A Parametric Study On The Effect of Casing Treatment Slots On Performance Enhancement of A Single Stage Axial Flow Compressor

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Proceedings of the ASME 2021

Gas Turbine India Conference

December 2-3, 2021, Virtual, Online


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Gautham A. Amin, Pramod B. Salunkhe, Chandrakanth R. Kini

Department of Aeronautical & Automobile Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology,

Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal – 576 104, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT compressor is its narrow operational range. The axial flow

This paper numerically investigates the effect of slots on the compressor works in adverse pressure gradients. With a
performance of a highly subsonic axial flow compressor. The reduction in mass flow, the compressor is likely to experience
axial flow compressor consisting of 21 rotor blades with NACA the instabilities beyond the peak pressure point, such as rotating
65 series blade profile was used for the simulations. The present stall and surge. Former is a small dead pocket zone that rotates
results were obtained using different turbulence models and in the opposite direction of the rotor and does not contribute to
shear stress transport model was found to be the best one. the pressure rise. The onset of rotating stall causes reduction in
Studies were conducted to determine the influence of length, compressor exit pressure and compressor efficiency. Therefore,
depth and skew angle of the slot on the compressor performance. it is necessary to prevent/delay the stall inception.
The slot width and centre-to-centre distance between the A well-known approach to prevent or delay the stall
successive slots were maintained at 6.3% Ca and 11% Ca, inception is treating the compressor casing around the shroud
respectively. The present study was carried out at different slot region. This passive flow control technique, also called casing
lengths (0 to 100% of axial chord, 20 to 100% of axial chord and treatment (CT), includes numerous treatments, namely,
40 to 100% of axial chord), slot depths (7.9, 11 and 15.7% Ca) circumferential grooves [1], [2], axial slots [3], axially skewed
and skew angles (0o, 30o, 45° and 60o). The slot length of 20 to slots [4], [5], bend slots [6], semicircular slots [7], etc. Osborn et
100% of Ca, depth of 15.7% Ca and skew angle of 60o resulted in al. [8] demonstrated the maximum stall margin improvement
the best compressor performance leading to 22.1% stall margin with axially skewed slots. It was attributed to the more
improvement. Subsequently, flow characteristics were studied substantial flow recirculation within the slots than other casing
without and with slots. treatments [9] and increased swirl in the opposite direction of
Keywords: Axial compressor, casing treatment, axially rotor rotation due to skewness of the slot [10]. Takata and
skewed slots, stall margin, passive flow control Tsukuda [10] observed that the momentum exchange between
the primary flow and highly energetic flow emerging at the front
NOMENCLATURE of the casing treatment is the mechanism for stall margin
Ca Axial chord, mm improvement in casing treatments. The CTs provide a route to
P1,t Total pressure at inlet, Pa pass the swirled flow from pressure to the suction side of the
P2,t Total pressure at outlet, Pa blade [11]. This results in a 'jet' of fluid injected at the front of
P2,s Static pressure at outlet, Pa the casing treatment, imparting momentum to the low energy
U Mean rotor velocity, m/s fluid that causes blockage. The CTs also re-orient the tip
V1 Inlet mean axial flow velocity, m/s clearance flow towards the trailing edge of the blade passage,
ϕ Flow coefficient resulting in a better-aligned tip leakage flow trajectory with the
ψ Pressure ratio primary flow [12]. Greitzer et al. [13] classified stalls based on
ψprc Pressure rise coefficient their location of origin as blade stall and wall stall. Tests were
carried out on two separate rotors; one exhibited blade stall and
1. INTRODUCTION the other wall stall. In the presence of CTs, the wall-stalled rotor
Modern jet propulsion systems utilizing an axial flow produced the best stall margin, whereas the blade-stalled rotor
compressor are being developed to achieve a high-pressure ratio resulted in mild variation in stall margin. This is because the
per stage to reduce the engine's weight and associated fuel boundary layer fluid near the casing wall has a high swirl and is
consumption cost. A primary limitation of the axial flow properly oriented to enter the CTs. Although the CTs introduce

V001T04A005-1 Copyright © 2021 by ASME

the vortices, their unsteady effects are of secondary importance. TABLE 1: DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS OF THE TEST
Their primary goal is to remove low-energy boundary layer flow COMPRESSOR
from the trailing edge of the pressure surface and re-route it near
the blade leading edge [11]. The casing treatment can improve Rotor blade profile NACA- 65(03)06
the stall margin, however, at the expense of compressor Pressure ratio 1.23

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efficiency. Fujita and Takata [14] reported that the rotor Isentropic efficiency (%) 91
efficiency for the solid casing is always higher than that of any Mass flow rate (kg/s) 15.2
casing treatment. Rotational speed (rpm) 12,000
Several investigations have been carried out to obtain Number of rotor blades 21
optimum casing treatment techniques to maximize the stall Rotor tip clearance (mm) 0.5
margin. Zhou et al. [9] performed computational simulations on Rotor tip diameter (mm) 409
a transonic rotor with casing treatment slots and observed that Hub-tip ratio 0.48
recirculation inside the slots varied depending upon their relative Solidity 1.39
location. It was reported that the maximum stall margin is Rotor blade stagger angle (deg.) 42
observed when the rear section of the slot covers the high- Chord length (mm) 85
pressure region and the front section covers the initial tip leakage Aspect Ratio 1.244
flow. Muller et al. [15] conducted experimental and Rotor Tip relative Mach number 0.76
computational tests on a transonic compressor with shallow (3
mm) and deep (12 mm) grooves. The results showed that the
deeper grooves resulted in a better stall margin than the shallow For the present study, the slots were chosen as the
ones. Deeper grooves allow a greater volume of flow to be casing treatment due to their ability to provide larger stall
recirculated, resulting in a higher stall margin. The above margins [8],[10]. The slots are radially skewed in the direction
findings were also observed by Wu et al. [16]. Zhang et al. [17] of rotor rotation. Although the slots exhibit a larger efficiency
investigated the effect of skew angle using cross blade axial penalty, it compensates by operating the compressor at a lower
skewed slots in a subsonic compressor. It was observed that the mass flow rate. Figures 2 and 3 represents the multiple slots and
slots with a radial skew angle of 0° and 60° had a stall margin their location relative to the rotor blade. The slot length, depth
improvement from 21.89% and 54.31 %, respectively. Fujita and and skew angle were varied, as depicted in Table 2. From the
Takata [14] reported that placing the slots within the leading and past literature, the casing treatment slot depth and skew angle are
trailing edge of the blade is essential for optimal improvement in more influencing parameters [15],[17]. Therefore, in the present
stall margin. Ma et al. [18] numerically analyzed the effects of research, a full factorial optimization scheme was used for two
axial slots and found that the efficiency penalty can be variables (3 slot depths and 4 skew angles), resulting in 12
minimized by reducing the number of slots. simulations. Additionally, three slot lengths were simulated
The past literature has demonstrated that the slots perform leading to the total number of simulations to 15. The width of the
better than the grooves. The major parameters in designing a slot was kept constant at 6.3% Ca for all configurations. The
casing treatment using the slots are location, length, depth, centre-to-centre distance between two successive slots was set to
width, number of slots and skew angle. The present work reports 11% Ca. After carrying out parametric study of a particular
the performance assessment in axial compressor by carrying out parameter, the corresponding optimized value was used for the
a parametric study of axial slots by varying the depth, length and parametric study of remaining parameters.
skew angle. The slot depth has more influence on the compressor
performance than the slot width. To limit the number of TABLE 2: AXIAL SLOT PARAMETERS
parameters and simulations, other parameters, such as, slot
width, center-to-center distance between the successive slots etc. -- From 40% From 20% From
were kept constant. Subsequently, the flow characteristics Length ca to trailing ca to trailing leading edge
without and with slots are investigated. edge (short edge to trailing
slot) (medium edge (long
slot) slot)
Depth -- 7.9 11 15.7
A high subsonic axial flow compressor with an isolated rotor
(% Ca)
was employed for this investigation. The rotor consists of 21
blades with NACA 65 series blade profile. Figure 1 shows the Skew 0 30 45 60
3D model of the compressor rotor blade. The stators are not angle
included in the present configuration to reduce the computational (deg.)
time. The maximum pressure ratio was found to be 1.23 for the
mean rotor speed of 12,000 rpm. Table 1 provides detailed 3. NUMERICAL METHOD
specifications of the test compressor. Three-dimensional flow simulations were performed by
solving the RANS equations using the commercially available
ANSYS CFX software. ANSYS Turbogrid was used to

V001T04A005-2 Copyright © 2021 by ASME

discretize the whole rotor domain. The grid sensitivity study was The inlet boundary condition was set as total temperature and
carried out at 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2 and 1.6 million elements. At 1 total pressure at 288 K and 101.325 kPa, respectively. Mass flow
million elements, the numerical error in pressure rise and was set as the outlet boundary condition. The compressor was
compressor efficiency was 0.06% and 0.29%, respectively. brought to the stall mode of operation by gradually decreasing

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Therefore, all simulations were performed at 1 million elements. the mass flow rate at the outlet. No-slip and smooth wall
Figure 4 shows the computational domain for the numerical conditions were set at the hub, shroud and blade surfaces. The
simulations. The y+ value was kept below 1 to capture the near- inlet and outlet domains were located at 102.4% Ca upstream and
wall viscous effects accurately. The shear stress transport (SST) 133.8% Ca downstream of the rotor trailing edge, respectively.
model with automatic wall function was used as the turbulence
model. A physical time-scale of 7.5 × 10-4 s was set for steady Slot length
state analysis and high-resolution scheme was set to discretize
the advection terms for better accuracy.
TE of rotor
rotation Axial slot
Rotor blade

Slot gap

LE of rotor blade



Instead of simulating the 21 rotor passages, only one rotor

passage was simulated using the periodic boundary condition to
save computational time. As a result, the rotor passage includes
FIGURE 1: 3D MODEL OF THE COMPRESSOR ROTOR total 9 slots. In the present study, the rotor rotation is 12000 rpm,
Radial skew angle corresponding to 0.005 s for 1 revolution and 2.38 x 10 -4 s for
one blade passing period of the rotor. The blade passing period
Slot width
is often used as a criterion for selecting numerical time steps in
turbomachinery flow simulations [19]. Therefore, unsteady
analysis was performed using a time step of 2.38 × 10 6 s (100-
time steps per blade passage) with 5 inner iterations. First, the
Slot depth steady-state analysis was performed, followed by unsteady
analysis by initializing the prior steady-state solution. The stall
margin improvement (ϕSM) was calculated using the following
(A) (B) formula [20],

ϕStall,Baseline − ϕStall,CT
% ϕSM =
Rotor blade

X 100 (1)

𝑃2,𝑠 − 𝑃1,𝑡
𝜓𝑃𝑅𝐶 = (2)
1 2
𝜓= (3)

V001T04A005-3 Copyright © 2021 by ASME

𝜙= The present computational results were validated with the
experimental data of Inoue et al. [21]. Three turbulence models
were considered for the validation purpose, namely, SST, k-ε and
k-ω. Figure 5 shows that all the turbulence models under-

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predicted the pressure ratio before the flow coefficient of 0.42
TE mesh
and over-predicted the results beyond it. At the stall point, the
SST model was found to show the closest matching with the
experimental data with an error of 5.3%. Therefore, in the
present work, the SST model was used to carry out all the


LE mesh


Axial slot


A parametric study was conducted to demonstrate the
impact of the slot's length, depth, and skew angle on the axial
compressor performance. Figure 6 represents the long, medium
and short slots relative to the rotor blade. In the initial study, the
slot length was varied and the depth and skew angle of the slot
were fixed at 7.9% Ca and 0°, respectively. Figure 7 shows the
compressor map by incorporating different slot lengths. The stall
inception point was determined from the highest pressure ratio
point. Beyond this point, the compressor stalls and causes drop
in pressure ratio. Figure 7 clearly shows that for all the slot
lengths, the stall margin is improved. The highest and the lowest
improvements in stall margin were found to be 8.82% and 1.47%
for the medium and short slots, respectively. This is primarily
due to the position of the slot. Zhou et al. [9] reported that the
(B) high-pressure difference between the front and rear parts of the
FIGURE 4: COMPUTATIONAL MESH OF (A) THE BLADE slot increases fluid volume flow rate through the slot and help
PASSAGE AND (B) BLADE PASSAGE WITH AXIAL SLOTS impart more momentum to the adjacent fluid. In the present case,
All simulations were considered as converged when the for the medium slot, the front part of the slot interacts with the
residuals reaches a value of 10-4 and properties such as pressure tip leakage flow, whereas, rear part experiences the low energy
ratio or isentropic efficiency were stable up to 100 iterations. (or separated) flow. This leads to the formation of high-pressure

V001T04A005-4 Copyright © 2021 by ASME

difference compared to the long and short slots, resulting in the skew angle. This way, 'd7.9_s0' represents slot depth of 7.9% Ca
highest stall margin improvement. and skew angle of 0o. Figure 8(A) indicates the effect of skew
angle on compressor performance for 7.9% Ca slot depth. The
stall margin was found to be improved from 0° to 60°. The

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intermediate skew angles, 30° and 45° led to the same stall
margin. The highest stall margin improvement was found to be
13.52%. With further increase in depth to 11% Ca, the
compressor was found to be operated at lower flow coefficients
as observed in Fig. 8(B). The skew angle of 60o led to the highest
stall margin of 19.3%, whereas the lowest stall margin of 10.29%
was observed at 0o skew angle. For 15.7% Ca depth, the stalling
flow coefficient was further reduced. From Fig. 8, it can be seen
that, at lower slot depth, the skew angle of the slot is more
sensitive to the stall margin improvement. With an increase in
slot depth, the dependence of stall margin improvement on the
(A) (B) (C) skew angle was found to be weak. For 15.7% Ca slot depth, the
highest stall margin improvement of 22.1 % was observed for
FIGURE 6: LOCATION OF AXIAL SLOTS OVER THE ROTOR 45o and 60o skew angles as shown in Fig. 8(C). The higher skew
DOMAIN (A) LONG SLOTS FROM LE TO TE, (B) MEDIUM angle causes more flow recirculation inside the slots, hence,
SLOTS FROM 20% ca TO TE AND (C) SHORT SLOTS FROM 40% improves the swirl intensity of the flow leaving the slot, which
further help delay the onset of stall. The lower slot depth limits
ca TO TE
the flow recirculation and hence reduces the stall margin
improvement. The above findings were in line with the past
literature, where deeper casing treatment substantially increases
the stall margin [16], [17]. Though the stall margin is improved
due to the incorporation of the slots, the compressor efficiency
was reduced by 4.5% for d15.7_s60.
Figure 9 shows the relative velocity contours for the baseline
case at the stall point (ϕ = 0.68) and beyond the stall point (ϕ =
0.67) extracted at 99% blade span. At the stall point, the
substantially lower flow velocity indicates the stall inception
phenomenon. With subsequent reduction in flow coefficient, the
region occupied by the low energy flow was substantially
increased, reaching up to the pressure surface of the subsequent
blade. At this stage the compressor operates in the stall mode of
operation as depicted in Fig. 9(B). Figure 10 illustrates the
velocity contour for the optimized configuration of the slot
(medium slot, 15.7% Ca depth and 60o skew angle) extracted in
the stall mode of operation (ϕ = 0.67) at the same blade span of
99%. The high velocity spots observed in the figure refer to the
acceleration of the flow on the suction surface of the leading
edge of the rotor. It clearly shows that after incorporating the
medium slots, the stall inception is delayed to a lower flow
coefficient. The interaction of passage flow and the tip leakage
FIGURE 7: ROTOR PERFORMANCE MAP FOR THE BASELINE flow with the skewed slots forms the flow circulation within the
CASE AND DIFFERENT SLOT LENGTHS slots and help impart momentum to the low energy adjacent
fluid. The tip leakage trajectory with increased flow velocity is
Subsequent studies were carried out by varying the slot depth clearly observed in Fig. 10.
and skew angle with the slot length, i.e., medium slots held
constant. Figure 8 depicts the effect of skew angle and slot depth
on the percent improvement in stall margin. The skew angle was
varied to 0, 30, 45 and 60°, whereas depth was varied to 7.9, 11
and 15.7% Ca. The slot depth is represented by 'd' and the digit
immediately following this letter shows the magnitude of the
depth in %Ca. Similarly, 's' indicates the skew angle and letter
immediately following this letter represents the magnitude of the

V001T04A005-5 Copyright © 2021 by ASME

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STALL POINT (ϕ = 0.67)




OF (A) 7.9 (B) 11 AND (C) 15.7% Ca

V001T04A005-6 Copyright © 2021 by ASME

Figure 11 depicts the effect of slot depth on the compressor
performance for a given skew angle of 60o. It clearly shows
that the stall margin improves with increase in slot depth.
The results from Fig. 7-11 indicate that the optimal

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compressor performance is obtained with the casing
treatment slot configuration of medium slot with 15.7% Ca
depth and 60o skew angle. The above values shows that there
is further scope for optimization in compressor performance
by considering lower slot lengths and higher slot depths and
skew angles.
Figure 12 represents the absolute velocity vectors
within the casing treatment slots for different depths and
skew angles. In all cases, the recirculation region covers the
entire slot. It can be observed that with an increase in slot
depth, the available volume for recirculation of flow
increases. The increased volume allows for a greater
quantity of flow to be recirculated within the slots. In
addition, with higher skew angles, the volume for
FIGURE 11: EFFECT OF SLOT DEPTH ON COMPRESSOR recirculation is further increased. In the process of
PERFORMANCE FOR SKEW ANGLE OF 60° recirculation, the flow is churned and its momentum is
increased. For casing treatment slots with higher depth and
Slot width

Slot depth

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

(C) d15.7_s0 and (D) d15.7_s60

V001T04A005-7 Copyright © 2021 by ASME

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