Customer Request Form
Customer Request Form
Customer Request Form
Correspondence Address:
Contact No: E-mail Address:
I / we request you to provide me / us with the following service(s). I am / we are aware of the charges to be paid for the requested service, wherever applicable.
1.Welcome Kit 2.Repayment Schedule 3.Statement of Account 4.Original Document
5.Interest Statement a) Provisional b) Final 6.List of Documents 7.Loan pre-closure Statement
8.Closure NOC 9.Rate Change Le�er 10.PDC Request 11.Insurance related Please specify
1.Pre-closure Payment Would you like to con�nue with the Life Insurance policy? Yes No
2.Part Payment with effect on i) Tenure ii) EMI (Please indicate below source of funds in case of pre-closure payment or part payment)
a) Salary / Business Income b) Proceeds from investments c) Sale of immovable property d) Sale of movable property such as jewellery, vehicle etc
eg. FD, insurance, mutual funds, shares, debentures etc
e) Loan / contribution from family and relatives f) Transfer of loan to other bank / FI g) Other Sources
4.Bank Account Swap 5.ROI Conversion with effect on i) Tenure ii) EMI
6.EMI Related a) Payment/ EMI Not Deducted b) Date Change c) EMI- under construction d) EMI Amount Change
For any queries please call us on 1800 266 6444 or write to us at [email protected]