Background: Ti 01-15 08 27 en-GB Technical Information
Background: Ti 01-15 08 27 en-GB Technical Information
Background: Ti 01-15 08 27 en-GB Technical Information
information Ti 01-15 08 27 en-GB
Ti Issue 2, 2015-10-06
Products affected
Background Changes
New software with a number of improvements • After a software update or renewal of the
has been developed. control unit, the engine operating time is re-
set. This has been a problem with vehicles
which are serviced after a certain operating
Production solution time. The problem has now been resolved by
making it possible to set the operating time
The new software was introduced into produc- via SDP3.
tion in March and April 2015 for euro 4 and 5.
The euro 3 software was introduced into pro- Engine type: DC16 05/06/08/09/17/18/19/22
duction in July 2015.
• The PHCE aftertreatment function can in-
crease the idling speed to approx. 750 rpm, to
protect the aftertreatment system. Improve-
ments have been made so that the function is
activated less frequently and not immediate-
ly when the vehicle stops after a trip. An ad-
ditional improvement is that engine speed is
allowed to reduce more quickly when PHCE
is deactivated, i.e. when the parking brake is
Scania CV AB 2015-10 1 (4)
Vehicles with Opticruise Service solution
• Gear changing performance has been im- Update of the software in EMS S6 via SDP3
proved. In the new software, gear changes
2.23.1 or later version.
are quicker if the vehicle is driven in off-road
mode. Heavy construction vehicles have
faster gear changes.
2 (4) ©
Scania CV AB 2015-10 Ti 01-15 08 27 Issue 2, 2015-10-06
Engine type Assembly part number Assembly part number Assembly part number
for hardware for hardware for hardware
1 726 098 1 743 760 1 917 800
DC09 101 2 386 571 - -
DC09 101 - - 2 195 185
DC09 102 2 386 572 - -
DC09 102 - - 2 195 187
DC09 109 2 386 573 - -
DC09 109 - - 2 195 188
DC09 110 2 386 574 - -
DC09 110 - - 2 195 189
DC13 101 2 386 597 - -
DC13 101 - - 2 195 202
DC13 102 2 386 598 - -
DC13 102 - - 2 195 203
DC13 103 2 386 599 - -
DC13 103 - - 2 195 204
DC13 104 2 386 600 - -
DC13 104 - - 2 195 205
DC13 111 2 386 604 - -
DC13 111 - - 2 195 210
DC13 112 2 386 605 - -
DC13 112 - - 2 195 221
DC13 113 2 386 606 - -
DC13 113 - - 2 195 222
DC13 114 2 386 607 - -
DC13 114 - - 2 195 223
DC13 120 - - 2 195 224
DC13 121 - - 2 195 225
DC16 05 - 2 386 609 -
DC16 05 2 386 610 - -
DC16 05 - - 2 195 228
DC16 06 2 386 611 - -
DC16 06 - 2 386 612 -
DC16 06 - - 2 195 229
DC16 08 2 386 613 - -
DC16 08 - 2 386 614 -
DC16 08 - - 2 195 230
DC16 09 2 386 615 - -
DC16 17 2 386 616 - -
DC16 17 - - 2 252 865
4 (4) ©
Scania CV AB 2015-10 Ti 01-15 08 27 Issue 2, 2015-10-06