Assignment 1

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From the following problem statement identify the possible entity

sets, their attributes, and relationships.
SE VLabs Inc. is a young company with a few departments spread across the
country. As of now, the company has a strength of 200+ employees. Each
employee works in a department. While joining, a person has to provide a lot of
personal and professional details including name, address, phone #, mail
address, date of birth, and so on. Once all these information are furnished, a
unique ID is generated for each employee. He is then assigned a department in
which he will work. There are around ten departments in the company.
Unfortunately, two departments were given same names. However, departments
too have ID's, which are unique.

Draw the ER Diagram for the following case Study:
We wish to create a database for a company that runs training courses.
For this, we must store data about the trainees and the instructors. For each
course participant (about 5,000), identified by a code, we want to store her
social security number, surname, age, sex, place of birth, employer’s name,
address and telephone number, previous employers (and periods employed), the
courses attended (there are about 200 courses) and the final assessment for each
course. We need also to represent the seminars that each participant is attending
at present and, for each day, the places and times the classes are held. Each
course has a code and a title and any course can be given any number of times.
Each time a particular course is given, we will call it an ‘edition’ of the course.
For each edition, we represent the start date, the end date, and the number of

If a trainee is self-employed, we need to know her area of expertise, and,

if appropriate, her title. For somebody who works for a company, we store the
level and position held. For each instructor (about 300), we will show the
surname, age, place of birth, the edition of the course taught, those taught in the
past and the courses that the tutor is qualified to teach. All the instructors’
telephone numbers are also stored. An instructor can be permanently employed
by the training company or freelance.
What is functional dependency? Write an algorithm to find minimal cover
for set of functional dependencies. Construct minimal cover m for set of
functional dependencies which are: E : { B → A, D → A, AB →D}


Define functional dependency. Give set of FDs for the relation

schema R(A,B,C,D) with primary key AB under which R is in 1NF
but not 2NF and R is in 2 NF but not in 3 N.

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