Field Report Document (First Draft)
Field Report Document (First Draft)
Field Report Document (First Draft)
I wish to express my primary appreciations to God for his great assistance and support such as
mind and body fitness, knowledge and wonderful opportunities he provides to me every day of
my life.
This report has been made possible by the material and moral support of many. I would also like
to thank my host organization, NSSF Mikocheni, for accepting me to undertake my practical
training with them and also guiding me during the whole process of being working with them.
Moreover, I would like to thank my lectures at IFM, NSSF host supervisor, all my friends and
classmate who have been always there to encourage me and enrich my knowledge and
understanding toward academic matter.
Finally, with high gratitude I send my sincere thanks to my academic field report supervisor Mr
Myega, Francis for his supervisory guidance toward the preparation of this field report to the
final stage of submission, I could have not done it better without his supervision.
ACO Assistant Compliance Officer
AO Accountant Officer
BAM Benefit Manager
BPO Benefit Processing Officer
CHQ Cheque
CO Compliance Officer
DEO Data Entry Officer
DRV Driver
GEPF Government Employees Pension Fund
IFM Institute of Finance Management
LAPF Local Authority Pension Fund
MC Manual Checking
NSSF National Social Security Fund
PAO Processing Assistant officer
P/A Personal Accountant
POO Personal Operation Officer
P/S Personal Secretary
PPF Parastatal Pension Fund
PSPF Public Service Pension Fund
PSSSF Public Service Social Security Fund
QMS Quality Management Supply
RM Regional Manager
S/A Senior Accountants
SBAO Senior Benefit Attendant Officer
SCO Senior Compliance Officer
SHIB Social Health Insurance Benefit
SHIBO Social Health Insurance Benefit Officer
The report is about practical training conducted at NSSF Mikocheni, performed over a period of
8 weeks from 8 JULY, 2022 to 8 th SEPTEMBER, 2022 as a part of the fulfilments of the
Bachelor Degree of Science in Social Protection at the end of the first year.
The objective of undertaking field is to prepare a student with practical skills obtained from field
area and gives him/her a room to translate the skills into the theories taught in class. Practical
training also aimed at exposing students and makes them familiar with the work environment,
procedures, ethics and environment. It gives experience and equips students with the necessary
abilities to handle and solve problems that they will face in the future when they will be
The report also contains the description of work done and the lesson learnt during the whole time
of field practical training like (investigation of members claims, registration of new members,
modification of members information, visiting different employers, printing member ship cards
and manual checking to the employers files) and the summary of the work done and lesson learnt
in different department as well as the challenges encountered during the field work
The report also provide an analysis of the study by giving the relationship exist between what
learnt in class (theory) and what done during practical training and point out if there is any
difference exist between theory and practical. Also explain the skills and knowledge enhanced as
a result of field practical training
Finally, the report concludes by providing the strength and weaknesses observed during practical
training and recommend on what to be considered during the field practical training to both
NSSF and IFM so that the aim of practical to be achieved and successfully.
ACKNOWLDGMENT …………………………………………………………………………ii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................................................iii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Chapter Introduction..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose and Objective of Field Practical Training..............................................................1
1.2.1 Overall Purpose of Field Practical Training......................................................................1
1.2.2 Learning Objectives for Conduction of Fieldwork............................................................1
1.3 An Overview Field Placement................................................................................................2
1.3.1 Background of the NSSF......................................................................................................2 Products and Services........................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Primary Functions of NSSF................................................................................................4
1.3.3 The Organization Structure of NSSF Temeke Office.......................................................5
1.4 Review of the Industry that NSSF are Operating.............................................................................5
1.4.1 Customers..............................................................................................................................5
1.4.3 Substitute...............................................................................................................................6
1.4.4 Barrier to enter.....................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................7
2.1 Chapter Introduction..............................................................................................................7
2.2 Task Undertaken during the field........................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Registration of new members..............................................................................................7
2.2.2 Verification of member forms.............................................................................................7
2.2.3 Manual checking to the employees files..............................................................................7
2.2.4 Entering and updating new information............................................................................7
2.2.5 Arranging Claims File and providing member services...................................................8
2.3 Lesson Learnt Based on Description of Work Done............................................................8
2.3.1 Registration of new members..............................................................................................8
2.3.2 Verification of member forms.............................................................................................8
2.3.3 Manual checking to the employees files..............................................................................8
2.3.4 Entering and updating new information............................................................................8
2.3.5 Arranging Claims File and providing member services...................................................9
2.4 Summary of Work done and Lesson Learnt in Different Department..............................9
2.5 Challenges Encountered During the Fieldwork....................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................11
3.1 Chapter Introduction............................................................................................................11
3.2 Theories learnt in class and what is happening in the market..........................................11
3.3 Skill learned and enhanced...................................................................................................11
3.3.1 Organization behavior and culture;..................................................................................11
3.3.2 . Knowledge of Social Security Package...........................................................................12
3.3.3 Self-Management Skills......................................................................................................12
3. 4 How the experience has affected career plan and ambitions ..........................................12
3. 5 Skills that student lack and problems faced.............................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................13
4.1 Chapter Introduction............................................................................................................13
4.2 Conclusion..............................................................................................................................13
4.3 Recommendation...................................................................................................................13
4.3.1 Recommendation to NSSF.................................................................................................14
4.3.2Recommendation to Institute of Finance Management...................................................14
practice, develop an understanding of how decision-making policies procedure and policies
impact delivery of services, to provide specialized connection within the community to better
understand local resources to benefit future clients, and to confirm personal interest and
capabilities in the social facilities. Products/Services
The scheme provides seven benefit which are categorized as long-term benefit and short-term
benefit as follows;
The long-term benefits/ pensions are;
Note: A member who has just retired from the employment but does not meet the qualify in
conditions for pension benefit will be entitled to a Special Lump sum Payment this will be
calculated on the base of insured person’s monthly contribution at the time the lump sum
becomes payable times the number of months of contribution.
Invalidity benefit
Invalidity benefit is paid to an insured member who has lost his/her earning capacity due to
physical or mental inability as will be certified by the medical board. From the NSSF point of
view, invalidity can be defined in three different concepts: - Physical invalidity, Occupational
invalidity General invalidity. Certification by the Medical Board that the insured person has
lost at least 2/3 of his/her earning capacity.
Survivors benefit
When an insured member dies while working, spouse(s) and children are the immediate
beneficiaries but in case at the time of death the deceased had neither a spouse nor children,
then parents shall qualify for the benefits if they depended solely on the deceased member.
Note: where a deceased insured member had not satisfied the qualifying conditions for
survivorship, his/ her dependent will be entitled to the Survivors Special Lump sum.
Funeral grant
This is fixed lump sum cash grant payable to the person responsible for the funeral
arrangement of a diseased person, who was an insured person. The amount payable shall be
reviewed from time to time to ensure that it is sufficient to meet reasonable burial expenses.
Maternity benefit
Maternity benefits are payable to a female member of NSSF who as a result of confinement
needs some support to take care of herself and her baby before and after confinement.
Maternity benefits shall include cash benefits and medical benefits during pre-natal and post-
natal periods. During the period of confinement, the female insured person will be paid 100%
of her salary for a period of twelve weeks.
An insured person has contributed for at least 36 monthly contributions to the fund out of
which contributions are made in the last three years prior to date of confinement.
Unemployment benefit
This benefit is provided (paid) to the members who lost their jobs and are currently unable to
secure employment elsewhere. The unemployment benefits have taken the place of what used to
be known as withdraw benefit and it came about three months after the enactment of the public
service social security fund (PSSSF) act, 2018.
Social hearth insurance benefit
NSSF is offering medical insurance and provisions of essential drugs to the insured person with
the aim of relieving the insured person from the burden of cost sharing in medical services. It
covers all NSSF members with their family (of up to four children under 18 or 21 years if
engaged in full time education.
The fund will undertake the operations on the basis of Integrity, Innovativeness, Accountability,
Teamwork and Transparency.
The Fund envisions is becoming a leading provider of social security services in Africa by 2020.
NSSF is a fully funded scheme under running under defined benefit principles. All funds
collected are wholly invested for the purpose of financing benefit payments. The scheme
provides seven benefits which are categorized as long-term benefits and short-term benefits as
Long Term Benefits/Pensions, Retirement Pension, Invalidity Pension, Survivor's Pension
Short Term Benefits/Pensions, Funeral Grant, Maternity Benefit, Unemployment benefit, Health
Insurance Benefit
Figure 1; Organization structure of National Social security Fund (NSSF) at Temeke – Dar es
1.4.1 Customers
Customers of the National social security fund (NSSF) are all employers and employees from
different sectors including Private Sector (companies, non- governmental organization,
embassies employing Tanzanians international organizations and also organized groups in the
informal sector), Government ministries and departments employing non-pensionable
employees, Self-employed or any other employed person not covered by any other scheme
Under the section II (1) of the acts provides that every employer shall register with NSSF within
one month, also under section II (6) of the Act provides that employer who is registered by NSSF
should register an insured person who is an employee on his firm. Every registered employer is
required to remit to the fund 20% of the employee gross salary as joint contribution from
employer and employee at the rate of either 10% employer or 10%.
1.4.2 Competition
NSSF faces competition from other social security Fund example PSSF, some voluntary
members prefer to register into Public Service Social Security fund (PSSF), this because of good
services from this fund as compared to NSSF. Also, NSSF faces competition on the Social
Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB). Under social health insurance benefits there are different funds
example National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) are providing health benefits in large coverage
compared to the NSSF coverage
1.4.3 Substitute
The objective of NSSF is the provision of benefits/pension which is categorized into long term
and short term these are old age pension, Invalidity pension, Survivor’s pension, Maternity
benefits, Funeral grant, Employment injury and Social Health Insurance Benefits.
The substitute of NSSF is all other related business production of the fund is Investment, also
through the NSSF investment policy, the fund invested in different economic and social projects
example Mtonikijichi Housing scheme Location, Kigamboni Bridge and Construction of
University of DODOMA
Also, number of employees is smaller than the work available, this makes difficult to accumulate
all works available. Also, there some offices in the compliance are not filled with employee this
led one employee to operate in two offices at the same time.
2.2.5 Arranging Claims File and providing member services.
Arranging files such as pensioner file according to date and month this keep files safe for future
uses and I had a chance to provide services and assistance to NSSF member. Such assistance
includes tasks such as to fill out the claims form.
2.3.5 Arranging Claims File and providing member services.
Arranging of file in any organization such as NSSF are more important, file must be arranged
well in order to simplify searching when they are needed example files arranged according to the
months paid. In addition, organization customers should get best service from organization
officers such as benefit officer, member come to file a claim or for another problem; organization
officer should listen to his problem and give him answers that will solve his problem.
Department of benefits
In this department the work done mostly deal with providing benefits to members such as
Unemployment benefits and Maternity benefits, member should provide all claim forms in order
to get benefits.
Lesson learnt; it is necessary to conduct manual checking to correct the information in employers
file, filling the inspection reports provide the overview of the meeting between compliance
officers and the employer, arrangement of files simplify the process of finding a particular file
because files are used to keep the necessary data and also some documents must be scanned and
stored as a soft copy and other are printed so to be stored as hard copy and other to be supplied to
different employers or members of schemes.
Department of Registration
In this department the registration of new members come to the office and printing their card is
conducted, and also registered the members who comes to take their membership card.
Lesson learnt; members should be registered so that to be involving in contributing to the scheme
and also being able to receive their benefits, also cards should be printed and given to the
members for identification and also the record of members that already take their card should be
recorded to avoid those who lost their card to come to claim for another card.
One of the challenges encountered during the field work practical is that, the field student
required to perform the task that does not relate to what the student is studied at class session,
this bring difficult for the students to perform those works efficiency and effectively as it needed
to be done.
includes things such as organization structure, integrity and ethical values, policies and practices.
All this facilitates the achievement of good performance.
3.4 How the experience has affected career plan and ambitions
Meeting and working with employees in various department got new experience that the
organization employs people with different skills like those who have studied procurement,
accounts, public sectors, business administration, social protection, Insurance and risk
management and information technology Therefore, a person with any skill can work in the
organization which finalize that a person studied insurance can work in many organization
depending on the skills that person has for instance and how the department training.
4.2 Conclusion
During the field practical study, one is able to associate class learnt lessons and what is
practiced in the working field of practical and finally portray it through report writing, this
report reveals it all as it was great sharing the little with the highly experienced people in
field of study, field practice has created chance to learn a lot as prescribed in the Tasks done
and lessons learnt.
Through practical training there is more learnt through observation for the whole period, that
wouldn’t have known if student never went for field practical such as interaction between
workers, official dressing code, confidence building, working experience and general offices
norms of conduct which are very important for any working field.
Therefore, to initiate and accomplish the mission of having highly skilled labour that can
compete in the competitive market of employment, field practical should be promoted and
the institutions should accept the role of assisting their students to get field attachments areas
so that to be able to put their theory into practice, this will build confidence and ability to
explore more than what is learnt in class
4.3 Recommendation
My recommendations in my practical field focused on the challenges, problems and gaps faced
at the corporation. The following are the things which need to be taken to measures so as
insurance industry shall be improved and the company can reach its objectives.
4.3.1 Recommendation to NSSF
Most of activities done in the organization in this era are more computerized, therefore an
organization must ensure they purchase large application software with the access of being used
with multiple user connected with wide area network, these Application are more efficient since
they are very accurate, timeliness, completeness, faster, but also they have a strong security
control which protect each information available in the organization, these software are vital to
the performance and efficiency of an organization.
Unemployment benefit should be paid within short period of time; one of the benefits paid back
to members by the fund is Unemployment Benefit which replaced Withdraw Benefit.
Unemployment Benefit is paid six months after the date of termination of the contract and after
being proved that the member is not employed in any other organization. The payment of this
benefit takes three months (90 days) after filling claims form (form number NSSF/B.1). This
time is too long to wait with regard to the time and world we live.
Lastly, (not last in importance) NSSF should now think about providing loans to individual
members rather than the current system of providing loan through SACCOS, it is now time for
NSSF as Social Security Fund to start considering issuance of loans to their permanent members
who have reached a total of certain number of contributions to the fund. For example, members
with at least contribution of 5millions may be loaned up to 3millions with affordable interest.
This will attract more people to join the fund and hence get more money to invest.
Bailey, Clive, (2002). Extending Social Security coverage in Africa, Unpublished report, SSA,
Social Security Policy, Geneva.
Eckert, A. (2004). Regulating the social security welfare and the state in colonial Tanzania.
Judith P Summer. (2008) Insurance law and the Financial Ombudsman Service. London:
United Republic of Tanzania (2003). The national social security policy, Government Printer,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania