LP in Pe Grade 3
LP in Pe Grade 3
LP in Pe Grade 3
Learning Objectives
identify various shapes and lines their bodies can create through movement
perform body shapes and actions in different physical activities
develop interest participating in the activities and showing their understanding of body movements
Grade level: Grade 3
Quarter: 1st
Topic: Body Shapes and Body Actions
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Pictures, TV monitor, Leson Plan
Values Integration: Participation, Appreciation, Teamwork
Technology Integration Tools: Youtube Videos, Google Images, Canva
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application), Question and Answer, Group
Activity, Learner Centered Strategies, Discussion Method.
So, before we proceed to our next lesson, what are Kara: Individual, pair, and
the movement of person? Yes Kara? group ma’am
Very Good! How about the examples of each Hart: Walking alone, ball
movement of Person? Yes Hart? passing and catching, and
group dance ma’am
Very Good!
1st Picture
What movement have you performed again class? Felicity: Standing and
Yes Fel? raising arms upward Ma’am
Suggested: Add more drills
2nd Picture
Stride stand. Twist your trunk to the (The students will do what
right. Raise your arms sideward. is shown in the second
picture stride stand together
with their partner)
What movement have you performed again class? Krizia: Stride stand while
Yes Krizia? twisting the trunk and
raising arms sideward
3rd Picture
What movement have you performed again class? Airan: Bend trunk forward
Yes Airan? and raising arms forward
4th Picture
Very Good! What parts of your body moved? Felicity: Feet and arms
Yes, Felicity? ma’am.
Very Good! What different shapes can you do Justine: Stand feet together
together? and stride stand.
Yes, Justine?
Very Good! And who can describe the different Hart: Stand with arms
shapes you formed while moving your feet and upward,bend trunk forward,
arms? Yes, Hart? twist your trunk to the right
while raising your arms
sideward, and lunge.
What do we mean by body shapes and actions? Lyca: Body shapes are the
Yes Lyca? different forms our bodies
can make, like a star or a
ball. Actions are the
movements our bodies can
do, like jumping or running.
There are different parts of your body that help you Suggested: Add more drills
move and do everyday activities. These body parts
enable you to do specific movements even if you
are just standing in place or moving around.
What are these body parts class? Can you give me Hart: Our arms and hips
examples? Yes Hart? Ma’am.
Great job, class! Did you enjoy doing the curl ups?
At the end of the song, transfer to the next station (The students will go to
using the required movement until you finish the their perspective groups and
four stations. do the activity)
What shapes did you able to form? Yes, Hart? Circle, Square,Triangle and
What body actions or movements did you use in Everyone:Walking,
traveling from one station to another? running, jogging, and
Good Job Class! Let us do another Aling Dionisia
Suggested: Make it more engaging, fun and
creative. Innovate.
Detailed Instructions:
What shapes did you able to form? Yes, Hart? Hart: Circle,
Square,Triangle and
What are the different body shapes again? (Students will recite
Can you please give me an example of straight Gilliane: Stand straight and
body shape? Yes Gilliane? put your arms behind your
Very Good! back.
How about the Wide Body Shape? Yes, Felicity? Felicity: Lunge, ma’am
Can you please give me an example of Curled Body Hana: Curl-ups, ma’am
Shape? Yes Hana?
How about the last, the twisted body shaped? Can Lyca: Seated twist ma’am
you give me an example? Yes Lyca?
Very Good!
Test II.
Multiple Choice:
3. What kind of body shape is a standing straight and arms on the side?
1. Take a picture of yourself together with a family member performing four types of body shapes and print
it in a short bond paper. Ask guidance from your parents/guardian. Deadline will be next meeting, Thursday,
May 24, 2024.
Photo Quality Clear, well-lit, and Mostly clear with Somewhat clear, Blurry or poorly lit
well-focused minor minor issues with photos.
photos. lighting/focus lighting or focus
Body Shapes All four types of body Three types of body Two types of body One or none of the
shapes are clearly shapes are clearly shapes are clearly body shapes are
shown. shown. shown. shown.
Creativity Creative and unique Some creativity, effort Poses are basic, Poses lack creativity,
poses, showing effort. is evident. minimal effort shown. minimal effort.
Family Member Both family members Both family members Only one family Minimal participation
Participation are actively and clearly are involved but not in member is active in from family members.
involved in each photo. all photos. most photos.
Guidance Evidence of guidance Some evidence of Little evidence of No evidence of
from guidance is shown. guidance. guidance.
parents/guardians is
Submission Printed on short bond Printed but may not be Printed, but Not printed, very late
paper, neat and on neat or slightly late. significantly late or or not submitted.
time. messy.
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