Fabm 2
Fabm 2
Fabm 2
Non-Current Liabilities:
Long-term Debt - Represent bank loans as a source of
financing for the entity. Can be in a span of 5-25 years.
Bonds Payable- Contracts of indebtedness sold to
certain individuals.
Merchandising Company
Statement of Comprehensive -A merchandising company sells goods to customers
Income and the main cost associated with the activity is the
cost of the merchandise which is presented under the
Statement of Comprehensive Income line-item Cost of Goods Sold.
-Also known as the income statement. -Multi-Step
-Contains the results of the company’s operations for a
specific period of time which is called net income if it is Parts of the SCI
a net positive result while a net loss if it is a net negative a. Heading
result. i. Name of the Company
-This can be prepared for a month, a quarter or a year. ii. Name of the Statement
(Haddock, Price, & Farina, 2012) iii. Date of preparation (emphasis on the wording – “for
-This financial statement tells the reader about the the”)
“performance” and activities of the company for a b. Revenues
certain period. This is the total amount of revenue that the company
-This statement presents the revenues and expenses was able to generate from providing services to
incurred by the company for a period of time. customers
-The date of the SCI is always “for the period ended” c. Expenses
(e.g. “Statement of Comprehensive Income for the Can be broken down into General and Administrative
Period Ended December 31, 2022”). and Selling Expenses