Ethics Unit 1
Ethics Unit 1
Ethics Unit 1
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter one should be able to understand:
The meaning and definition of ethics
3 Significance of Ethics
Meaning & definition of Business Ethics
Source of Business Ethics
63 Values
6 Code of Conduct
6 Ethical Issues
Ethical Theories
Morality & Ethical Theory
nce 63
Business environment is influenced by many forces,
6.4 and indirect
factors and institutions which may have direct
impact on various decisions. General business
6.4 comprises economic, social, political, legal and
technological environments. This will never change as per
but individuals who
the requirements of an individual
QP! environment have to
operate their business in this general
changes in the
change their plans and policies according to have a
environment. This would enable them not only to
gain, but at times
lead among their competitors and make a
even to sustain in the business.
Diversity in the workplace enables people of allsocio regulations or going against them togovernment
make a gain.
rules and
economic backgrounds to feel comfortable working in th This kind of compliance issue may be
organization. Diversity in the workplace would lead t when an organization ethically solved
frames its policies that
with the do not clash
enhanced creativity and new processes resulting in a government laws with a commitment to
to corporate governance. compliance
increase in productivity and sales. At the same time, a
organization may face some challenges of diversity 1.11 ETHICAL THEORIES
Diversity issues may be tackled smoothly if an organizatio The formal study of ethics relates
enforces non-discriminatory standards and enforce back to the
nenalties for non-compliance. The organizanons suouu ais philosopher Socrates. Many other philosophers tooGreek
on bevond to embrace the tried to
differences. This would Open ey would beexplain what "ethics" is and what its source is.hadIt
horizons with new customer demograpnies nd buses by appropriate to learn the theories of ethics framed
renowned philosophers in order to understand the source
of ethics.