Morphological Adaptation of P. Canaliculata Shell To The Different Ecosystems in Lanao Del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines

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Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)

ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online)
Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 24-32, 2022

Morphological adaptation of P. canaliculata shell to the

different ecosystems in Lanao Del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines

V. Logronio Ferlyn*, M. Yagos Rosanilio

Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
J. H. Cerilles State College, Philippines

Article published on January 10, 2022

Key words: Golden apple snail, Morphological adaptation, Shell chirality, Shell color, Shell length, Shell shape


Different physiological, morphological, and behavioral adaptations of Pomacea canaliculata aided them in their
survival to different adverse environmental conditions. Furthermore, the said adaptations can be very vital in the
control and management strategies that can be employed in the areas where their population posed a threat to
food security. The study employed an explorative-investigative study design for the gathering of data. Eight
hundred seventy-three Golden Apple Snails from different freshwater ecosystems, namely stream, irrigational
canal, and rice field were collected, cleaned, and examined. To elucidate the different adaptations of the GAS to
the various ecosystems, their shell characteristics were observed, recorded, and examined. Consequently, this
study found out that those shells from snails sampled in streams had bigger length, width, width of the aperture,
a higher number of bands, and whorls when compared to those shells from irrigational canals and rice fields.
Moreover, there was a negative correlation between pH and dissolved oxygen to the height, width, and width of
the aperture. There was also a significant correlation between the temperature and width, weight, and the
number of bands. It was concluded that to control and manage the population of the GAS the area should have
less palatable food sources and less anthropogenic activities so that environmental parameters like high pH,
lower temperature, and higher dissolved oxygen can be achieved.
* Corresponding Author: V. Logronio Ferlyn  [email protected]

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Introduction environmental stresses should be understood by

The physiological, morphological, and behavioral people implementing management and control
adaptation of Pomacea canaliculata to various programs. Henceforth, this paper was conducted to
environmental conditions made them thrive and be one provide basic information on the adaptation of the
of the major pests in freshwater wetlands particularly snails based on the characteristics of their shells, so
affecting ricefields and other economically important that proper management and control measures can be
agricultural areas. They had been known for their crafted to make them better suited in the area. The
adaptive plasticity (Estebenet & Martin, 2002) and paper looked into three different ecosystems which
highly generalist and voracious macrophytophagous have important economic value where the presence
feeding nature (Morrison, et al., 2016). and manifestation of golden apple snails were seen to
be of great concern.
P. canaliculata, or commonly known as golden apple
snail, is one of the freshwater snails that underwent Materials and methods
series of adaptations to thrive in any given freshwater Sampling sites
environment. Hence, the golden apple snail can Snails were collected from the different freshwater
tolerate harsh environmental conditions such as low ecosystems in the Province of Lanao del Norte,
levels of salinity, lower temperature (Seuffert, et al., Mindanao, Philippines. Site A was an agricultural
2013), low pH levels, metal and pollutant area in Brgy. Tenazas, Lala, Lanao del Norte. Rice was
contamination, parasite infestations, period of the major product in the area and a very dense
drought (Silverwood, 2011), and low food availability population of golden apple snail was observed, some
(Tamburi & Martin, 2016). However, its survival in can be found clustering around a shoot of the rice
these adverse environmental conditions is highly plant, and some were buried in the muddy rice field.
dependent on the important physiological, Juvenile snails can be seen at the corners of each
morphological, and behavioral adaptations ricefield while eggs can be observed in the rice plants
(Chukwuka, et al., 2014) of these snails to their as well as on the plants found in the area. The second
environment. Furthermore, according to Relyea site was a distant dam connected to a stream located
(2002), as cited by Madjos, et al., in 2015 that P. 10 kilometers from the first site near human
canaliculata can respond to the changes in the settlement. Driftwoods, decaying plants, and trunks,
environment by producing alternative phenotypes as solid waste, grasses, animal manure, and animals can
an adaptive strategy. be seen on the stream. A dense population of GAS can
be observed on the sides of the stream and few
Consequently, there had been different functional individuals were observed floating on the water.
parts of the snails that played an important factor in Lastly, Site C was in an agricultural irrigation canal in
their survival especially in maintaining their the Municipality of Maigo, 45.6 kilometers east from
homeostasis. One of those parts is the shell. Salient Site A. Site C bed was cemented however, silt was
features of the snails’ shells that ensured the snails’ observed with lesser vegetational cover. All sites had
survival against adverse environmental conditions, other species of snails; however, the collection was
predator cues, and various anthropogenic-related limited only to golden apple snail.
activities were: shell periostracum, shell chirality,
shell color, shell shape, shell size and weight, and Snail collection

operculum shape and weight. An explorative-investigative study design was

employed in this study. A total of 873 samples were
However, these characteristics could also be a taken using hand-picking and through the use of a
potential target for control measures. A better sieve. Out of the total collected samples, only 180
understanding of the important characteristics of the samples were utilized for this study comprising of 30
species that helped them survive various males and 30 females per area.

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The snails were boiled and cleaned and the meat was d) Width of aperture
removed by pin. Sex identification was made through The width of the aperture was also measured using a
shell shape (Mahilum & Demayo, 2014) and actual vernier caliper (Fig. 2.a).
body parts examination. The presence of the penial
complex would signify male and the absence thereof e) Shell chirality
would be of female. Shell chirality was the orientation of the aperture
opening. To determine the chirality, the shells were
held with the spire pointing upwards and the aperture
was facing the observer. Dextral shells are determined
if the opening was facing right and sinistral if the
opening was facing left.

f) Shell shape
Shell shape according to Gould (1966) as mentioned
by the paper of Kemp, et al. (1984) was governed by a
genetically allometric relationship. In this study, the
snail shape was determined by the proportion of the
height and the width. Oblong was determined if the

Fig. 1. Map of the Philippines. A) Rice field at Brgy. height is much bigger than the width, globose – if the

Tenazas, Lala, Lanao del Norte; B) Dam and Stream at height and the width of the shell are proportional and

Brgy. El Salvador, Lala, Lanao del Norte; and C) Irrigation depressed if the width is much bigger than the height.

Canal at Brgy. Balagatasa, Maigo, Lanao del Norte.

Sample Preservation
Representative samples of the species of freshwater
gastropods were preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol and
were kept for future referencing purposes. Shells were
then air-dried and were subjected to different

Measurements of snail morphological traits

The different conchological characteristics were
determined in this study: (a)
a) Shell length
Shell length is the maximum measurement along the
central axis of the snail. The measurement was done
using a Vernier caliper (Fig. 2.a).

b) Shell width
The width of the shell was done by measuring the
right angles to the central axis. Vernier caliper was
used in the measurement (Fig. 2.a).

c) Shell weight (b)

The dried weight of the shells was taken using a Fig. 2. Determination of: a) shell length, shell width,
digital scale. and width of the aperture; and b) number of whorls.

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g) Number of bands triplicates. Mean environmental parameters were

Counting of the actual number of bands was done and shown in Table 1.
was recorded.
Table 1. Mean environmental conditions during the
h) Number of whorls sampling of the samples.
The whorl of the snails’ shell is the single complete Dissolved
Ecosystem pH Level Temperature
3600 revolution or turn in a spiral growth of the shell. Oxygen
Ricefield 7.6 31.7 oC 6.1 mg/dL
The counting was made first by drawing a straight Dam and Stream 6.7 33.7 oC 2.7 mg/dL
line and following the course of the whorl at a 900 Irrigation Canal 7.2 30.7 oC 3.7 mg/dL

angle (Fig. 2.b).

Data Analysis
Statistical tools like One-way ANOVA and MANOVA
i) Shell texture
were used in this study. Pearson’s correlation was also
Visual observation of the texture of the shell was
used to establish the correlation between the traits
determined using smooth and rough consistency.
and the environmental factors. The data were
recorded to excel and was analyzed and run in SPSS.
Physico-chemical Analysis
Physico-chemical parameters were evaluated in each
sampling station to correlate the conchological
Conchological traits
characteristics. Standard protocols were observed in
Table 2 summarized the mean scores from the data
performing all the physicochemical analyses.
obtained from the study. From the data, it was
evident that the female shells were larger than the
A pH meter (Tester 30, waterproof pH, and
male. Female shells also had more bands and whorls
Temperature Tester Doubles Junction) was used in
than their male counterparts. All shells displayed
determining the pH, dissolved oxygen, and
dextral orientation and regular spiral patterns.
temperature of the different sampling stations. The
Moreover, all (100%) of the shell’s shapes were
device probe was dipped in the water surface for one
globose and had a smooth texture.
minute and the data was taken and recorded in

Table 2. Mean scores of shell’s characteristics in the three sites.

Length Width Weight Width of

Location # of bands # of whorl
(cm) (cm) (grams) aperture (cm)
male 2.64 2.1 1.28 1.51 11 4.5
female 3.11 2.59 1.69 1.93 12.58 4.75

male 3.98 3.32 2.92 1.79 11.82 4.77
female 4.25 3.76 3.71 1.87 15.5 5

Irrigational canal
male 2.77 2.29 1.39 1.23 12.5 4.4
female 2.87 2.42 1.47 1.28 9.34 4.31

Shell length, width, and weight differences in shell’s length, width, and weight in the
The snails found in the stream and dam were observed different environments with a p-value less than 0.05.
to be significantly higher in terms of the shell length, Furthermore, it can be observed using Post-hoc analysis
width, and weight when compared to the snails sampled that streams and dams are significantly different from
from the irrigational area and ricefield regardless of the rice fields and irrigation canals in terms of shell’s length,
location. Analysis of variance showed significant width, and weight (Fig. 3).

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Correlation on the environmental factors with the

shell’s characteristics
A significant negative correlation was observed in pH
and length of the shells (-0.703) and pH and width of
the aperture of the shell (-0.784). A highly significant
inverse correlation was also obtained between pH and
width of the shell which means that when the pH
Fig. 3. Differences in shell’s length, width, and increases the shell’s length, shell’s width and shell’s
weight in different environments. width of aperture decreases. On the other hand, no
significant correlation was observed in pH, shell’s
Width of aperture, number of bands, and number of weight, and the number of bands. Temperature is
whorls directly correlated with the shell’s width, weight, and
The same trend can be observed in terms of the width width of the aperture (p<0.05) but not in the shell’s
of the aperture, the number of bands, and the number length and the number of bands which showed no
of whorls in different environments. Results showed significant correlation. Additionally, a significant
significant differences in terms of width aperture, the inverse correlation was seen in temperature and pH.
number of the band, and the number of whorls in the Dissolved oxygen is one of the determinant factors of
rice field, streams and dams, and irrigation canal (p < the health of the environment. In this study, table 3
0.05). Furthermore, stream and dam are significantly further showed that dissolved oxygen is negatively
different from rice field and irrigation canal (p < associated with the shell’s length, width, and width of
0.05) but no variation can be seen between rice field the aperture. Apart from that, DO is not correlated
and irrigation canal (Fig. 4; Fig. 5; Fig. 6). with the shell’s weight and the number of bonds.

Table 3. Pearson’s correlation of shell’s characteristics and environmental factor.

Length Width Weight WOA NOB NOW pH Temp DO
Length 1
Width .361** 1
Weight .562** .271** 1
WOA .652** .278** .490** 1
NOB .224** .074ns .277** .160* 1
NOW .340** .163* .297** .234** .014ns 1
pH -.703* -.804** -.617ns -.784* -.383ns .c 1
Temp .434ns .713* .755* .672* .408ns .c -.697* 1
DO -.706* -.706* -.453ns -.688* -.299ns .c .943** -.426ns 1
WOA = Width of aperture; NOB = Number of bands; NOW = Number of whorl; Temp = Temperature; DO = Dissolved oxygen
ns not significant; * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level; ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. c. Cannot be
computed because at least one of the variables is constant.

Fig. 4. Difference of width of the aperture as Fig. 5. Difference of the number of bands as observed
observed in the samples from the rice field, streams in the samples from the rice field, streams and dams,
and dams, and irrigation canal. and irrigation canal.

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shapes were globose and had a smooth texture. It was

observed from this study, that the shells from female
snails were larger than the male snails, and is similar
to the laboratory observation done by Estebenet and
Martin in 2003 and 2002. This was also one of the
adaptations of the female GAS that can attribute to
favorable maternal functions.

Morphological adaptations of the snails were evident

Fig. 6. Difference of the number of whorls as in the shells’ length, width, and weight. There were
observed in the samples from the rice field, streams observed significantly higher measurements of the
and dams, and irrigation canal. shell length, width, and weight in snails’ shells from
Site B compared to those that were sampled from Site
Discussion A and C. The difference in these traits can be
The physiological, morphological, and behavioral attributed to several factors like ontogenetic, sexual,
adaptation of Pomacea canaliculata to various genetic, and ecophenotypic components of the snails
environmental conditions made them thrive and be (Estebenet, et al., 2006); vast food sources (Estebenet
one of the major pests in freshwater particularly and Martin, 2003) that were palatable to the snails
affecting rice fields and other economically important ((Yam, et al., 2016), anthropogenic disturbances, and
agricultural areas. Conchological studies, specifically, environmental factors (Fink and Von Elert, 2006);
conducted for the species are just among the many water current (Minton, et al., 2008); and the
factors that checked and elucidated how these species substrate of the bottom of the ecosystem where the
survived and adapted to different environments. This snails were inhabiting as stated by Estebenet, et al.
study looked into several shell characteristics that (2006) as proposed by Cazzaniga in 1987. These
made them adaptable to the different ecosystems and adaptions developed by the snails made them
found variations in the shells of the golden apple withstand different environmental factors and made
snail. The 45.6 kilometers distance of Site A to Site C them survive in the different sites.
did not produce a difference in the adaptations of the
GAS, as shown in the different characteristics of their Similarly, the width of aperture, number of bands,
shells, this can be associated that they were of similar and number of whorls also showed significant
land use and had similar environmental disturbances. differences only between Site B and Sites A and C.
Whereas, Site B which is only 10 kilometers from Site The similarity between Site A and C can be because of
A had been observed with different adaptations the similar land use and the environmental condition
because of the different land use and anthropogenic that these snails were exposed to including, but not
activities observed since it was located near a limited, to pollution and other climate change-related
settlement area. These findings were supported by the disturbances. The number of bands in the shells of the
findings of Majos and Anies (2016) that noticed snails corresponds to the secretory activity of the
significant variations in snails that were mantle edge (Comfort, 1950) and neurosecretory
geographically isolated and were exposed to various system of the mollusk (Boettiger, et al., 2009;
agricultural practices. Ermentrout, et al., 1986). In this study, it was evident
that those snails in Site B had a higher number of
This study found out that the sampled male and disturbances when compared to Sites A and C.
female snails also had variations in terms of the size
of the shell, the number of bands, and the whorls. The The colors of the shells of the snails were observed to
openings of the aperture were all oriented dextrally be closely related even if they were exposed to the
and all had regular spiral patterns. All of the shell’s different ecosystems, this can be attributed to the fact

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that all three sampling sites shared the same Conclusion and recommendations
temperature level. In an article by Sokolova, et al. As the environment played a vital part in the survival
(2000) they cited that the color of the shells can be of the snails, the physiological, morphological, and
related to environmental gradients like climate, behavioral adaptations of Pomacea canaliculata to
insolation, wave exposure, and salinity. In this case, various environmental conditions ensure their
all of the sites where the snails were sampled had a survival in an environment. The plasticity nature of
common climatic pattern, thus, this is a common the species also helped them adapt easily to the
factor that influenced its shell color. environment where they thrive. As is observed in this
study, there were variations in the shells based on the
When the different shell characteristics of Pomacea observed characteristics. However, there was
canaliculata were subjected to correlation analysis similarity in the shells that were relevant in Site A and
with the observed environmental parameters in the C and this can be pointed to the closely related land
area, it was found out that these conditions also use in the areas. Moreover, the proximity between
played a significant factor in terms of its adaptation. Site A and B did not influence the similarity of the
It was observed that the higher pH could limit the shells, hence, it was concluded that since they had
length, width, and width of the aperture. This can be different use and functions, the adaptations of the
related to the studies of Samsi and Karim (2019), snails was different.
Glass and Darby (2009), Marshall, et al. (2008) and
Orr, et al. (2005) where the pH influenced the The noted difference can be because of the different

conditions of the shells of the GAS and other anthropogenic activities, pollutants, and other

calcifying organisms. Accordingly, the shells of those environmental factors in the sites. The pH,

snails in treatment with high pH produced small shell temperature, and dissolved oxygen also played

length and manifested signs of shell erosion. important roles in the adaptation of the snails. The
pH and dissolved oxygen of the area had a negative

Consequently, the higher level of dissolved oxygen correlation to the length, width, and width of the
aperture of the snails. On the other hand, the
was also negatively correlated to the length, width,
temperature had a positive correlation to the width,
and width of the aperture of the shell. The result was
weight, and number of bands.
contrary to the result of Gupta, et al. (2017) that there
was a linear growth rate in both the tank with
Given this premise, to manage and control the
elevated and lowered DO use in their study.
population of the golden apple snails and minimize
Moreover, this study also observed the positive
the damages they caused to agriculture, it is
correlation of temperature to the width, weight, and
recommended that the areas should cater
number of bands of P. canaliculata.
environment with less palatable food sources and
should have adverse environmental conditions like
This finding is related to the findings of Estebenet, et
higher pH, lower temperature, and higher dissolved
al., 2002 that P. canaliculata were influenced in all
oxygen. Further studies should also be conducted to
aspects by temperature. Snails’ growth rate was
test and check for the similarity of this study to
highest in elevated temperature (Kalinda, et al., 2017;
different areas.
Tamburi, et al., 2018; Memon, et al., 2011) and could
explain the increase in width, weight, and the number Acknowledgments
of bands. Furthermore, the result of this study is The researchers would like to thank the Department
contrary to the findings of Galan, et al. (2015) that of Science and Technology Accelerated Science and
temperature together with pH and DO did not Technology Human Resource Development Program
manifest correlation to the characteristics of the shell (DOST ASTHRDP) for the scholarship grant that
being tested in their study. enabled the researchers to produce the paper.

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