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2학년 서현고등학교 1학기 중간고사

영어1 내신코치에서는 전국 최신 기출문제를 완전무료로 제공합니다.

1. zb1)
1) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
것은? 2. zb2)
2) 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

It is important to remember that computers can only On projects in the built environment, people consider
carry out instructions that humans give them. Computers safety and functionality nonnegotiable. But the aesthetics
can process data accurately at far greater speeds than of a new project - how it is designed - is too often
people can, yet they are limited in many respects - considered irrelevant. The question of how its design
most importantly, they lack common sense. However, affects human beings is rarely asked. People think that
combining the strengths of these machines with human design makes something highfalutin, called architecture,
strengths creates synergy. Synergy occurs when and that architecture differs from building, just as surely
combined resources produce output that exceeds the as the Washington National Cathedral differs from the
sum of the outputs of the same resources employed local community church. This distinction between
separately. A computer works quickly and accurately; architecture and building - or more generally, between
humans work relatively slowly and make mistakes. A design and utility - couldn't be more wrong. More and
computer cannot make independent decisions, however, more we are learning that the design of all our built
or formulate steps for solving problems, unless environments matters so profoundly that safety and
programmed to do so by humans. Even with functionality must not be our only urgent priorities. All
sophisticated artificial intelligence, which enables the kinds of design elements influence people's experiences,
computer to learn and then implement what it learns, the not only of the environment but also of themselves.
initial programming must be done by humans. Thus, a They shape our cognitions, emotions, and actions, and
human-computer combination allows the results of human even our well-being. They actually help constitute our
thought to be translated into efficient processing of large very sense of identity.
amounts of data.
People should know the distinction between architecture
Humans and Computers Joining Forces and building.
How Human-Computer Synergy Evolves Safety and functionality influence people's experiences
The Areas Where Computers Outperform Humans of the environment.

The Rise of Computers and the Decline of Humans The effect of design as well as functionality and safety
should be emphasized.
The Limitation of a Human-Computer Combination
Architecture designers should accept the fact that
functionality exceeds design.
Architects should consider all kinds of design elements
especially when designing suburban areas.
3. zb3)
3) 다음 글의 빈 칸 (A), (B)에
(B)에 들어가기에 가장 적 4. zb4)
4) 다음 글의 빈 칸 (A), (B)에
(B)에 들어가기에 가장 적
절한 말을 고르시오.
고르시오. 절한 말을 고르시오.

Why do we help? One widely held view is that The Earth's origin is reliably dated at just over 4.5
self-interest underlies all human interactions, that our billion year's ago. At that time the Earth's primordial
constant goal is to maximize rewards and minimize costs. atmosphere (most of which is thought to have escaped
Accountants call it cost-benefit analysis. Philosophers call from the interior by means of volcanoes) was probably
it utilitarianism. Social psychologists call it social largely water vapour, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and
exchange theory. If you are considering whether to nitrogen. The appearance and subsequent evolution of
donate blood, you may weigh the costs of doing so exceedingly primitive living organisms (bacteria-like
(time, discomfort, and anxiety) against the benefits microbes and simple single-celled plants) began to
(reduced guilt, social approval, and good feelings). If the change the atmosphere, liberating oxygen while carbon
rewards (A)______ the costs, you will help. Others dioxide and sulfur dioxide were broken down. ___(A)___,
believe that we help because we have been socialized this made it possible for higher organisms to arise.
to do so, through norms that prescribe how we ought to When the earliest known plant cells with nuclei evolved
behave. Through socialization, we learn the reciprocity about 2 billion years ago, the atmosphere seems to
norm: the expectation that we should (B)______ what have had only about 1 percent of its present content of
another has done for us. In our relations with others of oxygen. With the emergence of the first land plants,
similar status, the reciprocity norm compels us to give about 500 million years ago, oxygen reached about
(in favors, gifts, or social invitations) about as much as one-third of its present concentration. It had risen to
we receive. almost its present level by about 370 million years ago,
when animals first spread onto land. ___(B)___, today's
(A) (B)
atmosphere is not just a requirement to sustain life as
exceed decline
we know it - it is also a consequence of life.
outweigh retain
(A) (B)
reduce receive
For example On the other hand
exceed rерау
In turn Therefore
outweigh avoid
In addition Nevertheless
Therefore On the contrary
However In addition
5. zb5)
5) 글의 흐름으로 보아,
보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 6. zb6)
6) 글의 흐름으로 보아,
보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
고르시오. 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

One leg is always slightly longer than the other, and However, there is always the possibility that in the
this causes us to turn without even noticing it. future other scientists will discover an even older model
of the same invention in a different part of the world.

I was brought up to believe that if I get lost in a

large forest, I will sooner or later end up where I Many inventions were invented thousands of years ago
started. Without knowing it, people who are lost will so it can be difficult to know their exact origins. ( )
always walk in a circle. In the book Finding Your Way Sometimes scientists discover a model of an early
Without Map or Compass, author Harold Gatty confirms invention and from this model they can accurately tell us
that this is true. ( ) We tend to walk in circles for how old it is and where it came from. ( ) In fact, we
several reasons. ( ) The most important is that are forever discovering the history of ancient inventions.
virtually no human has two legs of the exact same An example of this is the invention of pottery. ( ) For
length. ( ) In addition, if you are hiking with a many years archaeologists believed that pottery was first
backpack on, the weight of that backpack will inevitably invented in the Near East (around modern Iran) where
throw you off balance. ( ) Our dominant hand factors they had found pots dating back to 9,000 B.C. ( ) In
into the mix too. ( ) If you are right-handed, you will the 1960s, however, older pots from 10,000 B.C. were
have a tendency to turn toward the right. And when you found on Honshu Island, Japan. ( ) There is always a
meet an obstacle, you will subconsciously decide to pass possibility that in the future archaeologists will find even
it on the right side. older pots somewhere else.
7. zb7)
7) 글의 흐름으로 보아,
보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 8. zb8)
8) 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서
(C)에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
고르시오. 장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

However, NASA managers did not take their warnings When is the right time for the predator to consume
seriously and launched Challenger as planned. the fruit? The plant uses the color of the fruit to signal
to predators that it is (A) ripe / unripe, which means
that the seed's hull has hardened - and therefore the
During the following years, NASA successfully sent five
sugar content is at its height. Incredibly, the plant has
other rockets to the moon. ( ) Even when the
chosen to manufacture fructose, instead of glucose, as
oxygen tank in Apollo 13 exploded on its way to the
the sugar in the fruit. Glucose raises insulin levels in
moon in 1970, its entire crew was rescued, and they
primates and humans, which initially (B) decreases /
were able to return home safely. ( ) This continued
raises levels of leptin, a hunger-blocking hormone - but
series of successes made the decision-makers at NASA
fructose does not. As a result, the predator never
too self-assured and unable to imagine failure. ( ) In
receives the normal message that it is full. That makes
1986, NASA planned to send its second space shuttle,
for a win-win for predator and prey. The animal obtains
Challenger, into orbit. ( ) Right before the launch,
more calories, and because it keeps eating more and
engineers expressed concerns about mechanical
more fruit and therefore more seeds, the plant has a
malfunctions and advised that the launching be
better chance of (C) comforting / distributing more of its
postponed. ( ) Challenger broke apart 73 seconds
after it was launched, which resulted in the deaths of its
seven crew members. (A) (B) (C)
ripe decreases comforting
ripe raises comforting
ripe raises distributing
unripe raises distributing
unripe decreases comforting
9. zb9)
9) 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서
(C)에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가 10.zb10)
10) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
고르시오. 이 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오.
Over the centuries various writers and thinkers, For hundreds of thousands of years our
looking at humans from an outside perspective, have hunter-gatherer ancestors could survive only by
been struck by the (A) affectionate / theatrical quality of constantly communicating with one another through
social life. The most famous quote expressing this comes nonverbal cues. Developed over so much time, before
from Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage, / And all the the invention of language, that is how the human face
men and women merely players; / They have their exits became so expressive, and gestures so elaborate. We
and their entrances, / And one man in his time plays have a continual desire to communicate our feelings and
many parts." If the theater and actors were traditionally yet at the same time the need to disclose them for
represented by the image of masks, writers such as proper social functioning. With these counterforces
Shakespeare are implying that all of us are constantly battling inside us, we cannot completely regulate what
wearing masks. Some people are better actors than we communicate. Our real feelings continually leak out in
others. Evil types such as Iago in the play Othello are the form of gestures, tones of voice, facial expressions,
able to (B) reveal / conceal their hostile intentions and posture. We are not trained, however, to pay
behind a friendly smile. Others are able to act with more attention to people's nonverbal cues. By sheer habit, we
confidence and bravado - they often become leaders. fixate on the words people say, while also thinking
People with excellent acting skills can better (C) abandon about what we'll say next. What this means is that we
/ navigate our complex social environments and get are using only a small percentage of the potential
ahead. social skills we all possess.

(A) (B) (C)

affectionate reveal navigate
theatrical reveal abandon
affectionate conceal abandon
theatrical conceal abandon
theatrical conceal navigate
11. zb11)
11) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 12. zb12)
12) 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
이 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오.
A child whose behavior is out of control improves
The availability heuristic refers to a common mistake when clear limits on their behavior are set and enforced.
that our brains make by assuming that the instances or However, parents must agree on where a limit will
examples that come to mind easily are also the most be set and how it will be enforced. The limit and the
important or prevalent. It shows that we make our consequence of breaking the limit must be clearly
decisions based on the recency of events. We often presented to the child. Enforcement of the limit
misjudge the frequency and magnitude of the events should be consistent and firm. Too many limits are
that have happened recently because of the limitations difficult to learn and may spoil the normal development
of our memories. According to Harvard professor, Max of autonomy. Children sometimes have a hard time
Bazerman, managers refusing performance appraisals adjusting to the new learning environment and they may
often fall victim to the availability heuristic. The recency suffer from addictions. The limit must be reasonable in
of events highly influences a supervisor's opinion during terms of the child's age, temperament, and
performance appraisals. Managers give more weight to developmental level. To be effective, both parents
performance during the three months prior to the (and other adults in the home) must enforce limits.
evaluation than to the previous nine months of the Otherwise, children may effectively split the parents and
evaluation period because the recent instances dominate seek to test the limits with the more indulgent parent. In
their memories. The availability heuristic is influenced by all situations, to be effective, punishment must be brief
the retrievability of information of some event. Ease of and linked directly to a behavior.
recall suggests that if something is more easily recalled
in your memory, you think that it will occur with a high
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
14. zb14)
14) 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적
It's not correct to say that the advances of the 절하지 않은 것은?
Industrial Era have allowed us humans to entirely (a)
(a) (b)
master our planet. We still can't direct the weather or
control lightning, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, or (c) (d)
tidal waves. In fact, we have (b) reversed the situation. (e)
We are now imposing ourselves on nature, instead of
the other way around. Perhaps the clearest way to see
this reversal is to look at changes in the biomass - the
total worldwide weight - of mammals. As recently as the
time of Christ all of us humans together probably
15. zb15)
15) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한
weighed only about two-thirds as much as all the bison
것을 고르시오.
in North America, and less than one-eighth as much as
all the elephants in Africa. We are often faced with high-level decisions, where
we are unable to predict the results of those decisions.
But in the Industrial Era our population (c) exploded
and, as we'll see, we killed bison and elephants at
industrial scale and in nightmarish numbers. The balance (A) Therefore, I used this process by enrolling in a
shifted greatly as a result. At present, we humans weigh low-cost mini course with the same instructor. This
more than 350 times as much as all bison and elephants helped me understand his methodology, style, and
put together. We weigh over ten times (d) less than all content; and I was able to test it with a lower
the earth's wild mammals combined. And if we add in all investment, and less time and effort before
the mammals we've domesticated - cattle, sheep, pigs, committing fully to the expensive program.
horses, and so on - the comparison becomes truly (B) In many situations, it's wise to dip your toe in the
ridiculous: we and our tamed animals now represent 97 water rather than dive in headfirst. Recently, I was
percent of the earth's mammalian biomass. about to enroll in an expensive coaching program.
This comparison illustrates a fundamental point: instead But I was not fully convinced of how the outcome
of being limited by the environment, we learned to (e) would be.
shape it to our own ends during the Industrial Era. And (C) In such situations, most people end up quitting the
did we do this wisely as well? In many ways and many option altogether, because the stakes are high and
places we did not. results are very unpredictable. But there is a solution
for this. You should use the process of testing the

13. zb13)
13) 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
option on a smaller scale.
(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C)
Who Has Power Over the Earth
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B)
How Humans Began to Domesticate Mammals
The Pros and Cons of the Human Population Increase
The Reasons for Limiting Our Ecological Impact on
The Impact of Industrialization on the Biomass of Our
Tamed Animals
16. zb16)
16) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 17. zb17)
17) 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고
것을 고르시오.
고르시오. 르시오.

Liquids are destructive. Foams feel soft because they In school, we're given the false impression that
are easily compressed; if you jump on to a foam scientists _____. There's one curriculum, one right way
mattress, you'll feel it give beneath you. to study science, and one right formula that spits out
the correct answer on a standardized test. Textbooks
with grand titles like The Principles of Physics magically
(A) The incompressibility of water is also why waves can
reveal "the principles" in three hundred pages. An
have such deadly power, and in the case of
authority figure then steps up to the lectern to feed us
tsunamis, why they can destroy buildings and cities,
"the truth." As theoretical physicist David Gross explained
tossing cars around easily.
in his Nobel lecture, textbooks often ignore the many
(B) Liquids don't do this; instead they flow. You see this alternate paths that people wandered down, the many
in a river, or when you turn on a tap, or if you use false clues they followed, the many misconceptions they
a spoon to stir your coffee. When you jump off a had. We learn about Newton's "laws" - as if they arrived
diving board and hit a body of water, the water has by a grand divine visitation or a stroke of genius - but
to flow away from you. not the years he spent exploring, revising, and changing
(C) But the flowing takes time, and if your speed of them. The laws that Newton failed to establish - most
impact is too great, the water won't be able to flow notably his experiments in alchemy, which attempted, and
away fast enough, and so it pushes back at you. It's spectacularly failed, to turn lead into gold - don't make
that force that stings your skin as you belly-flop into the cut as part of the one-dimensional story told in
a pool, and makes falling into water from a great physics classrooms. Instead, our education system turns
height like landing on concrete. the life stories of these scientists from lead to gold.
(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) took a straight path to the answer
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B) spent years searching in the dark
(C)-(B)-(A) took slow and gradual steps to the truth
had little certainty about their searching
showed intense desire to discover the truth
18. zb18)
18) 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고 19.zb19)
19) 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고
르시오. 르시오.

When we think of culture, we first think of human Marketing management is concerned not only with
cultures, of our culture. We think of computers, finding and increasing demand but also with changing or
airplanes, fashions, teams, and pop stars. For most of even reducing it. For example, Uluru (Ayers Rock) might
human cultural history, none of those things existed. For have too many tourists wanting to climb it, and Daintree
hundreds of thousands of years, no human culture had a National Park in North Queensland can become
tool with moving parts. Well into the twentieth century, overcrowded in the tourist season. Power companies
various human foraging cultures from the tropics to the sometimes have trouble meeting demand during peak
Arctic retained tools of stone, wood, and bone. We usage periods. In these and other cases of excess
might pity human hunter-gatherers for their stuck demand, the needed marketing task, called demarketing,
simplicity, but we would be making a mistake. They held is to ____________________. The aim of demarketing is
extensive knowledge, knew deep secrets of their lands not to completely destroy demand, but only to reduce or
and creatures. And they experienced rich and rewarding shift it to another time, or even another product. Thus,
lives; we know so because when their ways were marketing management seeks to affect the level, timing,
threatened, they fought to hold on to them, to the and nature of demand in a way that helps the
death. Sadly, this remains true as the final tribal peoples organisation achieve its objectives.
get overwhelmed by miners, loggers, ranchers, and
lower supply by raising the prices
planters who value money above humanity, which is
reduce demand temporarily or permanently
perhaps the most salient characteristic of our culture.
We are living in their end times and, to varying extents, shift supply chains using a drastic measure
we're all contributing to those endings. Ultimately secure the number of tourists with promotions
______________________________. increase demand with efficiently targeted marketing
cultural trends can shift very quickly
our values may even prove self-defeating
we now show a strong respect for cultural diversity
our economic system leads to a remarkable
hunter-gatherers need to follow the technological
advances in a global world
20. zb20)
20) insects에
insects에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 21. zb21)
21) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)~(E) 중, 어법에 맞지 않는
것은? 부분을 2개 찾아 해당 부분의 기호를 쓰고 틀린
부분을 각각 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
One of the keys to insects' successful survival in the
open air lies in their outer covering - a hard waxy layer (A) As far back as the seventeenth century, hair had
that helps prevent their tiny bodies from dehydrating. To a special spiritual significance in Africa. Many African
take oxygen from the air, they use narrow breathing cultures saw the head as the center of control,
holes in the body-segments, which take in air passively communication, and identity in the body. Hair (B) was
and can be opened and closed as needed. Instead of regarded as a source of power that personified the
blood contained in vessels, they have free-flowing individual and could be used for spiritual purposes or
hemolymph, which helps keep their bodies rigid, aids even to casting a spell. Since it rests on the highest
movement, and assists the transportation of nutrients point on the body, (C) hair itself was a means to
and waste materials to the appropriate parts of the communicate with divine spirits and was treated in ways
body. The nervous system is modular - in a sense, each that were thought to bring good luck or protect against
of the body segments has its own individual and evil. According to authors Ayana Byrd and Lori Tharps,
autonomous brain - and some other body systems show "communication from the gods and spirits (D) thought to
a similar modularization. These are just a few of the pass through the hair to get to the soul." In Cameroon,
many ways in which insect bodies are structured and for example, medicine men (E) attached hair to
function completely differently from our own. containers that held their healing potions in order to
protect the potions and enhance their effectiveness.
외피의 단단한 밀랍 같은 층은 몸이 탈수가 되는 것을
막는다. 틀린 부분 고친 부분
몸의 마디에 있는 호흡구는 필요할 때 열리고 닫힐 수 ( ) ____________ ⇒ ____________
있다. ( ) ____________ ⇒ ____________
혈림프는 피가 혈관을 통해 이동하도록 돕는다.
몸의 마디는 자체의 개별적이고 자율적인 뇌를 갖고
우리의 몸과는 완전히 다른 구조와 기능을 갖고 있다.
22. zb22)
22) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

The vast majority of companies, schools, and
23) 다음 글의 빈 칸에 들어갈 말을 <조건>
조건>에 맞게
organizations measure and reward "high performance" in
terms of individual metrics such as sales numbers,
r sum accolades, and test scores. (A) The problem Edison, Morrison, and Wang all suffered big failures,
with this approach is that it is based on a belief we but they never gave up. They learned from their
thought science had fully confirmed: that we live in a mistakes and went on to experience even greater
world of "survival of the fittest." It teaches us that those triumphs. Like many successful people,
with the best grades, or the most impressive r sum , or _______________________________________. After all,
the highest point score, will be the ONLY ones to the only way to avoid failures is to do nothing. J.K.
succeed. The formula is simple: Rowling said that suffering many failures in her life
____________________________________________. But eventually enabled her to write the Harry Potter series.
this formula is inaccurate. Thanks to new research, we She remarked, "Failure taught me things about myself
now know that achieving our highest potential is not that I could have learned no other way." By risking and
about survival of the fittest but survival of the best fit. confronting failures and learning from them, we can
In other words, success is not just about (B) how become wiser and stronger.
creative or smart or driven you are, but how good you
are able to connect with, contribute to, and benefit from
the ecosystem of people around you. We often think if
as / a dispensable step / we / view failure / but / not /
we can just work harder, faster, and smarter, then we'd
as / to reach / the opposite of / should / on the
achieve our highest potential. But scientifically in the
path / success / success
modern world, the biggest barrier to your potential is not
lack of productivity, hard work, or intelligence; (C) it is
the way in which we pursue them. The pursuit of <조건>
potential must not be a lonely road. The conclusion of a 글의 맥락 및 어법에 맞게 작성할 것.
decade of research is clear: it's not faster alone, it's
<보기>의 단어(구)를 모두 1번씩 사용하되 필요한 경
better together.
우 단어를 변형할 수 있음.
(1) 위 글의 빈 칸에 들어갈 말을 <조건>에 맞게 완성하시
better / smarter / creative / you / successful / everyone

글의 흐름과 어법에 알맞게 완성할 것.
<보기>의 단어(구)를 변형 없이 모두 1번씩 사용하되,
필요한 경우 단어를 추가할 수 있음.

(2) 위 글 밑줄 친 (A)~(C)에서 어법상 적절하지 않은 문장

을 모두 골라 <조건>의 형식을 이용하여 작성하시오.
답안 작성 형식 : (E) There is many people.
(E) There is many → There are many
(고쳐 쓸 부분의 앞 단어와 뒷 단어가 있는 경우 모두
포함하여 작성할 것)
24. zb24)
24) 밑줄 친 (A)~(E)중
(A)~(E)중 내용상 적절하지 않은 것을 <보기>
모두 골라 틀린 부분을 고쳐쓰시오.
고쳐쓰시오. contribute, derive, determine, disassociate, interrupt,
Personal blind spots are areas that are (A) invisible to reserve, reduce, serve, arbitrary, additive,
others but to you. The developmental challenge of blind fundamental, negative, positive
spots is that you don't know what you don't know. Like (A) _________________
that area in the side mirror of your car where you can't (B) _________________
see that truck in the lane next to you, personal blind (C) _________________
spots can easily be overlooked because you are (D) _________________
completely (B) aware of their presence. They can be (E) _________________
equally dangerous as well. That truck you don't see? It's
really there! So are your blind spots. Just because you (2) 수도원에서 사용된 초기 시계의 형태는 어떠하였는지
don't see them, doesn't mean they (C) can run you 본문에서 찾아 우리말로 설명하시오.
over. This is where you need to enlist the help of
others. You have to develop a crew of special people,
(3) 밑줄 친 마지막 문장이 의미하는 바를 글의 내용과 연
people who are willing to (D) hold up that mirror, who
관하여 우리말로 설명하시오.
not only know you well enough to see that truck, but
who also (E) care enough about you to let you know
that it's there. 26. zb26)
zb 26)
26) 다음 글을 읽고 <조건>
조건>에 맞게 빈칸을 완성하시

In the modern world, we look for certainty in uncertain

places. We search for order in chaos, the right answer
in ambiguity, and conviction in complexity. "We spend far
25. zb25)
zb 25)
25) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
답하시오. more time and effort on trying to control the world,"
best-selling writer Yuval Noah Harari says, "than on
The invention of the mechanical clock was influenced
trying to understand it." We look for the easy-to-follow
by monks who lived in monasteries that were the
formula. Over time, we lose our ability to interact with
examples of order and regularity. They had a specific
the unknown. Our approach reminds me of the classic
need for time keeping since they had to strictly observe
story of the drunk man searching for his keys under a
the hours of daily prayers; monastery bells could be
street lamp at night. He knows he lost his keys
rung at regular intervals to announce the seven hours of
somewhere on the dark side of the street but looks for
the day (A)______ for prayer. Early clocks were nothing
them underneath the lamp, because that's where the
more than a weight tied to a rope wrapped around a
light is. Our yearning for certainty leads us to pursue
revolving drum. Time was (B)______ by watching the
seemingly safe solutions - by looking for our keys under
length of the weighted rope. The discovery of the
street lamps. Instead of _________________.
pendulum in the seventeenth century led to the
widespread use of clocks and enormous public clocks.
However, the clock altered human life by increasingly <보기>
(C)______ it from the organic patterns of life. Organic stay / may be / walk / taking / we / it / the dark /
functions themselves were regulated by it: one ate, not state / however inferior / our / into / within /
upon feeling hungry, but when prompted by the clock: current / the risky
one slept, not when one was tired, but when the clock
sanctioned it. The world became orderly and people
(D)______ time. Is the clock a bad thing? It's difficult to
assign a (E)______ value to something that has so 글의 맥락 및 어법에 맞게 작성할 것.
shaped our modern world. But almost every gain comes <보기>의 단어(구)만을 변형 없이 1번씩 모두 사용할
with some loss. 것.
(1) 위 글의 빈 칸 (A)~(E)에 들어가기에 가장 적절한 말을
<보기>에서 골라 찾아 쓰시오. (단, 같은 단어를 중복
하여 사용하지 않고, 필요한 경우 어형 변화할 것)
23) [중] We should view failure not as the
opposite of success, but as an
indispensable step on the path to reach

24) [중] (A) visible to others but not to you (B)

unaware of their presence (C) can't run
you over

25) [중] (A) reserved (B) determined (C)

disassociating (D) serve (E) negative 초기
1) [중]
의 시계들은 회전하는 드럼통에 줄을 감아서 그
2) [중] 줄 끝에 무게추를 묶어서 시계로 사용했다.
시계로 인해 세상이 질서 정연해졌고 현대 사회
3) [중]
가 형성되게 되었지만 그로 인해 우리는 우리의
생체 시계와 같이 잃게 되었다.
4) [중]

26) [중] taking the risky walk into the dark, we

5) [중]
stay within our current state however
6) [중] inferior it may be.

7) [중]

8) [중]

9) [중]

10) [중]

11) [중]

12) [중]

13) [중]

14) [중]

15) [중]

16) [중]

17) [중]

18) [중]

19) [중]

20) [중]

21) [중] (B) casting cast (D) thought was


22) [중] be better and smarter and more

creative than everyone else, and you will
be successful. (B) how good you how
well you

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