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भारतीय मानक IS 14543 : 2024

Indian Standard

पैकेजबंद पेय जल (पैकेजबंद प्राकृतिक

तितिरल जल के अलावा) — तवतिति
( तीसरा पनु रीक्षण )

Packaged Drinking Water (other

than Packaged Natural Mineral
Water) — Specification
( Third Revision )

ICS 13.060.20

 BIS 2024

भारतीय मानक ब्यरू ो

मानक भवन, 9 बहादरु शाह ज़फर मार्ग, नई ददल्ली - 110002
NEW DELHI - 110002

March 2024 Price Group 11

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Drinking Water and Carbonated Beverages Sectional Committee, FAD 14


This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Drinking Water and Carbonated Beverages Sectional Committee had been approved by the Food and
Agriculture Division Council.

Since the advent of 1990s, consumption of packaged water for drinking purposes had increased considerably in
the country. Apart from water shortages at times, real and perceived needs to safeguard health have also
contributed to an escalating trade in packaged drinking water at the national and international level. Accordingly,
Indian Standard on packaged drinking water (PDW) was formulated considering the consumers' health and safety
and to ensure that the packaged water offered for sale is safe and free from harmful organisms.

This standard was originally published in 1998. In formulating this standard, assistance had been derived from

a) Manual on water supply and treatment (third edition), 1991, prepared by expert Committee constituted
under the Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi.
b) Codex Code of practice for collecting, processing and marketing of natural mineral waters
c) EEC Directive, 80/778/EEC relating to the quality of water intended for human consumption.

The standard was subsequently revised in 2004 and 2016. The first revision was undertaken to incorporate six
amendments along with the technological developments, check list for hygienic requirements during
manufacturing of PDW and consumer requirements. The second revision was undertaken to incorporate eight
amendments, revision of definition of packaged drinking water, updation of the requirements of pH, barium,
cadmium and arsenic to align them with latest version of the WHO Guidelines for drinking water and introduction
of clause for ‘Marking on Water not Meant for Human Consumption’.

This revision has been undertaken to update the test methods standards prescribed particularly with respect to
incorporation/ addition of advanced instrumental test methods for determination of various parameters such as
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), liquid chromatography of ions and inductively coupled
plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) apart from incorporation of 8 amendments issued to the

Separate standards have been formulated for packaged natural mineral water (see IS 13428) and drinking water
(see IS 10500).

In the formulation of this standard due consideration has been given to the provisions of the Food Safety and
Standards Act, 2006 and Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and Rules framed thereunder. However, this standard is
subject to the restrictions imposed under these rules and regulations, wherever applicable.

The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex G.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of the standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 2022 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (second revision)’. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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IS 14543 : 2024

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )

1 SCOPE civic water supply or underground water or sea

water or any other consistent source of water which
This standard prescribes the requirements and may be subjected to herein under specified
methods of sampling and test for packaged drinking treatments, namely, decantation, distillation,
water (other than natural mineral water) offered for filtration, combination of filtration, aerations,
consumption and/or for sale in packaged form. filtration with membrane filter, depth filter,
cartridge filter, activated carbon filtration,
2 REFERENCES demineralization, remineralization, reverse osmosis
and packed after disinfecting the water to a level
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions
that shall not lead to any harmful effect in the
which through reference in this text, constitute
drinking water by means of chemical agents or
provisions of this standard. At the time of physical methods to reduce the number of micro-
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All organisms to a level below scientifically accepted
standards are subject to revision and parties to level for food safety or its suitability: Provided that
agreements based on this standard are encouraged to sea water, before being subjected to the above
investigate the possibility of applying the most treatments, shall be subjected to desalination and
recent edition of these standards. related processes.
3 TERMINOLOGY 5.1.2 It shall be filled in sealed containers of various
compositions, forms and capacities that are suitable
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms for direct consumption without further treatment. In
shall apply. case remineralization is a part of the treatment
3.1 Drinking Water (Other than Natural Mineral process, the ingredients used shall conform to food
grade/pharma grade quality.
Water) — Means water from any potable water
source including public drinking water supply 5.2 Microbiological Requirements
systems (see IS 10500).
Packaged drinking water shall comply with
3.2 Packaged Drinking Water (Other than the requirements given in 5.2.1 to 5.2.9.
Packaged Natural Mineral Water) — Means
5.2.1 Escherichia coli — (or thermotolerant
water, other than natural mineral water that is likely bacteria) shall be absent in any 250 ml sample
to be used for human consumption and that is when tested in accordance with the method given in
offered or sold in packaged form, by whatever name IS 15185.
it may be called, offered or sold.
5.2.2 Coliform — bacteria shall be absent in any
4 HYGIENIC CONDITIONS 250 ml sample when tested in accordance with the
method given in IS 5401 (Part 1) or IS 15185*.
Source water shall be collected, processed, handled,
packaged and marketed in accordance with the NOTE — In case of dispute, the method indicated by '*'
hygienic practices given in Annex B. A check list shall be the reference method.
for good hygienic practices and food safety system 5.2.3 Faecal Streptococci and Staphylococcus
for packaged water processing units is given in aureus — shall be absent in any 250 ml sample
Annex C. when tested in accordance with the method given in
IS 5887 (Part 2). Faecal Streptococci (Enterococci)
5 REQUIREMENTS may also be tested by the method specified in
5.1 General Requirements IS 15186*.

5.1.1 Water shall be derived from surface water or

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IS 14543 : 2024
NOTE — In case of dispute, the method indicated by ‘*’ 6 PACKING
shall be the referee method
6.1 It shall be packed in clean, hygienic and
5.2.4 Sulphite Reducing Anaerobes — shall be tamperproof containers/bottles/pouches made of
absent in 50 ml sample when tested in accordance food grade plastic material or other food grade
with the method given in Annex C of IS 13428. packaging materials, namely paper and paper board
materials; glass (see IS 11984); and metal and metal
5.2.5 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa — shall be absent alloys which may or may not contain plastic as
in 250 ml sample when tested in accordance with component, compatible with the water to be
the method given in Annex D of IS 13428* or packaged.
ISO 16266-2.
6.1.1 Plastic containers shall conform to IS 15410
5.2.6 Aerobic Microbial Count and polyethylene flexible pouches shall conform to
IS 15609. Guidelines for handling of polyethylene
The total viable colony count shall not exceed
flexible pouches are given in Annex E.
100/ml at 20 °C to 22 °C in 72 h and 20/ml at
37 °C ± 1 °C in 24 h when tested in accordance
6.1.2 Paper based multilayer laminated/extruded
with the methods given in IS 5402 (Part 1). composite cartons shall conform to IS 17753 and
5.2.7 Yeast and mould shall be absent in 250 ml aluminium cans shall conform to IS 18285.
sample when tested in accordance with the method
given in IS 16069 (Part 1) (see Note under 5.2.9) . 6.1.3 All packaging materials of plastic origin shall
pass the overall migration, colour migration and
5.2.8 Salmonella and Shigella — shall be absent in specific migration limits for toxic substances as laid
250 ml sample when tested in accordance with the down in IS 15410.
method given in IS 15187 and IS 5887 (Part 7)
(see Note under 5.2.9), respectively. 7 MARKING

5.2.9 Vibrio cholera and V. parahaemolyticus — 7.1 The following particulars shall be marked
shall be absent in 250 ml sample when tested in legibly and indelibly on the label of the
accordance with the method given in bottle/container:
[IS 5887 (Part 5/Sec 1) (see Note)].
a) Name of the product in capital letters (that
NOTE — The membrane filtration technique outlined in is, packaged drinking water);
IS 15188 may be used to pass the sample of water to be
tested through membrane before the microbiological tests b) Name and address of the processor;
specified from 5.2.1 to 5.2.3, 5.2.5 and 5.2.7 to 5.2.9 are
carried out. c) Brand name, if any;

5.3 Packaged drinking water shall be clear without d) Batch or code number;
any sediments, suspended particles and extraneous e) Date of manufacture or packaging and
matter. It shall also comply with the requirements ‘Expiry/use by;
given in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and 4. f) Treatment of disinfection, if any;
5.4 In the packaged drinking water, the maximum g) Best before date (optional);
limit of the pesticide residues for pesticides as h) Net quantity;
given in Annex D shall be as follows: j) Direction for storage;
k) Keep away from direct sunlight; and
Sl No. Parameters Limits
m) Any other information required under the
Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities)
(1) (2) (3)
Rules, 2011 and the Food Safety and
i) Pesticide residues Not more than Standards (Labelling and Display)
considered 0.000 1 mg/l Regulations, 2020.
individually NOTE — The manner of declaration of date of
ii) Tota1 pesticide Not more than manufacture or packaging/Expiry/Use by/Best before,
residue 0.000 5 mg/l shall follow the DD/MM/YY format for products with
shelf life upto three months. For products with shelf life
The analysis for pesticide residues shall be more than three months, either DD/MM/YY format shall
be used or the month and the year shall be declared in un-
conducted by a recognized laboratory using
coded numerical sequence except that the month shall be
internationally established test methods meeting indicated by capital letters and abbreviations (at least first
the residues limits specified above as given in three letters of the month) may be used.
Annex D.

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IS 14543 : 2024

Table 1 Organoleptic and Physical Parameters

(Clause 5.3)

Sl No. Characteristic Requirement Method of Test, Ref

(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Colour, true colour units, Max 2 IS 3025 (Part 4)
ii) Odour Agreeable IS 3025 (Part 5)
iii) Taste Agreeable [action tendency IS 3025 (Part 8)
scale (a) or (b) or (c)]
iv) Turbidity, nephelometric turbidity 2 IS 3025 (Part 10)
unit (NTU), Max
v) Total dissolved solids, mg/l, Max 500 IS 3025 (Part 16)
vi) pH 6.0 to 8.5 IS 3025 (Part 11)

Table 2 General Parameters Concerning Substances Undesirable in Excessive Amounts

(Clause 5.3)

Sl No. Characteristic Requirement Method of Test, Ref to

(1) (2) (3) (4)

i) Barium (as Ba), mg/1, Max 0.7 Annex G of IS 13428 or
IS 15302 or IS 3025 (Part 2) or
IS 3025 (Part 65)*
ii) Copper (as Cu), mg/1, Max 0.05 IS 3025 (Part 42) or
IS 3025 (Part 2) or
IS 3025 (Part 65)*
iii) Iron (as Fe), mg/1, Max 0.1 IS 3025 (Part 53) or 15303 or
IS 3025 (Part 2) or IS 3025
(Part 65)*

iv) Manganese (as Mn), mg/1, Max 0.1 IS 3025 (Part 59) or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*

v) Nitrate (as NO3) mg/1, Max 45 IS 3025 (Part 34/Sec 1) or

IS 3025 (Part 75)*

vi) Nitrite (as NO2), mg/1, Max 0.02 IS 3025 (Part 34/Sec 1) or
IS 3025 (Part 75)*
vii) Fluoride (as F), mg/1, Max 1.0 IS 3025 (Part 60/Sec 1 or
Part 60/Sec 2 or Part 60/ Sec 3) or
IS 3025 (Part 75)*
viii) Zinc (as Zn), mg/1, Max 5 IS 3025 (Part 49) or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
ix) Silver (as Ag), mg/1, Max 0.01 Annex K of IS 13428 or
IS 3025 (Part 2) or IS 3025
(Part 65)* or IS 3025 (Part 79)

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IS 14543 : 2024
Table 2 (Concluded)

Sl No. Characteristic Requirement Method of Test, Ref to

(1) (2) (3) (4)

x) Aluminium (as A1), mg/1, Max 0.03 IS 3025 (Part 2) or IS 3025

(Part 55) or IS 15302 or IS 3025
(Part 65)*
xi) Chloride (as Cl), mg/1, Max 200 IS 3025 (Part 32) or IS 3025
(Part 75)*
xii) Selenium (as Se), mg/1, Max 0.01 IS 3025 (Part 2) or IS 3025
(Part 56) or IS 15303 or IS 3025
(Part 65)*
xiii) Sulphate (as SO4), mg/1, Max 200 IS 3025 (Part 24/Sec 1 or
Part 24/Sec 2) or IS 3025
(Part 75)*
xiv) Alkalinity (as HCO3), mg/1, Max 200 IS 3025 (Part 23)
xv) Calcium (as Ca), mg/1, Max 75 IS 3025 (Part 40) or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*

xvi) Magnesium (as Mg), mg/1, Max 30 IS 3025 (Part 46) or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
xvii) Sodium (as Na), mg/1, Max 200 IS 3025 (Part 45) or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
xviii) Residual free chlorine, mg/1, Max 0.2 IS 3025 (Part 26)
xix) Phenolic compounds (as 0.001 IS 3025 (Part 43/Sec 1)
C6H5OH), mg/1, Max
xx) Mineral oil, mg/1, Max 1.0 IS 3025 (Part 39)

xxi) Anionic surface active agents (as 0.2 IS 3025 (Part 68)* or IS 3025
MBAS), mg/1, Max (Part 78)

xxii) Sulphide (as H2S), mg/1, Max 0.05 IS 3025 (Part 29)
xxiii) Antimony (as Sb), mg/1, Max 0.005 Annex H of IS 13428 or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 15303 or IS 3025
(Part 65)*
xxiv) Borates (as B), mg/1, Max 5 Annex J of IS 13428 or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
xxv) Bromates (as BrO3), mg/l, Max 0.01 IS 3025 (Part 67)
1 Approved and validated international test methods from ISO/APHA/ASTM/AOAC/EPA/EN may also be followed.
2 In case of dispute, methods given at col (4) and wherever indicated by‘*’ shall be the reference method.

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IS 14543 : 2024

Table 3 Parameters Concerning Toxic Substance

(Clause 5.3)

Sl No. Characteristic Requirement Method of Test, Ref to

(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Mercury (as Hg), mg/l, Max 0.001 IS 3025 (Part 48) or IS 3025
(Part 65)*
ii) Cadmium (as Cd), mg/l, Max 0.003 IS 3025 (Part 2) or IS 3025
(Part 41) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
iii) Arsenic (as As), mg/l, Max 0.01 IS 3025 (Part 2) or IS 3025
(Part 37) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
iv) Cyanide (as CN) Absent IS 3025(Part 27/Sec 1)* or
IS 3025 (Part 27/Sec 2) or
IS 3025 (Part 27/Sec 3)
v) Lead (as Pb), mg/l, Max 0.01 IS 3025 (Part 2) or IS 3025
(Part 47) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
vi) Chromium (as Cr), mg/l, Max 0.05 Annex K of IS 13428 or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
vii) Nickel (as Ni), mg/l, Max 0.02 Annex L of IS 13428 or IS 3025
(Part 2) or IS 3025 (Part 65)*
viii) Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Not detectable Annex M of 13428
ix) Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons Not detectable APHA 6440
x) Uranium, mg/l, Max 0.03 IS 3025 (Part 65)⃰ or IS 14194
(Part 3)
1 Approved and validated international test methods from ISO/ APHA/ASTM/AOAC/EPA/EN may also be followed.
2 In case of dispute, methods given at col 4 and wherever indicated by‘*’ shall be the reference method.

Table 4 Parameters Concerning Radio-Active Residues

(Clause 5.3)
Sl No. Characteristic Requirement Method of Test, Ref to IS
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Alpha emitters, Becquerel (Bq/l), 0.1 IS 14194 (Part 2)
ii) Beta emitters, Becquerel (Bq/l), 1 IS 14194 (Part 1)
NOTE — In case of non-conformity of radioactive residues, the source of water shall be abandoned and water shall be recalled

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IS 14543 : 2024

7.2 Labelling Prohibitions 7.3 BIS Certification Marking

7.2.1 No claims concerning medicinal 7.3.1 The product may also be marked with the
(Preventative, alleviative or curative) effects shall Standard Mark.
be made in respect of the properties of the product
covered by this standard. Claims of other beneficial 7.3.2 The product(s) conforming to the requirements
effects related to the health of the consumer shall of this standard may be certified as per the
not be made. conformity assessment schemes under the
provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
7.2.2 The name of the locality, hamlet or specified 2016 and the Rules and Regulations framed
place may not form part of the brand name unless it thereunder, and the products may be marked with
refers to a packaged drinking water collected the Standard Mark.
processed at the place designated by that brand
name. 8 SAMPLING

7.2.3 The use of any statement or of any pictorial Representative samples of the material shall be
device which may create confusion in the mind of drawn and the criteria of conformity to this standard
the public or in any way mislead the public about shall be established according to method described
the nature origin, composition and properties of in Annex F.
drinking water is prohibited.

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IS 14543 : 2024

(Clause 2)

IS No. Title IS No. Title

IS 3025 Methods of sampling and test (Part 32) : 1988 Chloride (first revision)
(physical and chemical) for Nitrogen, Section 1
water and waste water: (Part 34/Sec 1) :
2023 Determination of various
(Part 2) : 2019/ Determination of selected types of nitrogen like
ISO 11885 : 2007 elements by inductively ammoniacal, nitrate, nitrite
coupled plasma optical and organic nitrogen (second
emission spectrometry (ICP- revision)
OES) (first revision)
(Part 37) : 2022 Arsenic (second revision)
(Part 4) : 2021 Colour (second revision)
(Part 39) : 2021 Oil and grease (second
(Part 5) : 2018 Odour (second revision) revision)
(Part 8) : 2023 Taste rating (second revision) (Part 40 : 1991) Calcium (first revision)
(Part 10) : 2023 Turbidity (second revision) (Part 41 : 2023) Cadmium (second revision)
(Part 11) : 2022/ pH value (second revision) (Part 42 : 1992) Copper (first revision)
ISO 10523 : 2008
(Part 43/Sec 1 : Phenol, Section 1
(Part 16) : 2023 Filterable residue (total
2022) 4-aminoantipyrine method
dissolved solids) at 180 °C
with and without chloroform
(second revision)
extaction method (second
(Part 23) : 2023 Alkalinity (second revision) revision)
(Part 24) Sulphates, (Part 45) : 1993 Sodium and potassium
(Sec 1) : 2022 Gravimetric and turbidity (first revision)
methods (second revision) (Part 46) : 2023 Magnesium (second revision)
(Sec 2) : 2021/ Method by continuous (Part 47) : 1994 Lead (first revision)
ISO 22743 : flow analysis
2006 (Part 48) : 1994 Mercury (first revision)

(Part 26) : 2021 Chlorine, residual (second (Part 49) : 1994 Zinc (first revision)
revision) (Part 53) : 2003 Iron (first revision)
(Part 27) Cyanide, (Part 55) : 2003 Aluminium (first revision)
(Sec 1) : 2021 Titrimetric, colorimetric and (Part 56) : 2003 Selenium (first revision)
ion-selective methods (second
revision) (Part 59) : 2006 Manganese (first revision)

(Sec 2) : 2022/ Method using flow (Part 60) Fluoride,

ISO 14403-1 : injection analysis (Sec 1) : 2023 Ion-selective electrode,
2012 SPANDS and liquid
(Sec 3) : 2021/ Method using continuous chromatography methods
ISO 14403-2 : flow analysis (CFA) (second revision)

(Part 29) : 2022 Sulphide (second revision)

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IS 14543 : 2024

IS No. Title IS No. Title

(Sec 2) : 2022/ Method using flow injection IS 5887 Methods for detection of
ISO/TS 17951-1 analysis (FIA) and bacteria responsible for food
: 2016 spectrometric detection after poisoning:
off-line distillation
(Part 2) : 1976 Isolation, identification and
(Sec 3) : 2022/ Method using continuous enumeration of
ISO/TS 17951-2 flow analysis (CFA) with Staphylococcus aureus and
: 2016 automated in-line distillation faecal streptococci (first
(Part 65) : 2022/ Application of inductively
ISO 17294-2 : coupled plasma mass (Part 5/Sec 1) : Horizontal method for the
2016 spectrometry (ICP-MS) — 2023/ISO determination of Vibrio spp.,
Determination of selected 21872-1 : 2017 Section 1 Detection of
elements including uranium potentially enteropathogenic
isotopes (first revision) Vibrio parahaemolyticus,
Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio
(Part 67) : 2018/ Determination of dissolved
vulnificus (second revision)
ISO 15061 : 2001 bromate — Method by liquid
chromatography of ions (Part 7) : 1999 General guidance on methods
(Part 68) : 2019 Anionic surfactants isolation and identification of
(Part 75) : 2022/ Determination of dissolved
ISO 10304-1 : anions by liquid IS 10500 : 2012 Drinking water —
2007 chromatography of ions — Specification (second
Determination of bromide, revision)
chloride, fluoride, nitrate, IS 11984 : 1986 Specification for glass bottles
nitrite, phosphate and sulfate for free flowing liquids
(Part 78) : 2021/ Determination of the IS 13428 : 2005 Packaged natural mineral
ISO 16265 : 2009 methylene blue active water — Specification
substances ( MBAS ) index — (second revision)
Method using continuous
flow analysis (CFA) IS 14194 Radionuclides in
environmental samples —
(Part 79) : 2023 Silver Methods of estimation:
IS 4905 : 2015/ Random sampling and (Part 1) : 2020 Gross beta activity
ISO 24153 : 2009 randomization procedures measurement (second
(first revision) revision)
IS 5401 (Part 1) : Microbiology of food and (Part 2) : 2022 Gross alpha activity
2012/ISO 4832 : animal feeding stuffs — measurement (second
2006 Horizontal method for the revision)
detection and enumeration of
coliforms: Part 1 Colony- (Part 3) : 2021 Uranium (first revision)
count technique (second IS 15185 : 2016/ Water quality — Detection
ISO 9308-1 : 2014 and enumeration of
IS 5402 (Part 1) : Microbiology of the food Escherichia coli and Coliform
2021/ISO 4833-1 : chain — Horizontal method bacteria — Membrane
2013 for the enumeration of filtration method for water
microorganisms: Part 1 with low bacterial background
Colony count at 30 °C by the flora (first revision)
pour plate technique (third
revision )

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IS 14543 : 2024

IS No. Title IS No. Title

IS 15186 : 2002/ Water quality — Detection IS 15669 : 2006/ Water quality —

ISO 7899-2 : 2000 and enumeration of intestinal ISO 10695 : 2000 Determination of selected
Enterococci — Membrane organic nitrogen and
filtration method phosphorus compounds —
Gas chromatographic method
IS 15187 : 2016/ Water quality — Detection
IS 16069 (Part 1) : Microbiology of food and
ISO 19250 : 2010 of Salmonella species (first
2013/ISO 21527- animal feeding stuffs —
1 : 2008 Horizontal method for the
IS 15188 : 2022/ Water quality — General enumeration of yeasts and
ISO 8199 : 2018 requirements and guidance moulds — Part 1: Colony
for microbiological count technique in products
examinations by culture with water activity greater
(second revision) than 0.95
IS 17753 : 2021 Paperbased multilayer
IS 15302 : 2003 Determination of aluminium
and barium in water by direct
nitrous oxide — Acetylene composite cartons (aseptic
flame atomic absorption and non-aseptic) for
spectrometry processed liquid food
products and beverages —
IS 15303 : 2003 Determination of antimony, Specification
iron and selenium in water
by electrothermal atomic IS 18285 : 2023 Aluminium cans for
absorption spectrometric packaged natural mineral
method water and packaged drinking
water — Specification
IS 15410 : 2003 Containers for packaging of
ISO 16266-2 : 2018 Water quality — Detection
natural mineral water and
and enumeration of
packaged drinking water —
Pseudomonas aeruginosa —
Part 2: Most probable number
IS 15609 : 2005 Polyethylene flexible method
pouches for the packaging
of natural mineral water and
packaged drinking water —

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IS 14543 : 2024

(Clause 4)


The hygienic practices cover the appropriate general B-4.1 Means of Transport, Piping and Reservoirs
techniques for collecting drinking water, its
treatment, bottling, packaging, storage, transport, Any vehicle, piping or reservoir used in the
distribution and sale for direct consumption, so as to processing of water from its source to the bottling
guarantee a safe, healthy and wholesome product. facilities, should be made of inert material such as
ceramic and stainless steel which prevent any
B-2 HYGIENE PRESCRIPTIONS FOR deterioration, be it by water, handling, servicing or
COLLECTION OF DRINKING WATER by disinfection; it should allow easy cleaning.

B-2.1 Extraction or Collection B-4.2 Maintenance of Vehicles and Reservoirs

In the case of extraction or collection of water Any vehicle or reservoir should be properly cleaned
intended for packaging from surface water or ground and, if necessary, disinfected and kept in good repair
water or sea water sources or any other consistent so as not to present any danger of contamination of
source of water, it should be ensured that it is safe drinking water and of deterioration of its quality.
from pollution, whether caused by natural
occurrence or actions or actions or neglect or ill will. B-5 ESTABLISHMENT FOR PROCESSING
B-2.2 Materials FACILITIES

The pipes, pumps or other possible devices coming B-5.1 Location

into contact with water and used for its collection
should be made of such material that they do not Establishments should be located in areas which are
change the quality of water. free from objectionable odours, smoke, dust or other
contaminants and are not subject to flooding. When
B-3 PROTECTIVE MEASURES subsequent (after establishment of the unit)
developments in the area result in any deterioration
B-3.1 All possible precautions should be taken of the conditions, appropriate remedial measures
within the protected perimeter to avoid any pollution shall be put in place to prevent contamination in the
of, or external influence on, the quality of the ground final product during its processing, filling, storage
or surface water or sea water or any other consistent and dispatch.
source of water. Preventive measures should be
taken for disposal of liquid, solid or gaseous waste B-5.2 Roadways and Areas Used by Wheeled
that could pollute the ground or surface water or sea Traffic
water or any other consistent source of water.
Drinking water resources should not be in the path Such roadways and areas serving the establishment
of potential source of underground contamination. which are within its boundaries or in its immediate
vicinity should have a hard paved surface suitable
B-3.2 Protection of the Area of Origin for wheeled traffic. There should be adequate
drainage and provision should be made for
The immediate surroundings of the extraction or protection of the extraction area.
collection area should be protected by limiting
access to authorized persons only. Wellheads and B-5.3 Building and Facilities
spring outflows should be protected by a suitable
structure to prevent entry by unauthorized B-5.3.1 Type of Construction
individuals, pests and other sources of extraneous
Buildings and facilities should be of sound

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IS 14543 : 2024
construction and maintained in good repair. absorbent, washable and non-toxic materials and
should be light coloured. Up to a height appropriate
One or more of the following should be installed on for the operation they should be smooth and without
doors, hatches and other opening to the building to crevices, and should be easy to clean and disinfect.
render opening pest proof:
Where appropriate, angles between walls, between
a) Doors, self-closing type; walls and floors and between walls and ceilings
should be sealed and smoothen to facilitate cleaning.
b) Air curtains; and
c) Strip curtains. B- Ceilings

B-5.3.2 Disposition of Holding Facilities Should be so designed, constructed and finished as

to prevent the accumulation of dirt and minimize,
Rooms for recreation, for storing or packaging of
condensation, mould growth and flaking, and should
water and areas for cleaning of containers to be
be easy to clean.
reused should be apart from the bottling areas to
prevent the end product from being contaminated. B- Windows
Raw materials and packaging materials and any
other materials which come into contact with Windows and other openings should be so
drinking water should be stored apart from other constructed as to avoid accumulation of dirt and
materials. those which open should be fitted with screens.
Screens should be easily movable for cleaning and
B-5.3.3 Adequate working space should be provided
kept in good repair. Internal window sills should be
to allow for satisfactory performance of all
sloped to prevent use as shelves (see also B-5.3.1).

B-5.3.4 The design should be such as to permit easy B- Doors

and adequate cleaning and to facilitate proper
Should have smooth, non-absorbent surfaces and,
supervision of hygiene for drinking water. where appropriate, be self closing and close fitting
B-5.3.5 The buildings and facilities should be type (see also B-5.3.1).
designed to provide separation by partition, location
B- Stairs, lift cages and auxiliary structures
or other effective means between those operations
which may cause cross-contamination. Platforms, ladders, chutes, should be so situated and
constructed as not to cause contamination to
B-5.3.6 Buildings and facilities should be designed
drinking water. Chutes should be constructed with
to facilitate hygienic operations by means of a
provision of inspection and cleaning hatches.
regulated flow in the process from the arrival of the
drinking water at the premises to the finished B- Piping
product, and should provide for appropriate
conditions for the process and the product. Piping for drinking water lines should be
independent of non-potable water.
B-5.3.7 Drinking Water Handling, Storing and
Bottling Areas B-5.3.8 In drinking water handling areas all
overhead structures and fittings should be installed
B- Floors in such a manner as to avoid contamination directly
or indirectly of drinking water and raw materials by
Where appropriate, should be of water-proof, non-
condensation and drip and should not hamper
absorbent, washable, non-slip and non-toxic
cleaning operations. They should be insulated where
materials, without crevices, and should be easy to
appropriate and be so designed and finished as to
clean and disinfect. Where appropriate, floors
prevent the accumulation of dirt and to minimize
should have sufficient slope for liquids to drain to
condensation, mould growth and flaking. They
trapped outlet.
should be easy to clean.
B- Walls
B-5.3.9 Living quarter, toilets and areas where
Where appropriate, should be of water proof, non- animals are kept should be completely separated

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IS 14543 : 2024

and should not open directly on to drinking water lines (including sewer system) should be large
handling areas. enough to carry the full loads and should be so
constructed as to avoid contamination of potable
B-5.3.10 Where appropriate, establishments should water supplies.
be so designed that access can be controlled.
B-5.4.3 Changing Facilities and Toilets
B-5.3.11 The use of material which cannot be
adequately cleaned and disinfected, such as, wood, Adequate, suitable and conveniently located
should be avoided unless its use would not be a changing facilities and toilets should be provided in
source of contamination. all establishment. Toilets should be so designed as
to ensure hygienic removal of waste matter. These
B-5.3.12 Canalization, Drainage Lines areas should be well lighted, ventilated and should
not open directly on to drinking water handling
Canalization and drainage and used water lines
areas. Hand washing facilities with warm or hot and
should be built and maintained in such a manner as
cold water, a suitable hand cleaning preparation, and
not to present any risk whatsoever of polluting the
with suitable hygienic means of drying hands,
underground water source.
should be provided adjacent to toilets and in such a
B-5.3.13 Fuel Storage Area position that the employee shall have to use them
when returning to the processing area. Where hot
Any storage area or tank for the storing of fuels, such and cold water are available mixing taps should be
as, coal or hydrocarbons should be designed, provided. Where paper towels are used, a sufficient
protected, controlled and maintained in such a number of dispensers and receptacles should be
manner as not to present a risk of pollution during provided near each washing facility. Care should be
the storage and manipulation of these fuels. taken that these receptacles for used paper towels are
regularly emptied. Taps of a non-hand operatable
B-5.4 Hygienic Facilities type are desirable. Notices should be posted
directing personnel to wash their hands after using
B-5.4.1 Water Supply
the toilet.
B- Ample supply of potable water under
B-5.4.4 Hand Washing Facilities in Processing
adequate pressure and of suitable temperature
should be available with adequate facilities for its
storage, where necessary, and distribution with Adequate and conveniently located facilities for
adequate protection against contamination. The hand washing and drying should be provided
potable water should conform to IS 10500. wherever the process demands. Where appropriate
facilities for hand disinfection should also be
B- Potable water, non-potable water for
provided. Warm or hot and cold water should be
steam production or for refrigeration or for any other
available and taps for mixing the two should be
use should be carried in separate lines with no cross
provided. There should be suitable hygienic means
connection between them and without any chance of
of drying hands. Where paper towels are used, a
back siphonage. It would be desirable that these
sufficient number of dispensers and receptacles
lines with no cross connection between them and
should be provided adjacent to each washing
without any chance of back siphonage. It would be
facility. Taps of a non-hand operatable type are
desirable that these lines be identified by different
desirable. The facilities should be furnished with
properly trapped waste pipes leading to drains.
B-5.4.2 Effluent and Waste Disposal
B-5.4.5 Disinfection Facilities
Establishments should have an efficient effluent Where appropriate, adequate facilities for cleaning
and waste disposal system which should at all times and disinfection of equipment should be provided.
be maintained in good order and repair. All effluent These facilities should be constructed of corrosion

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IS 14543 : 2024

resistant materials, capable of being easily cleaned, B-5.5.2 Hygienic Design, Construction and
and should be fitted with suitable means of Installation
supplying hot and cold water in sufficient
quantities. All equipment and utensils should be so designed
and constructed as to prevent hazards and permit
B-5.4.6 Lighting easy and thorough cleaning and disinfection.
Adequate lighting should be provided throughout B-6 ESTABLISHMENT
the establishment. Where appropriate, the lighting
should not alter colours and the intensity should not B-6.1 Maintenance
be less than,
The buildings, equipment, utensils and all other
a) 540 lux (50 foot candles) at all inspection physical facilities of the establishment, including
points, drains, should be maintained in good repair and in
b) 220 lux (20 foot candles) in work rooms, and
an orderly condition.
c) 110 lux (10 foot candles) in other areas.

Suspended light bulbs and fixtures in any stage of B-6.2 Cleaning and Disinfection
production should be of a safer type and protected to
B-6.2.1 To prevent contamination of drinking water,
prevent contamination of drinking water in case of
all equipment and utensils should be cleaned as
frequently as necessary and disinfected, whenever
B-5.4.7 Ventilation circumstances demand.

Adequate ventilation should be provided to prevent B-6.2.2 Adequate precautions should be taken to
excessive heat, steam condensation and dust and to prevent drinking water from being contaminated
remove contaminated air. The direction of the air during cleaning or disinfection of rooms, equipment
flow should never be from a dirty area to a clean or utensils, by wash water and detergents or by
area. Ventilation openings should be provided with disinfectants and their solutions. Detergents and
a screen or other protecting enclosure of non- disinfectants should be suitable for the purpose
corrodible material. Screens should be easily intended. Any residues of these agents on a surface
removable for cleaning. which may come in contact with drinking water
should be removed by thorough rinsing with water,
B-5.4.8 Facilities for Storage of Waste and Inedible before the area or equipment is again used for
Material handling drinking water.

Facilities should be provided for the storage of waste B-6.2.3 Either immediately after cessation of work
and inedible material prior to removal from the for the day or at such other times as may be
establishment. These facilities should be designed to appropriate, floors, including drains, auxiliary
prevent access to waste or inedible material by pests structures and walls of water handling areas should
and to avoid contamination of drinking water; be thoroughly cleaned.
equipment, buildings or roadways on the premises.
B-6.2.4 Changing facilities and toilets should be
B-5.5 Equipment and Utensils kept clean.

B-5.5.1 Materials B-6.2.5 Roadways and yards in the immediate

vicinity of and serving the premises should be kept
All equipment and utensils used in drinking water clean.
handling areas and which may contact the drinking
water should be made of material which does not B-6.3 Hygiene Control Programme
transmit toxic substances, odour or taste, is non- A permanent cleaning and disinfection schedule
absorbent, is resistant to corrosion and is capable of should be drawn up for establishment to ensure
withstanding repeated cleaning and disinfection. that all areas are appropriately cleaned and that
Surfaces should be smooth and free from pits and critical areas, equipment and material are
crevices. The use of wood and other materials designated for special attention. An individual,
which cannot be adequately cleaned and disinfected who should preferably be a permanent member of
should be avoided except when their use would not the staff of the establishment and whose duties
be a source of contamination.

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IS 14543 : 2024

should be independent of production, should be B-6.7 Storage of Hazardous Substances

appointed to be responsible for the cleanliness of
B-6.7.1 Pesticides or other substances which may
the establishment. He should have a thorough
present a hazard to health should be suitably labelled
understanding of the significance of contamination
with a warning about their toxicity and use. They
and the hazards involved. All cleaning personnel
should be stored in locked rooms or cabinets, and
should be well-trained in cleaning techniques.
dispersed and handled only by authorized and
B-6.4 Storage and Disposal of Waste properly trained personnel or by persons under strict
supervision of trained personnel. Extreme care
Waste material should be handled in such a manner should be taken to avoid contamination.
as to avoid contamination of drinking water. Care
should be taken to prevent access to waste by pests. B-6.7.2 Except when necessary for hygienic or
Waste should be removed from the water handling processing purposes, no substance which could
and other working areas as often as necessary and at contaminate drinking water should be used or stored
least daily. Immediately after disposal of the waste, in drinking water handling areas.
receptacles used for storage and any equipment
B-6.8 Personal Effects and Clothing
which has come into contact with the waste should
be cleaned and disinfected. The waste storage area Personal effects and clothing should not be
should also be cleaned and disinfected. deposited in drinking water handling areas.

B-6.5 Exclusion of Animals B-7 PERSONNEL HYGIENE AND HEALTH

Animal that are uncontrolled or that could be a
hazard to health should be excluded from B-7.1 Hygiene Training
Managers of establishments should arrange for
B-6.6 Pest Control adequate and continuing training of all water
handlers in hygienic handling of water and in
B-6.6.1 There should be an effective and continuous
personal hygiene so that they understand the
programme for the control of pests. Establishments
precautions necessary to prevent contamination of
and surrounding areas should be regularly examined
drinking water.
for evidence of infestation.
B-7.2 Medical Examination
B-6.6.2 If pests gain entrance to the establishment,
eradication measures should be instituted. Control Persons who come into contact with drinking water
measures involving treatment with chemical, in the course of their work should have a medical
physical or biological agents should only be examination prior to employment, if the official
undertaken by or under direct supervision of agency having jurisdiction acting on medical advice,
personnel who have a thorough understanding of the considers that this is necessary, whether because of
potential hazards to health resulting from the use of epidemiological considerations or the medical
these agents, including those hazards which may history of the prospective water handler. Medical
arise from residues retained in the drinking water. examination of water handlers should be
periodically carried out and when clinically or
B-6.6.3 Pesticides should only be used, if other
epidemiologically indicated.
precautionary measures cannot be used effectively.
Before pesticides are applied, care should be taken B-7.3 Communicable Diseases
to safeguard drinking water, equipment and utensils
The management should take care to ensure that no
from contamination. After application,
person, whether known or suspected to be suffering
contaminated equipment and utensils should be
from, or to be a carrier of disease likely to be
thoroughly cleaned to remove residues prior to being transmitted or afflicted with infected wounds, skin
used again.

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IS 14543 : 2024

infections, sores or diarrhoea, is permitted to work of drinking water, such as eating, use of tobacco,
in any drinking water handling area in any capacity chewing (for example, gum sticks, betel nuts, etc,)
in which there is any likelihood of such a person or unhygienic practices, such as, spitting, should be
directly or indirectly contaminating drinking water prohibited in drinking water handling areas.
with pathogenic micro-organisms. Any person so
affected should immediately report to the B-7.8 Visitors
Precautions should be taken to prevent visitors as far
as possible from visiting the drinking water handling
B-7.4 Injuries
areas. If unavoidable, the visitors should observe
Any person who has a cut or wound should not the provisions of B-6.8 and B-7.3.
continue to handle drinking water or contact
B-7.9 Supervision
surfaces until the injury is completely protected with
a waterproof covering which is firmly secured and Responsible for ensuring compliance by all
which is conspicuous in colour. Adequate first-aid personnel with all requirements of B-6.1 to B-6.8
facilities should be provided for this purpose. and the responsibility should be specifically
allocated to competent supervisory personnel.
B-7.5 Washing of Hands
Every person, while on duty in a drinking water
handling area, should wash the hands frequently and
thoroughly with a suitable hand cleaning preparation B-8.1 Raw Material Requirements
under running warm water. Hands should always be
washed before commencing work, immediately To guarantee a good and stable quality of drinking
after using the toilet, after handling contaminated water, the quality criteria should be monitored
material and whenever else necessary. After regularly.
handling any material which might be capable of
transmitting disease, hands should be washed and B-8.2 Should there be a perceptible lacking in
disinfected immediately. Notices requiring hand- meeting the requirements, necessary corrective
washing should be displayed. There should be measures are immediately to be taken.
adequate supervision to ensure compliance with this
B-8.3 Treatment
The treatment may include decantation, filtration,
B-7.6 Personal Cleanliness
combination filtration (for example, membrane
Every person engaged in a drinking water handling filters, depth filters, cartridge filters, activated
area should maintain a high degree of personal carbon), demineralization, reverse osmosis,
cleanliness while on duty and should, at all times aeration, and disinfection. Sea water shall be
while so engaged, wear suitable protective clothing subjected to desalination and related process before
including head covering and footwear, all of which being subjected to the above processes.
should be cleanable, unless designed to be disposed
B-8.3.1 Processing should be supervised by
off and should be maintained in a clean condition
technically competent personnel.
consistent with the nature of the work in which the
person is engaged. Aprons and similar items should B-8.3.2 All steps in the production process,
not be washed on the floor. When drinking water is including packaging, should be performed without
manipulated by hands. Personnel should not wear unnecessary delay and under conditions which will
any insecure jewellery when engaged in handling prevent the possibility of contamination,
drinking water. deterioration, or the growth of pathogenic and
spoilage micro-organisms.
B-7.7 Personal Behaviour

Any behaviour which could result in contamination B-8.3.3 Rough treatment of containers should be

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IS 14543 : 2024

avoided to prevent the possibility of contamination B-8.6 Packaging of Containers

of the processed product.
The packaging of containers should protect the latter
B-8.3.4 Treatments are necessary controls and from contamination and damage and allow
should be such as to protect against contamination appropriate handling and storing.
or development of a public health hazard and against
B-8.7 Lot Identification
deterioration within the limits of good commercial
practice. Each container shall be permanently marked with
code to identify the producing factory and the lot. A
B-8.4 Packaging Material and Containers
lot is quantity of drinking water produced under
B-8.4.1 All packaging materials should be stored in identical conditions, all packages of which should
a clean and hygienic manner. The material should be bear a lot number that identifies the production
appropriate for the product to be packed and for the during a particular time, interval and usually from a
expected conditions of storage and should not particular processing line or other processing unit.
transmit to the product objectionable substances
B-8.8 Processing and Production Records
beyond the limits specified. The packaging material
should be sound and should provide appropriate Permanent, legible and dated records of pertinent
protection from contamination. Only packaging processing and production details should be kept
material required for immediate use should be kept concerning each lot. These records should be
in the packing or filling area. retained for a period that exceeds the shelf life of the
product or longer, if required. Records should also
B-8.4.2 Product containers should not have been be kept of the initial distribution by lot.
used for any purpose that may lead to contamination
B-8.9 Product Durability
of the product. In case of new containers, if there is
a possibility that they have been contaminated, Product durability shall be declared on the
should be cleaned and disinfected. When chemicals container as per 7.1 (g). It shall be based on in-
are used for these purposes, the container should be house shelf life study for which proper records be
rinsed. Containers should be well drained after maintained conforming to declared product
rinsing. Used and, when necessary, unused durability.
containers should be inspected immediately before
B-8.10 Storage and Transport of the End-
B-8.5 Filling and Sealing of Containers The end-product should be stored and transported
under such conditions as will preclude
B-8.5.1 Packaging should be done under conditions contamination with and/or proliferation of
that preclude the introduction of contaminants in the micro-organisms and protect against deterioration of
product. the product or damage to the container. During
storage, periodic inspection of the end-product
B-8.5.2 The methods, equipment and material used
should take place to ensure that only drinking water
for sealing should guarantee a tight and impervious
which is fit for human consumption is dispatched
sealing and should not damage the containers nor
and that the end-product specification is complied
deteriorate the physical, chemical, microbiological
and organoleptic qualities of drinking water.

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IS 14543 : 2024

(Clause 4)
Sl No. Requirements Answers Remarks

Applied Not Applied

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

a) Building, Facilities and Locations
i) Is the facility location area free from objectionable
odour, smoke, dust or other contaminants and not
subject to flooding?

ii) Are the areas immediately surrounding the

buildings, roads, packing places, suitably paved,
grassed and kept clean?

iii) Is adequate facility for drainage of surroundings

which is designed to handle peak load?

iv) Is the facility used for processing water free from

domestic animals?
v) Is the facility surroundings free from refuse, waste
materials, rubbish, overgrown weeds and grasses?

vi) Are there adequate facilities for the disposal of

effluents and wastes?

vii) Are the buildings and facilities of sound

construction and maintained in good repair?
viii) Are the buildings and facilities designed and
maintained to prevent entrance and harboring of
pests and entry of contaminants?

ix) Are building and facilities designed to facilitate

hygienic operations?
b) Plant and Physical Facilities

x) Is adequate lighting provided at working station,

hand washing area, and storage areas?
xi) Is the lighting intensity adequate:
1) 540 lux in all inspection area, and
2) 220 lux in work areas and walls.

xii) Are light fixtures safety type and protected to

prevent contamination in the event of breakage in
the processing and packing area?

xiii) Is adequate ventilation provided in processing

areas to minimize odours, noxious fumes and

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IS 14543 : 2024
Table (Concluded)

Sl No. Requirements Answers Remarks

Applied Not Applied

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

xiv) Are the barriers/traps provided at drains to prevent
the entry of rodents from the drains into the

xv) Is effective screening provided against entry of

birds, animals, insects, rodents, etc.?
xvi) Are doors, hatches and other openings to the
building constructed to render opening pest proof?
xvii) Are floors, walls, ceilings, windows and doors so
designed and constructed as to prevent
accumulation of dust, dirt and render them
xviii) Is product in process and storage area adequately
protected from any leakage from external surfaces
and other sources of contamination?
xix) Are immediate surroundings of extraction or
collection protected from entry of unauthorized

c) Raw Water Processing

xx) In case of extraction/collection for processing are

the sources free from contaminations/ impurities?

xxi) Are water storage tanks, pipe lines utilized for

handling water constructed and so designed as to
facilitate cleaning and inspection?

xxii) Are inspections of containers/carriers/pipe lines of

raw water supply performed for the material of
construction and cleanliness?

xxiii) Are possible chances of contamination from

incoming water assessed?

xxiv) Are water storage tanks effectively cleaned to

prevent entry of pests and potential contaminator?
xxv) Are the storage tanks periodically cleaned and
records maintained?
xxvi) Are the processed water contact surfaces regularly
cleaned and sanitized?

xxvii) Are all equipment utensils so designed and

constructed as to prevent hygiene hazards and
prevent easy cleaning and sanitation?
d) Post-processing Handling

xxviii) Are cleaning operation of bottles/containers so

done as to preclude contamination of product and
product contact services with residues?
xxix) Has absence of residual cleaning chemicals been

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IS 14543 : 2024
Table (Concluded)

Sl No. Requirements Answers Remarks

Applied Not Applied

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
xxx) Is preventive maintenance in place for all
processing machinery and equipment?
xxxi) Are the primary packing materials and containers
of food grade conforming to relevant Indian
xxxii) Are packing and sealing, where required,
xxxiii) Are containers visually /electronically inspected
for their soundness?

xxxiv) Are physical hazards prevented from entering into

processed water?

xxxv) Are glassware excluded from production area?

e) Packaging Material and Finished Goods Storage

xxxvi) Are the primary packing materials and containers

of food grade conforming to relevant Indian
xxxvii) Are packaging material inspected to ensure their
xxxviii) Are the packing materials especially primary
packing material properly stored and properly
handled to preclude contamination?
xxxix) Are packaging material purchased, stored and
handled in sanitary manner?
f) Finished Product Storage and Distribution

xl) Is first-in-first out (FIFO) of stored product

xli) Is storage properly sanitized and disinfected
xlii) Are stores protected from pest infestations?
xliii) Are coding and tracking clear and in place?
xliv) Are the instruction clear and in place?
xlv) Are hold/release procedure in place and product
xlvi) Are the records maintained for batch number, date
of and volume of production?
xlvii) Are transport containers/vehicles maintained in
clean condition?

g) Customer Handling of Products

xlviii) Are the storage instructions provided on

xlix) Is the shelf life period/best before mentioned on
containers in accordance with FSSAI
l) Are instructions provided for handling
defective/damaged products?

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IS 14543 : 2024
Table (Concluded)

Sl No. Requirements Answers Remarks

Applied Not Applied

h) Sanitary Facilities and Control

li) Are toilets provided in sufficient numbers and are

they provided with:
1) Doors of self-closing type?
2) Opening directly into processing areas?
3) Hand washing signs provided in appropriate
4) Proper lighting and ventilation?
5) Proper maintenance to keep in clean and tidy
lii) Are hand washing facilities provided adequately
and conveniently to wash hands, foot, elbow or
sensor operated taps?
liii) Are germicidal soaps/soap solution and hand
drying facility provided?
liv) Are notice/ instructions prominently pasted in
toilet directing employees to wash their hands on
entry and re-entry into the packaged drinking
water handling areas?
lv) Are the refuse receptacles self-closing type
maintained in a manner to protect from
j) Personnel Hygiene and Habits

lvi) Is any individual assigned to supervise overall

sanitation of plant and personnel?
lvii) Is there any person responsible for day-to-day
monitoring of health and hygiene?
lviii) Have the employees in processing, packing and
maintenance been medically examined?
lix) Are the personnel with infectious diseases, skin
infection and open lesion or any other source of
microbial contamination excluded from working
in process/packing areas?
lx) Are the following personnel hygiene practices
regularly maintained and monitored:
1) Clean outer garments-protective clothing?
2) Personal cleanliness-finger nails?
3) Head cover-hair restraints, caps, head bands,
beard cover?
4) No tobacco in any form-smoking, chewing?
5) No eating at work stations?
lxi) Are protective clothing stored on the premises and
not allowed to be used for outside wear?
lxii) Are there clear legible notices defining limits of no
smoking areas such as ‘NO SMOKING
liii) Are personnel imparted regular training or
hygienic food handling, processing food and
personal hygiene?

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IS 14543 : 2024

(Clause 5.4)


Sl No. Characteristic Test Methods

(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) DDT (o,p and p,p-isomers of DDT, DDE 508 AOAC990.06
and DDD)
ii) -HCH (lindane) 508 AOAC990.06
iii) ,  and  HCH 508 AOAC990.06
iv) Endosulfan (,  and sulphate) 508 AOAC990.06
v) Monocrotophos 8141 A -
vi) Ethion 1657A -
vii) Chlorpyrifos 525.28141A -
viii) Phorate (Phorate and its oxygen analogue 8141A -
that is, phorate sulphoxide and phorate
ix) 2,4-D 515.1 -
x) Butachlor 525.2, 8141A -
xi) Isoproturon 532 -
xii) Alachlor 525.2,507 -
xiii) Atrazine 525.2, 8141A -
xiv) Methyl parathion (methyl parathion and its 8141A IS 15669
oxygen analogue that is, methyl-paraoxon)
xv) Malathion (malathion and its oxygen 8141A -
xvi) Aldrin and dieldrin 525.2 AOAC 990.06
NOTE — Test methods are for guidance and reference for testing laboratory. In case of two methods, USEPA method shall be
the reference method.

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IS 14543 : 2024


(Clause 6.1.1)



E-1 Polyethylene flexible film meant for packing of b) The UV lamp supplier must certify as to
packaged drinking water in pouches should have the expected life in number of hours. The filling
suitable sturdy and dust proof outer packing to machine should have a mechanism to monitor
prevent contamination during transport, storage and the number of hours of usage, suitably
interlocked with the rest of the equipment so
handling. The supplier must be instructed to apply
that a reliable method to record the actual usage
such packing immediately after the film
is available;
manufacture. Such outer packaging must remain
c) Partly used and unused film must be stored
intact till the final loading of the film on the pouch with all precautions in accordance with E-3;
filling machine. Care should however be taken to and
clean such outer packaging and render the same d) Guide-rods, etc, that may direct the film in
dust-free before the same is carried into the filling the formation of the flexible packaging and
room. other contact parts must be suitably sanitized
with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide before start
E-2 Printing of the film must be done in such a way of every filling operation and records of the
that the printing material does not interfere with the same maintained.
final product.
E-6 Fumigation of the filling room with suitable
E-3 Such film must be stored in dry, cool and dust- agent is recommended.
free environment away from strong smelling E-7 Size of the secondary packaging must take into
substances, chemicals, cleaning material, etc. It shall account that at the retail point the flexible packaged
be ideal to have separate store rooms exclusive for drinking water is often refrigerated and so the
packaging material. secondary packaging should be of appropriate size
to facilitate refrigeration in the secondary packaging
E-4 While handling the film the personnel should
itself. This would shield the pouches from
adhere to the following basic hygiene precautions:
a) Finger nails of personnel should be trimmed E-8 The following storage instructions must be
close and well so that no unhygienic issued to retailer/whole seller and all concerned in
substances are found below the nail; the supply chain:
b) Hands should be cleaned with
disinfecting soap and dried, preferably a) Packaged drinking water in flexible
gloved; and packaging must be handled with care;
c) Personnel should wear head cover and mask b) It should be stored away from sunlight and in a
while handling the film. cool place;
c) It should be hygienically stored in a place
E-5 The pouch filling machine must have suitable
away from chemicals, paints pesticides and
means to sterilize the film prior to forming the similar substances that can affect the product;
pouch. UV sterilization may be considered taking d) It should also be stored away from strong
into account the following aspects: smelling substances;
e) Chilling the product with commercially
a) The length and intensity of the lamps must
produced ice must be discouraged as it would
be suitable for sterilizing the film on the expose the consumer to product with possible
active surface, that is, the surface that shall contamination from ice produced with unsafe
be in contact with the product and the speed water;
of the machine. The equipment supplier's f) To check for any leakage, etc, before
certificate to that effect must be maintained opening;
for record;

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IS 14543 : 2024

g) Instruments used for opening/cutting h) Consumer must be advised to use clean

sachets should be kept exclusive for these scissors to open sachet; and
pouches in a suitable place to avoid any j) Product should not be consumed, if any
contamination and should not be used for foreign material is found.
cutting or opening any other non-food

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Gurugram([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14543 : 2024


(Clause 8)


F-1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF F- The bottles/pouches shall be chosen at

SAMPLING FOR CONTAINERS UP TO AND random from the lot. In order to ensure the
INCLUDING 2 LITRE randomness of selection, procedure given in IS 4905
shall be followed.
F-1.1 In drawing, preparing, storing and handling
samples, the following precautions and directions F-1.2.4 Initially the number of cartons/bags equal to
shall be observed as far as possible: the number of bottles/pouches to be taken from the
lot [according to col (3) of Table 5], shall be chosen
a) Sample shall be drawn in original sealed at random. These cartons/bags thus selected shall be
bottle/container and kept protected place not
opened and the bottles/ pouches in these
exposed to damp air, dust or soot; and
cartons/bags examined visually for the condition of
b) Each bottle/pouch in original shall be sealed packing, external appearance and the fill. The lot
and marked with full details of sampling. shall be considered satisfactory for inspection of
F-1.2 Scale of Sampling other characteristics given in the standard, if all the
bottles/pouches in the cartons/bags opened are
F-1.2.1 Lot found satisfactory for these characteristics.
The quantity of packaged drinking water of the same F-1.2.5 In case any defective bottle/pouch is found
type belonging to the same batch of manufacture and according to F-1.2.4, twice the number of cartons/
packed in a day, shall constitute a lot. bags shall be opened and the bottles/pouches
examined for these characteristics. If no defective
F-1.2.2 For ascertaining the conformity of the
bottle is found; the lot shall be considered
material to the requirements of the standard, samples
satisfactory for inspection of other characteristic
shall be tested from each lot separately.
given in the specification.
F-1.2.3 The number of bottles/pouches to be
F-1.3 Preparation of Test Samples
selected from a lot shall depend on the size of the
lot and shall be according to Table 5. Separate F-1.3.1 From each of the cartons/bags opened
bottle(s) shall be drawn for testing for the according to F-1.2.4, three bottles/pouches shall be
microbiological requirements. taken from its different layers so as to obtain three
times the required number of bottles/pouches/
Additional bottles/ pouches may be drawn, if
pouches in the sample [see col (3) of Table 5].
required for carrying out complete testing or when
the samples are required to be sent in more than one F-1.3.2 In case the number of cartons/bags to be
laboratory. opened is according to F-1.2.4, the number of
cartons/bags equal to the number of bottles/pouches
Table 5 Scale of Sampling in the sample shall be taken at random from these
(Clauses F-1.2.3, F-1.2.4 and F-1.3.1) cartons/bags and then the required number of
bottles/pouches picked up according to F-1.3.1.
Sl No. No. of Number of
Bottles/Pouches in Samples F-1.3.3 The sample bottles/pouches selected as in
the Lot F-1.3.1 or F-1.3.2 shall be divided at random into
(1) (2) (3) three equal sets and labelled with all the particulars
i) Up to 5 000 3 of sampling. One of these sets of sample bottles/
ii) 5 001 to 10 000 5 pouches shall be for the purchaser, another for
iii) 10 001 to 15 000 7
vendor and the third for referee.
iv) 15 001 and above 9

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IS 14543 : 2024
F-1.3.4 Referee Sample F-2.2.4 These containers shall first be examined
visually for the condition of packing, external
Referee sample shall consist of a set of sample
appearance and the fill. The lot shall be considered
bottles/pouches marked for this purpose and shall
satisfactory for inspection of other characteristics
bear the seals of the purchaser and the supplier.
given in the standard, if all the containers are found
These shall be kept at a place agreed to between the
satisfactory for these characteristics.
purchaser and the supplier so as to be used in case of
dispute between the two. F-2.2.5 In case any defective container is found
F-1.4 Criteria for Conformity according to F-2.2.4, twice the number of
containers shall be examined for these
The lot shall be declared as conforming to the
characteristic(s). If no defective container is found,
requirements of the standard, if all the requirements
the lot shall be considered satisfactory for
are complied with.
inspection of other characteristics given in this
F-2.3 Preparation of Test Samples
F-2.1 In drawing, preparing, storing and handling F-2.3.1 Out of the containers selected according to
samples, the following precautions and directions F-2.2.3, any three containers shall be selected at
shall be observed as far as possible: random and stored separately.

a) Sample shall be drawn in original sealed F-2.3.2 Each of the sample containers selected as in
container and kept in protected place not F-2.3.1 shall be divided at random into three equal
exposed to damp air, dust or soot; and sets and labelled with all the particulars of sampling.
b) Each container in original shall be sealed and One of these sets of sample containers shall be for
marked with full details of sampling. the purchaser, another for vendor and the third for
F-2.2 Scale of Sampling
F-2.3.3 Referee Sample
F-2.2.1 Lot
The quantity of packaged drinking water of the same Referee sample shall consist of a set of sample
type belonging to the same batch of manufacture and containers marked for this purpose and shall bear the
packed in a day, shall constitute a lot. seals of the purchaser and the supplier. These shall
F-2.2.2 For ascertaining the conformity of the be kept at a place agreed to between the purchaser
material to the requirements of the standard, samples and the supplier so as to be used in case of dispute
shall be tested from each lot separately. between the two.

F-2.2.3 The number of containers to be selected F-2.4 Criteria for Conformity

from a lot shall depend on the size of the lot and
shall be drawn at random, according to Table 6. The lot shall be declared as conforming to the
Separate container(s) shall be drawn for testing for requirements of the standard, if all the requirements
the microbiological requirements. In order to are complied with.
ensure the randomness of selection, procedure
given in IS 4905 shall be followed.
Table 6 Scale of Sampling
(Clause F-2.2.3)

Sl No. of Number of
No. Bottles/Pouches Samples
in the Lot
(1) (2) (3)
i) 0 to 500 5
ii) 501 to 1 200 8
iii) 1 201 to 3 200 13
iv) 3 201 and above 20

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IS 14543 : 2024

Drinking Water and Carbonated Beverages Sectional Committee, FAD 14
Organization Representative(s)
CSIR - Central Food Technological Research
Institute, Mysuru
All India Association of Natural Mineral Water SHRI BEHRAM MEHTA
Industry, Ahmedabad
All India Food Processors Association, New Delhi SHRI K. GANESH

All India Network Project on Pesticide Residues, DR VANDANA TRIPATHY

New Delhi

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Food Technology DR SANJAY KUMAR JHA

Division (BARC), Mumbai DR SUNIL KUMAR SAHOO (Alternate)
Bhavan's Research Center (Microbiology), Mumbai DR SANDHYA SHRIVASTAVA
Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), Faridabad DR NEELAM NIGAM
DR S. K. SHRIVASTAVA (Alternate)

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi SHRI P. K. MISHRA

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), MS SUNITA NARAIN
New Delhi SHRI AMIT KHURANA (Alternate)
Confederation of Indian Industry, New Delhi MS NEHA AGGARWAL
Confederation of Indian Food Trade & Industry SHRI DEEPAK JASYAL
(CIFTI)-FICCI, New Delhi MS VARSHA YADAV (Alternate)
Consumer Education and Research Centre, SHRI H. S. TRIPATHI
Ahmedabad DR DOLLY A. JANI (Alternate)
Consumer Research, Education, Action, Training and DR P. DURAISINGAM
Empowerment (CREATE), Paramakudi
CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute DR MUKESH KAPOOR
(CSIR - CFTRI), Mysuru MS VANAJAKSHI (Alternate)
CSIR - Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, DIRECTOR
Lucknow DR KAUSAR M. ANSARI (Alternate)
CSIR - National Environment Engineering Research DR P. K. LABHASETWAR
Institute, Nagpur DR NOOR AFSHAN KHAN (Alternate)
Delhi Jal Board, New Delhi DR SANJAY SHARMA
Envirocare Laboratories Private Limited, Thane DR NILESH AMRITKAR
Food Research and Analysis Centre, New Delhi SHRI ANIL KUMAR
MS KAVITA RANA (Alternate)

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Gurugram([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14543 : 2024

Organization Representative(s)
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, SHRI BRIJESH KUMAR
New Delhi
Federation of All India Packaged Drinking Water SHRI APURVA NARENDRA DOSHI
Manufacturers Association (FIPMA), Mumbai SHRI NAVEEN GOEL (Alternate)
ICMR - National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad DIRECTOR
DR A. LAXMAIAH (Alternate)
ICMR - National Institute of Cholera and Enteric DR SHANTA DUTTA
Diseases, Kolkata DR RANJAN KUMAR NANDY (Alternate)
Indian Beverage Association, New Delhi SHRI J. P. MEENA
Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi MS SHUBHANJALI UMRAO
Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Drinking Water DR D. RAJASHEKHAR
and Sanitation, New Delhi
Mohan Meakins Limited, Ghaziabad DR CHAUDHARY SHALU SINGH
Safe Water Network, New Delhi SHRI RAVINDRA SEWAK
The Greater Chennai Packaged Drinking Water SHRI J. AANTHNARAYANAN
Manufacturers Association, Chennai SHRI V. MURALI (Alternate)
Water Quality India Association, Mumbai SHRI V. A. RAJU
World Health Organization, New Delhi SHRI MANJEET SINGH SALUJA
In Personal Capacity (J2302 World Residency Sucheta SHRI O. N. SRIVASTAVA
Kriplani Marg, Shakti Khand 4, Indirapuram,
Ghaziabad - 201014)
In Personal Capacity (Room No. 350, Third Floor, DR LIGY PHILLIP
NAC II Building, Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT Madras, Chennai - 600036)

Member Secretary

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Gurugram([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14543 : 2024

Panel for Reviewing Comments on Draft Revisions IS 13428 and IS 14543, FAD 14/Panel 08

Organization Representative(s)

CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, DR ALOK K. SRIVASTAVA (Convenor)


All India Association of Natural Mineral Water Industry, SHRI BEHRAM MEHTA

CSIR - National Environmental Engineering Research DR NOOR AFSHAN KHAN

Institute, Nagpur

Federation of All India Packaged Drinking Water SHRI APURVA NARENDRA DOSHI
Manufacturers Associations (FIPMA), New Delhi

Indian Beverage Association, New Delhi SHRI RAJENDRA MOHAN DOBRIYAL

In Personal Capacity [Central Laboratory (Chemical Lab SHRI DEVESH KUMAR

Block) Ghaziabad (GZBO) Plot No. 20/9, Site IV,
Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad - 201010]

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Gurugram([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
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Gurugram([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Vardan EnviroLab -
Gurugram([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Head (Publication & Sales), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the website- or
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: FAD 14 (18833).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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