Enhancing Hydrogen Production Capability From Urine-Containing Sewage
Enhancing Hydrogen Production Capability From Urine-Containing Sewage
Enhancing Hydrogen Production Capability From Urine-Containing Sewage
Keywords: The electrochemical urea oxidation reaction (UOR) represents a promising route to sustainable hydrogen pro
Urea oxidation reaction duction and reuse of urea-containing sewage. However, the efficiency of UOR is hindered by the dehydroge
Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 nation of intermediate *CONH2NH and the conversion of toxic intermediate the *CO. Herein, we report a robust
strategy to elevate UOR performance by introducing iron (Fe) atoms into the Ni3S2@NiSe2 heterojunctions
(denoted Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2). The Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 exhibits remarkable selectivity and electrocatalytic activity
towards UOR, attributed to its reconstruction into Fe-NiOOH species during UOR process, as confirmed by in-situ
Raman technology. Utilizing Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 as both the cathode and anode in a single-chamber electrolytic cell,
the hydrogen production rate reaches 588.4 μmol h− 1 in simulated urea-containing sewage and 432.1 μmol h− 1
in actual human urine, respectively. Notably, in both scenarios, no oxygen product is detected, and the hydrogen
production efficiency surpasses that of traditional water splitting by 5.8-fold and 4.3-fold, respectively. In-situ
infrared spectroscopy study reveals that the UOR process involves the cleavage of C-N bond and the generation of
CO2. Density functional theory calculations further signifies that the incorporation of Fe facilitates the dehy
drogenation of *CONH2NH intermediates, strengthens the d-p hybridization, and weakens O-H bonds, thereby
resulting in reduced energy barriers for UOR. Our strategy holds promise for efficient hydrogen production from
sewage via UOR, offering potential implications for wastewater treatment and clean energy generation.
* Corresponding authors.
** Corresponding author at: Qingyuan Innovation Laboratory, Quanzhou 362801, PR China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Yan), [email protected] (J. Huang), [email protected] (Y. Lai), [email protected] (Z. Lin).
Received 20 February 2024; Received in revised form 28 March 2024; Accepted 8 April 2024
Available online 14 April 2024
0926-3373/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhang et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 353 (2024) 124064
Y. Zhang et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 353 (2024) 124064
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic illustration of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2. SEM images of (b) Nickle foam (NF), (c) NiSe2, (d) Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2. (e) EDS-mapping of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2.
HRTEM images of (f) Ni3S2@NiSe2 and (g-h) Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2, respectively.
Y. Zhang et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 353 (2024) 124064
ΔG3: CO(NH2N)* + OH- → CONHN* +H2O+e- (11) heterojunction presents clear lattice fringes (Fig. 1f) with the lattice
spacing of 0.269 nm and 0.287 nm, corresponding to the (210) crystal
ΔG4: CONHN* + OH- →⋅CON2* +H2O+e- (12) lattice of NiSe2 [31] and the (110) crystal lattice of Ni3S2 [32], respec
tively. It is notable that the microstructure of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 appears
ΔG5: CON2* → CO* +N2 (13) more fluffy (Fig. 1g), and the lattice arrangement of Ni3S2@NiSe2 be
comes disordered (Fig. 1h) after the introduction of Fe elements. Such
ΔG6: CO* + OH → COOH* + e -
disorder may be related to the change of intrinsic electric field of
ΔG7: COOH* + OH → CO2* +H2O+e -
(15) Ni3S2@NiSe2, which was caused by the introduction of Fe atoms [33,
34]. It will be further corroborated in the XPS study.
where * represents an active site on the surface of catalyst. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to evaluate crystalline phase of the
as-synthesized Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 electrocatalysts. As shown in Fig. 2a, NF
3. Results and discussion substrate has three Ni characteristic peaks at 2θ of 44.7◦ , 52.1◦ and
76.6◦ , ascribed to the (111), (200) and (220) planes, respectively (PDF
3.1. Characterizations of as-synthesized catalysts No. 04–0850) [18,35]. After NiSe2 was deposited over the NF surface,
XRD peaks at 2θ of 30.2◦ , 33.3◦ , 37.1◦ , 50.6◦ , 55.7◦ , 58.0, 61.9◦ and
Fig. 1a depicts the synthesis schematic of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 self- 70.2◦ were observed, corresponding to the (200), (210), (211), (311),
supporting electrocatalysts. Firstly, commercial nickel foam (NF) with (230), (321), (400) and (420) planes of NiSe2 (PDF No. 41–1495) [36].
a smooth surface (Fig. 1b) was used as a conductive support and Ni Moreover, when Fe-Ni3S2 was deposited on the surface of NF, a set of
source. NiSe2 was in-situ constructed on the surface of NF via a hydro XRD peaks at 2θ of 22.2◦ , 31.5◦ , 38.2◦ , 50.4◦ and 55.6◦ were found,
thermal method with N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) as the solvent and corresponding to the characteristic peaks of (101), (110), (021), (211)
Se powder as the Se source. Subsequently, Fe-doped Ni3S2 was decorated and (300) crystal planes of Ni3S2 (PDF No. 44–1418) (Figure S2) [37].
on the surface of NiSe2 via water bath heating by employing thiourea as Importantly, when Fe-Ni3S2 was further deposited over NiSe2-coated NF
the sulfur source, hexahydrate nickel sulfate as the nickel source, and (i.e., forming Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2), the characteristic peaks of both Fe-Ni3S2
hexahydrate iron nitrate as the iron source. Finally, Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 and NiSe2 can be seen, substantiating the successful preparation of
nanocomposites were yielded. The SEM measurements revealed that Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 electrocatalysts.
NiSe2 has a stalactite-like morphology (Fig. 1c), and Ni3S2@NiSe2 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was then utilized to analyze
nanocomposites display a cluster-like morphology (Figure S1), while Fe- surface chemical composition and electronic state of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2.
Ni3S2@NiSe2 nanocomposites display a mossy-like morphology The Ni 2p spectrum of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 exhibits two main peaks at
(Fig. 1d). The energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) mapping shows that 855.40 eV (Ni2+ 2p3/2) and 873.24 eV (Ni2+ 2p1/2), along with two
abundant Ni, Se and S elements were uniformly distributed on the NF satellite peaks (Fig. 2b) [16,38]. Compared to the pure Ni3S2@NiSe2, Fe
substrate, with a small amount of Fe elements evenly covering the sur doping induces a negative shift in the binding energy of the Ni 2p or
face (Fig. 1e). The HR-TEM image shows that the Ni3S2@NiSe2 bitals. This is attributed to the introduction of additional electrons by Fe
Fig. 2. (a) XRD paterns. High-resolution XPS spectra of (b) Ni 2p, (c) Se 3d, (d) S 2p and (e) Fe 2p, respectively. (f) XPS survery of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2.
Y. Zhang et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 353 (2024) 124064
doping, thereby increasing the electron density around the Ni atoms, electrocatalysts (Figure S4). Fig. 3a shows that Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 has an
leading to a decrease in the binding energy of the Ni 2p orbitals. The Se ECSA of 192.8 cm2, which is larger than that of Ni3S2@NiSe2
3d spectrum shows two fitted peaks at 54.62 eV and 56.40 eV, corre (137.8 cm2), NiSe2 (110.3 cm2) and Fe-NiSe2 (76.8 cm2). To further
sponding to the spin-orbits 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 of Se, respectively, and a investigate the number of active sites in the as-synthesized electro
characteristic peak ascribed to selenate was also observed at 58.75 eV catalysts, pulsed I-t measurement [41] was performed by calculating the
(Fig. 2c) [39]. The S 2p spectrum displays two fitted peaks at 162.03 eV stored passing charge at 1.0 V, as shown in the cathodic I-t curve
and 164.13 eV, assigned to the spin orbits 3d3/2 and 3d1/2 of S 2p, (Fig. 3b). The results indicate that Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 manifests a higher
respectively, which are characteristic peaks of the Ni-S bond, and the passing charge (1.55 C) compared to the pristine Ni3S2@NiSe2 sample
peak at 168.52 eV can be assigned to sulfate (Fig. 2d) [40]. The Fe XPS (0.63 C) under the same measurement condition, suggesting that Fe
spectrum shows that the Fe 2p3/2 peak could be divided into two peaks doping promotes the exposure of active sites, which is in good agree
centered at 711.11 eV and 714.14 eV, corresponding to Fe2+ and Fe3+ ment with the ECSA results. Thus, Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 was chosen as a
[10], respectively. The Fe 2p1/2 peak is located at 724.54 eV, attributing representative sample to further investigate its electrocatalytic proper
to Fe2+ (Fig. 2e) [40]. Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 consists of Fe, Ni, S, Se and O ties and reaction mechanism.
elements (Fig. 2f). The UOR was carried out in 1.0 M KOH containing 0.33 M urea,
where the competing reaction anodic OER may also take place. Linear
3.2. Electrochemical performance characterization sweep voltammetry (LSV) was initially performed to assess the elec
trocatalytic ability of UOR and OER for Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2. The potential
The electric double layer capacitance (Cdl) of electrocatalysts was difference between the UOR and OER (ΔE = EUOR-EOER) serves as a
measured in the non-Faradaic current region (Figure S3) and used it to descriptor of the electrocatalyst’s selectivity. The Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2
calculate the electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) of electrocatalyst exhibits an excellent UOR selectivity (ΔE =162.7 mV)
Fig. 3. (a) Cdl of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2, Ni3S2@NiSe2, Fe-NiSe2, and NiSe2. (b) Pulsed I-t curves of Ni3S2@NiSe2 and Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2, oxidizing the samples at 1.35 V for
150 s, followed by reduction at 1.0 V for 150 s, in 1.0 M KOH. (c) LSV curves. (d) Histogram of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 electrooxidation selectivity for different reactions. (e)
Tafel plots of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 for UOR and OER, respectively. (f) Arrhenius plots infer the activation energy of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 for UOR and OER, respectively. (g)
Arrhenius plots infer the activation energy of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2, Ni3S2@NiSe2, Fe-NiSe2, and NiSe2 for UOR. (h) Stability test of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 at j = 50 mA cm− 2 in
1.0 M KOH with 0.33 M urea; insert shows the LSV curves of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 before and after the UOR stability test.
Y. Zhang et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 353 (2024) 124064
(Fig. 3c). To better reflect the intrinsic activity of the Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2, signifies that the presence of urea did not hinder the HER activity and
the ECSA was used to normalize the current density. The UOR exhibited the electrocatalyst was well-suited for dual-function, single-chamber
excellent intrinsic activity (Figure S5). Moreover, the electrocatalyst electrolyzers. To examine the performance of urea oxidation-assisted
also manifests good electrocatalytic selectivity for other small molecules water splitting to produce hydrogen, a single-chamber electrolyzer
(e.g., methanol as in methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) and ammonia was assembled with Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 self-supporting electrocatalysts
as in ammonia oxidation reaction (AOR)) (Fig. 3d and Figure S6). functioning as both the cathode and anode (Fig. 4a). To reach a current
Furthermore, the onset potential (Eonset) reflects electrocatalytic density of 100 mA cm− 2, the required voltage was 108.3 mV in 1.0 M
ability of electrocatalyst. As shown in Figure S7, the Eonset for OER was KOH with 0.33 M urea, lower than that in 1.0 M KOH electrolyte
1.52 V in 1.0 M KOH, with a pre-oxidation peak at 1.46 V (due probably (Figure S13). As depicted in Fig. 4b and f, in the urea oxidation-coupled
to the transition of Ni to a higher oxidation state) [20]. Upon the with hydrogen evolution reaction (UOR||HER) system, the hydrogen
addition of urea, a considerable surge in the anodic current was production rate reached 588.4 μmol h− 1. In a human urine environment,
observed, and the Eonset of UOR (Eonset = 1.33 V) is much lower than that the hydrogen production rate was 432.1 μmol h− 1. Notably, the
of OER (Eonset = 1.52 V). Due to the slow kinetics of the OER at low hydrogen production rates in both aforementioned environments are
potentials, the FE of the UOR was higher at low potentials compared to higher than that in water splitting system (HER||OER; 101.8 μmol h− 1).
high potentials. Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 exhibits a high FE, remaining close to Moreover, in urea-containing system, almost no oxygen (O2) was
80 % even at an applied potential of 1.45 V vs. RHE (Figure S8). This generated, while 58.2 μmol h− 1 of oxygen was detected in HER||OER
suggests that the Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 possesses a favorable electrocatalytic system (in 1.0 M KOH; Fig. 4c and Figure S14-16). It corroborates that
activity for urea oxidation, rendering it a promising catalyst for UOR the substitution of OER with UOR could lead to effective inhibition of O2
under low potential. generation and low-energy-consumption hydrogen production with
Tafel plots is widely used to characterize the kinetic rate of electro markedly improved efficiency.
catalytic reactions, where a smaller Tafel slope indicates a more favor The reaction kinetics of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 involved in both UOR and
able catalytic reaction [42]. The smaller Tafel slope of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 OER processes were explored by electrochemical impedance spectros
for UOR (78.7 mV dec− 1) than OER (332.0 mV dec− 1) was observed copy (EIS). The Bode plots depict the phase angle as a function of fre
(Fig. 3e), insinuating that the reaction kinetics of UOR is much faster quency, where the low-frequency region (10− 1 - 101 Hz) is associated
than that of OER. Furthermore, the Arrhenius plot can be fitted to a with interfacial reactive charge transfer processes (i.e., electrooxidation
straight line, with the slope representing the electrochemical activation reaction of reactants, that is, urea and OH‾ as in this study) [44,45]. As
energy (Ea) [7,43]. The Ea was tested at different temperatures (30, 40, shown in Fig. 4d-e, phase angle in the low-frequency region gradually
50, 60, and 70 ℃) by LSV (Figure S9). In Fig. 3f, the Ea of Fe-Ni3S2@ decreases with increasing potential, indicating that charge transfer of
NiSe2 was 4.79 and 5.36 kJ mol− 1 during UOR and OER processes, the interface reaction was accelerated, which favors the thermody
respectively. The lower Ea for UOR indicates that the energy barrier to be namics of water and urea oxidation reactions [46]. The phase angle
crossed is smaller, and the UOR proceeds faster than OER thermody value of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 in 1.0 M KOH with 0.33 M urea was lower than
namically, which is consistent with the Tafel plot results. Additionally, in 1.0 M KOH electrolyte, suggesting that UOR process has a faster ki
during UOR process, the Ea of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2, Ni3S2@NiSe2, Fe-NiSe2 netics. On the other hand, in the high-frequency region (101 - 105 Hz),
and NiSe2 were 4.79, 6.73, 7.07 and 6.48 kJ mol− 1, respectively phase angle is related to electron transfer within electrocatalyst from the
(Fig. 3g), demonstrating that the introduction of Fe into Ni3S2@NiSe2 inner layer to surface,[44] reflecting the properties of electrocatalyst
heterostructure could effectively reduce the Ea of UOR. itself. In the present study, the phase angle in the high frequency region
The electrocatalytic stability was evaluated by chronopotentiometry. did not changed significantly regardless of UOR or OER process, indi
Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 exhibited no obvious potential fluctuation at a current cating that a fast electron transfer [47] and Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 possesses a
density of 50 mA cm− 2 during 24 h and 48 h continuous testing in 1.0 M good electrical conductivity. During the OER process, the Nyquist plots
KOH electrolyte (Figure S10), indicating that the electrocatalyst had a show steep straight lines at low potentials (1.30 ~ 1.45 V vs. RHE)
superb electrochemical stability. However, the potential increased (Fig. 4g), which indicates an infinite charge transfer resistance. In the
significantly after 24 h in 1.0 M KOH containing 0.33 M urea. Interest urea-containing system, when the applied potential exceeds 1.35 V,
ingly, the potential returned to its original value after the electrolyte was semi-circles are appeared in the Nyquist diagram (Fig. 4h), suggesting
replaced, suggesting that the potential increase was caused by the con the occurrence of UOR and accelerated interfacial charge transfer,
sumption of urea in the electrolyte. By replacing the electrolyte, the Fe- further confirming the faster reaction kinetics of UOR over OER.
Ni3S2@NiSe2 maintained an excellent electrocatalytic stability after
168 h of continuous testing for UOR (Fig. 3h), and the potential differ 3.3. Investigation of the catalytic mechanism
ence was only 13 mV (before and after long-time stability testing; the
insert in Fig. 3h), which outperforms recently reported self-supported Fig. 5a depicts in-situ Raman investigation into the surface species of
catalysts listed in Table S1. Furthermore, to assess the stability of Fe- Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 electrocatalyst during UOR process. At the open circuit
Ni3S2@NiSe2 under industrial conditions, the durability test was con potential (OCP), a characteristic peak at 1000 cm− 1 was observed
ducted at 500 mA cm− 2 (a current density consistent with industrial (Fig. 5b), which can be assigned to the C-N bond in urea [48], sub
requirements) by chronopotentiometry. As shown in Figure S11, with stantiating the adsorption of urea molecules on the catalyst’s surface. As
increasing time, the voltage gradually increased. However, upon the applied voltage was increased from 1.25 V to 1.30 V, two new peaks
replacing the electrolyte with fresh solution, the current density almost at 472 cm− 1 and 559 cm− 1 were emerged, corresponding to the NiIII-O
entirely reverted to its initial level. This observation could be attributed bending vibration [49] and O-NiIII-O stretching vibration [50,51],
to the consumption of urea (a reactant during the electrolysis process), respectively. This finding provide evidence that the surface of
leading to a decrease in urea concentration near the electrode and Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 was reconstructed into Fe-NiOOH during UOR process.
hindering mass transfer efficiency. This issue was effectively addressed After the UOR process, Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 underwent significant
by replacing the electrolyte with fresh solution. Additionally, after 5 morphological changes (Figure S17), suggesting that the surface of
cycles, the catalytic performance remained nearly unchanged from the electrocatalysts was restructured during the electrochemical process.
initial state, demonstrating the excellent electrochemical stability of Fe- Additionally, the XRD study revealed that the crystal structure of elec
Ni3S2@NiSe2. trocatalyst was markedly altered during UOR process, where two new
The Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 electrocatalyst also manifests a good HER ac characteristic peaks at 2θ = 43.1◦ and 48.6◦ were seen, which can be
tivity in 1.0 M KOH (Figure S12), where the addition of 0.33 M urea to assigned to NiOOH (Figure S18) [52]. This finding further confirms that
the electrolyte did not significantly affect the HER performance. This Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 was reconstructed during UOR process, and its
Y. Zhang et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 353 (2024) 124064
Fig. 4. Electrocatalytic performance test of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2. (a) LSV curves in 1.0 M KOH with and without 0.33 M urea. (b) H2 and (c) O2 products at E = 1.6 V
from 1.0 M KOH, 1.0 M KOH with 0.33 M urea, and 1.0 M KOH with human urine. (d-e) Bode plots of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 for (d) the UOR and (e) the OER process at
various voltages. (f) Digital photograph of a two-electrode cell for the HER||UOR system. (g-h) Nyquist plots of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 for (g) OER and (h) UOR process at
various voltages.
morphology change was caused by this reconstruction during the elec to monitor the pivotal species during UOR process. A positive absorption
trochemical process. Furthermore, XPS spectra of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 peak indicates accumulation of species on the catalyst surface, whereas a
before and after UOR process are shown in Figure S19. After UOR pro negative peak suggests consumption of species on the catalyst surface
cess, the Ni 2p spin-orbit was split into Ni 2p3/2 and Ni 2p1/2. The Ni [56]. For Ni3S2@NiSe2, with an increase in the applied potential, the
2p3/2 peaks at 855.28 eV and 856.44 eV can be ascribed to Ni2+ and absorption peaks were gradually sharpened at 1270 cm− 1 (Fig. 5d),
Ni3+, while the Ni 2p1/2 peaks at 872.96 eV and 874.86 eV can be corresponding to the C– –O bond in *COOH species (where * represents
attributed to Ni2+ and Ni3+ [53–55], respectively. In addition, the peaks the active site). At 1640 and 2918 cm− 1, the bending vibration of O-H
at 861.19 eV and 879.22 eV correspond to the shakeup satellite peak bond become stronger with the increase of applied potential, which
(Figure S19 a). Compared with pristine Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2, Ni 2p displays involves the fracturing of O-H bond in *COOH [57]. When the applied
a pair of peaks of Ni3+, confirming the formation of NiOOH during UOR potential is over 1.50 V, a peak at 1508 cm− 1 was detected, which is due
process. Furthermore, an analysis of the Fe 2p spin orbitals before and to the cleavage of C-N bond in *O– –C-(N)2 species [45]. Moreover, an
after participating in the UOR process revealed a new characteristic peak absorption peak owing to the stretching vibration of the N-H bond was
near a binding energy of 707.11 eV, corresponding to 0-valent Fe. This found at 1106 cm− 1, which is related to urea dehydrogenation during
indicates that Fe acts as an electron acceptor, receiving electrons from UOR process [58]. Furthermore, the above observation also illustrates
Ni, facilitating the oxidation of Ni2+ to high-valent Ni species (NiIIIOOH) that urea preferentially undergoes the dehydrogenation process rather
while being reduced to Fe0 itself. These results are consistent with the than breaking the C-N bond. After the applied potential is higher than
XRD and in-situ Raman studies, substantiating that Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 1.55 V, two peaks at 2340 and 2851 cm− 1 associated with CO2- 3 were
undergoes surface reconstruction during UOR process to form functional seen [59], which are attributed to the dissolution of the CO2 product in
oxidation state of Fe-doping Ni (oxy)hydroxides (Fe-NiOOH) species, alkaline solution [60]. In contrast, for Ni3S2@NiSe2 without introducing
which is regarded as the active sites involved in the pathway and Fe atoms, the bending vibration of O-H bond and the stretching vibra
mechanism of UOR. tions of C– –O bond and C-N bond were weaker compared to
In-situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was employed Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 (Figure S20), suggesting that the active center with iron
Y. Zhang et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 353 (2024) 124064
Fig. 5. (a) Schematic of in-situ Raman setup. (b) In-situ Raman spectra of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 for the UOR process. (c) Pathway of the UOR process. (d) In-situ FTIR
spectra of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 at continuous applied potentials from OCP to 1.60 V. RE, CE, WE, and OCP represent reference electrode, counter electrode, working
electrode, and open circuit potential, respectively.
introduced facilitates the oxidization of urea into the *COOH in respectively.
termediates and thus the formation of CO2. On the basis of the results As shown in Fig. 6d, urea dissociation is proposed to consist of four
discussed above, a possible pathway of UOR process was proposed, steps, namely, urea adsorption (*CO(NH2)2), dehydrogenation
involving (1) the adsorption of urea on the surface of electrocatalyst, (2) (*CONH2NH → *CONH2N → *CONHN), N-N coupling (*CON2 →
urea dehydrogenation, (3) breaking of C-N bond, and (4) formation of CO*+*N2), and CO2 desorption (*CO → *COOH → *CO2). Specifically,
CO2, as depicted in Fig. 5c. the potential-determining step (PDS) of Fe-NiOOH is the CO2 desorption
To decipher the origin of the superior UOR performance rendered by with a corresponding energy barrier of 2.86 eV (Fig. 6e), which is lower
doping Fe atoms in Ni3S2@NiSe2, the DFT calculation was exploited to than that of NiOOH (3.11 eV). Furthermore, the O-H bond in *COOH
analyze the change of energy barriers and electronic structure induced intermediate was found to be weaker on the Fe-NiOOH surface, as evi
by Fe doping. Based on in-situ Raman, XPS and XRD results, after the denced by crystal orbital Hamilton populations (COHP) analysis, further
UOR process, the Fe-Ni3S2/NiSe2 heterojunction experienced surface suggesting easier cleavage of the O-H bond during the PDS process. The
reconstruction into high-valent γ-NiOOH, which was considered to be projected COHP profiles (pCOHP) show the bonding (-pCOHP > 0) and
real active sites for UOR. Thus, γ-NiOOH with low-index surfaces (100) anti-bonding (-pCOHP < 0) interaction of O-H bond in COOH adsorbed
was chosen as the theoretical model to represent Ni3S2@NiSe2 (Fig. 6a). on Fe-NiOOH and NiOOH surface, respectively. Integrating the pCOHP
For Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2, the Ni sites on the surface of NiOOH was replaced to Fermi level (E = 0 eV) gives the ICOHP, which is a measure of bond
by Fe atom (denoted Fe-NiOOH; Fig. 6b). The projected density of states strength [33]. Notably, COOH adsorbed on Fe-NiOOH surface exhibits a
(PDOS) of Fe-NiOOH reveals that the PDOS near the Fermi level (EF) is much lower -ICOHP value (0.0452, in Fig. 6f) of O-H bond than that on
mainly contributed by the Ni 3d, Fe 3d, and O 2p orbitals (Figure S21). NiOOH surface (0.0466, in Figure S24), suggesting easy cleavage of O-H
The PDOS of NiOOH reveals that the PDOS near the Fermi energy (EF) is bond on Fe-NiOOH. Taken together, doping Fe atom in NiOOH
mainly contributed by the Ni 3d, and O 2p orbitals (Figure S22). strengthens the d-p hybridization and weakens the O-H bond of PDS,
Notably, the anti-bonding state of Ni 3d - O 2p hybridization in Fe- thus effectively reducing the PDS of UOR process and resulting in
NiOOH (Fig. 6c) was weaker than that of NiOOH (Figure S23), leading enhanced catalytic activity.
to a strengthened d-p hybridization in Fe-NiOOH, which render the
possibility of enhanced electron transfer and exchange capability to 4. Conclusion
activate and accelerate the UOR process. Moreover, free energy dia
grams of UOR process were calculated in order to understand the In summary, we developed a viable strategy involving the intro
intrinsic reactivity of urea dissociation at NiOOH and Fe-NiOOH surface, duction of Fe into the active site of Ni3S2@NiSe2 heterojunction to
Y. Zhang et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 353 (2024) 124064
Fig. 6. Theoretical model of (a) NiOOH and (b) Fe-NiOOH, respectively. (c) PDOS of Ni 3d and O 2p orbitals in Fe-NiOOH. (d) The pathways of UOR on Fe-NiOOH
and NiOOH, respectively. (e) Gibbs-free-energy of Fe-NiOOH and NiOOH towards UOR. (f) pCOHP of Fe-NiOOH for O-H interaction.
enhance the UOR-assisted HER process for the eco-friendly production also substantiated by in-situ infrared spectroscopy investigation. Overall,
of green hydrogen with low energy consumption. Importantly, as our strategy of introducing Fe atoms into the heterojunction and
revealed by in-situ Raman study, the Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 experiences sur substituting OER with UOR has greatly amplified the hydrogen pro
face restructuring into Fe-NiOOH species during the electrochemical duction capacity of the electrolytic process, offering a promising solu
process, which function as the actual catalytic center for UOR. Utilizing tion for sewage reuse and low-energy-consumption hydrogen
the as-synthesized electrocatalysts as both cathode and anode, a single- production.
chamber electrolytic cell was constructed. The hydrogen production
rates reached 588.4 μmol h− 1 and 432.1 μmol h− 1 in human urine and CRediT authorship contribution statement
1.0 M KOH containing 0.33 M urea as electrolytes, respectively, with no
oxygen products detected. This observation underscores the effective Yingzhen Zhang: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing–original
suppression of the OER process in the urea-containing electrolyte, draft. Yonggang Lei: Investigation. Yan Yan: DFT calculation. Weilong
highlighting the superior selectivity of Fe-Ni3S2@NiSe2 for UOR. Cai: Investigation. Jianying Huang: Conceptualization, Funding
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