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JUNE, 2022

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


I hereby declare that the thesis /Project work/entitled “THE EFFECT OF

Graduate study, Yardstick International College for the award of the Degree of Masters of
Business Administration with specialization of Business Administrations is based on my original
research work carried out by me myself under the supervision and guidance of Mr Atalel Kassa.
I declare that this study is my original work and has not been submitted earlier in full or in a part
there, for the award of other similar degree, Diploma, Fellowship, Associateship or any other
similar titles to this or any other University or Institution.

Name of the student: ___________________________

Signature: _________________________

Place: ____________________________

Date: ____________________________


We, the undersigned, members of the Board of Examiners of the final open defense by Tessema
Genetu have read and evaluated his/her thesis entitled “the effect of organizational

culture on employees’ creativitythe case of yeka sub-city governmental tvet

colleges” examined. Therefore, this is to certify that the thesis has been accepted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business administration in Business
Approved by:
____________________________ _____________ _______________

Name of Chairperson Signature Date

____________________________ _____________ _______________

Name of Internal Examiner Signature Date

____________________________ _____________ _______________

Name of External Examiner Signature Date

____________________________ _____________ _______________

Name of Chairperson Signature Date





This is to certify that a thesis prepared by Tessema Genetu, entitled: “the effect of

organizational culture on TVET trainers’ creativitythe case of yeka sub-city

governmental tvet colleges” has incorporated all the components given on the Thesis.
Therefore we recommend that the student has fulfilled the requirements and hence he can submit
this finalized thesis to school of Business.

Approved by:

Advisor: __________________________________signature:________________Date:________



First and for most, I am truly indebted to Almighty God for His priceless help in all walks of my
life. Without him nothing is impossible.

I am also very thankful to my Advisor, Atalel kassa, for all his assistance ,brotherhood guidance
and willingness to share his knowledge and experiences with me and he is always teaching me
not only the academic knowledge but also other knowledge which is important for my life. My
work would have not come to this end had it not been for tireless assistance and availability
whenever I needed him. This small piece of appreciation cannot fully convey my heartfelt
gratitude to his.

My heartfelt thanks also go to my Brother Hone Genetu for all his contribution and
encouragements during my stay on the study and for the success of my life.

Other than that, I would like to thank all the respondents for supporting me in answering my
questionnaire. Thank you for all the cooperation that you all have given me. Besides that, I want
to thank my friends Asfaw Abeje and Zenaw H/Mariam who have given their support and
encouragement throughout my study.

I would like to extend my thanks to yeka sub-city governmental tvet colleges management
workers who have patiently shared their ideas about their institutions

Last but not least, I regret that I unable to mention everyone by name; those who has helped me
in conducting this research project. Therefore, by using this platform, I specially want to thanks
to all these people.


CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1

1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study...................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem...............................................................................................2

1.4 Objectives of the Study........................................................................................................4

1.4.1 General Objective the Study........................................................................................4

1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study...................................................................................5

1.5 Hypotheses of the Study......................................................................................................5

1.6 Significance of the Study................................................................................................5

1.7 Scope of the Study................................................................................................................5

1.7 Organization of the Paper..............................................................................................6

CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................7

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................................................................7

2.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................7

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review.......................................................................................7

2.1.1 An Overview of Organizational Culture...............................................................7

2.1.2 Function of Organizational Culture.......................................................................8

2.1.3 Importance of Organizational Culture..................................................................9

2.1.4 Characteristics of Organizational Culture..........................................................10

2.1.5 Employee Creativity (EC).....................................................................................14

2.1.6 Dimensions of Organizational Culture Affecting Employee Creativity...........15

2.2 Empirical Literature Review.......................................................................................18

2.3 Conceptual Framework of Organizational Culture and Employee Creativity.......20

CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................22

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................22

3.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................22

3.1Research Design..................................................................................................................22

3.2 Research Approach.......................................................................................................22

3.3. Data Type and Source......................................................................................................23

3.4. Sampling techniques and procedures.............................................................................23

3.4.1. Source of Population..............................................................................................23

3.5 Data Collection Techniques and Tools........................................................................26

3.5.1 Data Collection Techniques..................................................................................26

3.5.2 Data Collection Tools............................................................................................26

3.6 Data Analysis Methods.................................................................................................26

3.7 Validity and Reliability.................................................................................................26

3.7.1 Validity....................................................................................................................26

3.7.2 Reliability................................................................................................................27

3.8 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)............................................................................27

3.9 Ethical Considerations..................................................................................................28

CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................29

4.0 DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION........................................29

4.1Data Analysis...................................................................................................................29

4.2 Reliability Test...................................................................................................................29

4.3 Descriptive Analysis of General Information of Respondents.......................................30

4.3. 1 Sex of the Respondents..............................................................................................30

4.3.2 Age ofthe Respondents...............................................................................................30

4.3.3Educational Level of the Respondents.......................................................................31

4.3.4 Position of the Respondents.......................................................................................32

4.3.5. Work Experience of the Respondents......................................................................33

4.2 Analysis of Organizational Culture Dimensions and their Effects on Employee


4.2.1 TVET Trainers Response to Organizational Value Related Items...................35

4.2.3TVET Trainers Response to Organizational Climate Items....................................37

4.2.4 TVET trainers Response to Leadership style Items................................................39

2.5 TVET trainers Response to Employee Creativity Related Items..............................41

4.3 Factor Analysis Model Fit Evaluation........................................................................43

4.4 Correlation Analysis.....................................................................................................45

4.5 Multiple Regression Analysis.......................................................................................47

4.5.1. Linearity Assumption Test........................................................................................48

4.5.2. Normality Assumption Test..........................................................................................49

4.5.3. Multicollinearity Assumption Test...........................................................................50

4.5.4. Homoscedasticity Assumption Test..........................................................................50

4.5.5. Independent of Residuals Assumption Test............................................................51

4.5.6 Model Summary..........................................................................................................51

4.5.7 Analysis of Variances..................................................................................................52

4.5.8 Multiple Linear Regression Model..........................................................................53

4.5.9 Standardized Coefficients.....................................................................................53

4.5.10 Unstandardized Coefficients.................................................................................53

4.6 Testing Hypothesis with Regression analysis.............................................................54

4.7 Discussion on the Finding..................................................................................................56

CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................60

5 Introduction............................................................................................................................60

5.1 Summary on the Findings.................................................................................................60

5.1.1 How the Organizational Values affect trainers Creativity?...................................60

5.1.2 How the Organizational Climate affect Employee Creativity?..............................61

5.1.3 How the Leadership Style affect Employee Creativity?..........................................61

5.1.4 What is the Degree of Influence of Organizational Culture Dimension namely:

Organizational Value, Organizational Climate and Leadership Style on trainers

5.1.5 What are the Valuable Measures taken to Improve Employee Creativity?..........62

5.2 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................62

5.3 Recommendation................................................................................................................63

5.4 Limitations and Direction for Future Research..............................................................64



APPENDIX 3................................................................................................................................78

List of Tables

Table 3.1: SamplingFrame………..........................................................................................27

Table 4.1: Free test of Reliability…………………………………………………………..32

Table 4. 2: Reliability Test of TVET trainers Creativity…………………..………………32

Table 4.3: Perception of Respondents toward Organizational Value Questions………..….39

Table 4.4: Perception of Respondents toward Organizational Climate Questions………40

Table 4.5: Perception of Respondents toward Leadership Style Questions………………..42

Table 4.6: Perception of Respondents toward TVET trainers Creativity Questions………44

Table 4.7: Model Fit Result of Factor Analysis for Organizational Value…………………46

Table 4.8: Model Fit Result of Factor Analysis for Organizational Climate………………46

Table 4.9: Model Fit Result of Factor Analysis for Leadership Style………………….…47

Table 4.10: Model Fit Result of Factor Analysis for TVET trainers Creativity…………47

Table 4.11: Total Variance Explained……………………………………………………47

Table 4.12: Correlation Coefficients between Dependent and Independent Variables….49

Table 4.13 Result of Multi Collinearity Test……………………………………………53

Table 4.14: Model Summary……………………………………………………………55

Table 4.15: Analysis of Variances………………………………………………………56

Table 4.16: Multiple Linear Regression Coefficients………………………………….56

Table 4.17: Summary Result of Regression Analysis……………………………………58

Table 4.18: Summary of the Hypothesis Tested…………………………………………59

List of Figure

Figure 2. 1: The Denison Organizational Culture Model………………………………….16

Figure 2.2: Conceptual Framework of Proposed Study……………………………………24

Figure 4.1: Sex of Respondents……………………………………………………………33

Figure 4.2: Educational Status of Respondents……………………………………………34

Figure 4.3: Educational Level of Respondents……………………………………………35

Figure 4.4: Position of Respondents in the Organization…………………………………36

Figure 4.5: Work Experience of Respondents……………………………………………37

Figure 4.6: Scree Plot……………………………………………………………………48

Figure 4.7: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual………………………51

Figure 4.8: Histogram of the Error Term…………………………………………………52

Figure4.9: Scatter Plot…………………………………………………………………….54


ANOVA- Analysis of Variance

EC- TVET trainers Creativity

EFA-Exploratory Factor Analysis

KMO- Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin

LS- Leadership Style

OC- Organizational Culture

OV- Organizational Value

SPSS - Statistical Packages for Social Science

TVET- Technical, Vocational, Education and Training


Organizational culture is considered as an essential basis for how an TVET trainers works. It
can be used as an important tool for TVET trainers to develop certain behaviors and fills the
gaps between what is formally proclaimed and what actually occurs. The purpose of this study is
aimed to assess the effect of organizational culture on TVET trainerscreativity in the case of
Yeka Sub City Governmental TVET Colleges. The study employed quantitative, andqualitative
types of data for the purpose of this study. Data was collected from both primary and secondary
source of data. To collect the primary source of data, questionnaire was employed. The study
was used probability sampling technique. Among the probability sampling techniques to select
187 respondents stratified proportionate random sampling technique was used. After reliability
and validity of the data was tested,itwere distributed to 187respondents and 150(77.8%) were
filled and returned the questionnaire properly. Besides, interview with college deans and TVET
trainers were conducted to supplement data collected by using structured questionnaire. Before
running correlation and regression analysis the researcher checked the sample and factor
extracted to be accurate, KMO value was more than 0.5 and the Bartlet test also recorded was
significant with p-value less than 0.05 with factor analyses and the collected data using data
collection instruments are analyzed using SPSS, 2021. The major finding of the study shows that
the relationship among organizational culture dimensions namely organizational value,
organizational climate and leadership style is significantly correlated with trainer TVET
trainer’s creativity. As the study revealed that all independent variables have significant effect on
TVET trainers’ creativity. The result of regression analysis shows as TVET trainers creativity is
highly affected by organizational climate ( β=0.285 ) followed by organizational value ( β=0.266
) and leadership style ( β=0.257 ).
Additionally, the regression result shows as organizational culture with R Square is 51.1% but
the remaining 48.9% variation is explained by stochastic error term ( ε i) meaning that 48.9% of
TVET trainers s’ creativity changes are explained by factors that are not explained in the model.
Finally, it was recommended that the organization leader should focus on over all
encouragement, communication, supportive, ensuring comfortable working environment and
motivation needed to equip to all TVET trainers of the organization to use and apply their
creative ability and lastly the study identified areas for future research.
Key Words: Organizational Culture, Organizational Value, Organizational Climate,
Leadership Style and trainer/TVET trainers Creativity


1.1 Background of the Study
Organizations of 21st centuries are continually struggling to survive or stay profitable. One important
factor that affects organizational success is organizational culture. Organizational culture defined similar
but not the same definition by scholars. For example, Siehl and Martin (1981, in Patel, 2014) define
organizational culture as a social or normative glue that holds the organization united. However, Schein's
(2004) definition appears to be illustrative. Organizational culture describes what is unique about an
organization, as expressed by the shared beliefs and established values communicated through different
ways and consequently shape TVET trainers s’ perceptions and behaviors based on the established norms
or principles that apply to members of organization (Jigjiddorj et al. 2021). Although an organization is a
living organ of functions its mission accomplishment is highly affected by various internal factors
attributed by organizational culture (Bwalya,2020). Bwalya (2020) further identified these factors to be
strategy of the organization, purpose for being, nature of relationship, working environment, customer
orientation and management support.

Organizational culture constitutes unwritten customs, beliefs, and values that are implicit, invisible and
intrinsic but inform directions and give meaning or rules to actions or behaviors of the organization
(Wambugu et al., 2014; Mathis & Jackson, 2011). As a result, organizational culture directly or indirectly
affects the success or failure of the organization, leaders’ decisions, organizational structure and rule of
power exercise of the major functions of the organization (ibd).

Furthermore, amongst major organizational capacities, the ones that receive serious impact of an
organizational culture due to existing strong relationships between the organizational culture and them
are creative and innovation practices in the organization(Martins &

Terblanch, 2003; Tellis et al., 2009).

Creativity and innovation though used interchangeably, have different conceptualizations. Teresa
Amabile (1997) defines creativity as generation of novel pertinent ideas in any area of human activity in
everyday life but innovation is mostly conceptualized as the introduction of something new and
effective into the market ( Surbhi , 2018) or the identification of opportunities to create new products,
services or processes (Maher, 2015). In short, creativity is creation of new useful ideas but innovation is

successful implementation of new ideas in to service, product or applicable system (West & Farr, 1990, in
Tubagus, 2016).

Consequently, liquidating their boundary Woodman et al.(1993) defined organizational

innovation/creativityascreation of a valuable or useful new product, service, idea, procedure, or process
by individual/s working together in a complex social system.

Based on the mission imparted to them, TVET institutions are expected to create competent and self-
reliant citizens who can play significant role to the economic and social development of the country by
employing their knowledge, skill and work ethics gained from their competence (MOE, 2008). Besides,
TVET trainers and trainees are expected to be innovative, creative and with required entrepreneurial skills
and behaviors during and after their training process (ibid). As a result, the TVET institutions as an
organizational communityare provided with mission of creating culture of creativeness and innovation, in
addition to creating competent, innovative and creative trainees( MoSHE,2020,unpublished). This
mission is of course, supported by the structures established to facilitate technology copy, innovation,
creativity and transfer of technology to those multipliers or beneficiaries of the community around TVET
colleges. For the purpose of this study the investigator focuses on three dimensions of organizational
culture from Roseann et al. (2016) conceptions namely: organizational value, organizational climate and
leadership style.

Therefore, this research is expected to investigate the relationships among dimensions of organizational
culture and TVET trainers creativity/innovation in Yeka sub-city TVET Colleges with the aim improving
creativity of trainers..

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Culture is often considered an important basis for innovation in many respects (Kaasa&Vadi, 2010).
Innovations are often hampered by problems that can be explained by exploring practice and conceptions
of organization culture. The nature of existing culture can either enhance or hinder the process of
implementing new ideas (Wycoff, 2003).The concern of organizational culture in relation to TVET
trainers creativity has drawn little consideration since long. When an organization starts to grow, it is
likely for it to face more challenges. These challenges indirectly may inform the need to change the
organizational culture so that its values may help to create an environment where TVET trainerss of the
organization will become more compassionate and creative as creative TVET trainers are treasured asset
for organization (Tian & Rispens, 2021). The same works for TVET Colleges found under Yeka sub-city
that commit themselves for the building up of highly competent and creative human resources and
successful institution.

Basically stating or aspiring for competent and creative human resources is not enough to get the
required output out of them, rather these organizations should objectively work hard to ensure or enhance
the creativity of their trainers and trainees.

Studies on organizational culture were focusedmoreoneffect ofvariables likeTVET trainers performance,

TVET trainers commitment and employee satisfaction (Dima et al., 2019;Sarantuya et al. 2020) than their
creativity or innovativeness. However, scholars such Ali Taha et al. (2016) and Nham et al.(2014)
revealed that there is a strong relationship between dimensions of organization culture and
innovation/creativity in an organization. Accordingly, dimensions of the organization culture constitute
more or less issues described inRoseann et al. (2016)namely: organizational value, organizational climate
and leadership style and processes and systems.

TVET institutions now require understanding of their own organization culture and need to promote
innovation and creativity of its community members, especially trainers to extend survival and

However, training system employed in TVET colleges are well equipped in terms of training materials,
quality of trainers, training mechanisms or even in their institutional polices. From recent observation of
TVET institutions in Yeka sub-city, trainers blame their institutional situations and the leadership for
having low motivation for innovation/creativity, high workers turnover, low performance and
dissatisfaction of members of the institution.

According to Barbara et al. (2020) Organizational climate has an important role in TVET trainers’
creative performance. The organizational climate showed a positive and significant link to the two
creative performance variables included in this study. Moreover, the study revealed that individual
creativity mediates the relationship between organizational climate and individual innovative behavior.

 Previous study has been conducted on a particular that determines employees performance in
Tvet Colleges, this study go beyond this factors.

 In this study the researchers would give attentions to organizational dimensions namely
organizational value, climate and leadership which are not addressed by other researchers

 On the other hand studies on effect of organizational culture on Tvet trainers creativity is not
available in other universities and colleges

 Therefore, this study would be relevant to enrich the exsting body of research on the subject as
well as fill an exsting gap in literature related to determine the effect of organizational factor on
Tvet trainers creativity

 In additions to the above stated literature gap the reason for the researcher to select this topic is
that :their institutional situations and leadership having low motivations, high workers turnover,
and low performance

 This change can improve creativity by understanding their organizational culture and decrease
poor leadership

These and similar research findings in other contexts initiated the researcher to employ an investigation of
institutional culture as demonstrated through its dimensions and their effect in the practice of trainers’
innovativeness /creativity.

1.3. Research Questions

Consequ.ently, this study tries to answer the following questions on Yeka sub-city TVET institutions
stated as:

To what extent does organizational culture of TVET colleges in Yeka Sub-city affect creativity?

More specifically,

1. How do TVET institutional values affect TVET trainers creativity in TVET colleges?

2. How does TVET institutional climate affect TVET trainers’ creativity?

3. How does TVET institutional leadership style affect TVET trainers’ creativity?

4. What is the degree of influence of institutional culture dimensions on trainers’ creativity?

5. What measures are required to improve trainers’ creativity in TVET colleges?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 General Objective the Study
The general objective of the study was to examine the effect of organizational culture on employee

1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study
1. To evaluate the effect of organizational values on employee creativity.
2. To explore the effect of organizational climate on employee creativity.
3. To determine the effect of leadership style on employee creativity.
4. To compare the degree of the influence of organizational culture dimension namely:
organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style on employee creativity.
5. To suggest certain valuable measures (if any) to improve employee creativity by further
strengthening these three variables.

1.5 Hypotheses of the Study

The following hypotheses of the study are developed to achieve the objective of the study and to answer
the research question.

H1: Organizational values have a positive and significant relationship with employee creativity.
H2: Organizational climate has significant and positive relationship with employee creativity.
H3: Leadership style has significant and positive relationship with employee creativity.

1.6 Significance of the Study

I was conducting this research in the topic called “the effect of the organizational culture dimensions
namely: organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style on employee creativity in
educational institution” firstly, the findings of the study informs entrepreneurs, business leaders, and
managers on how the TVET trainers perceive culture in their organizations and its effect on creativity as
an enabler or an inhibitor.

Secondly, the study provides an insight on how TVET trainers perceive the employee creativity and
decision makers support of the same in the organization.

Finally, this study helps academic and administration staffs and decision makers to build or change the
organizations culture to one that encourages creativity as a basic norm in the organization.

Additionally, it empowers managers to realize how managerial strategies and cultural values produce
differential effects on employee creative abilities.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The issue undertaking in this investigation is a problem of every organization or institution the
investigation was geographically limited to Yeka Sub-City TVET Colleges in (ALL WOREDAS)

As the research study is about to be conducted in a certain geographical area and in educational
institution; it may not be generalized to other organizations which operate other than educational
institutions. Therefore, this study was expected to provide future researchers to conduct further on other

1.7 Organization of the Paper

The content of the paper was organized in to five chapters. The first chapter consists introduction of the
study, background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, and
hypotheses of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, organization of the paper and
operational definition of the term. The second chapter will describe review of related literatures
(theoretical and empirical) related to organizational culture and its effect on employee creativity. The
third chapter will deal with the methodology of the study. Chapter four present data analysis and
presentation and chapter five presents summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study.

Operational Definition of the Terms

 Culture: - Result of a group of people living at the same place and having shared attitudes,
values, beliefs, assumptions, and behavior.
 Organizational Culture: - A system of shared meaning held by members that distinguish
the organization from other organizations and the set of key values, assumptions, beliefs,
understandings, and norms that members of an organization share.
 Employee Creativity: - The production of novel and potentially useful ideas for solving
problems, and for developing new products, services, processes, systems, work methods etc.



2.0 Introduction
This chapter mainly focuses on two sub-sections, theoretical and empirical literature review of the study.
The first sub-sections of the chapter give due attention to the theoretical literature review concerning
organizational culture and employee creativity. The second sub-section of the chapter presents the effect
of organizational culture/independent variables on employee creativity/dependent variables reviewing
from the research of others.

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review

This section consists of the theoretical review of related literature of the study focusing on the major
issues of organizational culture and employee creativity which includes models of organizations culture,
overview of organizational cultures, function of organizational cultures, importance and characteristics of
organizational cultures and models of organizational cultures are concerned.

2.1.1 An Overview of Organizational Culture

Organizational culture has been variously defined. In its simplest form, it can be construed as the way
things are done in the organization (Deal & Kennedy, 1982). It is a set of meanings created within the
organization, but influenced by broader social and historical processes. Culture can be seen in the norms
and values that characterize a group or organization; it is a system of shared values and norms that define
appropriate attitudes and behaviors for its members. To encourage creativity in organizations a key
challenge is to create a culture which nourishes it. Organizational culture concerns the values, beliefs,
history, traditions etc. reflecting the
foundations of the organization. An organization’s cultures is long standing, deeply rooted and often slow
to change

Culture describes what is unique about an organization, as expressed by the shared beliefs and values
established by the founders and communicated through different ways. This shapes TVET trainers ´
perceptions and behavior, as well as the principles that apply to members of an organization (Jigjiddorj et
al. 2021).

The word organizational culture defined by different academician and practitioners. According to these
organizational cultures is defined as a collection of shared meanings, beliefs, and values held by a group
or organization and have influence overthought, attitude and behavior of the members’ organizational
culture should underlie the organization’s survival and pave the way for organizational growth for

globalization. Without an effective organizational culture creative actions are not conceivable (Seyed&
Azar, 2019).

Organizational or corporate culture is the pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions that
may not have been articulate but shape the ways in which people in organizations behave and things get
done. Organizational culture refers to a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that show
people what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. These values have a strong influence on TVET
trainers’ behavior as well as organizational performance (Mohammed &Jamil, 2017).

2.1.2 Function of Organizational Culture

The culture of any organization involves shared expectations, values, and attitudes that shape the behavior
of the organizational members. Organizations are populated by humans and humans are the TVET
trainers who give meanings to receive meanings from their actions. It becomes necessary for orga
(Placeholder1) (Placeholder2)nizational leaders to nurture the spirit of oneness and to develop an
organizational entity that caters for the overall well-being of its TVET trainers. (Kotter et al. 1992)
identified four functions that organizational culture performs.

i. Forming and Protecting Organizational Identity

The culture of an organization offers and inspires a form of stability. The held values must be mutually
shared by members of the organization. In a strong culture, there is a feeling of stability, as well as a
sense of organizational identity, provided by the culture of the organization.

ii. Sense of Loyalty, Harmonious, Integrative and Collective Commitment

The grouped efforts of TVET trainers play a vital role in the success of any organization. Culture is that
invisible bond of emotions and feelings that ties TVET trainers and organization in to collective loyal
commitment. In addition to stability and identity, the culture of an organization can generate a sense of
loyalty and commitment. For instance, vision and mission in which the organizations code of conduct,
policies, ethical policies, values and philosophies are clearly described actually committed for

iii. Socialization of Members

Through the socialization process the culture of the organization contributes to organizational
performance by directing TVET trainers’ attitudes and behavior through core values, social cohesion,
focused effort and unified, collective action in direction of organizational mission and strategies.

iv. Values and Belief System

The culture of an organization provides the values, beliefs, underlying assumptions, attitudes and
behavior that are shared by the members. Shared values play a binding role in linking all the parts of an
organization together. These values to be stated are called the identity factor by which are known by any
organization. These values must be stated as both organizational (corporate) values and individual values.

2.1.3 Importance of Organizational Culture

Organization culture is playing a critical role in the organization’s everyday operations and
Organizational culture can be a tool of management control.

Managers could use selected rites, stories, symbols and common values to control and direct employee
behavior. From the future perspective, this form of control could be cheaper and could build commitment
to the organization and its goals (Sun, 2008).

Organizational culture is important for the reason that it is the most caused element that describes the
organization. This is the way for many of them, changing it can turn to be the most difficult process ever
to encounter. At this time business environments is very difficult with fast changing demands that lead to
many mergers and corporate restructuring, leaving the TVET trainers to feel unimportant in the chain of
management process. A well-organized organization with a strong culture can make the TVET trainers
feel like they take part of the process (Mullins, 1999).

An extremely rooted culture is as important as the knowledge of when the moment of change is needed.
For a smooth and successful change of organizational culture to take place, every employee needs to have
a proactive approach and to work side by side with the other. By doing so, proper solutions can be found
that will help the organization as planned and also to sustain the new expected growth period that comes
along with the change (Saiyadin, 2003).

Organizational culture impacts most aspects of organizational life, such as how decisions are made, who
makes them, how rewards are distributed, who is promoted, how people are treated, how the organization
responds to its environment, and so on. Culture influences people’s attitudes and behavior at work.
Culture is clearly an important ingredient of effective institutional performance (Muya&Wesonga, 2012).

An organization to be effective which has strong cultures that helps to invite, hold, and reward people for
performing their duties and focus on achieving goals. Strong cultures are usually identified by their
dedication and co-working in the service of their common values. Due to this, how much an employee
involves for an organization at their best should be recognized clearly to achieve the goals and objectives
of the organization. This is important by following the rules and values that are established within the
organization. Through this commentator we understood the importance of values that survive in
organizational culture

2.1.4 Characteristics of Organizational Culture

Following are the seven characteristics that are common in the context of organizational culture (Collins
& Porras, 2008).

i. Innovation (Risk Orientation): -Companies with cultures that place a high value on
innovation encourage their TVET trainers to take risks and innovate in the performance of
their jobs. Companies with cultures that place a low value on innovation expect their TVET
trainers to do their jobs the same way that they have been trained to do them, without looking
for ways to improve their performance.
ii. Attention to Detail: -This characteristic of organizational culture dictates the degree to
which TVET trainers are expected to be accurate in their work. A culture that places a high
value on attention to detail expects its TVET trainers to perform their work with precision.
iii. Emphasis on Outcome (Achievement Orientation): - Companies that focus on results, but
not on how the results are achieved, place a high emphasis on this value of organizational
culture. A company that instructs its sales force to do whatever it takes to get sales orders has
a culture that places a high value on the emphasis on outcome characteristics.
iv. Emphasis on people (Fairness Orientation): - Companies that place a high value on this
characteristic of organizational culture place a great deal of importance on how their
decisions will affect the people in their organizations.
v. Teamwork (Collaboration Orientation): - Companies that organize work activities around
teams instead of individuals place a high value on this characteristic of organizational
culture. People who work for these types of companies tend to have a positive relationship
with their coworkers and managers.
vi. Aggressiveness (Competitive Orientation): - This characteristic of organizational culture
dictates whether group members are expected to be assertive or easygoing when dealing with

companies they compete within the marketplace. Companies with an aggressive culture place
a high value on competitiveness and outperforming the competition at all costs.
vii. Stability (Rule Orientation):-company’s culture places a high value on stability is rule-
oriented, predictable, and bureaucratic in nature. These types of companies typically provide
consistent and predictable levels of output and operate best in non-changing market

Denison Model of Organizational Culture

Schien’s model

In order to understand culture and its impact on creativity (Schein, 1984) offers a useful starting point.
Schein suggests that organizational culture is what a group learns over a period of time as the group
solves its problems of survival. He argues that a culture is a pattern of basic assumptions that have been
evolved, discovered or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external
adaptation and internal integration.
“Culture is a pattern of shared basic assumptions that has worked well enough to be considered valid and
therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in
relation to those problems”. His model exists at three levels – artifacts’, values and basic assumptions.
Artefacts are the visible organizational structure and processes. Values are the social principles, goals and
standards held within the culture to have intrinsic worth and underlying assumptions are beliefs and habits
of perception, thought and feeling that are taken for granted. He also observes that:
“Culture matters because it is a powerful, latent, and often unconscious set of forces that determine both
our individual and collective behavior, ways of perceiving, thought patterns and values. Organizational
culture in particular matters because cultural elements determine strategy, goals and modes of operating”.
Culture is good or bad depending on how it supports the achievement to organizational goals. It is good‟
if it enables the organization to achieve its objectives and goals or adapt appropriately to its external
environment. If an organization needs to be creative and innovative it must design its culture accordingly.
The question of how one does that still remains. A sensible starting point would be identifying the current
perceptions of the existing culture.
Denison’s model (Dension, 2000) also stated that organizational culture is the fundamental value, beliefs
and moral principles that plays an important role in the organizational management system.(Schein,8
1984) stated that organizational culture is a pattern of basic assumptions that raised and spread by a group
of people in such a way that are consistent with the external environment and causes cohesion within the
group. (Dension, 2000) conducted some researches in organizational culture and organizational

effectiveness. Based on this model, characteristics of organizational culture are: involvement,
consistency, adoptability, and mission. Each of these characteristics measures with three indices:

1. Involvement (Being involved in work): effective organizations make their TVET trainers able,
establish their organization on the basis of working groups, and develop the capabilities of their human
resources at all levels; thus the members of the organization feel commitment against their work and see
themselves as a part of the body of the organization. At all levels, the individuals feel that they are
involved in decision makings and these decisions are effective in their work, and their work is directly
tied with the organizational goals. In this model, the mentioned characteristic is measured in
Empowerment: the individuals have the needed authority, initiative, and ability to administer their work.
This makes them feel the sense of ownership and responsibility in organization.
Team orientation: team works in order to fulfill the common goals are highly appreciated in the
organization, so that like the managers, the eTVETtrainers feel that they are responsible for their work.
These organizations rely on the groups for doing the works.
Capability development: in order to supply their needs and survive in the completion arena, the
organizations develop the skills of their TVET trainers continually.
2. Consistency (Stability and Consistency): the available literature show that the effective organizations
are those that are consistent and stable, and the behavior of their TVET trainers roots in the core values
of the organization; the leaders and followers are skilled in getting agreement (even in cases that their
attitudes are contradict; and the organizational activities are coordinated and integrated. The organizations
with such characteristics have a strong and distinctive culture and have a sufficient influence on the
behavior of their TVET trainers. Consistency is measured by three indexes as follow.
Core values: the members of the organization are common in some values that form their identity and
Agreement: the members of the organization are able to come to an agreement in the cases of the
difference of their attitudes. This agreement includes both the agreement at lower levels of the
organization and middle and upper levels of the organization.
Coordination and integration: organizational departments that have different functionalities can co-
work to meet their common goals and objectives. The organizational frontiers will not be messed through
such co-working.
Adaptability: the organizations that are integrated well will change difficultly; thus internal integration
and external adaptability can be advantages and priority for the organization. Adaptable organizations are
conducted by the customers; they take risks, take lessons of their mistakes, and they are open to change
on the basis of their capacity and experience.

They are frequently improving the abilities of the organization in order to value the customers.
Adaptability is measured by three indexes as follow:
Creating change: the organization is able to create new ways for meeting its needs and know the
environment of the organization, and respond to the current stimuli and exceed the future changes.
Customer focus: the organization is able to understand the customers and respond their needs and to be
prepared to supply their doming needs. Indeed the customer focus is a level at which the organization is
conducted toward the customer satisfaction.
Organizational learning: this index measures the signals that the organizations receive and interpret; and
the opportunities that the organizations create to encourage the creativity, knowledge and abilities.
4. Mission: it could be said that the most important feature of the organizational culture is its mission.
The organizations that don't know where they are and what is their situation will be in a wrong path.
Successful organizations have a clear idea of their own goals and direction so that they clearly define their
organizational and strategic goals and the mission of themselves. Most problematic organizations are
those who have to change their mission. When an organization changes its mission, then it has to change
its strategy, structure, culture and behavior as well. In such conditions, a strong leader specifies the
mission of the organization and creates a culture that supports that vision.
Strategic direction and intent: clear strategic intents show the direction of the organizational goals so
that everyone can make himself participate in that area or industry.
Goals and objective: goals are tied to the mission strategy and the perspective of the organization and
specify the direction of the work of every individual in the organization.
Vision: the organization has a common vision about the future. Vision illustrates the core values of the
organization, makes the hearts of the human resources closer to each other, and simultaneously specifies
the directions.

Figure 2. 1: The Denison Organizational Culture Model.

2.1.5 Employee Creativity (EC)

Creativity and innovativeness are recognized as critical competencies for 21 st century organizations, to
lead or adapt to change (Çekmecelioğlu&Günsel, 2013).

Employee creativity is the production of novel and potentially useful ideas for solving problems and for
developing new products, services, processes, systems, work methods, etc. It is a vital resource for an
organization’s innovation and TVET trainers at any level in the organization can contribute to this goal.
Because creative performance of TVET trainers depends on individual characteristics such as personality
traits (e.g. openness to experience), cognitive style, and creativity relevant skills, practices for enhancing
employee creativity have traditionally focused on recruitment and selection of creative talents and on
creativity training of the workforce. In addition to personal traits in organizational context employee
creativity also include: bureaucracy, freedom, Supervisory encouragement, management practices, job
design, and human resource policies, diversity, stimulating co-workers, adaptability and the degree and
nature of internal conflict (Dul&Ceylan, 2010).

Creativity can be observed at the individual, team and organizational levels. Thus, to be creative, team or
individual ideas should be both novel and useful and have potential value for organizational development.
Creativity can therefore involve both minor incremental adaptations and radical breakthroughs (Wenjing
et al. 2020).

A company that needs to compete on innovation needs its TVET trainers not only for reaching
productivity goals, but also for generating new business ideas. TVET trainers’ creative ideas often do not
receive positive assessments from managers and therefore, lose the opportunity to be implemented (Shute
et al. 2019).

2.1.6 Dimensions of Organizational Culture Affecting Employee Creativity

To have insights on organizational culture it is essential to have a knowhow on the dimensions of
organizational culture. Creativity goes hand in hand with innovation; higher creativity leads to more
innovation. Developing organizational culture that stimulates and promotes creativity and innovation is an
imperative for organizations seeking a competitive advantage (Ali Taha et al. 2016). According to
different researchers there are a number of organizational cultural dimensions; but for the purpose of this
investigation the researcher focuses on three organizational cultural dimensions and asses their effect on
employee creativity. Followings are the three cultural dimensions which have been considered for this
study. Organizational Value and Employee Creativity

Organizational values are beliefs held by organizational members regarding the means and ends that
organizations ought to identify in the running of the enterprise. The most basic level of commonality that
provides a common identity and shared sense of purpose is reflected in the company’s vision. Researchers
suggest that when TVET trainers share organizational values, they feel more loyal, committed, identify
more strongly with the organization, and are more likely to stay (Khandelwal& Mohendra, 2010).

Organizational value has a great effect on an individual preferences and work environment characteristics
thus that improves individual creativity behavior. Most of the time the term “values” is used to assess the
relationship between an individual choice and the nature of the work environment because values are
fundamental and significant characteristics for both individuals and organizations.

Organizational values are the in-built checks to guide an organization’s growth and development. Values
rule the actions of the workplace. They are central to the existence of an organization and reflected in the
vision and mission of the organization. Value based organizations only hire and retain those TVET
trainers whose actions and attitude are consistent with the core organizational values. An ethically and

morally sound organization holds a shining image in the eyes of the stakeholders and proves the cause of
its existence. Organizations believing in values and ethics play long innings and keep their future secured.
Organizational ethics examines the rules and principles of business in order to ensure that they are
ethically and morally tested. An ethically concerned organization often asks itself whether its conduct is
morally right or wrong. A sound ethical and moral behavior can only be ensured if all the persons having
stake in the organization vouch for it. Work ethics can be termed as a set of values that relate to the
behavior at work. Honesty, punctuality, regularity, integrity, accountability, hard work, commitment,
devotion, loyalty, sense of belonging and so on are some of the examples of work related values. Values
are the incarnation of organizational stands and the foundation for behaviors for the members of the
organization. People look forward to go for the work with the people you like, admire and respect. By
learning, the letters containing by the term organization one can know the nature of value based and value
biased organizations (Balakrishnan, 2020). Organizational Climate and Employee Creativity

Organizational climate is briefly defined as the meanings people attach to interrelated bundles of
experiences they have at work (Benjamin et al. 2013).

Perceived work environments, as assessed by the key scales, discriminate between high-creativity
projects and low-creativity projects; certain scales discriminate more strongly and consistently than others
(Teresa, 1998).

Organizational climate is the atmosphere surrounding an organization, unites features with individual,
organizational and environmental characteristics that affect the behaviors of individuals within the
organization (Sait et al. 2020).

The impacts of a supportive organizational culture relay a necessity for managers to evaluate their
strategies for managing the creativity of their TVET trainers. In order to remain competitive in the long
run, organizations need to understand the significance of trust worthiness in facilitating the diffusion of
creative ideas, and its role of guiding organizational members towards engendering employee creativity.
By engendering employee creativity, organizations may be able to build strong resilience against a future
of dire uncertainties and constant change. The impact of operating a non-supportive organizational culture
has been experienced by corporations across the globe. Increasing changes in innovation have also
prompted a need to critically consider the significances of a creative workforce, engineered by a strong
and supportive organizational culture. It is debated by extant research that organizational culture impacts
could reflect either negative or positive outcomes (Samuel et al. 2018).

Organization climate is concerned to a large extent with atmosphere or mood. A working atmosphere
favorable to creativity and innovation requires participation, freedom of expression, performance
standards, and interaction with small barriers, large number of stimuli, freedom to experiment and
building on earlier idea (Andriopoulos, 2001). Leadership Style and Employee Creativity

The leadership styles adopted in managing or leading the activities influences the tasks’ achievement, the
future path to take and the way success is understood, accepted, shared and disseminated (Asadi&
Stefanescu, 2019).

The concept of leadership encompasses a wide range of different interpretations regarding the
characteristics of the leader, his behavior, and his impact on TVET trainers and their activities. Leaders
are categorized by different criteria and one of them is the style of leadership. Examining characteristics
of leaders and TVET trainers can help in better organization of work, which can help increase
productivity. In addition, TVET trainers will be motivated to express the maximum of their intellectual,
cognitive and creative potentials. Understanding the framework of an organization, can contribute to
better organization of the business and the building of constructive professional relations, instead of the
rigid and unrealistic belief that all people are the same, requiring others to behave in a specific way

Leadership styles that have different effects on creative performance. Empowering leadership produces a
better creative performance through a process of providing autonomy, freedom of thought, and a work
environment that is not rigid. There are two types of leadership styles, directive leadership style and the
empowering leadership style. Directive leadership is associated with the strength of the leader's position
and is characterized by behavior aimed at actively structuring the work of subordinates, by providing
them with clear directions and expectations related to their compliance with the instructions. On the other
hand, empowering leadership tends to encourage the participation of subordinates by contributing ideas,
encouraging optimal actions, and giving responsibility for each performance produced (Sariyatul&
Mahfud, 2021).

The following sub-sections present the four styles of leadership identified most frequently in the literature
transactional, transformational, lateral and authentic and their relationships with motivation and creativity
(Demetris, 2018).

i. Transformational Leadership

This style relates to merits such as self-completion, competence, esteem, integrity and being good at
leading ethical turnarounds in organizations; it thus tends to develop positive and ethical environments.
Transformational leadership can yield on both the individual creativity of TVET trainers and on the
organizational level.

ii. Transactionalleadership

Transactional leaders provide extrinsic incentives, monetary and non-monetary benefits and recognition
to their TVET trainers or followers. Hence, transactional leaders make sure the basic needs of the TVET
trainers are fulfilled adequately. Thus, one could argue that the combination of transformational and
transactional leaders can cover both the intrinsic and extrinsic needs of the TVET trainers respectively,
and their combination to be the most suitable for the workplace. Furthermore, the indications are that this
combination can easily yield employee motivation, which in turn can lead to creativity.

iii. Authentic Leadership

Authentic leaders are equipped with the elements of rational transparency, self-awareness, internalized
moral perspective and balanced processing. Authentic leaders are aware of their strengths, weaknesses
and personal traits, and use their knowledge and their personal traits to interact well with others.Authentic
leaders push the employee to face the challenges that lead to creative work.

iv. Lateral Leadership

Lateral leaders have some similarities with the authentic leaders in the way they interact and motivate
peers and subordinates for creativity. A characteristic of lateral leaders is that they utilize the skills of
each member in a team so as to get things done in a successful and efficient way. Lateral Leadership
gives the TVET trainers the ability to share their knowledge, communicate and cooperate mutually with
their peers, and engage in knowledge-sharing activities.

2.2 Empirical Literature Review

According to Tarko, (2020) study on Examine TVET trainers Creativity in the Bank: A case of
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Woldia Branches the study finding revealed that autonomy, supervisor’s
support and role ambiguity significantly affects the creativity of TVET trainers in the workplace.

According to Twumasi&Christopher, (2012) study conducted on impact of organizational culture on

employee creativity the finding shows that there is a strong and positive relationship between

organizational culture and employee creativity. Employee creativity was positively related to supervisor-
rated employee job performance.

Employee autonomy had the greatest and positive impact on creativity whilst financial reward (for
creative work) was negatively correlated with employee creativity.

According to Fakhar et al. (2017) study on organizational culture and innovation performance in
Pakistan's software industry the results propose that organizational innovation performance is backed and
affected by organizational culture. Flexibility/support to change and organizational climate are the
comparatively significant factors for creativity and innovation performance.

According to Steven et al. (2003) creative role identity for a sample of Taiwanese TVET trainers. Results
showed creative role identity was predicted by perceived co-worker creativity expectations, self-views of
creative behaviors, and high levels of exposure to U.S. culture. Creativity was highest when a strong
creative role identity was paired with perceptions that the employing organization.

According to Hulya et al. (2013 Individual creativity and creative climate have positive effects on firm
innovation; the effect of individual creativity is shadowed by the climate when their effects are tested in a
holistic manner. These findings emphasized the importance of creative climate that encourages TVET
trainers for creativity in order to increase the firm innovativeness.

According to Guiyao Tang and Bingjie Yu et al. (2017) the study conducted on how is Benevolent
Leadership Linked to Employee Creativity? The Mediating Role of Leader–Member Exchange and the
Moderating Role of PowerDistance Orientation the finding shows that High Performance Work System
(HPWS) enhances perceived organizational support, which in turn promotes employee creativity.
Moreover, the results also indicate that devolved Management positively moderates the relationship
between perceived organizational support and employee creativity.

According to Barbara et al. (2020) Organizational climate has an important role in TVET trainers’
creative performance. The organizational climate showed a positive and significant link to the two
creative performance variables included in this study. Moreover, the study revealed that individual
creativity mediates the relationship between organizational climate and individual innovative behavior.

According to (Daniel & Jörg, 2014) Transformational leadership is assumed to enhance TVET trainers’
creativity. However, results of meta-analytic research on the relations between transformational
leadership and creativity have fallen short of expectations. The authors argue that, besides leadership

style, the creativity technique that a leader employs is an important means of stimulating TVET trainers
creativity. In addition, it is assumed that leadership styles and creativity techniques may have different
effects, depending on the measure of creativity output (quantitative vs qualitative).

According to Sajid Rahman Khattak et al. (2017) Transformational leadership style was positively and
significantly related with employee creativity, while transactional leadership style was negatively related
with employee creativity. Furthermore, creative self-efficacy mediates the relationship between
leadership styles and employee creativity. Also, organizational climate and its dimensions namely
intrinsic recognition, support & impartiality (ISI) and cohesion were positively and significantly related
with employee creativity, while organizational climate dimension namely pressure was negatively
associated with TVET trainers creativity.

According to Ronit Kark et al. (2018) study conducted on Motivated or Demotivated to Be Creative:
The Role of Self-Regulatory Focus in Transformational and Transactional Leader

ship Processes the result suggests that while transformational leadership promotes creativity, at least
partially by enhancing followers situational promotion self-regulatory focus, transactional leadership
style (transactional active) is aligned with followers prevention situational SRF, which is associated
with leaders hindering of followers creativity.

According to (Yang, 2015) study conducted on Positive effects of laissez-faire leadership Conceptual
exploration the finding suggests that laissez-faire leadership/non-intervention leadership style is likely to
lead to negative consequences in subordinates’ performance and attitudes.

2.3 Conceptual Framework of Organizational Culture and Employee Creativity

The literature review shows that organizational culture and creativity is related in the context of TVET
trainers. Organizational culture is an independent variable; this can be seen as culture actually has an
influence on TVET trainers to be creative. In actual effect creativity is part of organizational culture as
companies use different ways of TVET trainers to be creative. Also, from literature creative TVET
trainers are more committed to the organization hence are likely to stay longer and perform better for the
good of the organization. Thus, creativity is influenced by organizational culture. Denison (1990) model
of organizational culture is a base to select the organizational cultural dimensions emphasized under this
study and has been modified to see the effect of the organizational cultural dimension (organizational
value, organizational climate and leadership style) on employee creativity. Based on a review of the
extensive literature relating to the effect of organizational culture on employee creativity, the current
study proposed a conceptual research model

Dimensions of organizational culture
Indicators of
(Independent Variable)


organizagtional climate
Employee’s creativity

(Dependent variable)
organizational Value

Leadership style

Figure 2.2: Conceptual Framework proposed from organizational and innovation/creativity theories.

Source: Denison Model



3.0 Introduction
Method is the techniques and procedures used to find and analyze research data including: questionnaires,
observations, interviews, and statistical and non-statistical techniques. This chapter outlines the general
methodology that was used in the study. It begins by describing the study area of the organization;
followed by research design, research approach, data type and source, sampling design, sample of the
study, sample size and sampling techniques, data collection technique and tools, data analyses and
methods, model specification, validity and reliability, exploratory factor analyses and ethical

Accordingly, this section of the paper describes how the research is designed, what types of research
methods and procedures are used and the material and method used to collect data is taken into
consideration in this chapter.

3.1Research Design
This study uses of a descriptive explanatory survey research design. Because, explanatory research design
helps to identify the relationship between independent and dependents variables and enable the researcher
determine and explain the characteristics of the variables (Creswell, J.W. 2003). And, it is also used to
obtain information concerning the status of the phenomena by merely explaining what people say, think
and do. Descriptive survey research design was selected for the study. Descriptive research survey aims
to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what,
where, when and how questions, but not why questions. A descriptive research design can use a wide
variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables (Kothari, 2005). Under descriptive
survey a cross-sectional study type will be applied that can be conducted at a given point in time. Thus,
cross – sectional survey research design was used in the study to collect information from the respondents
at a single period in time about what is happening in current to collect data using questionnaire
(Creswell, 2012) to examine the relationship between variables of interest. This study used descriptive
research design in regarding to the researcher objective that is describing the views of the respondents
with regard to the TEVET College organizational culture.

3.2 Research Approach

For this study a quantitative and qualitative mixed research approach was used. The qualitative research
approach is used to examine, explore and deeply describe the effect of organizational culture on TVET

trainers’ creativity qualitatively and the quantitative approach is also employed to present and describe
the pattern of relationships and trends that exist among elements of organizational culture and creativity
practices using quantitative measures or numeric units using questionnaire. In doing so, employing both
approaches or data types will help the researcher to understand the effect or relationships between the
research variables through data triangulation.

3.3. Data Type and Source

For this study, the researcher uses both primary and secondary source of data. The primary sources of
data are collecting through structured questionnaire which are adopted in a way that is related to the
situation in order to minimize invalid responses. Particularly, this study is more focusing on the primary
sources of data.

As researchers tried to express and fill the limitation of secondary source of data due to absence of well-
established and organized documents in the study organization, certain secondary source of data was
also be taken from books, peer reviewed academic journals, publication etc. to support the primary data.

3.4. Sampling techniques and procedures

3.4.1. Source of Population
Population is the total collection objects, people and events to be studied. In this study, the population of
the study refers to all individuals who are employed and working now in public TVET colleges of Addis
Ababa administration but the target population of this study includes those workers working in Yeka sub-
city government TVET colleges.

3.4.2. Target population

More specifically, the targets population for this study constitutes academic and administrative staffs
who are working in the Yeka sub-city TVET Colleges namely: Yeka industrial college,
KotebeTVETcollege, Vision TVET College, FerensayTVETCollege, and Birhan TVET College

3.4.3. Sample of the Study Sampling Procedure

The ever-increasing values for research have formed a need for an efficient method of determining the
sample size desired to be representative of a selected population. Therefore, sample respondents of this
research were selected from TVET trainers of the institution. TVET trainers of the organization are
selected by using probability sampling technique. Sample Size and Sampling Technique

For the purpose of this study employee of TVET Colleges found under Yeka Sub city (352 TVET
trainers) who are operating in a similar manner with respect to policies and practices are considered.
Thus, beforehand, available strata such as college, academic staff and administrative staff are identified.
Consequently, Taro Yamane (1967) formula is used to calculate the total sample size of the study as
shown below. As a result of this calculation, from the total size of the target population of 352 TVET
trainers only a total of 187 respondents are found to be the sample size of this study .Besides, using the
probability sampling technique, identified strata, and proportional allocation principle, the total sample
size (187) respondents are proportional and randomly selected from the total of 352 empl TVET
trainers of Yeka sub-city public TVET colleges as displayed by the following table 3.1 below.

Yamane (1967) formula is used for sample size determination and 5% unresponsive rate was

N ,
Where, n - Represents the Sample Size,
N – The Population Size
e - The Acceptable Sampling Erro ,e=
(5%) = 0.05,
n= 352/(1+352(0.05)2

Making a proportional allocation along each strata involved, the result shows the following

Table 3.1: Sampling Frame

Yeka Sub-city TVET Colleges Strata Population Sample Size
KotebeTvet Academic 111 44

Admin. 51 24
Yeka Industrial College Admin 12 9

Academic 32 19

BirhanTvetCollage Admin 12 9

Academic 32 18
FerensayTvet Admin 15 11

Academic 35 20

Vision Tvet Admin 23 15

Academic 29 18
352 187

3.5 Data Collection Techniques and Tools
3.5.1 Data Collection Techniques
The researcher employee a quantitative data collection technique. According to this data was collecting
by using structured questionnaire and interview by develop and adopt from other related published

3.5.2 Data Collection Tools

Data is collecting by using structured questionnaire and interview which will be adopted from other
related published literature.

An interview question is preparing for manager and designed in order to triangulate the responses
obtaining by a structured questionnaire on the basis of organizational culture dimensions and employee
creativity. The structure questionnaire and interview question are preparing in English language because
TVET trainers and managers of the organization on the institution can read and understand easily.

3.6 Data Analysis Methods

After the collection of data, through structured questionnaire reliability and validity testing of the data is
done. To ensure reliability of this research, whether the tools designed to measure the effect of
organizational culture dimensions on employee creativity based on the conceptual and theoretical model
in a consistent manner was verified. The validity of the research is concerning with the measurement of
the data collection process implementing regarding the quality of the study.

To ensure the validity of this study, each question in the questionnaire was designed to represent the
concepts that were used in the conceptual framework and content validity is assured. Concerning the
data type employed for this study, both qualitative and quantitative data is employee. The information
that is collecting from primary data sources through in-depth questionnaire survey is organized and
narrated. Statistical package for social scientists

(SPSS 21) instrument is employee for data analysis accordingly the findings is presenting in chapter

3.7 Validity and Reliability

3.7.1 Validity
Validity is the extent, to which data accurately reflects what they are meant to reflect i.e., the instrument
measures what is supposed to measure. According to Schwab (2005), a measure is content valid when its
points are evaluated to reflect accurately the domain of the construct as defined conceptually.

Content validation ordinarily requires experts in the subject matter of interest to assess content validity. It
typically involves an organized review of the survey contents to ensure that it includes everything it
should and does not include anything it should not.

Thus, this study used content validity because as discussed above this validity assess how well a set of
scale items matches with the relevant content domain of the construct that it is trying to assess. Besides,
to increase its validity the researcher discussed with the advisor about the questionnaires before it is
distributed in order to assure the validity of the study.

3.7.2 Reliability
According to Kothari (2004), reliability refers to consistency, where internal consistency involves
correlating the responses to each question in the questionnaire with those other questions in the
questionnaire. One of the foremost commonly used indicators of internal consistency is Cronbach alpha
coefficient. According to Pallant (2005), the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of scales should be at least 0.70
and the higher the better. Proper care is taken to keep the reliability in this study.

Table 4.1: Free test of Reliability

No Organizational Culture Dimensions No. of item Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient
1 Organizational Value 7 0.926
2 Organizational Climate 9 0.834
3 Leadership Style 10 0.855
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

Table 4. 2: Reliability test of Employee Creativity

No Dependent Variable No. of item Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient

1 Employee Creativity 8 0.796

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

3.8 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

Data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, 2021). The factor
analysis was conducted to confirm construct validity and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlet test
of Sphericity was applied as means to measure the sufficiency of the sample and its appropriateness
(Verbeke&Viaene, 2000). For the sample and factor extracted to be accurate, KMO value was more than
0.5 and the Bartlet test also recorded was significant with p-value less than 0.05. The extraction method
used was maximum likelihood extraction (MLE1) with promax2 rotation used in the factor optimization
on the items extracted. Component with Eigen values over 1 were retained or taken. It was assumed that

all items were uncorrelated with one another and items with less than 0.5 were not retained or taken.
Factor analysis was also conducted due to fact that it helps to know how the loadings was used large data.

3.9 Ethical Considerations

The researcher is addressing ethical considerations of confidentiality and privacy. The researcher has use
a rigorous and conscious effort at all times to sustain this promise. A guarantee. The ethical issues is
considered in this study. Ethical issues are very vital in research these days than before. This is because of
honesty of the researcher is a critically important aspect of ensuring that the research process and a
researcher’s findings are trustworthy and valid. Therefore, in this study the researcher considers the
ethical issues by applying the following study procedures. The researcher paid special attention to any of
the research participants not to be subjected to harm in anyways. The purpose of the research is briefed.
The participants are asking for their full consent and free will to respond to the questionnaires. The
researcher will inform the participant that the provide information is uses only for the research and the
information to be treat with confidentiality. The respondents are not supposed to write his/her names and
personal information that let them provide genuine informatio



4.1Data Analysis
In this chapter the researcher attempts to present the really observed information about the effect of
organizational culture on employee creativity as research conducted in Yeka sub-city public TVET
colleges. Data was collected from TVET trainers and college deans by using a structured questionnaire
and interview mentioned in the methodology part of chapter three. For this purpose, the researcher
distributed questionnaires for 187 respondents out of which 77.8% (150) of the questionnaires were
properly filled and returned to the researcher for the analysis and discussion purpose. In this chapter the
data collected through structured questionnaire and interview are submitted for presentation and
analysis. Then data was presented after the relevant data collecting, coding, processing, analysis and
interpretation. The analysis and the interpretation was carried out based on the data collected through
questionnaire and interview so. Questioner part was conducted from TVET trainers since interview was
conducted from responsible dean of the TVET colleges found under Yeka sub-city. Instruments that are
used to present data are tools like tables, pie charts and bar charts are employed for data presentation
purpose as discussed below.

4.2 Reliability Test

Reliability is an indication of how items prepared are reliable and consistent. The most common method
for testing the internal consistency of a items for reliability is the Cronbach alpha coefficient (Hair,
1998). These also supported by (Zikmund, 2010) scales with coefficient alpha greater than or equals
0.701 indicate fair reliability. As shown table4.1and 4.2 below, the consistency of major organizational
culture dimensions/independent variables namely organizational value, organizational climate
leadership style and employee creativity/dependent variable is tested. The result of the Cronbach’s alpha
arranged in the acceptance range which is greater than 0.701.

4.3 Descriptive Analysis of General Information of Respondents
The descriptive statistical results are presented by pie charts and bar chart. Frequency distributions and
percentages used to analyze and compute each demographic factor.

4.3. 1 Sex of the Respondents

As shown infigure4.1 belowit presents the demographic information of sex of the respondents. According
to this 89 (59%) of the respondents are males while the rest 61 (41%) respondents were females. This
indicates the majority of respondents of thestudy were male TVET trainers which could also reveal most
of the TVET trainers of the organization are male.


61(41%) Female
Male Male

Figure 4.1: Sex of Respondents

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.3.2 Age ofthe Respondents

As shown in figure 4.2 below about age of the respondents 29(14%)) are in the age interval of less than
25 year, 100(57%) of the respondents are in the age interval of 25-40 years, 27(13%) of the respondents
are in the age interval of 41-50 years and the rest 32(16%) of respondents are above 50 years old. From
this information one can easily understand that the majority of respondents found in young age interval.
As shown below in the figure, one can easily understand young age TVET trainers were expected to
understand their organizational culture and what organizational culture factors can have effect on their
creative ability and helps to understand and fill the questionnaire properly.


Less than 25
24(1 25-40
Above 50



Figure 4.2: Educational Status of Respondents

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.3.3Educational Level of the Respondents

As shown in figure 4.3 below, the level of education of respondents14(9%) were with the level of
education grade 12 and below, 31(21%) TVET trainers were with the level of education
diploma/certificate, from 89(59%) respondents were with educational level of degree and the remaining
16(11%) of respondents were with Msc educational status. From the information concerning level of
education, the majority of respondents were ranked with the level of education Degree and above. From
this information one can easily understand the educatedTVET trainers respond according to the tools
developed considering them and also they understand their organizational culture and what
organizational cultural factor can have an effect onTVETtrainerscreativity.

Level of Education

Above Msc 16(11%)

Degree 89(59%)

Diploma / Certeficate 31(21%)

Grade 12 and below 14(9%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 4.3: Educational Level of Respondents

Source: Own survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.3.4 Position of the Respondents

As shown in figure4.4 below as far as the position of employee respondent is concerned, 42(28%) of the
TVET trainers of the of the institution are administration staff and 75(50%)are academic staff which
assure a majority of respondents involved in the survey had academic staff and only 15(10%) of the
respondents were operational managers, 18(12%) senior and middle managers. From the information
concerning level of position, majority of respondents were an academic staff and that might helped them
to easily understand and respond according to the tools developed considering them and also they
understand what organizational culture factor can have an effect on employee creativity and helps to fill
each questionnaire very properly.


Senior and Midlle


Operational Manager 15(10%)

Acadamic Staff 75(50%)

Adiminstrative Staff 42(28%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 4.4: Position of Respondents in the Organization

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.3.5. Work Experience of the Respondents

As shown in figure4.5 below in terms of work experience or service years of the respondents, 55 (37%%)
of the respondents served the institution for less than 3 years, 35 (23%) of the respondents served the
institution between 4-6 years, 44(29%) of the respondents served the institution between 7 to 10 years and
the rest 16(11%) of the respondents served the institution for more than 10 years. In General, the
majority(63%) of the respondents have worked in the institutionsfor more than 4 years and this helps
emplTVET trainers oyees to understand their organizational culture and to have insight on which
organizational culture variable can have more effect on employee creativity.

Work Experiance

Greater than 10

7-10 44(29%)

4-6 35(23%)

Less than 3 years 55(37%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 4.5: Work Experience of Respondents

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.2 Analysis of Organizational Culture Dimensions and their Effects on Employee

This section deal with the main results of the data gathered through questionnaire and in depth interview
for triangulation purpose. TVET trainers rating in five points of Likert scale are then analyzed with
descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation. A 5 point Likert scale was used to rate the various
indicators: 1 was considered as Strongly Disagree, 2 Disagree, 3 Neutral, 4 Agree, and 5 as Strongly

According to Akmaliah (2009), mean score measurement can be used while interpreting the data. As he
further specified, the mean score below 3.39 is considered as low, the mean score from 3.40 up to 3.79 is
considered as moderate and mean score above 3.8 is considered as high. The results are presented in
tables and elaborated that would help the readers to understand the effect of organizational cultural
dimensions onTVET trainers creativity in the study organization.

4.2.1 TVET Trainers Response to Organizational Value Related Items
Concerning the attention to be given by the study organization to both administration and academic staffs
to improve TVET trainers to be creative and achieving the goal of organization as revealed in table 4.3
below from the entire response paramount 20(13%) strongly disagreed, 24(16%) disagreed, 27(18%)
neutral, 52(35%) of the respondents agreed and the remaining 27(18%) of the respondents strongly agreed
for the organizational culture dimension of organizational value seven items.

As shown below the mean score for overall perception of TVET trainer’s respondents towards their
organizational value is 3.294. This suggests that the organizational value in Yeka Sub City TVET
Colleges is moderate.

Studies showed that organizational value has a great effect on an individual’s preferences and work
environment characteristics thus that improves individual creativity behavior.

From the summarized data of the responses one can easily understand that TVET colleges found under
Yeka Sub city are not give special attention for organizational value that enhance TVET trainers to be
creative and organizations success. Beside questionnaire response, feedback from interview with dean of
the colleges, they responded as they face challenges due to poor emphasis of organization for required
organizational values they failed to improve TVET trainer’s s creative.

No I. Organizational Frequency and Percentage of 5point Likert Mea St.
Value/OV scale n Devi


ov1 I am committed to spend the rest of 12 26 22 43 47 3.58 1.30

my career in this organization. (8%) (17.3 (14.7 (28.7 (31.3 7
%) %) %) %)

Ov2 I feel a strong sense of 25 29 30 42 24 3.07 1.33

belongingness to my organization. (16.7 (19.3 (20%) (28%) (16%) 7
%) %)

Ov3 there are lots of written rules in the 14 21 23 65 27 3.47 1.20

organization. (9.3% (14%) (15.3 (43.3 (18%) 8
) %) %)

Ov4 I feel I am accountable for my work. 14 25 17 64 30 3.47 1.24

(9.3% (16.7 (11.3 (42.7 (20%) 6
) %) %) %)

Ov5 Members of the organization take 27 20 27 59 17 3.13 1.30

part in joint events with pleasure. (18%) (13.3 (18%) (39.3 (11.3 2
%) %) %)

Ov6 I am confident on negotiating issues 44 13 29 48 16 2.86 1.41

with my superiors as far as the issues (29.3 (8.7% (19.3 (32%) (10.7 4
are essentially valuable for the %) ) %) %)

Ov7 Members of the organization take 19 41 33 42 15 2.95 1.21

part in joint events with pleasure (12.7 (27.3 (22%) (28%) (10%) 1
%) %)

Organizational Value Aggregate Score 3.29 1.26

4 6

Table 4.3: Perception of Respondents toward Organizational Value Questions

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.2.3TVET Trainers Response to Organizational Climate Items
As a result revealed in table 4.4 below about organization climate ten question, 42(28%) of the
respondents strongly disagreed, 28(18%) disagreed, 24(16%) neutral, 34(23%) agreed and the rest
22(15%) of the respondents strongly agreed regarding the organizational climate ten question. The
employee responses assured as the TVET trainers of the study organizations are expecting to perform
their activities by using their creative ideas which are necessary to achieve the goal of the organization
and to be competitive in the area. The organizational climate is not safe and it requires a huge attention
from the management and other stakeholders of the organization to change the work environment of the
organization to be conducive that helps TVET trainers to be creative.

The mean score of overall perception toward organizational climate is 2.759 which is below average
score and also indicating that majority of respondents disagreed on organizational climate question.
Generally, the statistical analysis had observed as organizational climate to ensure employee creativity
was not well managed.

Thus, as it is shown in table below, regarding organizational climate that would enhances employee
creativity of TVET Colleges found under Yeka Subcity, as shown in the above commentator also
significant number of employee respondents disagreed that there were no good work environment or
organizational climate to perform common goal by considering creativity for competition as a weapon of
wean-wean strategy in which better performing TVET trainers being benefited themselves and their
organization. Contrarily remaining TVET trainers respectively agreed that the TVET colleges were good
organizational climate to perform their functions successfully.

No II. Organizational Frequency and Percentage of 5point Mea St.
Climate/OC Likert scale n Deviati

Oc8 There is high pay for good performance 42 20 33 24 31 2.88 1.479

for theTVET trainers (28%) (13.3 (22%) (16%) (20.7
%) %)

Oc9 TVET trainers in my work group are 10 42 29 59 10 3.11 1.096

usually easy to communicate with each (6.7% (28%) (19.3 (39.3 (6.7%
other about work related problem. ) %) %) )

Oc1 People in this organization receive 52 34 21 24 19 2.49 1.427

0 support and encouragement if they (34.7 (22.7 (14%) (16%) (12.7
present new ideas %) %) %)

Oc1 Friendly atmosphere exists among most 53 21 18 32 26 2.71 1.547

1 members of my work groups. (35.3 (14%) (12%) (21.3 (17.3
%) %) %)

Oc1 I work as per the performance standards 29 27 26 45 23 3.04 1.370

2 of my Job. (19.3 (18%) (17.3 (30%) (15.3
%) %) %)

Oc1 I determine my own work procedure. 38 27 15 24 46 3.09 1.609

3 (25.3 (18%) (10%) (16%) (30.7
%) %)

Oc1 Having a clear guiding philosophy in the 19 39 36 36 20 2.99 1.245

4 organizations (12.7 (26%) (24%) (24%) (13.3
%) %)

Oc1 My organization climate of interaction 55 16 36 33 10 2.51 1.355

5 with small barriers encourages creativity (36.7 (10.7 (24%) (22%) (6.7%
among TVET trainers. %) %) )

Oc1 The institution vision creates excitement 60 13 17 42 18 2.63 1.526

6 and motivation for TVET trainers (40%) (8.7% (11.3 (28%) (12%)

) %)

Organizational Climate Aggregate Score 2.75 1.4025


Table 4.4: Perception of Respondents toward Organizational Climate Questions

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.2.4 TVET trainers Response to Leadership style Items

As shown in table 4.5 below,35(24%) of the respondents are strongly disagreed,47(31%) respondents are
disagreed, 18(12%) responded neutral 33(22%) agreed and 17(11%)of respondents are strongly agreed.
The result shown that 60% percent of TVET trainers respectively disagreed with statement of leadership
style associated with the organization. Another point was the mean score of this item i.e. 2.665. This
indicates that sufficient number of respondents were not agree with statement of leadership style items
which means change is needed in the organization. About 40 percent of respondents were in fever of the
leadership style that is applying in the organization.

Table 4.5: Perception of Respondents toward LeadershipStyle Questions

No Leadership Frequency and Percentage of 5point Likert Mea St.

Style/LS scale n De


Lp17 I believe” with “leaders of this 65 31 15 23 16 2.29 1.426

organization believe”. (43.3%) (20.7%) (10%) (15.3%) (10.7%)

La18 I do not consider suggestions made 12 75 21 25 17 2.73 1.174

by my TVET trainers as I do not (8%) (50%) (14%) (16.7%) (11.3%)
have the time for them

La19 I Talks optimistically about the 57 21 12 46 14 2.59 1.480

future to create a vision for my (38%) (14%) (8%) (30.7%) (9.3%)
TVET trainers s

Lp20 I am requested to provide 45 20 28 42 15 2.75 1.401

alternatives solutions when a (30%) (13.3%) (18.7%) (28%) (10%)
problem occurs

Tl21 My leader monitors my 12 80 25 17 16 2.63 1.126

performance and keep track of all (8%) (53.3%) (16.7%) (11.3%) (10.7%)

Lp22 I have considerable independence 39 32 14 49 16 2.81 1.408

and freedom to grab opportunities. (26%) (21.3%) (9.3%) (32.7%) (10.7%)

Lf23 TVET trainers have the right to 31 64 16 28 11 2.49 1.219

determine their own (20.7%) (42.7) (10.7%) (18.7%) (7.3%)
organizational objectives.

Tl24 My leader takes actions before 27 42 19 38 24 2.93 1.379

problems are chronic. (18%) (28%) (12.7%) (25.3%) (16%)

Lf25 New hires are not allowed 23 76 20 19 12 2.47 1.139

to make any decisions (15.3%) (50.7%) (13.3%) (12.7%) (8%)
unless it is approved by me


Tl26 My leader provides 42 23 12 45 28 2.96 1.528

recognitions/reward when (28%) (15.3%) (8%) (30%) (18.7%)
others reach their goals.

Leadership style Aggregate Score 2.665 1.328

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

2.5 TVET trainers Response to Employee Creativity Related Items

Employee creativity as dependent variable that was affected by organizational culture dimensions
namely: organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style which was undertaken in this
study in the study institution was measured by five point Likert scale that collected from the TVET
trainers perception about the culture of their organization. Five point Likert scale alternatives was
prepared and provided to them that starts from strongly disagree to strongly agree interval as stated above
as organizational culture dimension.

As the study result shown in table 4.6 below about TVET trainers perception of their creativity toward
organization cultural dimensions called organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style
that helps employee to be creative for attaining the goal of the organization and to be competitive
21(14%)was strongly disagreed, 38(25%) disagreed, 19(13%) neutral, 31(21%) are agreed and the
remaining 41(27%) of TVET trainers respondents was strongly agreed.

The mean score of this sub item was 3.229 indicating below average score and lack of organizational
value, organizational climate and leadership style in the organization that discourage TVET trainers to be
creative. From this one can understand that the TVET trainers are creative if there is inspiring
organizational value, good organizational climate or work atmosphere and empowering, encouraging
leadership style and vice versa.

Employee Frequency and Percentage of 5point Likert scale Me St.
No Creativity/EC an Devia
SD D N A SA tion

Ec27 I suggest new ways to achieve goals or 21 11 20 35 62 3.79 1.417

(13.3%) (6.7%) (12.7%) (22.7%) (44.7)

Ec28 I often come up with new and practical 20 27 13 27 63 3.57 1.503

ideas to improve performance
(13.3%) (18%) (8.7%) (18%) (42%)

Ec29 I have worked as a member of 11 24 30 42 43 3.55 1.262

innovation team organized in our
(7.3%) (16%) (20%) (28%) (28.7%

Ec30 I often try to find new uses for existing 10 24 9 44 63 3.84 1.306
methods and equipment
(6.7%) (16%) (6%) (29.3%) (42%)

Ec31 I have the habit of looking a fresh 22 28 26 49 25 3.18 1.321

approach when solving problems in this
(14.7%) (18.7%) (17.3%) (32.7%) (16.7%

Ec32 There is special functional unit/structure 8 53 10 28 51 3.41 1.400

whose main purpose is enhancing
(5.3%) (35.3%) (6.7%) (18.7%) (34%)
innovative and creative works in the

Ec33 There are clear procedures and facilities 14 77 13 10 36 2.85 1.379

ready for conducting innovations or
(9.3%) (51.3%) (8.7%) (6.7%) (24%)
creative works in the institution.

Ec34 There is a tradition in the organization to 39 47 28 19 17 2.52 1.309

come up with creative solutions to
(26%) (31.3%) (18.7%) (12.7%) (11.3%

Employee Creativity Aggregate Score 3.22 1.371

9 3

Table 4.6: Perception of Respondents toward Employee Creativity Questions

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.3 Factor Analysis Model Fit Evaluation

Before running the correlation and regression it is better to confirm whether the sample is adequate, factor
extracted to be accurate, KMO value was more than 0.5 and the Bartlet test also recorded was significant
with p-value less than 0.05(Kaiser, 1974). As shown in the table 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 the model showed
goodness-of-fit to the data for both dependent and independent variables. All the factors showed high
loading values and thus none of the factors were removed. The model fit indices showed values which
were above the threshold and was reported as such. The table below shows that the goodness of fit for the
measurement model is sufficient. The retained or taken factor analyses model is shown in appendix 3.

i. Organizational Value
Table 4.7: Model fit result of factor analysis for organizational value

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .935
Approx. Chi-Square 1025.114
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 45
Sig. .000
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

ii. Organizational Climate

Table 4.8: Model fit result of factor analysis for organizational climate

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .736
Approx. Chi-Square 677.089
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 45
Sig. .000

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

iii. Leadership Style
Table 4.9: Model fit result of factor analysis for leadership style

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .836
Approx. Chi-Square 660.920
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 45
Sig. .000

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

iv. TVET trainers Creativity

Table 4.10: Model fit result of factor analysis for TVET trainers creativity

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .746
Approx. Chi-Square 578.993
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 45
Sig. .000

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.3.1 Total Variance Explained

As shown in table 4.11a total of four factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 were extracted. These
accounted for 74% of the variability in the data set shown. The various eigen values are indicated in
table below.

Table 4.11:Total Variance Explained

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total
1 2.960 74.002 74.002 2.960
2 .390 9.738 83.740 .390
3 .384 9.610 93.350 .384
4 .266 6.650 100.000 .266
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

The scree plot shown below in Figure 4.6 indicating the various components which is shown in table

Scree Plot




1 2 3 4
Component Number

Figure 4.6: Scree plot

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.4 Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis is one thing to know that there is a relationship between two or more variables and
helps to know the strength of that relationship. The term correlation coefficient is used to indicate that
strength and is expressed as a number between –1.00 (a perfect negative relationship) and 1.00 (a perfect
positive correlation). Correlation is expressed as a positive number. When they vary inversely that is, one
increases as the other decreases, the correlation is expressed as a negative number. If the two variables
vary independently of each other, we say that the correlation between them is zero. As shown below table
4.12 all the correlations were statistically significant.

The correlations between TVET trainers Creativity (Dependent Variable) and all Independent
Variables(Organizational Value, Organizational Climate and Leadership Style) were significant the .5%
level (r=0.644,.642 and .612) respectively.

As per Marczyk et al., (2005) correlations of .01 to .30 are considered as weak, correlations of .30 to .70
are considered as moderate, correlations of .70 to .90 are considered as strong, and correlations of .90 to
1.00 are considered as very strong. So to determine the relationship between the selected three
organizational culture dimensions (i.e. organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style)
and TVET trainers creativity, Pearson correlation was computed as shown in the table below.

Regarding their direction of relationship, all independent variables were positively related to dependent
variable (Employee Creativity). In terms of magnitude of relationship to what extent the relationship
existed between dependent and independent variables are statistically tested. The result indicated as
organizational culture dimensions (i.e. organizational value, organizational climate and leadership
style)with TVET trainers creativity are positively and significantly correlated as shown in the table below.

Table 4.12: Correlation coefficients between dependent and independent variables

TVET trainers Organizational Organizational Leadership
Creativity Value Climate Style
TVET trainers Pearson Correlation 1
Creativity Sig. (2-tailed)
N 150
Organizational Pearson Correlation .644** 1
Value Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
Organizational Pearson Correlation .642** .732** 1
Climate Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 150 150 150
Leadership Style Pearson Correlation .612** .657** .631** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 150 150 150 150
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022
The above table explains the relationship between the overall organizational culture dimensions with
employee creativity. Based on the output of the correlation matrix; the results indicated that there is a
positive and statistically significant correlation between organizational value, organizational climate and
leadership style with em TVET trainers ployee creativity (r= 0.644, p<0.01). (r= 0.642, p<0.01) and (r=
0.612, p<0.01).

4.5 Multiple Regression Analysis

Multiple regression analysis is also used to discover the relationship between one dependent variable and
a number of independent variables or predictors (Pallant, 2005). Multiple regression also tells how much
of the variance in the dependent variable can be explained by independent variables. According to

Ballance (2004), the correct use of the multiple regression models involves that several critical
assumptions be satisfied in order to apply the model and establish validity. Inferences and generalizations
about the theory are only valid if the assumptions in an analysis have been tested and fulfilled. Before
running out multiple regression analysis, the researcher has conducted the required preliminary
assumptions that the data must meet to make the analysis reliable and valid. The following assumptions of
multiple linear regressions were tested using SPSS as shown below.

4.5.1. Linearity Assumption Test

Linearity defines the dependent variable as a linear function of the predictor (independent) variable
(Balance, 2004). If the data are normally distributed then the data points was be close to the diagonal line.
Linearity assumption was tested by producing scatterplots of the relationship between independent
variable and the dependent variable. By visually looking at the scatterplot produced by SPSS, the
relationship between independent variable and the dependent variable found to be linear as shown in the
figure 4.7below.

Figure 4.7: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.5.2. Normality Assumption Test

Normality is used to describe a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve, which has the greatest frequency of
scores around in the middle combined with smaller frequencies towards the extremes. Normality test is
used to determine whether the error term is normally distributed. Therefore, normality test for the data
used in this study were shown by the following histogram which we can clearly see that error terms are
normally distributed as shown below in table 4.8.

Figure 4.8: Histogram of the error term
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022
4.5.3. Multicollinearity Assumption Test
Multicollinearity refers to the situation in which the independent/predictor variables are highly correlated
with other. One major assumption that applies in multiple regression analysis was the existence of a very
high correlation between the independent variables of the study which is termed as Multicollinearity
(Burns, 2008). This may lead to the inconsistent effect, whereby the regression model fits the data well,
but none of the predictor variables has a significant effect in predicting the dependent variable. In this
research multicollinearity was checked with tolerance and VIF statistics. Burns (2008) also state that a
VIF value greater than 10 is also a concerns there were a serious collinearity problem. As shown in the
table 4.13 below in this study, all of the independent variables (Organizational Value, Organizational
Climate and Leadership Style) were found to have a tolerance of more than 0.1 and a VIF value of less
than 10 which indicates that there is no problem of Multi collinearity in this study.

Table 4.13 Result of Multi collinearity test
Coefficients a

Model Collinearity Statistics

Tolerance VIF
Organizational Value 0.401 2.492
Organizational Climate 0.424 2.357
Leadership style 0.520 1.924
a. Dependent Variable: TVET trainers Creativity
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.5.4. Homoscedasticity Assumption Test

The assumption of homoscedasticity refers to equal variance of errors across all levels of the independent
variables. This means that errors are spread out consistently between the variables. This is evident when
the variance around the regression line is the same for all values of the predictor variable.
Homoscedasticity can be checked by visual examination of a plot of the standardized residuals by the
regression standardized predicted value. Ideally, residuals are randomly scattered around zero (the
horizontal line) providing even distribution. Heteroscedasticity is indicated when the scatter is not even;
fan and butterfly shapes are common patterns of violation.

To assess homoscedasticity, the researcher created a scatterplot of standardized residuals versus

standardized predicted values using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS, 2021) and found that
heteroscedasticity was not a major problem as shown in the figure 4.9below

Figure4.9: Scatter Plot
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022
After the data was checked for the above required multiple regression assumptions and researcher
confirmed that it has meet all these assumptions, multiple regression analysis was carried out to determine
how well the regression model fits the data (model summary), independent variables statistically
significantly predict the dependent variable (ANOVA) and statistical significance of each of the
independent variables (regression coefficients).

4.5.5. Independent of Residuals Assumption Test

There is no pattern to the residuals; from Figure 4.8one can easily observe that there is no indication of
autocorrelation in our data set.

4.5.6 Model Summary

As indicated in table 4.14below model Summary table, The R value of 0.715 indicates very strong
correlation between TVET trainers creativity and the three Independent/predictor variables (Leadership
style, Organizational climate, and Organizational value) which shows a good level of prediction. The
R2value (also called the coefficient of determination), which is the proportion of variance in the
dependent variable that can be explained by the independent/predictor variables. As shown from the table

below, R2 value of 0.511 indicates that 51.1% of the variation in the TVET trainers creativity of the study
area can be explained by the independent variables included in the model. The remaining 48.9% variation
is explained by stochastic error term ( ε i) meaning that 48.9% of TVET trainers creativity changes are
explained by factors that are not explained in the model.

Table 4.14: Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

R R Square
Square Estimate

0.715 0.511 0.501 0.61293

Predictors: (Constant), Leadership Style, Organizational Climate, Organizational Value

DependentVariable: TVET trainers Creativity
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022
4.5.7 Analysis of Variances

ANOVA is normally used to compare the mean scores of more than two variables. It is also called
analysis of variance because it compares the variance between variables and tests whether the overall
regression model is a good fit for the data (Pallant, 2005). Accordingly, table 4.15shows that the value of
R and R2 found from the model summary is statistically significant (F=50.945), (p<0.001) and it can be
said that there is a relationship between TVET trainers creativity and the independent/predictor variables
(i.e. Leadership style, Organizational climate and Organizational value) in the study area.

Table 4.15: Analysis of Variances

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F p-value
Regression 57.417 3 19.139 50.945 0.000

Residual 54.849 146 0.376

Total 112.267 149
Dependent Variable: TVET trainers Creativity
Predictors: (Constant), Leadership Style, Organizational Climate, Organizational Value
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.5.8 Multiple Linear Regression Model

Table 4.16: Multiple Linear Regression Coefficients

Unstandardized Standardized 95.0% Confidence
Coefficients Coefficients Interval for β
Model t p-value
Std. Lower Upper
β β
Error Bound Bound
(Constant) 1.101 0.178 6.190 0.000 0.749 1.452
Organizational value 0.222 0.076 0.266 2.915 0.004 0.072 0.373
Organizational climate 0.267 0.083 0.285 3.209 0.002 0.103 0.431
Leadership style 0.233 0.073 0.257 3.202 0.002 0.089 0.376
Dependent Variable: TVET trainers s Creativity
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022
4.5.9 Standardized Coefficients

The standardized coefficients are useful to know which of the different independent/predictor variables is
more important. They are used to compare the impact of any independent/predictor variable on the
dependent variable.

Hence, the strength of each independent/predictor variable influence on the dependent variable can be
inquired by standardized Beta coefficient. Therefore, the regression coefficient explains the average
amount of change in dependent variable that caused by a unit change in the independent/predictor
variable. Thus, as indicated in the above table 4.16, regression coefficients, organizational climate is the
most contributing factors in the prediction of TVET trainers creativity ( β=0.285 ), followed by
Organizational value ( β=0.266 ), and Leadership style ( β=0.257 ).

4.5.10 Unstandardized Coefficients

Unstandardized coefficient denotes the change in the dependent variable with a unit change in the
independent variables. But they are not comparable in terms of impact on the dependent variable.

The study used the following multiple regression model to establish the statistical significance of the
independent variables on the dependent variable.

EC i =α + β 1 OV i + β 2 OC i+ β3 LSi + ε i


EC i : Dependent variable (TVET trainers’ creativity)

α i: Constant

β i: Beta value (Coefficient of slop of regression model)

OV i: Organizational Value

OC i : Organizational Climate

LSi : Leadership Style

ε i: Error term

EC i =1.101+ 0.222OV +0.267 OC + 0.233 LS +ε i

The constant value (α = 1.101) shows that TVET trainers s creativity of TVET colleges found under Yeka
Sub city would be 1.101 if other variables (organizational value, organizational climate and leadership
style) of the model were zero. On the other hand, a beta coefficient of 0.222, 0.267 and 0.233 indicates
that if there is one unit increase in organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style
respectively leads to increase in the TVET trainers creativity of TVET colleges found under Yeka Sub
city by 22.2%, 26.7% and 23.3% respectively. In addition, the Error term ( ꞓ) estimate was assumed to be

4.6 Testing Hypothesis with Regression analysis

A hypothesis is simply a testable estimate about the answer to your research question. A hypothesis is
often described as an attempt by the researcher to explain the phenomenon of interest. Those hypotheses
are the researcher attempt to explain the phenomenon being studied and that explanation should involve a
prediction about the variables being studied. These guesses are then tested by gathering and analyzing
data and the hypotheses can either be supported or rejected on the basis of the data. Accordingly, the three
hypotheses which were developed earlier in chapter one were tested based on the regression coefficient
Table 4.17: Summary Result of Regression Analysis

Standardized Coefficients
Model p-value
(Constant) 0.000
Organizational value 0.266 0.004
Organizational climate 0.285 0.002
Leadership style 0.257 0.002
a. Dependent Variable: TVET trainers s Creativity
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022
Hypothesis 1
H1:There is significant relationship between organizational value and TVET trainers creativity:
The regression coefficient result of organizational value dimension in the study area was
indicated as (β=0.266, P<0.01 as Sig.004), With every estandard deviation change of
organizational value, creativity changes by 0.266. organizational value dimension has significant
relationship and have effect on TVET trainers creativity. Therefore, the Hypothesis 1 is accepted.

Hypothesis 2
H1: There is significant relationship between organizational climate and TVET trainers creativity: The
organizational climate regression coefficient result was defined with (β=0.285, P<0.01,sig.002), which
infers that 28.5% of increase in TVET trainers s creativity is explained or justified due to the changes in
organizational climate dimensions assumed all other variables are being constant, which causes that
organizational climate culture dimension has significant relationship and effect on TVET trainers
creativity. Therefore, the Hypothesis 2 is accepted.
Hypothesis 3
H1: There is significant relationship between leadership style and TVET trainers creativity: The
regression coefficient result of leadership style dimension in TVET Colleges found under Yeka Sub city
was indicated as (β=0.257, P <0.001 as Sig.002, which implies that 25.7% of increase in e TVET trainers
creativity is due to the change in the leadership style culture, assumed all other variables are being
constant, which causes that leadership style culture dimension has significant relationship and effect on
TVET trainers s creativity, therefore, the Hypothesis 3 is accepted.

Table 4.18: Summary of the Hypothesis Tested

Hypothesis Result Remark
Ho: There is no significant relationship organizational values and TVET r =644 Ho: Rejected

trainerscreativity. p =0.004
H1: Organizational values have a positive relationship with TVET trainers (p<0.05)
creativity. H1: Accepted
Ho: There is no significant relationship organizational climate and TVET r =642 Ho: Rejected
trainers creativity. p =0.002
H2: Organizational climate has significant and positive relationship with (p<0.05) H1: Accepted
TVET trainers creativity.
Ho: There is no significant relationship leadership style and TVET r =612 Ho: Rejected
trainerscreativity. p =0.002
H3: Leadership style has significant and positive relationship with TVET (p<0.05) H1: Accepted
trainers creativity
Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.7 Discussion on the Finding

This study answered the research questions by addressing research objectives. The dimension of
organizational culture proposed for the purpose of this study was contributing for TVET trainers s to be
creative and helps the effectiveness of the study organization. As regression result shows that the
organizational cultural dimension contributing for TVET trainers creativity are organizational value,
organizational climate and leadership style.

The Validity Test:- To confirm validity of the tools, the adopted questionnaire and interview were
prepared and finally checked by advisors in order to find out whether questions can evaluate and measure
what is intended or not.

The Reliability Test:-In order to ensure, the consistency Cronbach’s alpha is used to assess the internal
consistency of variables in the research instrument the free test result was above .701 and which above
acceptable range.

Factor AnalysisEvaluation: To confirm whether the sample is adequate, factor extracted to be accurate,
KMO value was more than 0.5 and the Bartlet test also recorded was significant with p-value less than
0.05,it’s checked with factor analysis using SPSS, 2021. According to this all the factors showed high
loading values and thus none of the factors were removed. The model fit indices showed values which are
above the threshold and was reported as such.

According to the study of Kalkidan, 2019 conducted on the topic “effect of organizational culture on
employee creativity (case of ethiotelecom) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia the finding of the study shown that
there is a positive and significant relationship of the organizational cultural dimensions of organizational
climate and leadership style with a standardized beta coefficient value and statistical significance of
(b=0.279, p<0.003) and (b=0.241, p<0.002) but a standardized beta coefficient value and statistical
significance ofthe remaining organizational dimension of organizational value is (b=0.133, p<0.152)
which shows there is a positive but statistically insignificant relationship with the dependent variable of
trainers creativity. Whereas, the regression result of the standardized beta coefficient and a statistically
significant (p value) of this study shows that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship
between organizational cultural dimensions of organizational value, organizational climate and leadership
style with employee creativity (b=0.266, p<0.004), (b= 0.285, p<0.002) and (b= 0.257, p<0.002).

According to Anita Derecskei (2016) study conducted on “how do leadership styles influence the
creativity ofTVET trainers?” results revealed us there is a positive and significant relationship of
leadership style with employee creativity with beta coefficients symmetric measure of association
between the two ordinal variables (b=0.963, p<0.05). Whereas, the finding of this study revealed that
there is a statistically significant and positive relationship between leadership style and TVET trainers
creativity (b=0.257, p=0.002).

Qualitative analysis based on interview

Researchers seem to agree that culture may be an important factor in determining how well an individual
fits an organizational context. Implicit in writing on this theme is a logic of person-culture fit
fundamentally drawn from an interactional psychology perspective in which aspects of both individual
and situation combine to influence a focal individual’s response to a given situation, In this regard,
aspects of individuals, such as values, climates, leadership styles and expectations, interact with facets of
situations, such as incentive systems and norms, to affect the individuals’ attitudinal and behavioral
responses. As with similar work adjustment, and organizational climate. The validation of the construct of
person-culture fit rests on the ability to assess relevant aspects of both person and culture. During the
interview time I was raising a questions .Do you think that your organizational culture makes creativity?
His response was no that is why there is a problem of policy makers throughout the developed world
believe all individuals must acquire if they are going to experience both economic and social success and
fulfilment in life. They are not understand whether the policy much with Tvet institutions or not

Technical and vocational skills has not been significantly articulated so far.TVET skills development is
often seen as being limited to meeting the demands of technical and industry-based occupations, or
handicrafts. However, the development of TVET skills for the creative and cultural sector has not been
well understood in the context of the knowledge-based economy and the creative industries.

And also I was raising how TVET institutional values, climates and leadership styles affect TVET
trainer’s creativity in TVET colleges? It has been that organizational factors play a significant role in
initiating or discouraging creativity. It can be measured by the performance of the organizations and
considers these factors as institutional structures, organizational climate and organizational culture.
Organizational climate has been reported to have a strong influence on knowledge management activities,
specifically knowledge sharing and explicitly noticed by organizational members. I understand there is a
problem of climate in the institutions but climate has a positive influence on creative performance
because climate can support the transfer of tacit and explicit knowledge and it offers Tvet trainer
opportunities for interaction which are needed to express their tacit knowledge to others and to observe
and experience the tacit knowledge of others. In the Tvet institutions currently Tvet trainers are not happy
by the organizations climate. There was a problem of leadership style in our institutions the kind of
leadership that can be practiced by the Tvet institutions may not be tvet trainers creative. What also could
be seen is that while leadership had a direct negative effect on organizational performance it would be
essential that a leader set both goals and rewards in a way that performance can be improved by an
increase in motivation and innovations.

Performance can be improved by an increase in creativity. This further increases the necessity for
management to set the right goals and rewards in order to increase the performance. If an organization
wants to achieve for instance an innovative atmosphere the goals and rewards have to be set in a way that
maximize this. A deep understanding of how to utilize goals and rewards should be seen as essential for a

Finally ,I was asking how to measure creativity in your organizations and and role of leaders in the
organizations ?

Measuring creativity in an organization can take place at the following levels:

 Measuring Idea Management

 Measuring results of Problem Solving sessions.
 Measuring creativity in teams
 Measuring creativity of individuals
 Measuring creativity of ideas
 Measuring the number of available sources of ideas
 Measuring the level of emotions
Leaders also enact the practices through their behaviors, enforcement of practices, policies, and
procedures, and communications and interactions with Tvet trainer, helping to foster the content of
climate as well as emergence and degree of consensus in climate and value perceptions. Leaders can also
create fractions, subcultures, or sublimates when they idiosyncratically interpret and communicate the
culture and climate and convey this to group members.

To improve creativity in tvet colleges we have to apply:-

 we use the latest technological innovations in our new products and services
 we have a high technological competitiveness in our tvet colleges
 technology used in our tvet college are up-to-date and novel

 provide time and resources for tvet to generate, share/exchange and experiment
innovative ideas/solutions
 tvet trainers are working in diversely skilled work groups where free and open
communication among the group members is encouraged
 Employees are recognized and rewarded for their creativity and innovative ideas


5 Introduction
This chapter discussed the summary of the research findings with regard to the aims of the study and
explained the conclusions, recommendation that focuses on how the problem identified and direction for
future researchers could be addressed is also included in this chapter.

5.1 Summary on the Findings

The study identified the demographic variable characteristics from trainers responses by computing
descriptive statistics like frequency and percentage separately. Thus, the computed variables considered
are sex, age, level of education, position and work experience of trainers employee. Concerning the
reliability and validity test, all the data were collected by using the questionnaire and interview composed
of 34 questions and to confirm validity of the tools, the adopted questionnaire and interview were checked
by advisors to find out whether questions were evaluated and measure what is intended to measure is
achieved. Regarding reliability test, to ensure the consistency Cronbach alpha is used to assess the
internal consistency of variables in the research instrument the free test result was above at acceptable
range (greater than .701).In addition to reliability and validity the factor analysis was conducted to
confirm the construct validity and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlet test of Sphericity was
applied as means to measure the sufficiency of the sample and its appropriateness. After reliability and
validity test factor analysis evaluation was checked the study was investigated about the effect of
organizational culture that were affecting the trainers creativity in the study organization were interpreted.
Based on research questions raised to address research gaps in the study area and research objectives
being attained, the study employed quantitative and qualitative research approach.

Based on the organizational culture dimensions affecting trainers creativity of the study the research
questions which are covered over all issues of variables in line with research aims are discussed below.

5.1.1 How the Organizational Values affect trainers Creativity?

This study assessed the perception of respondents based on how the organizational culture dimensions of
organizational value are affecting trainers creativity. Based on the respondents response organizational
value could affect trainers creativity. As the finding of this study has shown organizational value was
positively and significantly affecting trainers creativity as how far the culture of the organization paying
attention while trainers were deciding organizational value issues, to what extent they are prioritizing
trainers interest in the study institution. TtrainersThis was analyzed from a quantitative as well as
qualitative standpoint.

5.1.2 How the Organizational Climate affect Employee Creativity?
The working environment is defined by how people interact within the organization in getting the job
done. It also determines if people can achieve and reach their personal goals while pursuing
organizational goals and objectives. By assessing the perception of respondents based on how the
organizational climate affects trainers creativity as the study result has shown that due of lack good
organizational climate or work environment with traineras interest to use and apply their creative ability
for effectiveness of the organization a majority of TVET trainers are not happy with the work
environment of the study organization.

5.1.3 How the Leadership Style affect Employee Creativity?

The final element that showed an underlying influence on the creative culture of the organization was the
leadership style. This is evidenced by the fact that achieving efficiency requires continued creativity of
processes which turns to a positive influence on creative culture. A good organizational leadership style
allows for quick decision-making and effective communication top-down, bottom-up and across the

As the finding of the overall perception of TVET trainers results shows as trainers are dissatisfied by the
leadership style applying in the study organization. The study organization was not prioritized the trainers
interest to use and apply their creative idea due to lack of empowering, inspiring and encouraging
leadership style.

5.1.4 What is the Degree of Influence of Organizational Culture Dimension namely:

Organizational Value, Organizational Climate and Leadership Style on trainers

As the finding of the study shown that the degree of influence of organizational culture dimension
namely: organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style on trainers creativity the
regression result of the standardized coefficients are useful to know that the degree of influence of
organizational culture dimension is more important. They are used in comparison of the impact of any
independent variable on the dependent variable. Hence, the strength of each independent (predictor)
variable influence on the dependent variable can be inquired by standardized Beta coefficient. Thus, as
regression coefficients revealed that, organizational climate is the most contributing factors in the
prediction of trainers creativity ( β=0.285 ), followed by organizational value ( β=0.266 ) and leadership
style ( β=0.257 ).

5.1.5 What are the Valuable Measures taken to Improve Employee Creativity?
According to the finding of the study, the valuable measures taken to improve the creativity of TVET
trainers in the study organization as the study explored, major study variables have significant effect on
employee creativity. Therefore the study organization give priority for managing creativity must be an
area of strategic focus within the organizations, which goes together with the culture that the leadership
and management promotes and nurtures. Factors that encourage employee creativity like the
organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style must be encouraged.

5.2 Conclusion
The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational culture on employee
creativity in Public TVET Colleges found under Yeka sub-city. The finding of the study showed that
organizational value culture was the dominant types of organizational culture in Yeka sub-city public
TVET Colleges with a relatively higher mean value from the other two organizational culture dimensions
such as organizational climate and leadership style. According to Akmaliah (2009), the mean score
measurement can be used while interpreting the data. As he further specified, the mean score below 3.39
is considered as low, the mean score from 3.40 up to 3.79 is considered as moderate and mean score
above 3.8 is considered as high. According to this these cultures were found under weak category as the
level of agreement varied across the data.

The lesser mean value of organizational climate confirms lower level of agreement with the presence of
formalized and organized organizational climate where TVET trainers are governed with procedures. In
addition, the lower mean value of leadership style culture shows that TVET trainers did not agree with
the presence of leadership style on the interest of TVET trainers in the study organization where they
focus on creativity in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization.

The TVET trainers had lower level of creativity at work with a mean value of 3.229 and this could be
due to lower mean values of the organizational culture dimensions namely organizational value,
organizational climate and leadership style. Even though organizational value culture appeared as leading
cultures in the organization with the mean value 3.294, the mean values were in between 3 “neutral” and
4 “agree”. The mean value of organizational climate and leadership style was 2.759 and 2.665 which is
between 2 “disagree” and 3 “neutral”. The regression coefficient for these three types of culture revealed
a significant positive relationship with employee creativity.

According to the finding of the study it was confirmed that the standardized coefficients are useful to
know which of the different independent variables is more important. They are used to compare the
impact of any independent variable on the dependent variable. Hence, the strength of each independent

(predictor) variable influence on the dependent variable can be inquired by standardized Beta coefficient.
Therefore, the regression coefficient explains the average amount of change in dependent variable that
caused by a unit change in the independent variable. Thus, as indicated in regression result, organizational
climate is the most contributing factors in the prediction of TVET trainers creativity ( β=0.285 ),
followed by organizational value ( β=0.266 ), and Leadership style ( β=0.257 ).

5.3 Recommendation
Based on the summaries and conclusions the following recommendations are forwarded to public TVET
Colleges found under Yeka sub-city.

 To achieve the goal and objectives of the organization the decision makers and other
stakeholders of the organization can know their organizational culture seriously in order
to put strategy in to action..
 Moreover, as an educational institution, decision maker of the organization is
recommended for TVET trainers should also be encouraged to try out their ideas they
give special emphasis for the value of the organization, conducive work environment and
leadership style. Furthermore, the leadership in the organization should encourage TVET
trainers to use and apply their creative ability at work. The results of the study in
leadership style suggest that the management needs to do more in delegating
responsibility, encouraging TVET trainers to use and apply their creative ideas and in
giving appropriate feedback for the work of TVET trainers, as well as supportTVET
trainers to become more creative and the organization to become competitive.
 All the decision makers of the study organization and TVET trainers have a
responsibility to keep a foremost culture of the organization. Hereafter, a researcher
recommends that for promoting the foremost culture and other cultures to be leading the
decision makers of the study organization will expected to make the value of the
organization in line with the preference of TVET trainers and leadership style that is
encouraging, inspiring, supportive and comfortable for TVET trainers to use and apply
their creative skills and ability.
 Additionally, the decision maker of the study organization be aware that, the cultural
dimensions of organizational climate, organizational values and leadership style were
significant in predicting employee creativity. It is obvious that focusing on organizational
climate, organizational value and leadership style is essential forTVET trainers to be

creative at work. Therefore, the managers should work towards taking full advantage of
organizational climate, organizational value and leadership style in order to improve the
creativity of TVET trainers in the study organization.
 Finally, other recommendation given by the researcher is that the researcher suggests
introduction of a consistent and reformist leadership style and empowering leaders at all
levels of the organization to leadership position and magnify the organizational structure
for upgrade and opportunity promotion in strategic planning with more capable senior
staffs by merit principle of the organization rather than political intervention.
 Leaders ought to develop and keep an organization that appreciates and rewards creative
work, through compensation and other human resource related policies. When an
organization deals intrinsic and extrinsic rewards for efforts to experiment with creative
products and solutions, the desire for the TVET trainers for innovation is constantly held

5.4 Limitations and Direction for Future Research

The researcher tried to study the effect of organizational culture on TVET trainers’ creativity in public
TVET Colleges found under Yeka sub-city.

This research like any other study has its own drawbacks both conceptually and methodologically. Thus,
the observed limitations in this study may limit the analysis and broad view of the study results.

The following are some of the drawbacks which other investigators recommended to show in the future.
The researcher has conducted the study on selected organizational dimensions which affect employee
creativity. However, there are many other elements which effect on employee creativity that are not
considered in this study. First and foremost, the study covered only three organizational culture
dimensions namely: organizational value, organizational climate and leadership style. Consequently, it is
critical to conduct further study in other organizations on the relationship between more or other
organizational culture dimensions in relation to employee creativity. Since the research approach that was
applied for this study was mixed research approach, other researchers might use either quantitative or
qualitative to look at the effect of organizational culture on employee creativity in other organizations by
considering more or other organizational culture dimensions.

According to this, time limitation was one of the problems because the researcher has to complete the
study within the time schedule. With regard to this, future researchers assess the effect of organizational
culture on employee creativity by employing mediating and moderating variables, which were not

considered in this study. Finally, due to geographical location of the study organization the researcher
include TVET trainers of the study organization namely academic and administration staff only.
However, to understand the fluctuating organizational culture at different geographical locations and to
understand whether there is any fluctuation in the response, further researchers could undertake by
considering TVET trainers working in different geographical locations.

Since the current research was conducted in yeka subcity tvet colleges, because of time and financial
resources; thus it is difficult to generalize employee creativity. Therefore future researchers can replicate
insights of the current study into overall Tvet collegs in Ethiopia. At last this research is confined to the
effect of organizational culture and employee creativity in Tvet colleges. Therefore further research can
be conducted to determine the effect of organizational culture and employee creativity in other industries
for comparison and generalization of findings.



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 No need of writing your name anywhere in questionnaire.

 For general information, Likert scale statements indicate your answers with a tick mark
(√) in the appropriate space.
 Please contact me if you face unclear idea when you fill the questionnaire.
1) Please indicate your gender
A. Male

B. Female

2) Please indicate your age

A. Less than 25

B. Between 26-40
C. Between 41-50

D. Above 51

3) Please indicate your level of educations
A. Grade 12 and below
B. Diploma/Certificate
C. Degree
D. Post graduate and above
4) Please indicate your positions/Staff type in the institutions

A. Administration Staff C. Senior and Middle manager

B. Academic Staff D. Operational Manager
(Yang, 2015) (Collins & Porras, 2008)
5) Work experience in the institutions

A. Below three years C. 7-10 Years

B. 4-6 Years D. Above 10 Years




For the following items listed in the first column you are kindly requested to indicate your
degree of agreement by putting (√) sign in the box left under the each scale in the row
shown below.

No Item Organizational Value/OV Strongly Disagre Neutra Agre Strongl

Disagre e l e y Agree
Ov1 I am committed to spend the rest of my
career in this organization.
Ov2 I feel a strong sense of belongingness to my
Ov3 There are lots of written rules in the
Ov4 I feel I am accountable for my work
Ov5 Members of the organization take part in
joint events with pleasure
Ov6 I am confident on negotiating issues with
my superiors as far as the issues are
essentially valuable for the institution
Ov7 Members of the organization take part in
joint events with pleasure
No I. Organizational Strongly Disagre Neutra Agre Strongl
Climate/OC Disagre e l e y Agree
Oc8 There is high pay for good performance for
the TVET trainers
Oc9 TVET trainers in my work group are
usually easy to communicate with each
other about work related problem..
Oc1 People in this organization receive support
0 and encouragement if they present new
Oc1 Friendly atmosphere exists among most
1 members of my work groups.

Oc1 I work as per the performance standards of
2 my Job.
Oc1 I determine my own work procedure.
Oc1 Having a clear guiding philosophy in the
4 organizations
Oc1 My organization climate of interaction with
5 small barriers encourages creativity among
TVET trainers.
Oc1 The institution vision creates excitement
6 and motivation for TVET trainers

Elements Organizational Culture/ Independent Variables

No I. Leadership Style Strongly Disagre Neutral Agre Strongly
Disagree e e Agree

Lp17 I believe” with “leaders of this

organization believe”.

Lp18 I do not consider suggestions made by

my TVET trainers as I do not have the
time for them”.

Lp 19 I am requested to provide alternatives

solutions when a problem occurs

La 20 I am requested to provide alternatives

solutions when a problem occurs

La 21 My leader monitors my performance and

keep track of all mistakes.

Lf22 I have considerable independence and

freedom to grab opportunities
Lf23 TVET trainers have the right to
determine their own organizational
Tl24 My leader takes actions before problems
are chronic
Tl 25 New hires are not allowed to make any
decisions unless it is approved by me
Tl 26 My leader provides recognitions/reward
when others reach their goals.

Survey Statement of Dependent Variable /Employee Creativity

No Item Employee Creativity/EC Strongly Disagree Neutral Agre Strongly

Disagree e Agree
Oec27 I suggest new ways to achieve goals
or objectives

Oec28 I often come up with new and

practical ideas to improve
Oec29 I have worked as a member of
innovation team organized in our

Oec30 I often try to find new uses for

existing methods and equipment

Oec31 I have the habit of looking a fresh

approach when solving problems in
this organization
Oec32 There is special functional
unit/structure whose main purpose is
enhancing innovative and creative
works in the institution.
Oec33 There are clear procedures and
facilities ready for conducting
innovations or creative works in the

Oec34 There is a tradition in the organization

to come up with creative solutions to

1. Please state about the degree of influence of organizational culture elements on trainees’ creativity in
addition to what is stated in previous tables.


2. Please state valuable measures (if any) that can improve trainer’s creativity.


3. Please state any other comments (if you have).


Thank You for Your Kind Cooperation!





This Interview questions are made so as to fulfill a master’s thesis on the topic “The Effect of
Organizational Culture on TVET trainers’ Creativity: (The Case of Yeka Sub-City TVET Colleges)”
which is being conducted by student in Yardstick International Colleges. College of Business Masters of
Business Administration (MBA). The following questions are provided for managers in Yeka Sub-City
TVET Colleges.

1. How do you express organizational culture in your organization?

2. How do you explain the effect of organizational culture on employee creativity of the

3. Based on the organization experience, which cultural traits direct influence on employee
4. How do you rate the employee creativity within the organization?
5. What actions are taken to shape existing organizational culture and improve employee

1. Organizational Value
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling .935
Approx. Chi-Square 1025.114
Bartlett's Test of
Df 45
Sig. .000

Initial Extraction
I am committed to spend the rest of my career in this organization 1.000 .842
I feel a strong sense of belongingness to my organization 1.000 .564
There are lots of written rules in the organization.. 1.000 .429
I feel I am accountable for my work. 1.000 .704
Members of the organization take part in joint events with pleasure 1.000 .594
I am confident on negotiating issues with my superiors as far as the 1.000 .260
issues are essentially valuable for the institution.
Members of the organization take part in joint events with pleasure 1.000 .556
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Matrixa
I am committed to spend the rest of my career in this organization. .917
I feel a strong sense of belongingness to my organization .751
There are lots of written rules in the organization.. .655
I feel I am accountable for my work. .839
Members of the organization take part in joint events with pleasure .771
I am confident on negotiating issues with my superiors as far as the .510
issues are essentially valuable for the institution.
Members of the organization take part in joint events with pleasure .746
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.

2. Organizational Climate
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling .736
Approx. Chi-Square 677.089
Bartlett's Test of
Df 45
Sig. .000

Initial Extraction
There is high pay for good performance for the TVET 1.000 .420
TVET trainers in my work group are usually easy to 1.000 .683
communicate with each other about work related
People in this organization receive support and 1.000 .810
encouragement if they present new ideas
Friendly atmosphere exists among most members of my 1.000 .569
work groups.

I work as per the performance standards of my Job. 1.000 .592
I determine my own work procedure. 1.000 .837
Having a clear guiding philosophy in the organizations 1.000 .588
My organization climate of interaction with small barriers 1.000 .632
encourages creativity among TVET trainers..
The institution vision creates excitement and motivation 1.000 .718
for TVET trainers
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3
There is high pay for good performance for the .628
TVET trainers
TVET trainers in my work group are usually .592 .552
easy to communicate with each other about
work related problem.
People in this organization receive support and .343 .348 .756
encouragement if they present new ideas.
Friendly atmosphere exists among most .751
members of my work groups.
I work as per the performance standards of my .764
I determine my own work procedure. .865
Having a clear guiding philosophy in the .699
My organization climate of interaction with .674 .418
small barriers encourages creativity among
TVET trainers

The institution vision creates excitement and .506 .675
motivation for TVET trainers.
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.

3. Leadership style
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling .836
Approx. Chi-Square 660.920
Bartlett's Test of
Df 45
Sig. .000

Initial Extraction
I believe with leaders of this organization believe. 1.000 .749

I do not consider suggestions made by my TVET 1.000 .614

trainers as I do not have the time for them”.

I am requested to provide alternatives solutions when 1.000 .634

a problem occurs
I am requested to provide alternatives solutions when 1.000 .617
a problem occurs
My leader monitors my performance and keep track 1.000 .671
of all mistakes.
I have considerable independence and freedom to 1.000 .570
grab opportunities

TVET trainers have the right to determine their own 1.000 .652
organizational objectives
My leader takes actions before problems are chronic. 1.000 .575
New hires are not allowed to make any decisions 1.000 .407
unless it is approved by me first
My leader provides recognitions/reward when others 1.000 .437
reach their goals.
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2
I believe with leaders of this organization believe. .865
I do not consider suggestions made by my TVET .784
trainers as I do not have the time for them”.

I am requested to provide alternatives solutions when a .751

problem occurs
I am requested to provide alternatives solutions when a .759
problem occurs
My leader monitors my performance and keep track of .759 .310
all mistakes.
I have considerable independence and freedom to grab .635 .408
TVET trainers have the right to determine their own .526 .613
organizational objectives
My leader takes actions before problems are chronic.. .756
New hires are not allowed to make any decisions .366 .523
unless it is approved by me first

My leader provides recognitions/reward when others .661
reach their goals
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

4. Employee Creativity

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling .746
Approx. Chi-Square 578.993
Bartlett's Test of
Df 45
Sig. .000

Initial Extracti
I suggest new ways to achieve goals or objectives. 1.000 .824
I often come up with new and practical ideas to improve performance 1.000 .778
I have worked as a member of innovation team organized in our institution. 1.000 .481
I often try to find new uses for existing methods and equipment 1.000 .819
I have the habit of looking a fresh approach when solving problems in this 1.000 .466
There is special functional unit/structure whose main purpose is enhancing 1.000 .622
innovative and creative works in the institution.
There are clear procedures and facilities ready for conducting innovations or 1.000 .514
creative works in the institution

Our organization leader encourage freedom of thought and support new and 1.000 .655
innovative ideas.
There is a tradition in the organization to come up with creative solutions to 1.000 .702
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3
I suggest new ways to achieve goals or objectives. .900
I often come up with new and practical ideas to improve .838
I have worked as a member of innovation team organized in our .624
I often try to find new uses for existing methods and equipment .872
I have the habit of looking a fresh approach when solving .308 .596
problems in this organization
There is special functional unit/structure whose main purpose is .319 .720
enhancing innovative and creative works in the institution.
There are clear procedures and facilities ready for conducting .710
innovations or creative works in the institution
Our organization leader encourage freedom of thought and .772
support new and innovative ideas.
There is a tradition in the organization to come up with creative .787
solutions to problems
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 4 iterations.


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