Fardapaper Development of Dynamic Test System For Digital Relay Protection Based On IEC61850 Standards

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2011The International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection

Development of Dynamic Test System for Digital Relay Protection Based

on IEC61850 Standards
TANG Baofeng1, LI Xianmei1, YANG Xiao1, FAN Hui1
1 Power System Digital Simulation LaboratoryˈHebei Electric Power Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050021, China;

Abstract˖In recent years, electronic mutual-inductor and IEC61850 serial standards are adopted in digital substation. Once
electronic mutual-inductor has been used, the input signals of relay protection and other secondary devices are not the tradi-
tional analog quantities any more. The simulation system cannot offer such interface up to now, so the secondary devices
which are based on electronic mutual-inductor in digital substation cannot be tested and researched in this way. A kind of test-
ing system aiming to real-time digital relay protection is introduced in this paper. By adding secondary interface to the primary
simulation system, such as ADPSS (invented by China Electric Power Research Institute), a closed-loop testing system which
is based on IEC61850 standards is established. The testing results verify that the system has great significance on improving
the application of digital substation, and it has great use value.

Keyword˖digital substation IEC61850, secondary interface, photoelectricity transformer, dynamic test

1 Introduction
2 Development Ideas
In recent years, electronic mutual-inductor and IEC61850
serial standards are adopted in digital substation. Once elec-
tronic mutual-inductor has been used, the input signals of re- The ADPSS invented by China Electric Power Research
lay protection and other secondary devices are not the tradi- Institute is a self-developed mature simulation device, the
tional analog quantities any more. The simulation system world's first real-time simulator which can simulate the
cannot offer such interface up to now, so the secondary devic- large-scale complex AC-DC power system. It can conduct
es which are based on electronic mutual-inductor in digital research on the 1000 units, 15 000 nodes large-scaled
substation cannot be tested and researched in this way. Estab- AC-DC power systems, such as electromechanical transient
lishing a new platform of digital protection device detection simulation and electromechanical, electromagnetic mixed
has very important practical significance on the aspect of im- transient simulation. Equipped with the high-power,
high-precision, multi-channel power amplifier, integrating
proving the technical performance of all-digital protection and
the system simulation and real-time test functions, ADPSS
secondary devices and the level of security and stability of
can make the closed-loop tests to the traditional relay pro-
digital substation.
tection and automatic safety devices.
A kind of testing system aiming to real-time digital relay
The main difference between the digital substation and
protection is introduced in this paper. By adding secondary
the traditional substation is a change in transmission me-
interface to the primary simulation system, such as ADPSS
dium and control method. The traditional transformer signal
(invented by China Electric Power Research Institute), a
from the power amplifier is replaced by the optical digital
closed-loop testing system which is based on IEC61850 stan-
signal-samples (Sample Value, SV) followed IEC61850
dards is established. In this paper, the development ideas and
communication protocol, the circuit breaker control signal is
technical requirements of the new system and the hardware
replaced by GOOSE (generic object oriented substation
components of the data conversion interface are illustrated in
event) message, while the various electrical and transient
detail. The electromagnetic simulation model of transmission
characteristics of the grid don’t change. The basic design
line is developed in this paper. By docking with the different
idea of the dynamic test system for digital substation in this
devices and closed-loop test, it is verified that the system built
paper is using original software simulation platform and to
is fully in line with the practical requirements of power system
design the optical data conversion interface independent of
and has great use value.
the original system without changing the physical connec-
tion of the original test system, then it can simulate digital
output from the photoelectric transformer(electronic current
or voltage transducer, ECVT) + MU (merging unit).

*Corresponding author (email: [email protected])

978-1-4244-9621-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 
2011The International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection

In order to constitute a closed-loop test system, the digi- tage of this programs is that it does not change the software
tal interface should have the ability to analyze GOOSE environment and hardware configuration of the existing test
messages and can feedback the signals to simulation system system, can output messages separately and does not take
by analog circuit breaker. The new closed-loop dynamic up the host system's CPU resources. The disadvantage is
simulation test system is shown in Figure 1. after several transformations which from the system digital
signal analog signal from physical interface  packet,
the sampling accuracy and multi-channel synchronization
issues need to be solved. The second program is to develop
the new PCI card on the basis of original physical interface,
and to provide functions of converting protocols for digital
simulation signals and sending messages. The advantage is
the simulation signal can be converted from digital signal to
the IEC61850 message directly, reducing the middle process
Figure 1 The closed-loop dynamic simulation test system of analog conversion. While the disadvantage is taking up
based on IEC61850 more CPU resources and of has higher requirements to the
system servers and other hardware devices.
As the digital substation is still an emerging things, the Making comprehensive comparison of these two kinds of
introduction of relevant domestic standards is little and the technical solutions, no doubt the second solution is techni-
development concepts of manufacturers are different, so the cally more advanced. Because the developer has not com-
new test system must meet the general requirements. Be- pleted the development of relevant products, this article
cause of the use of point to point transmission, data trans- uses the first option as a feasible plan during a transitional
mission delay is relatively fixed, the synchronization of period.
different sampling intervals is easier to achieve, the sample 3.2 Hardware components
messages based on IEC61850-9-1 statute is more adopted in Data conversion interface should fulfill the following
the early digital substation. The sample messages based on four functions:
IEC61850-9-2 statute is for the network level, more in line (1) Collect the analog signals from the physical interface,
with the digital substation’s open design concept, so is and convert them to digital signals;
widely used in the recent years. The 9-2LE version statute is (2) Process the digital signals above-mentioned, and
currently used in China. It outputs signals of 8 channels, generate sampling messages in line with IEC61850 stan-
including 4 current signals and 4 voltage signals. But some dards.
manufacturers have expanded the number of 9-2LE chan- (3) Send the sampling messages to digital relay devices
nels, such as increasing the bus voltage, open-delta voltage waiting for test.
and so on. In view of this, the new platform needs to meet (4) Receive GOOSE messages and convert them to elec-
the output requirements of 9-1 and 9-2LE message, to open trical switch signals
the definition function of separate simulation signals for the In accordance with the functions data conversion inter-
9-2LE statute, and to achieve a certain degree of expansion face needs to implement, the design of the hardware struc-
of channels (up to 12 channels), in order to achieve a flexi- ture is shown in Figure 2.
ble channel configuration, to achieve universal require-
In addition that the digital substation construction is at
the initial stage recently, the fiber-optic current differential
protection of the transmission line composed by one end
digital station while the other end traditional station will
exist a period of time. Therefore, the new test system also
needs to meet the output requirements of analog signal and
digital signal simultaneously. The two simulation signals
through different transmission media should have a better

3 Development of Data Conversion Interface

3.1 Development program selection

The new data conversion interface development can use
Figure 2 The hardware structure of data conversion interface
two technical solutions: The first option is to collect -10V ~
10V analog signal output from the original physical inter-
face box, and send messages in line with IEC61850statute The two 16-bit high-speed A/D converter chips are in
using AD conversion and processing methods. The advan- charge of analog signal acquisition and digital conversion.

2011The International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection

The two chips run in parallel, enabling the simultaneous

sampling of 12 channels’ analog signals, to meet the
IEC61850-9-1 and 9-2LE statute’s requirements of output
channels. The A/D converter chip used the
high-performance conversion chip introduced by TI, and the
conversion rate is up to 250kSPS (kilo sample per
second)(Note: Conversion rate refers to the reciprocal of the
time AD conversion required for the completion of an ana-
log to digital conversion, 250kSPS represents that a AD
conversion time is only 6 microsecond), fully meet the
maximum demand of 3 optical interfaces output the
IEC61850-9-1 messages (255 points per cycle) at the same
time. Figure 3 220kV double circuit transmission line model
High-speed DSP (digital signal processor) is for control-
ling the sampling process of AD chip, while receiving the # 1, # 3 generator’s parameters are: Pn 600 MW,
digital signals converted by AD chip and sending them to Xd=2.61 X dc 0.3825, X dcc 0.3045, Xq ,
the ARM processor. ARM processor will convert the digital
signals to sampling massages in line with the IEC61850-9-1 X qc 0.6435, X qcc 0.321, terminal voltage is U 20 kV; # 2
and 9-2LE standards. generator’s parameters are: Pn 350 MW ˈ Xd  ˈ
In accordance with the universal design requirements of X dc 0.7276 ˈ X dcc 0.48 ˈ Xq  ˈ X qc =0.7276,
the new system, 3 optical interfaces can output the
X qcc 0.48ˈterminal voltage is U 20 kV.
IEC61850-9-1 and IEC61850-9-2 messages, at the same
time, can also be configured to GOOSE subscribe/publish # 1, # 3 transformer’s parameters are: ratio is 230 kV/20
port. kV, Ynd11 wiring, Uk=13.4%ˈI0=0.26%ˈP0=109 kWˈ
Conversion interface has eight switch inputs and eight Pk=437 kW; # 3 transformer’s parameters are: ratio is 230
switch outputs. Eight switch inputs can detect an empty kV/20 kV, Ynd11 wiring, Uk=13.6%, I0=0.12%, P0=188.4
node or active node (15V-250V), mainly for GOOSE pub- kW, Pk=693.9 kW.
lishing function. As the output terminals of GOOSE sub- The line’s parameters are: R1 0.000111 pu, X1 0.00562
scription function, eight switch output contacts can convert pu, C1/2 0.000926 pu, R0 0.000589 pu, X0 0.002054 pu,
the GOOSE messages from optical interface into switch C0/2 0.00063 pu, Sn 0V$Un kV, the length
signals and feedback to the system, in order to achieve an L=300km.
important part of the closed-loop testing. The ratio of CT(current transformer) is 1200/1, the ratio of
In addition, in order to achieve multi-output synchroniza- PT(potential transformer) is 2200/1.
tion of data conversion interfaces, it’s also equipped with 3.2 Synchronization test
the GPS receiver unit and can receive second pulse syn- Synchronization is the main problem to be resolved dur-
chronization signals. ing the sampling transmission process in digital substations.
If the data conversion interface is not synchronized with the
device under test, sample frame will be lost and the diffe-
4 Development of Data Conversion Interface rential protection constituted will also have difference fail-
ures and other issues.
4.1 System model Figure 4 is the connection diagram of the synchronization
After the development of the data conversion interface, devices. Data conversion interface is generally connected
with a combination of original simulation system, a with the relay device under test directly, and can also be
closed-loop test system is established. It’s shown in Figure 1. interconnected by the switch-formed SV network. Synchro-
For the detection of the new test system’s overall characte- nization device provide clock signals for the relay equip-
ristics, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the ment under test and the data conversion interface. Data
DL/T871-2004 "power system protection product dynamic conversion interface receives the GPS second pulse signals
simulation", a model of 220kV double circuit transmission by hard synchronization (RS485). The relay device under
line is established, shown in Figure 3. test can use the coding synchronization (IRIG-B code) or
the hard synchronization (RS485) and other methods. From
the test results, no matter by what kind of connection or
synchronization method, the sampling value of protection
devices can guarantee a very high accuracy. Meanwhile, the
line differential protection’s constituted by figure 3 differen-
tial current is zero when in steady-state or outside-fault. As
a result, the output of different data channels has met the
synchronization requirements.

2011The International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection

Figure 4 synchronization system

3.3 The overall function test

To further test the system’s availability, according to
DL/T871-2004 "power system protection product dynamic
simulation" , more testing programs are drawn up, including
the metal fault inside and outside the zone, the transition
resistance failure, the conversion failure, CT saturation,
Figure 6 3ower backward
power backward, the system oscillation, the weak-fed and
other projects. Hundreds of trials are made to the To further test the versatility of the new platform, the
PCS-931-type optical transmission line differential protec- new platform has been respectively interconnected with the
tion of NR. Experimental results show that the new system line protection devices from five manufacturers, including
is fully in line with the dynamic simulation testing require- NARI-RELAYS, Beijing SiFang, XJ and so on. It can be
ments of the digital substation secondary equipments. proved that the new platform can meet the requirements of
The following just to name two cases to illustrate the the closed-loop test for the relays and other related intelli-
overall performance of the new system. gence secondary equipments of mart grid digital substation.
Figure 5 is the PCS-931 recorded waveform of N side,
simulating the A-phase transient ground fault at F1. The
frequency variation, differential protection and ĉsegment 5 Conclusion
of earth protection of N side take actions. The protection
trips A-phase at 11.3ms and overlaps after 0.4s. To meet the testing needs of digital substation equip-
Figure 6 is PCS-931 waveform of N side when the adja- ments based on IEC61850 communication standard, based
cent line has A-phase metallic ground fault. The protection on the original ADPSS, by developing the data conversion
actions have resulted in power backward. A significant interface, the closed-loop test of new protection devices has
phase change of A-phase current occurs, indicating that been achieved. The electromagnetic simulation models of
transmission power of the line has a direction change. The 220kV transmission line are established based on the new
line differential protection has not taken malfunctions be- platform and a large number of simulation tests are carried
cause of the power backward. The differential protection of out depending on the power standards. It has verified the
N side has reliable non-actions before or after the power system can provide the necessary secondary characteristics
backward. and test environment of digital protections, and has good
versatility. The new closed-loop real-time simulation system
provides an experimental research tool for the upcoming
digital substation building. It has practical value to improv-
ing the technical performance and health level of the
all-digital protection and other second equipments.

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