Network Layer - Part 2
Network Layer - Part 2
Network Layer - Part 2
Abdul Ghofir, M.Kom
Ref: Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking
Classless Addressing
Group 1
For this group, each customer needs 256 addresses. This means that 8 (2log
256) bits are needed to define each host. The prefix length is then 32 − 8 =
24. The addresses are:
Group 2
For this group, each customer needs 128 addresses. This means that 7 (2log
128) bits are needed to define each host. The prefix length is then 32 − 7
= 25. The addresses are:
Group 3
• For this group, each customer needs 64 addresses. This means that 6 (2log
64) bits are needed to each host. The prefix length is then 32 − 6 = 26. The
addresses are: