2200 Smopea02 E20 00001 - 02 - Ifa

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2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001 - Modbus address list for HV Switchgear Click here to view review comments in Pims (login required)

Revision: 01 (IFR)
Comments Responsible: Htun Aung, Thet
Finalized:11-Jul-2024 (UTC +8)
Review Status:2 - ACCEPTED with comments. Issue at next scheduled revision.

Comment ID Comment Response Status File Name Page Number

1213535 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 2
1213537 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 2
1213540 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 2
1213545 50N Earth Fault Protection (typical comment) Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 2
1213555 Add 74 Trip Circuit Supervision (typical comment) Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 2
1213556 ESD relay is removed, hence ESD trip is not required (typical comment) Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 2
1213558 Comments are applicable for C1,R1 Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 2
1213560 CB available status shall be combine of CB in remote position, CB no faults, etc Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 2
(typical comment)
1213536 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 3
1213541 CB available status shall be combine of CB in remote position, CB no faults, etc Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 3
(typical comment)
1213544 ESD relay is removed, hence ESD trip is not required (typical comment) Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 3
1213546 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 3
1213548 circle AN 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 3
1213551 Add 74 Trip Circuit Supervision (typical comment) Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 3
1213552 Comments are applicable for C2,R2 Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 3
1213554 50N Earth Fault Protection (typical comment) Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 3
1213530 CB available status shall be combine of CB in remote position, CB no faults, etc Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 4
(typical comment)
1213539 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 4
1213542 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 4
1213543 Add:(typical comment) - 50BF CB Fail Protection -74 Trip Circuit Supervision - Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 4
40 Underexcitation - 49 Thermal Overload - 32R Reverse Power - 46 Unbalance
Load (Neg Seq I2) - 67N Directional Sensitive Earth Fault
1213550 Comments are applicable for C3,R3 Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 4
1213559 50G Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 4
1213531 CB available status shall be combine of CB in remote position, CB no faults, etc Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 5
(typical comment)
1213538 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 5
1213549 Comments are applicable for C4,R4 updated 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 5
1213553 50N Earth Fault Protection (typical comment) Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 5
1213557 Add:(typical comment) - 50BF CB Fail Protection - 74 Trip Circuit Supervision Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 5
1213561 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 5
1213532 circle NA 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 6
1213533 Add 74 Trip Circuit Supervision (typical comment) Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 6
1213534 Comments are applicable for CR Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 6
1213547 CB available status shall be combine of CB in remote position, CB no faults, etc Noted. Please refer the update List 2200-SMOPEA02-E20-00001_01_IFR_2024-05-10_01.pdf 6
(typical comment)

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