LP in Pe Grade 3

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1. Describes body shapes and actions (PE3BM-Ia-b-1 )

2. Performs body shapes and actions (PE3BM-Ic-d-15)

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

 identify various shapes and lines their bodies can create through movement
 perform body shapes and actions in different physical activities
 develop interest participating in the activities and showing their understanding of body movements

Grade level: Grade 3
Quarter: 1st
Topic: Body Shapes and Body Actions
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Pictures, TV monitor, Leson Plan
Values Integration: Participation, Appreciation, Teamwork
Technology Integration Tools: Youtube Videos, Google Images, Canva
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application), Question and Answer, Group
Activity, Learner Centered Strategies, Discussion Method.


I. Preliminaries
a. Greetings Good morning class! Students: Good morning,
b. Prayer Kindly stand for the opening prayer. Ashylyn, (Ashlyn will lead the
kindly lead the prayer. prayer)
c. Checking of the As I call up your name kindly raise your hand and (Students will raise their
attendance say present hands and say present as
their names are called by
the teacher)
d. Classroom Before we start the discussion, let me remind you
Management of the rules that you should follow during the class

1. Attend your class regularly; avoid getting late.

2. Be in your prescribed school uniform.
3. Listen to whoever is speaking during discussion.
4. Participate in the activities.
5. Be kind to everyone.

Are we clear with these, class? Students: Yes, Ma’am.

e. Motivation Today, let us first have an ice breaker. We are
going to dance with shapes!

Are you ready class? Students: Yes, Ma’am!

(Teacher will play the youtube video entitled
“Dance with Shapes” by pinkfong)

g. Recall In our previous topic, we discussed about the

movement of person.

So, before we proceed to our next lesson, what are Kara: Individual, pair, and
the movement of person? Yes Kara? group ma’am

Very Good! How about the examples of each Hart: Walking alone, ball
movement of Person? Yes Hart? passing and catching, and
group dance ma’am

Very Good!

So individual is done by one person, pair is done by

two persons, and group is done by 3 or more
A. Activity Now, choose a partner, face each other and do
(Group) following as if one of you is the reflection on a

1st Picture

Stand feet together with your (The students will do what

arms raised upward. is shown in the picture
stand feet together with
their partner)

What movement have you performed again class? Felicity: Standing and
Yes Fel? raising arms upward Ma’am
Suggested: Add more drills

Very Good, Fel!

2nd Picture

Stride stand. Twist your trunk to the (The students will do what
right. Raise your arms sideward. is shown in the second
picture stride stand together
with their partner)
What movement have you performed again class? Krizia: Stride stand while
Yes Krizia? twisting the trunk and
raising arms sideward

Yes, that’s correct Krizia. Very Good!

3rd Picture

Bend trunk forward, keeping your (The students will do what

back straight, and raise you arms is shown in the third picture
forward. bend trunk stride stand
together with their partner)

What movement have you performed again class? Airan: Bend trunk forward
Yes Airan? and raising arms forward

Very Good, Airan. That’s correct!

4th Picture

Stand straight with feet together, (The students will do what

both hands on the hips. Step right is shown in the third picture
with your right foot. Bend your bend trunk stride stand
right knee and lower your body. together with their partner)
Keep your left leg straight.

What movement have you performed again class? Ruby: We performed

Yes Ruby? lunges Ma’am.

Very Good, Ruby. That’s correct.

B. Analysis Now that we are done with our activity

What actions did you perform? Lyca: Standing, twisting,

Yes, Lyca? bending and lunging.

Very Good! What parts of your body moved? Felicity: Feet and arms
Yes, Felicity? ma’am.

Very Good! What different shapes can you do Justine: Stand feet together
together? and stride stand.
Yes, Justine?
Very Good! And who can describe the different Hart: Stand with arms
shapes you formed while moving your feet and upward,bend trunk forward,
arms? Yes, Hart? twist your trunk to the right
while raising your arms
sideward, and lunge.

Very Good, Hart!

Through imitating what’s on the picture we able to

form shapes using our body.

Now I think you already have an idea about our

topic in the next discussion.
C. Abstraction Now, let’s proceed to our discussion.

First, let’s define Body Shapes and Actions.

What do we mean by body shapes and actions? Lyca: Body shapes are the
Yes Lyca? different forms our bodies
can make, like a star or a
ball. Actions are the
movements our bodies can
do, like jumping or running.

Very Good, Lyca!

There are different parts of your body that help you Suggested: Add more drills
move and do everyday activities. These body parts
enable you to do specific movements even if you
are just standing in place or moving around.

What are these body parts class? Can you give me Hart: Our arms and hips
examples? Yes Hart? Ma’am.

Very good, Hart!

King: Our legs and feet
Any examples, class? Yes King? Ma’am.

Very good, King! That’s correct.

You must move these body parts properly so you

could do the things that make you active and useful.

Can you please give me examples of the usual

movements you are doing everyday class? Yes Harold: Walking and
Harold? jumping Ma’am.

Yes, that’s correct Harold. Very Good!

Other examples from the class? Yes Gilliane?
Gilliane: When doing
exercise and playing
Very good, Gilliane! Ma’am.

There are four under this, the straight body shape,

wide body shape, curled body shape,and twisted
body shape.

First is the Straight Body Shape

An upright body shape is shown by standing

straight while the rest of the body is in a different

So, it is said that we can make a straight body shape

by standing, and the following are examples of
straight body shape.

May I ask everyone to stand up and perform the

first picture? (Students will stand and
perform the first picture as
Stand straight with the arms at they follow the instructions
the sides. of the teacher)

Very good, everyone!

Please remain standing and let’s perform together

the next picture. (Students will stand and
perform the second picture
as they follow the
Stand straight and put your arms instructions of the teacher)
behind your back.

Very good, everyone!

Let us perform the third picture.

(Students will stand and
perform the third picture as
Stand straight and raise both they follow the instructions
arms. of the teacher)

Very good class!

Now, let us perform together the last picture
(Students will stand and
Stand straight with arms perform the fourth picture
outstretched. as they follow the
instructions of the teacher)

Did you enjoy performing the different kinds of

straight body shape class? Student: Yes, Ma’am.

Next, we have wide body shape. Do you have any

idea of a wide body shaped? Yes Justine? Justine: It is when you
stretch out your arms and
legs to make your body
look really wide.

Very good, Justine!

A wide body shape means making your body look

wide by spreading out your arms and legs.

An example of a wide body shape is lunge. May I

ask everyone to stand and execute the lunge? (The studens will stand and
perform the lunge as they
follow the instructions of
A lunge is a body position in which the teacher)
one leg is in front of one leg and the
foot is on the floor while the knees
are bent.

Very good, everyone! Did you enjoy doing the

lunge? Students: Yes, Ma’am!

After wide body shape, we have curled body shape.

Any idea about the curled body Felicity: It is when you
Shape? Yes, Felicity? make yourself small and
round ma’am.

Very Good, Felicity!

Curled Body Shape is when someone bends

forward and pulls their arms and legs close to their
body. Body flexion is accomplished when the upper
body is lifted while the lower body remains down.

May I ask everyone to stand and perform the

example under the curled body shape?
(The studens will stand and
Example for curled perform the lunge as they
body shaped is the follow the instructions of
curl-up It is when you the teacher)
lie down on your back
and bend your knees,
then you lift your head,
shoulders, and chest up
towards your knees.

Great job, class! Did you enjoy doing the curl ups?

Students: Yes, Ma’am!

What do you feel? Yes Ruby?

Ruby: I get tired, but I feel

proud when I'm done
because it means I'm getting
Interesting, Ruby. Very good! stronger!

And the last one, is the Twisted Body Shaped. Do

you have any idea about twisted body shape? Yes,
Justine? Justine: A twisted body
shape is when you turn your
body to one side, like when
you twist to look over your
shoulder to see something
Very Good! behind you.

Twisted Body Shape is a position of the

body in which the upper part of the body
is moved to the right or left.

May I ask everyone to stand and perform the

twisted body shape?
One example is the seated (The studens will stand and
twist. A seated twist is when perform the lunge as they
you sit on the floor with follow the instructions of
your legs crossed, then you the teacher)
turn your body to one side,
reaching your opposite hand to
the other knee.

Very good, class! Did you enjoy doing the seated

Students: Yes, Ma’am!
Job well done, class! Since you did a great job, you
deserve an Aling Dionisia clap!
(Students will do the Aling
(3 claps) Dionisia Clap)
(3 stamps of feet)
Biri gud! Biri Gud! Biri Gud!

D. Application Class let's have another activity.


I will divide you into four groups for your group

work. The activity is called the Merry-Go-Round
because you have to move around in a clockwise
manner after doing the task in each station. Perform
the activity at every station while singing Twinkle,
Twinkle Little Star.

At the end of the song, transfer to the next station (The students will go to
using the required movement until you finish the their perspective groups and
four stations. do the activity)

Station 1 – Form a circle with your arms raised

Station 2 – Form a square with your arms
Station 3 – Form a triangle with your arms placed
in front.
Station 4 – Form a diamond with your arms in

What shapes did you able to form? Yes, Hart? Circle, Square,Triangle and
What body actions or movements did you use in Everyone:Walking,
traveling from one station to another? running, jogging, and
Good Job Class! Let us do another Aling Dionisia
Suggested: Make it more engaging, fun and
creative. Innovate.

Now, let us have another activity class. To

determine how much you have learned from our
lesson earlier.

Are you ready class? Students: Yes, Ma’am!

The title of our activity is “Magical Shapes



Welcome to the Magical Shapes Adventure! You (Students are listening to

are about to embark on a journey where you will the teacher’s instructions)
explore different magical shapes at each station. As
you move through the stations, you will sing
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and use special
movements to travel between them. Ready for the
adventure? Let's go!


Divide into Four Groups: Each group starts at a

different station.

Movement Between Stations: Use different

themed movements to travel from one station to the

Stations and Activities:

Station 1: The Enchanted Circle

Activity: Form a circle with your arms raised

upward like a magical halo.

Movement to Next Station: Fly like fairies,

fluttering your arms gently and walk to the next

Station 2: The Mysterious Square

Activity: Form a square with your arms sideward,

as if creating a protective shield.

Movement to Next Station: March like robots,

with stiff arms and legs, to the next station.

Station 3: The Triangular Pyramid

Activity: Form a triangle with your arms placed in

front, mimicking a mystical pyramid.
Movement to Next Station: Hop like kangaroos,
making small jumps to the next station.

Station 4: The Dazzling Diamond

Activity: Form a diamond with your arms in front,

as if holding a precious gem.

Movement to Next Station: Spin like ballerinas,

twirling gracefully to the next station.

Detailed Instructions:

Form Groups: Divide into four groups and assign

each group to a starting station.

Sing and Perform: At each station, sing "Twinkle,

Twinkle Little Star" while performing the shape

Move to Next Station: When the song ends, use

the designated movement to travel to the next

Complete All Stations: Continue until each group

has completed all four stations.

Bonus Element: Magic Tokens

Collect Tokens: Place a small basket with "magic

tokens" (colored beads or stars) at each station.
After performing the activity, each group collects a

Final Gathering: At the end of the adventure,

gather the groups and see how many magic tokens
each group has collected. Celebrate the journey and
the teamwork!
Now that we are done with our activity, I will ask
you few questions.

Did you enjoy pur activity? Why? King: Yes, Ma’am!

Yes King? Because we able to perform
the shapes and actions and
also we’re having fun

Interesting, King. Very good!

What shapes did you able to form? Yes, Hart? Hart: Circle,
Square,Triangle and

What body actions or movements did you use in Students:Walking, hopping,

traveling from one station to another? marching, and spinning.

Good Job Class! Let us do another Aling Dionisia


E. Generalization Body shapes help us move and do daily activities.

So, these body parts enable us to do specific

What are the different body shapes again? (Students will recite

Students: Straight body

shape, wide body shape,
curled body shape, and
twisted body shape.

Can you please give me an example of straight Gilliane: Stand straight and
body shape? Yes Gilliane? put your arms behind your
Very Good! back.

How about the Wide Body Shape? Yes, Felicity? Felicity: Lunge, ma’am

Can you please give me an example of Curled Body Hana: Curl-ups, ma’am
Shape? Yes Hana?

How about the last, the twisted body shaped? Can Lyca: Seated twist ma’am
you give me an example? Yes Lyca?

Very Good!

Remember, your body can always form one or

more body shapes. Everything you do takes in a
body shape.
MATCHING TYPE: Match the items in Column A with their corresponding answers in Column B by
drawing lines to connect them.

  A.Body Shapes and Actions


  B. Straight Body Shaped


  C. Twisted Body Shaped


  D. Wide Body Shaped


  E. Curled Body Shape

Test II.
Multiple Choice:

1. What kind of body shape is a Lunge?

A. Twisted Body Shape

B. Curled Body Shape
C. Wide Body Shape

2. What kind of body shape is a Curl-up?

A. Straight Body Shaped

B. Curled Body Shape
C. Deformed Body Shape

3. What kind of body shape is a standing straight and arms on the side?

A. Straight Body Shape

B. Curled Body Shape
C. Fluffy Body Shape

1. Take a picture of yourself together with a family member performing four types of body shapes and print
it in a short bond paper. Ask guidance from your parents/guardian. Deadline will be next meeting, Thursday,
May 24, 2024.

Photo Quality Clear, well-lit, and Mostly clear with Somewhat clear, Blurry or poorly lit
well-focused minor minor issues with photos.
photos. lighting/focus lighting or focus
Body Shapes All four types of body Three types of body Two types of body One or none of the
shapes are clearly shapes are clearly shapes are clearly body shapes are
shown. shown. shown. shown.
Creativity Creative and unique Some creativity, effort Poses are basic, Poses lack creativity,
poses, showing effort. is evident. minimal effort shown. minimal effort.
Family Member Both family members Both family members Only one family Minimal participation
Participation are actively and clearly are involved but not in member is active in from family members.
involved in each photo. all photos. most photos.
Guidance Evidence of guidance Some evidence of Little evidence of No evidence of
from guidance is shown. guidance. guidance.
parents/guardians is
Submission Printed on short bond Printed but may not be Printed, but Not printed, very late
paper, neat and on neat or slightly late. significantly late or or not submitted.
time. messy.

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