Public Relations

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STUDENT NAME;Aobakwe setibi

COURSE;Secretary and Administration services

MODULE;Public Relations


TOPIC;Public opinion


Table of content



4.define public relation …………………………………………

5.discuss the process of attitude and opinion


6.discuss ways in which the organisation can shape the public

7.identify the difference between corporate image ,corporate identity and
public opinion………………………………………………………

8.discuss the functions of the office of the ombudsman in Botswana


9.discuss the services provided by the public relations consultancies in

Botswana ……………………………………………………………

10.Conclution ………………………………………………………..

11.Reference ………………………………………………………..
I am grateful for the inspiration and wisdom of many of my colleagues at
realic technical college and elsewhere whose crucial questions and
suggestions have shaped my thoughts on my project and research
method in the content of this book. My college lecturer Ms Aron has
provided friendly and professional advice and encouragement.
But I owe the most gratitude to my family they provided me with
extended support and encouragement when I needed them the most, to
them I extend my sincere thanks.
Define public opinion
Public relations are the practice of managing and disseminating
information from an individual or organization such as a business,
government agency, or a nonprofit organization to the public in order to
influence their perspective. Public relations and publicity differ in that PR
is controlled internally whereas contributed by external parties. Public
relations may include an organization or individual gaining exposure to
their obedience using tropics of public interest and the news item that do
not require direct payment. Public relations create obtain coverage for
clients for free also known as an immediate rather than pay for market or
advertising also known as paid media. But in in the early 21st central
advertising is also a part of broader PR activities.
An example of good public relation would be generosity and article
featuring PR firms claimed rather than paying for the client to be
advertised next to the article. The aim of public relation is to inform the
public, prospective customers, investors, partners, and other stake
holders and persuade them to maintain the positive of average bullet
view about the organization, it's leadership ,products, or political
Defamation of public opinions that sent agenda setting by major media
outlets throughout the world. This agenda searching dictates what is new
worth it and how and when it will be reported. The meeting agenda is set
by a variety of different environmental and news work factors that
determines which stories will be newsworthy. Key component in the
formation of public opinion is framing. Evening is when is oral or piece of
news is portrayed in a particular way and is meant to sway the
consumers attitude one way or the other. Most political issues are
heavily framed to persuade voters to vote for a particular candidate.
Social desirability is another key component to the formation of public
Susha desirability is the idea that people in general will form their
opinions based on what they believe is due prevalent opinion of the
social group they identify with. Based on media and media framing, most
often a particular opinion gets repeated through various news medias
and social networking sites, until it creates a false version where they
perceive truth can be very far from the actual truth. When asked for their
opinion about which they are uninformed people often provide pseudo-
opinion they believe will please the questioner.
Public opinion can be influenced by public relation and the political
media. Additionally, advertising techniques to get their message out and
change the mind of people. Since the 1950s, television has been the
main media for molding public opinion. Since the late 2000s, the Internet
has become a platform for forming public opinion. Gunn Enli identifies
the Internet effect on public opinion as being characterized by an
intensified personalization of political advocacy and increased anti-
elitism, popularization and populism.
According to Robert Shapiro, public opinion and policy making are
fundamental to a democracy which is linked to electoral accountability
meaning that the leader who was elected would not deviate far from
voters’ opinion. The problem that arises when analyzing the data
collected by researchers is the how this issues that are important, I
selected when collecting the data about public opinion. The study by
James N. Druckman Andrew Lawrence R Jacobs discusses how
presidents collect their information for policy making. On the one hand
they collect data about the public preference on silent metas like crime
and economy. This reflects a populist child of democracy with the
government portrays respect toward the people's view and they are
The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come
together to fully discuss and identify societal problems and through that
discussions influence political action. A public is of or concerning the
people. Such a discussion is called public debate and is defined as the
expression of views on matters that are of concern to the public often but
not always, with opposing or diverging views being expressed by
participants in discussion the public debate takes place most to the mass
media but also at meetings or through social media, academic
publications and government policy documents.
Definitions originally claimed by German philosopher Jurgen Habermas
who defined the public's sphere as made-up of private people gathered
as a public and taking the needs of society with the state.
Communication scholar Gerard A. Hauser defines it as a discursive
space in which individuals and groups associate to discuss matters of
mutual interest in the way possible to reach a common judgment about
them. The public's here can be creator of modern society in which
political participation is enacted through the medium of talk and a realm
of social life in which public opinion can be formed. Habermas argues
that's under certain conditions The media act to facilitate discourse in a
public sphere. The recipient has brought a big resurgence of scholars
applying theories of the public sphere to Internet technologies.
For example, a study by S. Edgerly et al. Focused on the ability of
YouTube to serve as an online public sphere. The research has
examined alleged sample of video comments using the California
proposition 8 2008 as an example. The author argues that some
scholars think the online public sphere is a space where a wide range of
voices can be expressed due to low barrier of entry and interactivity.
However, they also point at a number of limitations. Edgeley et al . Say
that they affirmative discuss presupposes that YouTube can be an
influential player in political processes and that it can serve as an
influential force to politically mobilize young people. YouTube has
allowed one in everyone to be able to get any political knowledge they
wish. The authors mission critics that say YouTube is built around the
popularity of videos with sensationalist content.
However, with the evolving shift in the economy toward the informational
materiality in which value is based upon the informational significance of
the narrative surrounding the product the clear-cut subjective separation
is no longer obvious. Hardt and Negri see the open-source approaches
as examples of new ways of operations that illustrate how economic
value is not founded upon exclusive positions but rather upon collective
potentialities. Information mentality is characterized by gaining value
only through being shared. Hardt and Negri suggest that the Commons
became the focal point of analysis of public relations. The point being
that with this shift it becomes possible to analyze how the very distinction
between the private and public are evolving.
Individuals increase their control over the outcomes of an interaction by
presenting information about themselves selectively. Every day
individuals create an identity by the way they dress, the language they
use. This phenomenon of self-presentation can also be observed at a
company level. However, companies’ social encounters are not directly
observable and uh more complex than interaction on individual’s level. A
wide range of activities and actors represents a company's identity which
is understood by various groups of stake holders. Each group have
different types of carnal beliefs feelings knowledge experience and
expressions about the company and so they formed different images
about it play(Abratt, 1989, Bernstein, 1984, Brown, 1998; Dowling, 1988,
Gray, 1986; Spector, 1961;Topalian, 1984.
Corporate identity and image have been identified as constructs of
growing importance agent by numerous studies proposing that they can
lead to lasting company success. Companies are creating identities to
form a favorable image. Their persona is known as corporate identity
and has been studied by many scholars.
The constructs of corporate entity arraigned for visual systems such as
flags and signs and emblems. Olin’s 1989 close those visual system the
traditions. One of the first developments of corporate identity was
observed in the early 20th century regimen and EG employed the
architect Peter Behrens to Alexander design of date turbine
manufacturing shop in Berlin with other design elements such as
letterhead exhibits equivalent end the like(Argenti and Forman, 2002). Is
measured in image comprises several attributes and theorists used
different points of view to define the concept of corporate image.
Cornelissen 2000 proposes that an image is a person perception of a
receiver of Mr. Harris seemed projection of the corporate identity and
own reflection of interpretations of various attributes from various
sources. Another definition suggests that by Barich and Kotler 1991
states that we use the term image to represent the sum of beliefs
aptitude and impressions that a person or group has an object. The
object may be a company product brand place or person and then
impressions maybe true or false real or imagined.
In conclusion it can be said that a company has multiple audiences each
of which perceive a company in their own way companies try to generate
a positive corporate image for each of those default the groups an image
of composed of several attributes and theorists use different point of
view to defend the concepts of corporate image.
And ombudsman is a government employee who investigates and tries
to resolve complaints usually through recommendations or mediation.
They are usually appointed by the government or by parliament.
Ombudsman's also aim to identify systemic issues leading to poor
service or breaches of people's rights. At the national level must ambush
men have a white Mindy to do with the entire public sector and
sometimes also elements of the private sector for example contracted
service providers. Some cases there is a more structured Mindy
transition stuff that recently governments have introduced the creation of
specialized children's ombudsman. In some countries an Inspector
General, citizen advocate or other official may have duties like those of
financial ombudsman and may also be appointed by a legislature. Below
the national level an ombudsman may be appointed by a state local or
municipal government. Unofficial ombudsman may be appointed by or
even work for a corporation such as a utility supplier newspaper NGO
professional regulatory body.
Open jurisdictions and ombudsman change with handling question about
national government is more commonly referred to as the parliamentary
Commissioner. In many countries where the ombudsman responsibility
reported ombudsmen is recognized as the national heritage institution.
The cost of ombudsman had by the end of 20 century has been
instituted by the most governments and by some intergovernmental
organization such as the open union as of 2005 including national and
subnational levels a total of 129 offices of ombudsmen have been
established around the world.

Many private companies’ universities and nonprofits organizations and

government agencies also have amusement to serve internationally
please managers and other constituencies. This ombudsman holds a
structure to function independently by reporting to the CEO or board of
directors and according to the international ombudsman association
standards of practice they do not have any other ruling in their
organization. Organizational ombudsman often receives more
complaints than alternative procedures such as anonymous hotlines.
Since the 1960s the profession has grown in the United States and
Canada particularly in corporations’ universities and government
agencies. The organization ombudsman worked as a designated shade
neutral party, one who is high-ranking in organization but who is not part
of executive management.
Strategy consulting
consulting is one of the most important types of business consultancy.
The role of the strategic consultant million was providing advice to upper
level and managers on Metas submitted to the formation of effective
plans and strategies that can help your business follow a more
productive direction. Disconsolate to approach means that with
identifying the problems and business faces and provides effective
solutions through research and analysis. Here are some examples of
strategic consultant responsibilities.
 Diverse individual initiatives that trigger starting increase business
 Repair presentations for senior manager security sponsorship and
funding approvals
 Record and analyze metrics to forecast improvements expected
from solutions
 processes the ability to process and arrange structured and
unstructured information
 support decision making an issue resolution in collaboration with
Financial consulting
Financial consulting helps a business project and minimizes its
profitability. Companies usually hire financial consultants to help align
their budgets with their short term and long-term goals. The role of a
financial consultant is to oversee a company's portfolio in establishing
various strategies that can include investment, Texas amber insurances
they are also in charge of increasing profit margins and managing costs
of various acquisitions. if you example of financial consultant
 Manage and control budgets by monetarily allocated committed
and spend funds
 Create in depth financial report to determine expenses across
stream of companies’ offices
 Prepare. Wise performance reports by analyzing data trends
across key variables
 develop composite financial models to make sure their company
achieves performance targets
 liaise with international auditors and compliance team to ensure
the organization conducts timely auditing
A public relations campaign is an excellent way for business and
organization of all sizes and sectors to diversify their efforts and attempts
at promoting and advertising. Public relation as with any tool of this
nature does have its drawbacks but likely planned public campaign that
employee realistic action can be used by just about every business.
Abel ,R.L 1974 law and society review ,8
Acheson ,D 1941 final report of the attorney generals committee on
administrative procedure.
Brown 2007 two kinds of holism about values philosophical quarterly
Carnap , R 1950 logical foundations of probability .second
edition .Chicago

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