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007 Article A001 en
While there are ample reasons for discussing gender diversity in good times, there is an
even greater need in bad times. At the time of this report, the economic and social
consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the negative spillovers and higher inflation
following Russia’s war in Ukraine, have exacerbated pre-existing gender gaps, disproportionately
affecting women’s jobs, incomes, and security. The stall in progress towards gender parity has
resulted in a call for further action to reduce gender inequality, as seen in the Strategy for
Mainstreaming Gender at the Fund. The integration of gender in the Fund’s core activities, when
macro-critical, recognizes the fact that reducing gender disparities results in higher economic
growth, greater economic stability and resilience, and lower income inequality.
The diversity of the IMF’s Executive Board, representing its 190 member countries,
enables it to remain responsive to meet the needs of the membership at all times.
Through the inclusion of more women as Executive Directors and Alternate Executive Directors,
the Board will continue to better reflect its membership, but this will require a sustained
commitment to change. Amongst twenty-four Executive Directors and thirty-one Alternate
Executive Directors, only nine positions are held by women. These numbers can, and should,
increase. As noted in this report however, the representation of women on the 2022 Executive
Board will not move in a positive direction. The number of women that hold Executive Director
and Alternate Executive Director positions are projected to diminish to 13% for Executive
Directors and 13% for Alternate Executive Directors.
The Executive Board is committed to engaging on issues of gender diversity with country
authorities in support of an Executive Board that is truly representative of the member
countries and their citizens. It is understood that change will take time. For now, the focus is
on maintaining a steady upward trend.
The gender diversity of the Fund’s Executive Board continues to lag behind other
international financial institutions (IFIs). The World Bank and the World Trade Organization
have seen a steady increase of the share of women directors on their boards. Across central
banks, most have remained stable with some recording an increase in the number of women in
their policy setting bodies, with the Federal Reserve now at parity. In general, the Fund also
remains behind the World Bank for the average number of women in OED.
Gender Diversity of International Financial Institution
Member Country Boards
21% 33%
The members of the WGGD have all benefited in concrete ways from working in gender diverse
environments over the course of their careers. The shared lessons, appreciation for different views,
and building of an inclusive mindset continues to motivate their own engagement to improve gender
diversity in the Executive Board. Drawing on their own experiences, they share their views on how
working in gender diverse organizations fosters professional development and better outcomes.
A Diverse The arc of the universe can bend towards balance and diversity,
Environment but the path is not pre-determined and takes work. And I have
Strengthens found that when the environment for diversity is created – in
Decision Making… both traits and thought – the team interactions are richer, and
output more robust. Rosemary Lim, Singapore: WGGD Co-
Chair and Executive Director, OEDST
Builds Better In my professional life in both private and public sector I was blessed by
Leaders… having male and female managers. This leadership gender
diversity allowed me to understand both professional, as well as
managerial matters more holistically and develop skills that I
am using today. I can frankly say that my professional growth
wouldn’t be the same had not have the opportunity to work
with both male and female leaders. Piotr Trabinski, Poland: WGGD Co-Chair
and Executive Director, OEDSZ
A Diverse Over the course of my career, I have had the benefit of working with a range
Environment of talented women and men. I have found that gender diversity
Allows for Greater in teams fosters a mix of views, perspectives, and working styles
Creativity and which ultimately yields more creative and effective outcomes. I
Stronger Teams… have personally benefited from both female and male mentors
that have, in different ways, supported my career advancement
and my efforts to achieve greater work-life balance. It is clear to me that
gender diversity enables a more effective working environment, stronger
teams, and better results. Elizabeth Shortino, United States: Executive
Director, OEDUS
Improves I have worked with female leaders and seniors throughout my career. They
Work/Life have demonstrated to me that pursuing a career in the public
Balance… sector while also seeking a life-work-balance including family life
is a challenge, but not unattainable. Their presence during my
professional career has significantly shaped my views and skills
on management/prioritization, communication, and team
collaboration. Hyun-Ju Koh, Germany: Alternate Executive Director, OEDGR
and Strengthens Gender diversity enriched my working environment in every dimension of the
Equality and process of collaboration. It laid the groundwork for me to learn different
Participation. perspectives which in turn made me reflect my own views and presumptions.
Experiencing diversity importantly included being exposed to varying modes
of deliberation and communication which positively affected group thinking
and behavior. Not least, diversity thereby shaped a positive way of social
togetherness. What is more, diversity as such is valuable. It represents the
fundamental principle of equality with respect to participation in society.
Applying this to the work sphere means shaping an environment that places
value in every single person and their ideas. OED Advisor OEDGR.
The WGGD will continue to advocate the importance of enhancing gender diversity in the
Executive Board and OED through outreach and communication to the membership, including
formal and informal communications to the Board of Governors, the IMFC, and with other key
LOOKING AHEAD The Executive Board will continue to act as ambassadors for
increasing gender diversity in the Executive Board by updating
the membership on the gender diversity profile of the Executive
Board and raising awareness about the importance of increasing
gender diversity to enhance decision making. Utilizing formal and
informal outreach, the WGGD will focus its efforts on members of the
Executive Board’s, the membership, as well as management and
relevant staff. It will also continue to examine possible barriers
impacting the recruitment of women as Executive Directors and
Alternate Executive Directors, and in OED. Over the coming year, the
WGGD will: