Talkbook Acquiring Insurance Contracts
Talkbook Acquiring Insurance Contracts
Talkbook Acquiring Insurance Contracts
Transfers of insurance contracts
and business combinations under
IFRS 17 and IFRS 3
March 2024
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
Under IFRS 17, a company assesses insurance contracts acquired as at their date of acquisition.
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
01 02 03 04 05
Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued
contracts qualify as acquired in a combination under acquired via a contracts: How does
a business business common control? transfer measured? classification and
combination? combination measurement
measured? differ?
06 07 08 09 10
Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent Acquiring contracts What next?
contracts: of acquired acquires a – Illustration
Illustration contracts subsidiary that has
determined? issued contracts?
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
Under IFRS 3, the following tests are used to determine whether assets
acquired and liabilities assumed constitute a business. Optional A ‘substantive
‘concentration test’ process’ test
Optional ‘concentration test’ †
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
• future contracts other than renewals, without paying IACFs that the
acquiree has already paid and that are directly attributable to the
related portfolio of insurance contracts.
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
Some companies opt to use the acquisition method under IFRS 3; others use a
book-value method. Before the transaction After the transaction
S1 S2 S1 S2
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
Loss recovery • Recognise the loss recovery component as income in profit or loss.
component for
group of reinsurance • Calculate by multiplying the loss component of underlying insurance
contracts held contracts and the percentage of claims on the underlying contracts the
acquirer expects to recover.
IACF assets • Recognise the following rights to obtain future insurance contracts at
What if the sum of individual fair values of fair value as at the date of the transaction:
identifiable assets and liabilities differs from the
transaction price in a transfer? • future contracts that are renewals of recognised contracts; and
In these cases, the IFRS Interpretations
• future contracts other than renewals, without paying again IACFs that
Committee’s November 2017 decision would apply the acquiree has already paid and that are directly attributable to the
to determine the initial measurement of the related portfolio of insurance contracts.
individual assets and liabilities.
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
Acquired contract Direct participating contract • Generally measured under the GMM instead of under
• Acquired by parent with little/no remaining the VFA*.
• Classified and measured as
at date of acquisition
Includes significant • Classified and measured under applicable IFRS
insurance risk at inception Accounting Standards – e.g. under IFRS 9 instead of
that no longer exists IFRS 17.
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
Fair value is defined in IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement* as the price that
would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
Determine valuation approach under IFRS 13
transaction between market participants.
(Market approach, income approach or cost approach)
Of the three approaches mentioned under IFRS 13, insurers generally apply an
income approach. This is because of the absence of quoted prices in an
active market for identical contracts or groups of contracts. Asset position Liability position
contract held. This ensures consistency with the requirements for measurement of the fulfilment cash flows and the CSM.
Differences may arise in other areas (e.g. allocated expenses, risk).
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
10 What next?
© 2024 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved
Overview Does acquiring How are contracts Is the business How are contracts Acquired vs issued contracts: Acquired vs issued How is the fair value What if a parent acquires Acquiring What Keeping
contracts qualify as a acquired in a business combination under acquired via a How does classification and contracts: Illustration of acquired contracts a subsidiary that has contracts: next? in
business combination? combination measured? common control? transfer measured? measurement differ? determined? issued contracts? Illustration touch
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