3HAC066558 AM PROFINET Controller Device RW 7-En
3HAC066558 AM PROFINET Controller Device RW 7-En
3HAC066558 AM PROFINET Controller Device RW 7-En
Application manual
PROFINET Controller/Device
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Workspace 23D version a21
Checked in 2024-01-03
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Application manual
PROFINET Controller/Device
RobotWare 7.13
Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 7
Network security ............................................................................................................................... 11
1 Introduction 13
1.1 What is PROFINET? .......................................................................................... 13
1.2 PROFINET for OmniCore .................................................................................... 14
2 Hardware overview 17
2.1 Ethernet switches .............................................................................................. 17
2.2 I/O devices ....................................................................................................... 18
3 Software overview 19
3.1 Information about the internal device .................................................................... 19
3.2 Information about the internal controller ................................................................ 21
3.3 Software for configuring a device ......................................................................... 22
7 Troubleshooting 61
7.1 Troubleshooting scenarios .................................................................................. 61
Index 65
It is the responsibility of the integrator to provide safety and user guides for the
robot system.
This manual should be used during installation and configuration of the PROFINET
Before any work on or with the robot is performed, the safety information in the
product manual for the controller and manipulator must be read.
The reader should have the required knowledge of:
• PROFINET network
• I/O system configuration
• OmniCore controller
• RobotStudio
ABB documents
Reference Document ID
Application manual - I/O Engineering 3HAC082346-001
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC065041-001
Product manual - OmniCore E10 3HAC079399-001
Continues on next page
Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device 7
3HAC066558-001 Revision: M
© Copyright 2019-2023 ABB. All rights reserved.
Overview of this manual
Reference Document ID
Product manual - OmniCore C30 3HAC060860-001
Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC073706-001
Product manual - OmniCore V250XT Type B 3HAC087112-001
Product manual - OmniCore V400XT 3HAC081697-001
Operating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore 3HAC065037-001
Operating manual - OmniCore 3HAC065036-001
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001
Other references
Reference Description
International standard IEC 61158 Type 3 In- The PROFINET industrial network standard
ternational standard IEC 61784 is described in the international standards.
International standard IEC 62443 Industrial communication networks – Network
and system security
PROFINET Cabling and Interconnection Installation Guideline for PROFINET
Commissioning PC Stations - Manual and Release 12/2006 C79000-G8976-C156-08
Quick Start
ET200SP Distributed I/O System Manual from Siemens
www.profinet.com The web site of PROFINET International
Revision Description
A Released with RobotWare 7.0.
B Released with RobotWare 7.0.1.
• Cfg name removed from entire manual.
C Released with RobotWare 7.0.2.
• LLDP overview image corrected in section PROFINET for OmniCore
on page 14. Image now shows that LAN3 is a private network port.
D Released with RobotWare 7.1.
• Information regarding group signals added in section "Signal Editor"
and "Editing signals".
• Configuration of internal device added in chapter Configuring the in-
ternal device on page 51.
• The following sections have been updated regarding PROFIsafe:
PROFINET for OmniCore on page 14, I/O devices on page 18, Inform-
ation about the internal device on page 19, "The I/O Engineering Tool
user interface" and Configuring the internal device on page 51.
• New chapter: Setting up your PROFINET system on page 23.
• Information about a new flash pattern for PC-STAT added in section
"Unidentified devices", in chapter Troubleshooting scenarios on
page 61.
• Appendix regarding TIA portal removed.
• PROFINET parameters are described in the instructions instead of in
a separate chapter. The section System Parameters is therefore re-
Revision Description
E Released with RobotWare 7.2.
• Minor corrections in section "Network connections on the OmniCore".
• New section: Creating safety integers on page 59.
• Minor corrections in section "Connections on the main computer".
F Released with RobotWare 7.3.
• Limitations for selection of LLDP mode added in sections Specification
overview, internal controller on page 14 and Configuring the PROFINET
network properties on page 27.
• Information regarding the Parameterization Speedup parameter added
in section Poor performance using fast startup on page 62.
• Information about MDI settings added in section Using Fast Device
Startup on page 46.
G Released with RobotWare 7.4.
• Information about certification added in section PROFINET for Omni-
Core on page 14.
• Section "Network connections on OmniCore" replaced by "Ethernet
networks on OmniCore".
• Updated sections due to removed connection between IOE and VSM:
"The ribbon", "Symbols", Configuration prerequisites on page 51 and
Saving the configuration on page 60.
H Released with RobotWare 7.5.
• Information about Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) added in section
Manually adding devices to your network on page 37.
• Information about temporary IP addresses added in section
Troubleshooting scenarios on page 61.
J Released with RobotWare 7.6.
• Minor corrections in section PROFINET for OmniCore on page 14 and
Adding I/O modules on page 41.
• Information about I/O-Network added in entire manual.
• Section "Ethernet networks on OmniCore" removed.
• Section Configuring the network settings on page 25 updated and
section "Configuring the IP settings for internal controller has been
K Released with RobotWare 7.7.
• Minor corrections in PROFINET for OmniCore on page 14.
• Reference to AM I/O Engineering added, and section "I/O Engineering
user interface" removed.
• New section: Scan Editor options on page 34
• Update button for GSD files added in Importing the GSD files on
page 32.
L Released with RobotWare 7.10.
• Information about 3023-1 PROFIsafe Controller added in What is
PROFINET? on page 13, PROFINET for OmniCore on page 14, Inform-
ation about the internal device on page 19, Information about the in-
ternal controller on page 21, Logging in with configuration grant on
page 23.
• New section: Add safety I/O modules to internal controller (for option
3023-1 PROFIsafe Controller) on page 41.
• GSD version for internal controller updated in section PROFINET for
OmniCore on page 14.
• Information about calculation of Faulty Telegrams added in Manually
adding devices to your network on page 37.
• Minor updates in PROFINET for OmniCore on page 14.
Revision Description
• Minor updates regarding submodules in Configuring the internal
controller and external devices on page 31.
• New section: Deleting an internal device on page 54.
• Device SD-IO 8 bytes 4-bytes crc added in section Input and output
size on page 19.
• Description of identification and maintenance fields added in Config-
uring the internal device on page 51.
• Information about I/O Network added in Configure IP settings on
page 25.
M Released with RobotWare 7.13.
• Information about support for PROFINET Device for E10 added.
• Information about naming standards for GSD files added in
Troubleshooting scenarios on page 61.
• Information about muted event log messages added in Muting I/O
event messages for external devices on page 50.
• Minor updates in References on page 7.
Network security
Network security
This product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface. It is your sole responsibility to provide, and
continuously ensure, a secure connection between the product and to your network
or any other network (as the case may be).
You shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as, but not limited
to, the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption
of data, installation of anti-virus programs, etc) to protect the product, the network,
its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized
access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information. ABB
Ltd and its entities are not liable for damage and/or loss related to such security
breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft
of data or information.
1 Introduction
1.1 What is PROFINET?
PROFINET is an open standard for Industrial Ethernet. PROFINET satisfies
requirements for automation technology. PROFINET solutions can be implemented
for factory and process automation, for safety applications, and for the entire range
of drive technology right up to clock-synchronized motion control.
The use of open standards, simple operation, and the integration of existing system
segments have driven the definition of PROFINET from the beginning. PROFINET
is standardized in IEC 61158 and IEC 61784. The continual further development
of PROFINET offers users a long term perspective for the implementation of their
automation tasks.
Communication profiles
PROFINET has a modular design and different PROFINET communication profiles
are all combinations of modular elements from the groups transmission technology,
communication protocol, and application profiles.
PROFIsafe is one of the PROFINET communication profiles. It defines how
safety-oriented devices (emergency shutoff switches, light grids, overfill protection
systems, etc.) can communicate safety control information over a network securely
enough that they can be used in safety-oriented automation tasks up to EN954's
KAT4, AK6, or SIL3 (Safety Integrity Level).
The PROFINET network is running on the OmniCore main computer and does not
require any additional hardware.
There are two options available for PROFINET:
• 3020-1PROFINET Controller
• 3020-2 PROFINET Device
In this manual, the 3020-2 PROFINET Device and the 3023-2PROFIsafe Device
are referred to as internal device.
The following options are available for PROFIsafe:
• 3023-1PROFIsafe Controller
• 3023-2PROFIsafe Device
The PROFINET controller and device is certified by PROFINET International (PI)
with conformance class B/ NetLoad Class II.
The PROFINET controller and device is certified for the PROFINET version 2.35.
The PROFIsafe controller and device were executed in accordance with the
following documents:
PROFIsafe - Test Specification for F-Slaves, F-Devices, and F-Hosts, Version 2.3.
Item Specification
PROFINET version 2.35
PROFIsafe version 2.6.1
GSD file versions supported 2.20–2.42
Number of I/O devices connected to control- In total 50 I/O devices of which maximum 8
ler safe devices.
Item Specification
LLDP mode Legacy and Standard mode supported:
• Legacy mode supports communication
to I/O devices according to PROFINET
I/O specification up to version 2.2.
• Standard mode supports communica-
tion to I/O Devices according to
PROFINET I/O specification after ver-
sion 2.2.
Item Specification
PROFINET version 2.35
PROFIsafe version 2.6.1
GSD version 2.35
Slot configuration Slot 1-2: Digital input or output modules of
variable size
Slot 3-4: Safe digital input or output modules
of fixed 8 bytes size
Connection size Maximum 256 input bytes and 256 output
bytes, and maximum 8 safe input bytes and
8 safe output bytes.
Application protocols
For information about application protocols and port numbers, see section
"OmniCore application protocols" in Operating manual - Integrator's guide
Default gateway
There is one default gateway for the entire system. The default gateway must hence
be configured so that it matches both the requirements for PROFINET traffic and
non-PROFINET traffic.
Interface ports
The PROFINET controller and device can be configured on both the Public Network
(WAN) and the I/O Network (LAN). See Selecting an interface port on page 28.
Device replacement
PROFINET controller supports the device replacement mechanism. When a device
fails, a new, identical device can replace the failed one if plugged in the same
topology location. And this does not need any engineering tool. The new device
is automatically assigned the same parameters and name as the previous one.
The conditions for device replacement to work are:
• You must replace a previously connected device by an identical device with
an empty station name at the same topology location. For example, the new
device is plugged in the same port as previously in a switch.
• This feature requires all switches and devices to support Link Layer Discovery
Protocol (LLDP). The easiest way to achieve this is to only use Conformance
Class B devices and switches in the PROFINET network.
• The device cannot be configured with FSU (Fast Startup Unit). In that case
Device replacement will not work.
2 Hardware overview
2.1 Ethernet switches
It is recommended to use PROFINET certified switches.
It is possible to connect most types of PROFINET-IO compliant I/O device on the
PROFINET controller network. All I/O devices should comply with the PROFINET
standard and be conformance tested by PROFINET international. I/O devices may
be mounted inside the controller.
3 Software overview
3.1 Information about the internal device
To use the PROFINET internal device, the OmniCore controller must be installed
with the option 3020-2 PROFINET Device. If safe modules shall be added, the
option 3023-2 PROFIsafe Device must also be installed.
The PROFINET internal device can be used to:
• connect an OmniCore controller to a PLC.
• connect an OmniCore controller to another OmniCore controller which acts
as a PROFINET controller.
Predefined network
When the robot system is installed with the PROFINET option, a predefined network
with the name PROFINET is created at system startup.
Use I/O Engineering to configure the PROFINET network for initial use. For example,
by setting the correct network name and IP settings. The DCP protocol can also
be used to set station name and IP-address when running as a device.
04 SDI 8 bytes
SDI 8 bytes/4-bytes crc Note
If a configuration mismatch between the connecting PLC and the internal device
occurs, an event message is generated on the FlexPendant or the RobotStudio.
This event message informs the user of the present slot configuration of the
internal device.
The Input Size sets the size on digital outputs and Output Size sets the size on
digital inputs, seen from the PLC’s point of view.
To use the PROFINET internal controller, the OmniCore controller must be installed
with the option 3020-1 PROFINET Controller. If third-party safe devices shall be
used, the option 3023-1 PROFIsafe Controller must also be installed.
The PROFINET internal controller can be used to:
• connect PROFINET devices to the OmniCore controller.
• connect the OmniCore controller to another OmniCore controller which acts
as a PROFINET device.
GSD files
In order to configure a PROFINET network with I/O Engineering, GSD files need
to be imported into the tool. These files contains vital information about the
PROFINET I/O devices and they are supplied by the vendor/manufacturer of the
specific PROFINET module.
For information regarding how to import a GSD file, see Importing the GSD files
on page 32.
The PROFINET internal device needs to be configured in I/O Engineering before
it can be connected to a PLC/PROFINET controller. Furthermore, the connecting
PLC/PROFINET controller might need a PC software tool to configure all connection
parameters used to connect to the OmniCore system.
GSD file for configuring the internal device for a PROFINET controller
The provided GSD file for the OmniCore PROFINET device is used to inform the
connecting PLC / PROFINET controller of supported connection parameters.
The GSD file, GSDML-V2.xx-ABB-Robotics-OmniCore-YYYYMMDD.xml, for the
internal device can be obtained from the RobotStudio or the OmniCore controller.
• In the RobotWare installation folder in RobotStudio:
• On the OmniCore Controller:
Navigate to the RobotWare installation folder from the RobotStudio Add-Ins tab,
by right-clicking on the installed RobotWare version in the Add-Ins browser and
selecting Open Package Folder.
Configure IP settings
IP settings for the PROFINET network used on the Public Network or I/O Network
are defined in Network Settings in RobotStudio or on the FlexPendant. See
Operating manual - RobotStudio and Operating manual - Integrator's guide
When using PROFINET on the I/O Network, make sure that DHCP server is not
active on the Public Network (WAN). To disable DHCP for the Public Network,
assign a static IP address.
This is the name of the internal device as it appears on the Public or I/O
network. For example, detectable by a PLC.
PROFINET station name follows the PROFINET naming convention. It uses
lower case alphabets for naming station name.
Parameter Description
LLDP Mode Select Standard or Legacy, indicating what Link Layer Discov-
ery Protocol mode should be supported.
Before configuring the internal controller and external device, make sure to set up
your system according to Setting up your PROFINET system on page 23.
2 The GSD Files window is displayed. Click Import and browse for a GSD file,
or Import, Folder to import a complete folder with GSD files.
The Used GSD Files... window shows all GSD files that are used in the
current I/O project.
The Imported GSD Files... window shows all GSD files that are imported
into the I/O project but are not used in the configuration.
When a new I/O project is opened, only the used GSD files will be shown
in the Imported GSD Files... window. Click Update to display all previously
imported, but not used, GSD files.
Use the Blink functionality to detect the correct unit when multiple devices
are connected.
When a device is identified, the PC-STAT LED on the device will flash green
with a frequency of 1Hz.
2 Add the detected device by right-clicking the device and selecting Add as.
Select the configuration that corresponds to the physical device. The device
is now displayed in the Configuration browser under the PROFINET /
Controller node.
3 The properties for the device are added automatically in the Properties
browser. Make sure these are correct.
Parameter Description
Station name Define a station name to be used to identify the controller on
the respective network interfaces (Public Network and I/O-
Identification Label Define a label to help the operator to identify the controller.
Interface Port Select between Public Network (WAN) and I/O-Network (LAN)
indicating the interface port to be used for the controller.
Simulated Select Yes or No, indicating if the industrial network and all its
connected I/O devices should be treated as simulated.
A red frame around a property field means that the property is not specified,
or causes a validation error.
Name The name of the external device A string with maximum 32 charac-
is used as a reference to the ters.
specific external device when The string must follow the RAPID
configuring the I/O signals and rules described in Technical ref-
device commands. erence manual - RAPID Over-
The name must be unique among
all named objects in the I/O sys-
tem configuration.
2 Select the module in the Configuration browser and configure the module
settings in the Properties browser. These properties are extracted from the
GSD file for the I/O module.
Add safety I/O modules to internal controller (for option 3023-1 PROFIsafe Controller)
1 In the Configuration browser, expand Controller and select the device for
which safe I/O modules should be added.
3 Double-click the safe I/O modules (output and/or input) in the list to be added
to the internal controller.
There are a set of rules for which type of I/O modules that are allowed for
each slot. Only the the modules presented in the Device Catalogue are
allowed to select for that slot.
A yellow marking beside the module symbol indicates a safe I/O module.
If any safe module is included in the internal device, a yellow marker is
shown by the internal device as well.
4 Select the safe I/O submodule in the Configuration browser and configure
the PROFIsafe F-Parameters:
5 For each safe submodule, click Vendor Tool to open the iParCrc checksum
tool and calculate the IParCrc value for the module. Copy the hexadecimal
value into the I/O Engineering.
I/O signals can be added to I/O devices in a project, either on module level or
submodule level.
For detailed descriptions of all signal parameters, see Technical reference
manual - System parameters.
The I/O device with FSU functionality is connected with the OmniCore controller.
When the power of the I/O device is switched off and switched on again, the
OmniCore controller establishes contact with the I/O device using the fast startup
In this alternative the PROFINET controller connects to the I/O device via a switch.
Enable fast device startup and select 100 MBit (full duplex) on port 1. The port
number is usually displayed upon the I/O device itself.
In this alternative, both I/O devices are disconnected at the connection point. Both
port 1 and port 2 on the first device (D) and port 1 on the second device (E) needs
to be configured to support Fast Device Startup.
In this alternative there is a direct cable between the PROFINET controller and the
I/O device. Enable fast device startup and select 100 MBit (full duplex) on the port.
A crossed Ethernet cable needs to be used.
The following steps describe how to activate Fast Device Startup for an external
1 In the Configuration browser, select the external device for which Fast Device
Startup should be activated.
2 In the Properties browser, set Fast Startup to Enabled.
The following steps describe how to configure port speed for an external device:
1 In the Configuration browser, select the external device. Select the port for
which port speed should be configured.
2 In the Properties browser, select one of the available speed options in
The GSD file defines what port speeds are allowed for the external device.
I/O Event Messages from an external device can be muted using the RAPID
instruction IODeviceMute.
Devices are unmuted by default, but using this instruction all event log messages
from a specified device can be muted. The device will remain muted until the setting
is changed or until the controller is restarted.
For information about how to use the instruction IODeviceMute, see Technical
reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
Before configuring the internal device, make sure to set up your system according
to Setting up your PROFINET system on page 23.
4 Select the internal device in the Configuration browser and configure the
5 Continue by adding I/O modules to the internal device. See Adding I/O
modules to the internal device on page 55.
When an internal device is deleted, all associated signals are also removed.
1 In the Configuration browser, right-click on the internal device and select
2 The selected internal device is now removed from the configuration.
3 Double-click the I/O modules (output and input) in the list to be added to the
internal device.
There are a set of rules for which type of I/O modules that are allowed for
each slot. Only the the modules presented in the Device Catalogue are
allowed to select for that slot.
Add safety I/O modules to internal device (for option 3023-2 PROFIsafe Device)
1 In the Configuration browser, expand PROFINET and select the internal
device for which safe I/O modules should be added.
3 Double-click the safe I/O modules (output and input) in the list to be added
to the internal device.
There are a set of rules for which type of I/O modules that are allowed for
each slot. Only the the modules presented in the Device Catalogue are
allowed to select for that slot.
A yellow marking beside the module symbol indicates a safe I/O module.
If any safe module is included in the internal device, a yellow marker is
shown by the internal device as well.
4 Select the safe I/O module in the Configuration browser and configure the
PROFIsafe F-Parameters:
Edit signals
1 In the ribbon, select Signal Editor.
2 In the Configuration browser, select the I/O module for which signals are to
be configured.
3 In the column Name, type the name of the signal.
Save configuration
See Application manual - I/O Engineering for more information.
7 Troubleshooting
7.1 Troubleshooting scenarios
Unidentified devices
Devices can be identified using RobotStudio, or other PROFINET tools. To identify
the internal device in the robot controller, the PC-STAT LED will flash green with
a frequency of 1 Hz.
• For RobotStudio, use the Blink functionality in the Scan Editor, see Scanning
the network on page 34.
• For other tools, see the respective supplier user manuals.
If the back plane of the device is light colored, select Enable new potential group
(light BaseUnit).
C media redundency protocol, 40
communication profiles, 13
compatibility, 14 N
controller, 14 network security, 11
device, 15 Output Size, 19
et200sp, 62 Prioritized Startup, 46
F controller, 14
Fast Device Startup, 46 device, 15
Fast Start Up, 46 internal device, 19
faulty telegrams, 38 standardization, 13
firewall settings, 25 PROFINET versions
FSU, 46 PROFIsafe, 13
gateway, 39 reduction ratio, 38, 61
GSD file, 21–22, 32
I Siemens et200sp, 62
identification label, 36, 40 simulated, 36, 39
industrial Ethernet, 13 state when system startup, 39
Input Size, 19 station name, 36, 38
interface port, 36 subnet, 38
internal device, 52, 54
IP address, 38 T
topic I/O System
L predefined network, 19
LLDP, 15 trust level, 39
Robotics & Discrete Automation
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 87 2000
ABB Inc.
Robotics & Discrete Automation
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000
3HAC066558-001, Rev M, en