5100 - Operating Instruction Manuals
5100 - Operating Instruction Manuals
5100 - Operating Instruction Manuals
Low Pressure Reactors
Operating Instruction Manual
5100 Low Pressure Reactors
Table of Contents
Preface — 4 Accessories — 13
Scope — 4 Air Motor — 13
Related Instructions — 4 Spare Parts Kit — 13
Safety Information — 5 Mantle Heaters — 13
General Specifications — 5 Variable Speed Electric Motor — 13
Explanation of Symbols — 6 Cooling Loop — 13
Environmental Conditions — 6
Provisions for Lifting and Carrying — 6 Explosion Proof Operation — 14
Intended Usage — 6
Cleaning & Maintenance — 6 Periodic Pressure Tests — 14
Users Responsibility — 7
Unpack Carefully — 7 General Maintenance Notes — 15
Installation — 8 Parts List — 16
Pressure and Temperature Limits — 8 Cylinders — 16
Heads* — 16
Assemble the Reactor — 8 Dip Tubes — 16
Assembling and Connecting the Circulator Jacket Male Connectors — 16
Hoses — 10 Cooling Loop — 16
Draining the Jacket — 10 Stirrer Support Bracket — 17
Stirrer Shaft and Impellers — 17
Identify the Valves — 11 Stirrer Shaft and Impellers — 17
Gas Inlet Valve — 11 Thermowell and Thermocouple — 18
Gas Release Valve — 11 Gaskets and Seals — 18
Liquid Sampling Valve — 11 Split Ring — 18
Relief Valve — 11 Accessories — 19
Magnetic Drive Parts (for A1120HC9 Drive) — 19
Other Vessel Head Fittings — 11 Heaters — 19
Safety Rupture Disc — 11 Product Features and Part Identification — 20
Pressure Gage — 11
Type J Thermocouple — 11 Figures
Stand for 1 - L and 1.5 L Vessels — 20
How to use the Vessel — 12 Stand for 160 - 600 mL Vessels — 21
Gas Connections — 12 5100 Stand — 22
Pressurizing the Vessel — 12 5100 Overarm — 23
Do Not Overfill the Vessel — 12 5100 Internals — 23
Releasing Pressure — 12 5100 Head Assembly — 27
Withdrawing Liquid Samples — 12 5110 Head Assembly — 28
Initial Operating Test — 12
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5100 Low Pressure Reactors
Customer Service:
Questions concerning the installation or operation of this instrument
can be answered by the Parr Customer Service Department:
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5100 Low Pressure Reactors
Explanation of Symbols
II On position, full power heater switch
I On position, half power heater switch
O Off Position
~ Alternating Current (AC)
1. Select a reactor or pressure vessel that has the 4. Maintain the equipment in good condition and
capability, pressure rating, corrosion resistance, establish procedures for periodic testing to be sure
and design features that are suitable for its intended the vessel remains structurally sound.
use. Parr engineers will be glad to discuss available
equipment and material options with prospective
users, but the final responsibility for selecting a
Unpack Carefully
reactor or pressure vessel that will perform to the Unpack the equipment carefully and check all the
user's satisfaction in any particular reaction or test parts against the packing list. If shipping damage is
must rest with the user - not with Parr. discovered, report it immediately to the delivering
carriers. Examine the components closely for any loose
In exercising the responsibility for the selection of
parts or shipping damage and be sure to check all layers
pressure equipment, the prospective user is often
of packing materials thoroughly so as not to overlook
faced with the choice between over- or under-
any parts which might otherwise be discarded.
designed equipment. The hazards introduced
by under-designed pressure vessels are readily
apparent, but the penalties that must be paid for
over-designed apparatus are often overlooked.
Recognizing these criteria, Parr reactors and
pressure vessels are offered in several different
styles, each designed for convenient use in daily
operation within certain temperature and pressure
limits, using gaskets, closures, and other elements
carefully selected for safe operation within the limits
specified for that design. But in order to preserve
the validity of these designs, all temperature and
pressure limits must be observed, and no attempt
should be made to increase these limits by making
alterations or by substituting components which are
not recommended by Parr Instrument Company.
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5100 Low Pressure Reactors
Working temperatures up to 225 °C are permissible Bolt the stand to a workbench or to the floor
in reactors equipped with fluoroelastomer (FKM) using the holes in the base plate.
O-ring seals, such as Viton®. The higher the operating
temperature above 200 °C, the shorter the life of the
O-ring will be. Perfluoroelastomer (FFKM) O-ring
seals such as Kalrez® have a broad chemical resistance. Place the head assembly in the stand. Make sure the
Unfortunately, they are very expensive and will O-ring that seals the head and the cylinder together is
generally be reserved for unique applications. Ethylene installed in the head groove.
propylene (EP) O-rings can be used to 170 °C and are
recommended for applications where solvents such Two types of glass cylinders can be used with
as ammonia and amines which will rapidly destroy this apparatus (jacketed and non-jacketed) If a
fluoroelastomer O-rings. jacketed cylinder is being used, remove the jacket
connection hoses, if present. A pair of split rings, with
The maximum working pressure and temperature thumbscrews, is used to join the head and the cylinder
for any vessel is governed by the design of the vessel flanges. The split rings are lined at the bottom with
and the strength of the material from which it is plastic cushions that eliminate metal against glass
constructed. There is also a close relationship between contact that could result in dangerous point loading on
working pressure and temperature since the strength of the glass. Examine the plastic cushions carefully. If they
any material will normally fall off as the temperature are cracked or otherwise appear damaged, they should
is increased. Temperature and pressure limits are also be replaced.
affected by the physical properties and temperature
limits of the gaskets and seals used in the vessel, and CAUTION! Take care when handling the
by any valves, gages or other fittings attached to the glass cylinder. If any of the pressure or
vessel. Obviously, the safe operating pressure of any load bearing surfaces become chipped or
system can be no higher than that of its lowest rated scratched, the pressure rating of the cylin-
der will be compromised.
All Parr reactors show the maximum safe operating
pressure and temperature imprinted on the cylinder. If a metal cylinder is also being used with this
The working pressure and temperature in these 160 apparatus, note that the split rings differ from those
mL to 1.5 L reactors must not exceed the following provided for a glass cylinder. Split rings intended for
maximum limits: sealing a metal cylinder to a metal head should not be
used with glass cylinders. A clasp system on both ends
of the split rings is used to ensure proper alignment
Pressure and Temperature Limits when assembled. Before using the split rings to mate the
Bomb Maximum Maximum head and the cylinder, make sure the three thumbscrews
Material Pressure Temperature on each half ring are backed off so that the end of the
Glass 150 psi 225 °C screw is flush with the inside of the split ring. Both sets
of split rings feature thumb screws to be installed finger-
T316 SS 1000 psi 225 °C tight.
At this point, the glass cylinder will be held in place The Parr Heating output connector is to be used
loosely and can be rotated for proper orientation if only with Parr Instrument Company heater
needed. Tighten the six thumb screws in a criss-cross assemblies supplied with the appropriate heater
pattern rather than progressively around the circle until power cord. Note: Do not make connections to a
finger-tight and the head flange is flush with the top of Variac, Powerstat or the like to attempt to control
the cylinder flange. Do not over-tighten. the heating output. The heavy inductive load
on the primary side of such devices can destroy
CAUTION! Never use tools, such as pliers, the internal sold state relay located in the 4848
to tighten the thumbscrews. Excessive load- Controller.
ing on the cylinder flange can compromise
the pressure rating of the cylinder. Motor:
Secure the clamp on motor cord to the
controller with the provided screw next to
WARNING! Before applying pressure to the motor socket for safety purposes.
the reactor, install the transparent Lexan
safety shield onto the front of the reactor
3. The support and heater are shipped fully assembled.
stand. Failure to do so can result in serious
The heater raises and lowers on its support rod to
injury if the cylinder should break under
pressure. permit the vessel or cylinder to be removed. Lower
the heater, open the hinged retainer on the front
of the support and slide the vessel into its support.
To remove the cylinder from the head, follow the above Fixed head vessels have a square lip which fits into
procedure in the reverse order. If a jacketed cylinder is a matching groove in the support plate. Removable
being used, drain and disconnect the jacket hoses first. vessels are supported by the split rings which rest on
top of the support plate. The stirrer drive connector
2. Set the Temperature Controller near the reactor, lifts by rotating and lifting the knob above the belt
leaving a space of at least six inches between the guard. The universal joint contains a cross pin that
controller and the base of the reactor so that the slips into the groove on top of the magnetic drive.
controller will not be unduly affected by radiant
heat. Connect the reactor to the controller using 4. Connect the heater cord from the heater into the
information contained in its Instruction Manual heater socket on the rear panel of the Series 4848
548M or follow the steps below. Reactor Controller.
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5100 Low Pressure Reactors
5. Plug the motor cord into the motor socket on the
rear of the controller.
Assembling and Connecting the
Circulator Jacket Hoses
Secure the clamp on the motor cord with
the provided screw next to the motor CAUTION! If a jacketed vessel is being
socket for safety purposes. used, the compression fittings should be
pre-assembled onto the insulated hoses
before attaching them to the cylinder.
6. Connect the thermocouple extension wire to both
Failure to do so or tightening any of the
the thermocouple and to the controller in the
compression fittings while the hoses are
“Primary Temp Input” position on the rear panel.
attached to the cylinder will likely cause
Insert the thermocouple into thermowell.
the jacket nipple to break off.
7. Connect leads from accessory packages such as
tachometer, pressure transducer and high temp cut- Once the hoses are fixed at one end, they tend to have
off to the designated positions on the back panel of a preferred orientation. The following hose assembly
the 4848 Controller. procedure will minimize any side loading by the hoses
against the jacket connection nipples.
8. Connect cooling water to internal cooling coil if
installed. Attach the hoses to the circulating bath first and route
them through the openings at the rear of the reactor
9. Connect cooling water to the magnetic stirrer. See stand. Note that lower left connection is the jacket
Instruction Manual 234M. inlet. This should be connected to the circulator pump
discharge. Elbows are used on the cylinder end to route
10. Connect tubing to the rupture disc outlet and run to the insulated hoses down and then out the rear of the
a safely vented area. See Instruction Manual 231M. stand. With the hose in its free state and not being
twisted or rotated, tighten the elbows to the hoses in a
11. Note the voltage requirement on the controller manner that orients the open end of the elbow in line
identification label on the back panel, and then plug with the jacket nipple. This minimizes any side loading
the power cord into an appropriate outlet. Power of the hose against the nipple.
for these reactors should be drawn from a 3-slot,
grounded outlet capable of carrying up to the full
Slide the brown plastic nut onto the nipple adapter so
current rating of the system.
that the flange with the O-ring groove is recessed inside
the nut. Tighten the tube stub onto the elbow. Place the
12. Using the switch on the Temperature Controller,
turn on the motor for a short run to check the stirrer O-ring in the groove of each of the assembled adapters
drive system. and then screw the hose adapter onto the jacket nipple.
Tighten firmly, by hand only! No pliers!
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5100 Low Pressure Reactors
How to use the Vessel liquid in the vessel can lead to development of
dangerous pressures if sufficient space is not provided
for expansion when the liquid is heated. This hazard
is explained in greater detail in a warning statement
Gas Connections included in the Instruction Manual No. 230M.
Gas connections are dependent on applications. For
general usage, use the pressure hose furnished with the
reactor. Screw the Type “A” coned pressure fitting into Releasing Pressure
the adapter attached to the gas inlet valve and tighten Use the gas release valve to reduce the pressure in
the compression nut firmly. Do not use any thread the vessel if the reactor is accidentally overcharged
dope on the coned fining. The A495HC pressure hose when filling. Use this valve also to release any excess
is made of reinforced Nylon which can be used for all pressure during a run and to exhaust the vessel at the
noncorrosive gases at pressures up to 2500 psig. For end of a run. If the discharge gases are flammable or
operations involving corrosive gases, this hose should toxic, discharge to an exhaust hood or to any other safe
be replaced with an A490HC hose which has a PTFE release point.
lining and a braided stainless steel outer covering. Both
of these hoses have the same fittings. An A506HC all
metal hose is also available in stainless steel and other Withdrawing Liquid Samples
corrosion resistant materials. Liquid samples may be withdrawn from the sampling
valve attached to the inlet fitting whenever the vessel
is pressurized. Always close the inlet valve before
Pressurizing the Vessel withdrawing a liquid sample and open the sampling
Check all valves carefully before admitting gas into valve cautiously because liquid will be discharged with
the system. The liquid sampling valve must remain considerable force. A delivery tube may be attached
closed throughout the charging procedure. The gas to the sampling valve to discharge the liquid into an
release valve must also be closed unless the vessel is to appropriate receiver. Be particularly careful if the
be purged, or unless there is to be a continuous flow temperature of the sample is above its boiling point at
through the reactor during a run. Always make certain atmospheric pressure. If so, it will “flash” and be lost
that the pressure in the gas tank is greater than the as soon as it is released from the vessel. This problem
pressure in the vessel; otherwise, liquid will be forced can be avoided by connecting an optional metal sample
out of the vessel and into the gas tank when the inlet bottle to the valve and collecting the sample in a sealed
valve is opened. If there is any possibility that the tank container. Incoming gas can be used to clear the dip
pressure might not be high enough to force gas into the tube between liquid samples so that the next sample
reactor, install a one-way check valve (optional) in the drawn through the tube will truly be representative of
gas line to prevent any reverse flow. With the inlet valve the mixture.
open and the flow control valve on the gas tank closed,
open the main valve on the gas tank only about one-
quarter turn; then use the flow control valve or the valve Initial Operating Test
on a pressure regulator to control the flow of gas into Read all operating instructions carefully so as to be well
the vessel. After the desired pressure has been reached, acquainted with the correct procedures for handling
close the tank valves and the vessel inlet valve and the vessel and for operating the controller and other
disconnect the hose at the vessel end. accessories. An initial operating test should be made,
with only water, to check the apparatus before starting
the first experimental runs. For this initial test, fill the
Do Not Overfill the Vessel cylinder not more than half full of water and run the
Always watch the pressure gage closely when admitting temperature up to 150 ° C while checking the apparatus
gas so as not to exceed the maximum working limit. for leaks and observing the performance of the
Remember that any subsequent increase in temperature temperature controller.
will raise the pressure. Also, be sure that the amount of
liquid placed in the vessel is carefully controlled.
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5100 Low Pressure Reactors
4. The Wiring
Explosion Proof The wiring provided with the standard reactor systems
does not meet the standards prescribed for explosion
5. NPT (National Pipe Taper) threads should not If servicing assistance is needed, contact Parr
be disassembled any more than necessary. It will Instrument Company directly at 800-872-7720 or at the
become increasingly difficult to maintain a tight seal address shown on the back of these instructions.
with these tapered threads if the joint is made and
broken repeatedly. Grafoil tape or PTFE tape (if
temp allows) should be used on all NPT threads.
Stirrer Support Bracket 2028HC5 Gas Entrainment shaft, 300 mL, T316
A1260HC2 Stirrer bracket, 450 mL - 600 mL, for cool- 2028HC5HZ Gas Entrainment shaft, 300 mL, PTFE
ing loop, T316 coated T316
A1260HC5HZ Stirrer bracket, 450 mL - 600 mL, PTFE 2028HC6 Gas Entrainment shaft, 450 mL, T316
coated T316 2028HC6HZ Gas Entrainment shaft, 450 mL, PTFE
A1872HC Stirrer bracket, 450 mL - 600 mL, for coated T316
265HC style thermowell 2028HC7 Gas Entrainment shaft, 600 mL, T316
1261HC Bushing for stirrer bracket, 450 mL - 600 2028HC7HZ Gas Entrainment shaft, 600 mL, PTFE
mL, PTFE coated T316
2028HC8 Gas Entrainment shaft, 160 mL, T316
A1404HC2 Stirrer bracket, 1000 mL - 1500 mL, for
thermowell, T316
Stirrer Shaft and Impellers
A1404HC3HZ Stirrer bracket, 1000 mL - 1500 mL, PTFE
coated T316
For 1000 mL - 1500 mL:
299HC Bushing for stirrer bracket, 1000 mL - 1500
352HC9 Upper shaft, 1000 mL - 1500 mL, T316
265HC7 Thermowell, 1000 mL, T316 2913HCJV Head seal O-ring, FKM
265HC7HZ Thermowell, 1000 mL, PTFE coated T316 2913HCJK Head seal O-ring, FFKM
265HC27 Thermowell, 1500 mL, T316 2913HCJE Head seal O-ring, EP
265HC27HZ Thermowell, 1500 mL, PTFE coated T316
Split Ring
A472E2 Thermocouple, type-J, 1000 mL, grounded
A472E3 Thermocouple, type-J, 1500 mL, grounded For 160 mL - 600 mL:
A2526HC Split ring, glass and glass jacketed cylinder
A2735HC Split ring, metal cylinder
For 1000 mL - 1500 mL:
A2916HC Split ring, glass cylinder For 160 mL - 600 mL:
A2912HC2 Split ring, metal cylinder A2230HCEB Electric heater, 300 mL metal or glass
cylinder, 115V
2914HC Spacer, Ultem, for A2916HC split ring A2230HCEE Electric heater, 300 mL metal or glass
2914HCHA Spacer, PTFE, for A2916HC split ring cylinder, 230V
A2230HC2EB Electric heater, 450 mL metal or glass
cylinder, 115V
Accessories A2230HC2EE Electric heater, 450 mL metal or glass
cylinder, 230V
424HC2 High temperature thread lubricant, 1oz A2230HC3EB Electric heater, 600 mL metal or glass
tube cylinder, 115V
A495HC Gas inlet hose assembly, 6-ft, 2500 psi, A2230HC3EE Electric heater, 600 mL metal or glass
Nylon cylinder, 230V
JP0025TB06 Neoprene tubing, 1/4"OD, for cooling
A2230HC4EB Electric heater, 160 mL metal cylinder,
TX31SK 5/16 socket screw key 115V
2925HC Lab Jack (for 1000 mL - 1500 mL glass A2230HC4EE Electric heater, 160 mL metal cylinder,
cylinders) 230V
A2230HC16EB Electric heater, 160 mL glass cylinder, 115V
A2995HC Hose assembly for circulator A2230HC16EE Electric heater, 160 mL glass cylinder, 230V
211VBAD Nut (part of A2995HC)
222VBAD Ferrule (part of A2995HC) For 1000 mL - 1500 mL:
297VBAD Union fitting (part of A2955HC) A2945HCEB Electric heater, 1000 mL metal cylinder,
2648HC Cap for hose end (part of A2995HC) 115V
2649HC Tube adapter (part of A2995HC) A2945HCEE Electric heater, 1000 mL metal cylinder,
A2945HC2EB Electric heater, 1500 mL metal cylinder,
Magnetic Drive Parts (for A1120HC9 Drive) 115V
264AC4 Pin spanner wrench A2945HC2EE Electric heater, 1500 mL metal cylinder,
264AC5 Face spanner wrench 230V
1132HC Thrust washer, pk of 2
1133HC Bushings, pk of 3 A2944HCEB Electric heater, 1000 mL glass cylinder,
1137HCHA PTFE O-ring 115V
48HC Silver gasket A2944HCEE Electric heater, 1000 mL glass cylinder,
1138HC Upper snap ring
A2944HC2EB Electric heater, 1500 mL glass cylinder,
1138HC2 Lower snap ring
1139HC Ball bearings, pk of 2
A2944HC2EE Electric heater, 1500 mL glass cylinder,
2714HC Nipples for cooling sleeve 230V
827HC Cooling sleeve O-rings
1144HC Wave spring
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5100 Low Pressure Reactors
Product Features and Part Identification
Stand for 1 - L and 1.5 L Vessels
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5100 Stand
Support Rod (3)
A2651HC Base
Front Frame
Note: Liter Stands (larger) can be converted to accept Mini Vessel Assemblies. Mini Stands
are for Mini Vessel Assemblies only.
2663HC Hinge
Magnetic Drive
2634HC Drive Adapter 847HC10 Drive Belt 1700 rpm 2661HC (1/8 HP Motor) Pulley 2 Stage
847HC9 Drive Belt 850 rpm 2662HC (1/4 HP Motor) 2 Stage
857HC7 (Air Motor)
Common for all 5100 Reactors
5100 Internals
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5100 Low Pressure Reactors
A2650HC 288VBAD
155VB Street Tee
Hose Assemblies (2) Male Connectors (2)
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Parr Instrument Company
211 53rd Street
Moline, Illinois 61265 USA
Phone: 1-309-762-7716 or 1-800-872-7720
Fax: 1-309-762-9453
E-mail: [email protected]
Revision 04/06/10