Prediction of Drought Vulnerability and Its Mitiga
Prediction of Drought Vulnerability and Its Mitiga
Prediction of Drought Vulnerability and Its Mitiga
1. Introduction
Climate change has an influence on the hydrological system in watersheds. Climate change causes
rainfall to fluctuate more volatile [1], so its triggers the occurrence of hydrometeorological disasters
[2,3]. In Indonesia, rainfall is the utmost input in the hydrological system [4]. Rainfall which is lower
than its average is the earliest sign of drought [5]. If this continues happening, it will affect soil moisture,
river discharge, groundwater, ecosystems, and community welfare [6,7]. Agriculture is the first sector
disturbed by drought [8,9]. Compared to other disasters, drought has the biggest impact [7,10]. It is
because difficulty in predicting the beginning and the end of drought period [11]. Droughts can occur
for months or even years.
Rembang is the regency on the northern coast of Central Java which is often experiencing drought
[12]. In Regent Regulation Number 31 of 2020 concerning Changes in the Strategic Plan of the Regional
Disaster Management Agency for 2016-2021, it is stated that the entire region of Rembang was a
drought-prone area. There was a threat to the agricultural sector, therefore it is necessary to deal with
drought to anticipate and reduce these losses.
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The 7th International Conference on Climate Change 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1016 (2022) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1016/1/012003
Drought management must be carried out on a priority scale [13]. This priority can be determined
according to the level of its vulnerability to drought. Climate change has caused a shift in rainfall patterns
that have differences on drought vulnerability in the watershed. In addition, other biophysical conditions
also reflect the level of drought vulnerability. As generally known, only a few watersheds have sufficient
monitoring tools and available data [14,15]. Therefore, it is essential in selection of the method for
determining drought vulnerability according to available data.
Pramono & Savitri [16] have proposed a modification method in calculating the level of drought
vulnerability using data that are relatively easy to obtain. This method has been applied in Wonogiri
Regency, and the results were able to describe the actual conditions. Based on that, this paper used their
method in predicting the vulnerability level of drought in the study area. The objectives of this study are
(1) to analyze the level of drought vulnerability and (2) to recommend drought mitigation measures.
This information is essential in planning and managing a watershed, especially in reducing the losses
due to drought.
2.1. Materials
This study was performed in the Capluk Watershed. Capluk is on the northern coast of Java Island,
precisely in Rembang Regency. The entire area includes 218.4 sq km, expanding from 528271.89 mE
to 544956.96 mE longitude and 9238128.74 mS to 9260832.87 mS latitude. Administratively, the study
area located in 4 districts, Rembang, Kaliori, Sulang, Sumber, and Bulu (Figure 1). The altitude varies
between 0 and 255 m asl.
The data used were rainfall data and several thematic maps such as land cover, geological formation,
and land systems maps. This study utilized daily rainfall data from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed
Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) between 1991 and 2020 [17]. The CHIRPS daily data on each
grid was assessed into monthly data, then analyzed into dry month rainfall data (less than 100
The 7th International Conference on Climate Change 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1016 (2022) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1016/1/012003
2.2. Methods
The level of drought vulnerability was evaluated spatially using the scoring technique (Table 1). The
estimation refers to Pramono & Savitri method [16] (Equation 1), where DVL = drought vulnerability
level; DMR = dry month rainfall (mm); AAE = actual annual evapotranspiration; GEO = geological
formation; LSS = land system; DSW = distance to surface water sources. Groundchecks were
undertaken to compare the result with the actual conditions.
DVL = 0.3 DMR + 0.175 AAE + 0.2 GEO + 0.175 LSS + 0.15 DSW …………………………………(1)
Table 1. The parameters, classes, and score in Pramono & Savitri method [16]
No Parameters Classes Scores
1 Dry month rainfall (mm) >60 1
45-60 2
30-45 3
15-30 4
<15 5
2 Actual annual <750 (Residential area) 1
evapotranspiration (mm) 751-1000 (dryland agriculture) 2
1001-1500 (forest/ state) 3
1501-2000 (non-irrigated paddy field) 4
>2000 (irrigated paddy field) 5
3 Geological formation Volcano 1
Mixed volcano & mountain folds 2
Mountain folds 3
Sediment 4
Limestone 5
4 Land system Swamps 1
Alluvial valley 2
Plain 3
Alluvial fan & terrace 4
Mountains & hills 5
5 Distance to surface water 0-100 1
sources (m) 101-200 2
201-300 3
301-400 4
>400 5
The drought mitigation measures were recommended on a priority scale matching the level of
drought vulnerability and legal status of land in Indonesia [13,18]. The legal status of land in Indonesia
were divided into forest and cultivation areas. The map belongs to the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry (MoEF), the Republic of Indonesia which is freely accessible at
The 7th International Conference on Climate Change 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1016 (2022) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1016/1/012003
(17%), settlements (13%), and ponds (4%) as presented in Figure 2a and 2b. The soil types obtained
from Regional Physical Planning Program for Transmigration (RePPPROT) comprise Calsiustolls,
Haplustalfs, Hydraquents, Tropaquepts, and Ustropepts. The existing geological formations include the
Alluvium, Bulu, Ledok, Mundu, Ngrayong, and Tuban formations (Figure 2c). Approximately 2,306.27
ha (11%) in the upstream Capluk Watershed is a karst area following the Minister of Energy and Mineral
Resources No. 17 2012 concerning karst landscape.
The 7th International Conference on Climate Change 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1016 (2022) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1016/1/012003
Surface water sources are a determinant factor in managing drought. There were several sources of
surface water in Capluk Watershed, including rivers, reservoirs, and agricultural ponds. The water level
The 7th International Conference on Climate Change 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1016 (2022) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1016/1/012003
of this surface water source shrinks or even dries up during the dry season. Rivers in the watershed also
experienced dry. The short stream network causes the rivers to dry up during the dry season, especially
in the upper and middle parts of the watershed. The upper part did not provide optimal function as a
catchment area due to the karst landscape. Karst geology is characterized by moderate to high water
passing rates and scarce groundwater production, making it difficult for water to be stored and available
in the soil layer. Therefore, areas with karst landscapes generally have a high level of drought
Drought is an annual phenomenon in the Capluk Watershed. Agricultural land in this watershed is
mostly used for growing drought-tolerant seasonal crops. During field observations, part of the
agricultural land was planted with tobacco, while some was abandoned (without management). The
government and community build several ponds and wells to support the agricultural sector, especially
during the dry season. These constructions collect rainwater to meet water needs in agricultural areas.
Moreover, residents also build storage wells in their settlements to cope with drought.
The 7th International Conference on Climate Change 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1016 (2022) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1016/1/012003
4. Conclusions
The study area was dominated by the moderate-level vulnerability to drought, 73%. The high-level
vulnerability was only found in the upper part of the watershed, the Karst area. We recommend the
mitigation measures to drought focus on high and moderate-level vulnerability areas. The construction
of ponds and wells are used by the community for adaptations to drought.
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We express our gratitude to Watershed Management Technology Center (WMTC) for accommodating
the facilities to support this study. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments to revise this article. All authors have an equal contribution.