Syllabus of Front End Web Development

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Vendor Name: Gokboru Tech Pvt. Ltd

Training Name: Front-End Web Development

Duration in weeks: 7 weeks

Content and Coverage Plan

Week Content

Week 1 Introduction to HTML and CSS

Week 2 Advanced CSS

Week 3 JavaScript Fundamentals

Week 4 Intermediate JavaScript

Week 5 Front-End Frameworks

Week 6 Advanced React and State Management

Week 7 (O) Projects

1st Week
1. Introduction to HTML and CSS
● Introduction to HTML (Structure, Tags, Elements)
● More HTML (Forms, Tables, Semantics)
● Introduction to CSS (Syntax, Selectors, Box Model)
● CSS Layout (Flexbox, Grid)
● CSS Positioning (Relative, Absolute, Fixed)
2nd Week
2. Advanced CSS
● Responsive Design Principles
● Media Queries and Viewport Meta Tag
● CSS Preprocessors (e.g., Sass)
● CSS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS)
● CSS Animations and Transitions
3rd Week
3. JavaScript Fundamentals
● Introduction to JavaScript (Variables, Data Types, Operators)
● Control Flow (Conditionals, Loops)
● Functions and Scope
● Arrays and Objects
● DOM Manipulation (Selecting Elements, Manipulating Styles and Content)
4th Week
4. Intermediate JavaScript
● Events and Event Listeners
● Form Validation with JavaScript
● Asynchronous JavaScript (Callbacks, Promises)
● Introduction to ES6+ (Arrow Functions, Destructuring, Modules)
● Project: Build a To-Do List App
5th Week
5. Front-End Frameworks
● Introduction to React.js
● Components and Props in React
● State and Lifecycle Methods
● React Router (Client-Side Routing)
● Project: Building a Single Page Application (SPA) using React
6th Week
6. Advanced React and State Management
● React Hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.)
● Context API for State Management
● Redux Fundamentals
● Redux Middleware (Thunk, Saga)
● Project: Enhance previous projects with Redux
7th Week

Project: 1 Recipe Search and Display Web Application:

● Develop a web application that allows users to search for recipes based on ingredients or
keywords and display the results dynamically. The application should utilize HTML for
structure, CSS for styling, JavaScript for interactivity, and API integration for fetching recipe
● Implement HTML forms for user input, allowing users to enter ingredients or keywords for
recipe search.
● Use CSS for styling the application, including layout and responsive design principles to
ensure compatibility across devices.
● Utilize JavaScript to handle user interactions, fetch recipe data from a public API such as
Spoonacular or Edamam, and dynamically display the results on the webpage.
● A functional recipe search and display web application deployed on a hosting platform like
GitHub Pages or Netlify, along with source code and documentation explaining the
project's features, API integration, and deployment process.

Project: 2 Online Quiz Application with React.js:

● Create an online quiz application using React.js that allows users to take quizzes on various
topics and receive immediate feedback on their answers. The application should
incorporate React components, state management, and API integration for quiz data.
● Design React components for different aspects of the quiz application, including quiz
questions, answer choices, and result feedback.
● Utilize React state to manage the current quiz state, including the question being
displayed, user-selected answers, and quiz scores.
● Integrate a backend API or utilize local storage to store quiz data, including questions,
answer choices, correct answers, and quiz categories.
● Implement functionalities such as displaying random quiz questions, validating user
answers, calculating scores, and providing feedback based on quiz results.
● A fully functional online quiz application built with React.js, deployed on a hosting
platform like Vercel or Netlify, along with source code and documentation explaining the
React components, state management, and API integration.

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