?
62. What are the solutions to prevent peak shape issues of Split Peaks?
63. What are the possible reasons for the peak shape issue of Peak Fronting?
64. What are the solutions to prevent peak shape issues of Peak Fronting?
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Sample diluent incompatible with mobile phase → Change the sample diluent as mobile
66. What are the probable reasons for Decreasing Retention Times?
67. What are the solutions to prevent the issue of Decreasing Retention Times?
High flow rate – Check and regulate the flow rate of pump
Column overloaded – Decrease sample injection volume, Select the column with larger
internal diameter
Loss of bonded stationary phase – Replace column, Operate at recommended pH range
for RP columns. Generally operated at 2-8 for silica based RP HPLC.
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68. What are the probable reasons for Increasing Retention Times?
69. What are the solutions to prevent the issue of Increasing Retention Times?
Changing mobile phase composition – 1. Cover solvent reservoirs, 2. Prepare fresh mobile
Low flow rate – 1. Check and adjust pump flow rate, 2. Check for leaks in system, including
pump seals
Loss of bonding in stationary phase – Replace column
Bubbles in mobile phase – 1. Check flow rate and pressure, 2. Degas mobile phase
70. What are the probable reasons for Fluctuating Retention Times?
71. What are the solutions to prevent the issue of Fluctuating Retention Times?
Contamination of column
Contamination of injector
Carryover/ late eluting peak from previous injection
Contaminated water or solvent
Method specificity not established adequately
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73. What are the solutions to prevent the issue of Ghost Peaks?
When using RI detector, Refractive Index of solute is less than the mobile phase
When using UV detector, solute absorption is less than absorption of mobile phase
Different composition of Sample solvent and mobile phase
75. What are the solutions to prevent the issue of Negative Peaks?
When using the RI detector, the Refractive Index of solute is less than the mobile phase –
1. Use mobile phase with less refractive index, 2. Invert detector polarity to get positive
When using a UV detector, solute absorption is less than absorption of mobile phase – 1.
Change UV wavelength to get a positive peak, 2. Identify mobile phase so that it lowers
the UV absorption
Different composition of Sample solvent and mobile phase – Revise the composition of
either sample solvent and or mobile phase to improve the compatibility and sample
77. What are the solutions to prevent the issue of Spikes in a chromatogram?
Air bubbles in mobile phase/ inadequately degassing of mobile phase – 1. Degas mobile
phase using suitable method, 2. Use back pressure restrictor at detector outlet, 3. Ensure
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all tubings are without any leaks and fittings are tight
Column stored without closing ends using column closure caps – 1. Ensure that column is
stored with end caps closed, 2. Flush Reverse Phase column using degassed methanol
78. What are the probable reasons for High Back Pressure in HPLC systems?
79. What are the solutions to prevent the issue of High Back Pressure in HPLC systems?
Wrong HPLC pump setting – Verify HPLC pump setting and adjust appropriately
Pressure higher during middle of gradient – This is normal phenomenon
Temperature lower than required – Maintain the column oven temperature as per
method requirement
Column ageing – It is normal phenomenon of gradual increase in pressure over the
period of lifetime
Column frit blockage – 1. Column backwash, 2. Use an in-line filter to prevent column
blockage and reduce backpressure, 3. Ensure efficient filtration, 4. Use guard columns
In-line filter blockage – 1. Replace in-line filter frit with new one, 2. Centrifuge or filter
samples with recommended filters, 3. Degas and Pre-filter mobile phase
Guard column blockage – Increase the replacement frequency depending on experience
Buffer precipitation in the system – Back flush the column using water
80. What are the probable reasons for Low Back Pressure in HPLC systems?
81. What are the solutions to prevent the issue of Low Back Pressure in HPLC systems?
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Flow rate is lower than required – Set the flow rate as per the method requirement
82. What are the good habits that help to minimize the HPLC system related issues such as
peak shape problems, retention time variation, ghost peaks and column back pressure issues?
For new projects, select well researched, high-purity silica-based column and use highest
quality HPLC-grade reagents.
Flush the HPLC system at regular intervals that removes salts and buffers.
Service the system periodically to reduce check-valve and pump-seal problems.
Precise sample preparation with adequate filtration and sample clean-up process
reduces sample related issues.
Strong-solvent flush after every run or at specific frequency will reduce sample carryover
and extend column lifetimes.
Columns won’t last forever, but with proper care, you should be able to get a good return
on your investment.