Apache Tomcat

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Divya Vasant Satpute Notes

What is Apache Tomcat? A Beginner's Guide

to the Web Server
"Exploring Apache Tomcat: Elevate Your Web Development Experience"

Deployment of Apache Tomcat Webserver

• Apache Tomcat is a web server

• Apache Tomcat is free and open source

• Apache Tomcat runs on 8080 port by default (we can also change that port )

Apache Tomcat Folder Structure

1. bin : It contain commands to start and stop Tomcat server (if we are using windows
then we use startup.bat and shutdown.bat )(if we are using Linux OS then we use
startup.sh and shutdown.sh )
2. conf : It contains configuration files
3. lib : It contains libraries (jars files)
4. logs : It contains servers logs files
5. temp : Temp files will be created here (we can also delete them )
6. webapps : This is called as a deployment folder

Note: We will keep all war files in webapps folder for deployment , thats why webpps called
deployment folder

Working with Apache Tomcat in Linux OS

Here, the steps we need to follow for set up tomcat

• Login into AWS Management Console

• Create EC2 Instance (Ubuntu or any AMI)

• Connect to EC2 instance using Git-bash /putty / MobaXterm

• Install java software using below command

$sudo apt install java-1.8.0-openjdk

• Verify the version of java installed in our machine

$java -version

Note: If we have multiple java version installed then we can switch to particular version using
below command

@Divya Vasant Satpute


$alternatives --config java

We can download Apache Tomcat from Official Website


• We can find Apache Tomcat URLs to downloads in official website downloads page

• Copy the URL of tar file and execute below command in Linux machine
$ wget< tomcat-tar-file-url>
After tomcat tar file got download the extract Tomcat Tar file using below command

$ tar -xvf<tomcat-tar-file-name>

Go inside tomcat folder and see folder structure

$cd tomcat -folder

$ls -lrt

Go to tomcat bin directory and run tomcat server

$cd bin/


Note: Tomcat server runs on 8080 port by Default . Enable this port in security group as custom tcp

Security Groups config

Type : Custom TCP

Portoal : TCP

Port Range : 8080

Source : Custom (

Access Tomcat server from your browser

URL: http: // EC2-VM-Public-IP :8080/

Note: It should open tomcat server home page.

• By Default the Host Manager is only accessible from a browser running on the same
machine as Tomcat.

• If you wish to modify this restriction, you 'll need to edit the Host Manager 's Context.xml

• File Location: <Tomcat >/webapps/manager/META-INF/context.xml

@Divya Vasant Satpute


<context antiResourceLocking="false" privileged="true" >

<valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
allow".*" />

Add Tomcat Users in Tomcat/conf/tomcat/tomcat-users.xml file like below /

<role rolename="manager-gui" />

<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager-gui" />
<role rolename="divya-gui" />
<user username="divya" password="divya" roles="manager-gui,divya-gui" />

We can change tomcat servers default port in tomcat/conf/server.xml file

When We change tomcat port number in server.xml file then we have to enable that port
in security Group which is associated with our EC2 Instance.

Steps to display Maven Web Application

1. Create Maven Web Application
2. Edit index.html file like below (File Location : project-folder\src\main\webapp)

<h1><font color='red'> Welcome to divyalearn.online...!! <font></h1>
<h2> Learn here .... Lead Anywhere ...!! </h2>
<a href="https://learnwithdivya.hashnode.dev"> click Here To see My

3. package Maven Web Application as a war file using Maven Goals

$ mvn clean package
4. Go to Tomcat Server Admin Dashboard and click on "Manager App "
5. Select War file to upload and click on "Deploy" button
6. War file will be deployed and it will display in application
7. Click on Application Path (It will open the application in browser)

Stop Apache Tomcat Server
Stop EC2 instance

@Divya Vasant Satpute


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@Divya Vasant Satpute


@Divya Vasant Satpute

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