Probiotic For Children
Probiotic For Children
Probiotic For Children
• Helps Maintain Gastrointestinal Balance in Children
• Increases Secretory IgA for Enhanced Gut Immunity
• Supports Bowel Regularity
• Supports Digestion and Micronutrient Absorption
FloraBoost is a probiotic formula for children, designed to to the intestinal tract, where it can have maximum benefit.
deliver live bacteria that promote healthy gut microflora, The microorganisms in FloraBoost are protected, sealed, and
protect intestinal integrity and boost immune function. freeze dried away from moisture, heat, light and oxygen. This
The formula contains three strains of Lactobacilli and three allows the bacteria to remain dormant until they are exposed
strains of Bifidobacteria, as well as Streptococcus thermophilus to moisture in the GI tract.
and Saccharomyces boulardii, an extensively researched
microorganism shown to help restore microflora balance by Deficiency†
enhancing commensal organism function. The eight strains Many Americans, including children, consume excessive
in FloraBoost have been strategically selected based on quantities of sugar and refined carbohydrates. These sugars
research supporting their survivability and adherence to the can also have an effect on the microflora in the gut, causing
intestinal tract. FloraBoost comes in a powder form for easy dysbiosis, which can contribute to GI disturbances and immune
administration to children. challenges. Supplementing probiotics helps to maintain
microflora balance in the gut after such disturbances occur.
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a finely balanced environment Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-14)†
where roughly 500 different strains of bacteria compete Lactobacillus acidophilus is a beneficial bacteria strain that
for space and nutrients. The natural microflora balance can is normally found in the intestinal tract and mouth, and is
be disrupted by medications, or poor dietary intake. One commercially used in dairy products for the production of
of the key benefits of probiotics is their ability to increase acidophilus-type yogurt. L. acidophilus ferments various
populations of healthy bacteria in the face of microflora carbohydrates to produce lactic acid, which increases the
imbalance. In addition, extensive research has identified other absorption and bioavailability of minerals, including calcium,
broad health benefits, including supporting healthy bowel copper, magnesium and manganese. The production of
function, increasing the production of important short-chain lactic acid also promotes health by creating an inhospitable
fatty acids that provide energy to the cells of the intestinal environment for harmful agents.1 L. acidophilus has been
lining, boosting immune function, aiding in the digestion of shown to protect intestinal cells by competing for adhesion
difficult-to-break-down compounds like lactose and casein, space in the gut against harmful bacteria. The L. acidophilus
and enhancing detoxification of harmful compounds. strain in FloraBoost has been specifically chosen because of
its strong adherence and survival attributes in the GI tract.
Because probiotics are living organisms, there are various It has been demonstrated in vitro to tolerate exposure to
challenges associated with their manufacturing and gastric acid and bile salts, and has the ability to withstand
distribution. For a probiotic to be effective, it must be shelf- certain medications.2 In addition, a study of 73 children (aged
stable through the expiration date and precisely delivered 3-24 months, with bouts of occasional diarrhea and mild or
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
moderate dehydration) found thosePOINT SIZES
given 10 billion CFU of L. of diarrhea were greatly improved in the group that received
acidophilus had a decreased duration and quantity of watery the S. boulardii.12 Among 269 children (6 months-14 years)
stools than those receiving placebo. 3 SUPPLEMENT FACTS
given either medication treatment plus 250 mg/twice per day
FDA STMT XXpt TITLE of S. boulardii or placebo, those receiving the S. boulardii had
12pt SFB BODY 6pt
Bifidobacterium bifidum (Bb-02)† lower incidence of loose and watery stools.13
Bifidobacterium bifidum is a normal resident of healthy
NET QTY 9pt HEADING Directions
infant GI tracts and usually colonizes within 4 days of life. 4
6pt FOOTNOTE 6pt
It has been shown to effectively compete with harmful Add one scoop (1.7 g) of OTHER
FloraBoost to a glass of water or the
bacteria, which suggests B. bifidum’s lactic acid and acetic INGREDIENT
beverage of your choice, stir 6pt
and drink, or as recommended by
acid production provides an antagonistic action against your health care professional.
harmful agents to help maintain microflora balance. A study
of 55 infants (5-24 months given either a formula with B. Does Not Contain
bifidum and S. thermophilus or non-supplemented formula Gluten, corn, artificial colors or flavors.
for a course of 17 months) found that those receiving the
probiotic formula had less occurrences of loose and watery Cautions
stools (7% vs. 31%). 5 If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your physician
before taking this product.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (GG)†
Lactobacillus rhamnosus has been frequently used in the
Supplement Facts
Among 80 infants, 6-36 months old, with occasional diarrhea, Saccharomyces boulardii 244 mg (1 billion CFU++) * OrthoMolecularProducts
given either Supplement
a formula supplement Net
withWt. 1.8 oz (51 grams)
Bifidobacterium lactis * Daily Value not established.
Professional Strength:
IF LABEL Not for sale through Amazon
and Streptococcus thermophilus or non-supplemented formula,
those receiving the probiotic formula had fewer incidences ID# 859051 30 Servings
of diarrhea.9 A second study of 80 breast-fed children, 6-24
months old, with occasional diarrhea for fewer than four days,
found those given either a yogurt containing S. thermophilus
and L. bulgaricus had shorter hospital stays, better weight gain
and reduced loose stool frequency.10
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Client Signature D
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Return Proofs to: Your Private Label Team 1991 Duncan Place, Woodstock, IL 60098
[email protected] ph: 815-206-6530 fax: 800-476-4664
1. Lipski E. Digestive Wellness. New Canaan (CT ): Keats 11. Rodrigues AC, Cara DC, Fretez SH, Cunha FQ, Vieira EC,
Publishing; 1996. p. 60-61. Nicoli JR, Vieira LQ. Saccharomyces boulardii stimulates
sIgA production and the phagocytic system of gnotobiotic
2. Danisco. Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14 probiotic identity mice. J Appl Microbiol. 2000 Sep;89(3):404-14.
12. Kurugöl Z, Koturoğlu G. Effects of Saccharomyces boulardii
3. Simakachorn N, Pichaipat V, Rithipornpaisarn P, Kongkaew in children with acute diarrhoea. Acta Paediatr. 2005
C, Tongpradit P, Varavithya W. Clinical evaluation of Jan;94(1):44-7.
the addition of lyophilized, heat-killed Lactobacillus
acidophilus LB to oral rehydration therapy in the treatment 13. Kotowska M, Albrecht P, Szajewska H. Saccharomyces
of acute diarrhea in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. boulardii in the prevention of antibiotic-associated
2000; Jan 30(1):68-72. diarrhoea in children: a randomized double-blind
placebo-controlled trial. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2005
4. Bezirtzoglou E, Stavropoulou E. Immunology and probiotic Mar;21(5):583-90.
impact of the newborn and young children intestinal
microflora. Anaerobe. 2011 Dec;17(6):369-74.
9. Corrêa NB, Péret Filho LA, Penna FJ, Lima FM, Nicoli JR. A
randomized formula controlled trial of Bifidobacterium lactis
and Streptococcus thermophilus for prevention of antibiotic-
associated diarrhea in infants. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2005
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.