Although water covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, less
than 1% of that resource is available as fresh water – and this is
not evenly distributed throughout the world.
society and important to emergency response and recovery after
disastrous events (e.g., earthquakes).
•Civic or public purposes
•Industrial purposes
•Business or trade purposes
•Loss and waste
Domestic purposes
The quantity of water required for domestic purposes can be sub-
divided as follows:
1. Drinking
A human body contains about 70 % of water. The
consumption of water by a man is required for various
physiological processes such as blood formation, food
assimilation, etc. The quantity of water which a man would
require for drinking depends on various factors. But on the
average and under normal conditions, it is about 2 litres per
day. This amount, as will be seen, is very
small as compared to various other uses of water. But it is
most essential to supply water for drinking purposes with a
high degree of purity. If water for drinking contains
undesirable elements, it may lead to epidemic. In fact, the
drinking water should be protected, potable and palatable.
2. Cooking
Some quantity of water will also be required for cooking. The
quantity of water required for this purpose will depend upon
the stage of advancement of the family in particular and
society in general. However, for the purpose of estimation,
amount of water required for cooking may be assumed as
about 5 litres per capita per day.
3. Bathing
The quantity of water required for bathing purpose will
mainly depend on the habits of people and type of climate.
For an Indian bath, this quantity may be assumed as about 30
to 40 litres per capita per day and for tub-bath, it may be
taken as about 50 to 80 litres per capita per day.
to include the quantity of water required for this purpose in
case of public water supply project.
1. Road washing
The roads with heavy amount of dust are to be sprinkled with
water to avoid inconvenience to the users. On the average,
the quantity of water required for this purpose may be taken
as about 5 litres per capita per day.
2. Sanitation purposes
In this division, water is required for cleaning public sanitary
blocks, large markets, etc. and for carrying liquid wastes
from houses. The quantity of water required for this purpose
will depend on the growth of civilization and may be assumed
to be about 2 to 3 litres per capita per day.
3. Ornamental purposes
In order to adorn the town with decorative features,
fountains or lakes or ponds are sometimes provided. These
objects require huge quantity of water for their
performance. As far as Indian towns are concerned, the
quantity of water required for this purpose may be treated
as quite negligible since in most of the towns, the quantity of
water available is not enough even with the
most urgent needs of the society.
4. Fire demand
Usually, a fire occurs in factories and stores. The quantity of
water required for fire fighting purposes should be easily
available and always kept stored in the storage reservoir.
Fire fighting is the act of extinguishing fires. One common
way to extinguish a fire is to spray it with water
Industrial purposes
The quantity of water required for industrial or commercial
purposes can be subdivided as follows:
1. Factories
The quantity of water required for the processes involved in
factories will naturally depend on the nature of products,
size of factory, etc. and it has no relation with the density of
population. It is quite likely that the demand of water for
factories may equal or even exceed the demand of water for
domestic purposes. The possibility of recycling of water in
the plant will also have
appreciable effect on the demand of water for a particular
2. Power stations
A huge quantity of water will be required for working of
power stations. But generally, the power stations are
situated away from the cities and they do not represent a
serious problem to public water supply.
3. Railways
In most of the cases, the railways make their own
arrangements regarding their water requirements and hence,
the quantity of water to be consumed by railways is not
ordinarily included in any public water supply system. It is
thus not possible to connect the requirement of water for
industrial purposes to the population of the city. It is
therefore advisable to study each case independently in this
regard and decide the quantity of water required for
industrial purposes accordingly. For a city with moderate
factories, it is estimated that about 20 to 25 per cent of per
capita consumption will be required for industrial purposes.
b. Ponds
c. Rivers
d. Reservoirs
2. Ground water sources
a. Infiltration galleries
b. Infiltration wells
c. Springs
d. Wells
a. Infiltration galleries: they are the horizontal tunnels
constructed at shallow depth along the banks of rivers
through the water bearing strata.
They are also known as horizontal wells
b. Infiltration wells: they are the shallow wells constructed in
series along the banks of river, in order to collect water
seeping through their bottoms
c. Springs: the natural outflow of groundwater at the earth’s
surface is known as spring.
Following are the different forms of spring:
● Artesian spring
● Gravity spring
● Surface spring
d. Wells: A well is defined as an artificial hole or pit made in
the ground for the purpose of bringing ground water to the
Wells are of mainly two types:
● Open well
● Tube well
○ Strainer type
○ Cavity type
○ Gravel pack type
purpose of drawing water from the source of water are called
Design of intake
2. River intake
3. Reservoir intake
4. Lake intake
5. Canal intake
Transportation of water
● Transportation refer to taking of water from source to
purification plants and from treatment plant to consumers.
● Depending on the topography of the land, conveyance may be
in free flow and/or pressure conduits.
● If the source is at higher level than the treatment plant, the
water can flow under gravity, automatically.
● Similarly after necessary purification of water, it has to be
conveyed to the consumers.
● Therefore, for conveyance of water some sort of devices or
structures is required. The arrangement may be in the form
of open channels, aqueducts, tunnels or pipes.
Open channels
In any water supply systems, raw water from source to
treatment plants may be carried in open channels but open
channels are not recommended for conveyance of treated
The term aqueduct is usually restricted to closed conduits
made up of masonry.
These can be used for conveyance of water from source to
treatment plant or for distribution.
Tunnels are also like aqueducts.
Tunnels which are not under pressure are usually constructed
in horse-shoe shape, but if they convey water under
pressure, circular cross-section is the best.
Tunnels are used to convey water into the cities from outside
Pipe is a circular closed conduit used to convey water from
one point to another, under gravity or under pressure
• Pipes are mostly made up of materials like cast iron,
wrought iron, cement, plastic, etc.
Drinking water should have the following characteristics:
1. It should be clear, colourless and odourless.
2. It should be cool and pleasant to taste.
3. It should be free from suspended impurities.
4. It should be free from dissolved gases like CO2, H2S,
NH3, etc., and poisonous minerals like lead, arsenic,
manganese, etc.,
5. Hardness should be less than 500 ppm.
6. Chloride ion content should be less than 250 ppm.
7. Fluoride ion content should be less than 1.5 ppm.
8. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) content should be less than
500 ppm.
9. pH of the potable water should be 6.5 – 8.5.
10. Sulphate ion content should be less than 250 ppm.
11. It should be free from harmful bacteria
Indian Standards for Drinking water
ISI (Indian Standard Institution) has the following standards:
Introduction to water treatment for safe drinking
1. Screening
2. Sedimentation
3. Sedimentation with coagulants
4. Filtration
5. Disinfection / Sterlization
6. Aeration
7. Water softening
It is the process of removing floating materials like leaves from
water. Raw water is passed through screens having holes, when the
floating matter is retained by them and water is allowed to pass..
The process of allowing water to stand undisturbed in big tanks
for some time in order to facilitate the settling down of coarse
suspended particles due to force of gravity is called
This is the process of removal of coarse impurities and some of
micro-organisms by passing water through a porous material
(filter) consisting of bed of fine sand and other granular
Sterilization / Disinfection:
The filtered water still contains small amount of pathogenic
(disease producing) bacterias which must be destroyed if the
water has to be used for drinking purpose.
The process of destroying/killing of pathogenic bacteria and other
micro-organisms from water to make it safe for use is known as
disinfection and the chemicals used for this purpose are called
Disinfection does not ensure total destruction of all living
organisms. On the other hand, sterilization means complete
destruction of all living organisms which is possible by boiling the
water over a period of time.
Water aeration is done to remove unwanted taste and odor.
Aeration is the process of bringing water and air into close
contact in order to remove dissolved gases.
Water softening:
The process of removing hardness causing salts from water is
called softening of water.
Importance of Sanitation
Sanitation is the process of keeping places free from dirt,
infection, disease, etc., by removing waste, trash and garbage, by
cleaning streets, washing yours self, safe drinking water, etc.
Importance of Sanitation
•Prevents pest infestation
•Kills bacteria already present
•Reduces potential for cross contamination
•Can help increase shelf life
•Minimizes chance for injury
•Helps create a more pleasant work environment
•Improved Health Conditions and Low Health expenses
•Reduction in mortality rates linked to Poor Sanitation
•Social and economic benefits
•Any liquid that contains impurities or pollutants in the form of
solids or gasses or their combinations in such a concentration that
is harmful if disposed into the environment
•Wastewater is the water which is disposed from homes, offices
and industry.
•It comes from toilets, sinks, showers, washing machines and
industrial processes and was historically called sewage.
Domestic waste water (Characteristics):
The Characteristics of sewage arc classified as follows:
1. Physical characteristics
2. Chemical characteristics and
3. Biological characteristics
Physical Characteristics
Chemical Characteristics
Biological characteristics
•Sewage contains bacteria and other living micro-organisms
such as algae, fungi, protozoa, etc.
•Domestic sewage consists of various types of plant or animal
Disposal by dilution
•In this process, the raw sewage or the partially treated
sewage is thrown into natural waters having large volume.
• The sewage in due course of time is purified by what is
known as the self-purification capacity of natural waters.
Disposal by land treatment
• The raw domestic waste water (sewage) is applied on the
• A part of sewage evaporates and the remaining portion
percolates through the ground and is caught by the
underground drains for disposal into natural waters.
• The sewage adds to the fertilizing value of land and crops
can be profitably raised on such land.
Sewer (types):
According to their make, there are 7 types of sewers:
1. Asbestos cement sewer
2. Brick sewer
3. Cement concrete sewer
4. Cast iron sewer
5. Steel sewer
6. Stoneware sever
7. Plastic sewer
● Cost
● Hydraulically efficient
1. Primary Stage:
a. This is the first stage of sewage/wastewater treatment
that removes about 40-60% of the suspended solids.
b. It involves screening to remove large objects such as
sticks, stones etc which can cause damage to tank inlets.
c. Primary clarifier or settling/sedimentation tank in this
stage removes sinking and floating contaminants.
d. The partially treated wastewater from the primary tanks
then flows to the secondary treatment system.
2. Secondary Stage:
a. This is the stage where the biological (aerobic/anaerobic)
treatment of waste water from the primary stage begins and
it removes up to 90% of organic matter.
b. The water is then taken to settling tanks where the sludge
again settles, leaving the water 90 to 95 % free of
3. Tertiary Stage:
a. When the effluent from secondary treatment is
unacceptable, a third level of treatment called tertiary or
advanced treatment, can be employed.
b. Its purpose is to provide final treatment stage to raise
the effluent quality to the desired level.
c. This stage is also called as disinfection stage and UV is an
ideal disinfectant for wastewater since it does not alter the
water quality.
Solid Waste
Depending on their physical state they are classified as:
•Liquid wastes
•Gaseous wastes
•Solid wastes.
Solid waste:
Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid materials
generated from combined residential, industrial and commercial
activities in a given area.
Types of solid waste
Broadly there are 3 types of waste which are as follows:
1. Household waste is generally classified as Municipal waste
a. Construction and demolition debris
b. Sanitation residue
c. Waste from streets
2. Industrial waste as Hazardous waste
3. Biomedical waste or Hospital waste as Infectious waste
a. Disposables,
b. Discarded medicines
c. Chemical wastes
The best method for estimating waste quantity is to install
permanent scales at disposal facilities and weigh every truck on
the way in and again in the way out.
W = T (w/t)
W is the total weight of the waste delivered to the facility
T is the total number of trucks that delivered waste in the
w is the total weight of the truck that were weighed
t is the number of trucks that were weighed
Similarly the total weight of waste delivered for the whole year is
summed up and total tones of waste generated in a year can be
T – Tonnes of waste generated in a year
P – Population of the area in which the waste is being generated
•Biodegradability of OWC
•Breeding of flies
Open dumping:
● It refers to uncovered areas that are used to dump solid
waste of all kinds
● The waste is untreated, uncovered and not segregated
● These sites spread foul smell and become breeding grounds
for diseases
Land filling:
● They are generally located in areas where large amount of
waste is generated and has to be dumped
● Unlike an open dump, it is a pit that is dug in the ground.
● The garbage is dumped and pit is covered thus preventing
breeding of flies and rats.
● Contamination of groundwater happens through landfills and
this is known as leaching and liquid that has seeped through a
landfill is known as leachate.
● It is the most common recycling method of solid waste
● It is one of the oldest forms of disposal
● The waste which contains 35-40% organic matter is recycled
by this method
● It is a biological process in which microorganisms, mainly
fungi and bacteria, convert degradable organic waste into
humus like substance.
● It recycles nutrients and returns the nutrients back to soil
● It is clean, cheap and safe
● Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the
combustion or the high-temperature burning (rapid oxidation)
of a waste.
● Incineration and other high temperature waste treatment
systems are described as "thermal treatment".
● It is also known as controlled–flame combustion or calcination
as animals and food crops, and may damage the natural
environment (for example, climate change, ozone depletion or
habitat degradation).
1.Natural sources -
•Atmospheric reactions
•Volcanic eruptions
•Forest fires
•Dust storms, electric storms, Salt spray form oceans,
•Radioactive substances
• Nuclear explosions , Air crafts , Wastewater treatment
Types of pollutants
•An air pollutant is a substance in the air that can have adverse
effects on humans and the ecosystem.
•The substance can be solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases.
•A pollutant can be of natural origin or manmade.
•Air pollutants may be either emitted into the atmosphere or
formed within atmosphere itself .
1. Primary pollutants:- Primary pollutants are those which
are directly emitted from identifiable source. These
pollutants are emitted directly to the atmosphere.
1. Indoor air pollutants -The air pollutants which are generated
from households are called indoor air pollutants.
•Cleaning agents
•Gases from stoves etc.
1. Lead:
● A solid metal that can be found in the air in a dust-like
form of particulate matter
● Brain and other nervous system damage
● Digestive problems
● Kidney damage
● Reproductive system damage
● Contaminated soil can damage crops and livestock
2. ozone:
● Colorless gas
● Found in Stratosphere
● Reacts with other pollutants to form smog
● Cause chest pains, coughing, & nausea
● Causes shortness of breath
● Repeated exposure can cause permanent lung damage
3. Nitrogen Dioxide:
● Brownish in color
● Highly reactive gas
● Major component of acid rain
● Reduces blood carrying capacity
● Causes pneumonia, oxygen deficiency
4. Carbon Monoxide:
● Colourless
● Odourless
● Poisonous
● Produced when something is burned incompletely or in a
closed-in area
● Low conc.- causes dizziness, headache,
● High conc.- causes unconsciousness and even death
5. Sulphur dioxide:
● Gaseous compound made of sulphur and oxygen
● Colorless and reactive gas
● It causes irritation of eyes and respiratory tracts.
● Affects the growth of plants
6. Hydrocarbons:
● Organic compounds containing only C and H are
classified as hydrocarbons
● Causes cancer
● Creates narcotic effects on human beings
On plants
● Affect the growth of plants
● Damages leaves
On materials
● Corrosion
● Abrasion
● Deposition
● Discoloration
On climate
● Increase in CO2
● Global warming
● Depletion of ozone layer
1. Preventative measures (source control)
•Selection of suitable fuel.
• Modification in industrial process.
•Selection of suitable site for industrial unit.
• Using natural gas in place of coal for power generation.
2. Control measures
• Planting more trees
• Collecting pollutants by using equipment's.
• Destroying the pollutants by thermal or catalytic
• Changing the pollutants to less toxic form.
Acid Rain
Normal rain water is always slightly acidic because C02 present in
atmosphere, get dissolved in it form carbonic acid and hence it has
a pH of about 5.6.
Rain water with pH values lower than 5.7 is called acid rain. Acid
rain is formed when air pollutants such as SO2 and NO2 dissolved
in rain water.
Anthropogenic Causes:-
•Factories (industrialization)
•Motor vehicles,
•Coal based power plants.
•Domestic fires
Human health
•affects human nervous system, respiratory system,
digestive system
Effects on buildings
• In Greece and Italy invaluable stone statues have been
partially dissolved by acid rain.
•Taj Mahal in Agra is also suffering due to acid fumes from
Mathura refinery
Ozone Layer
Ozone is a form of oxygen (O3). The ozone layer is a region in the
earth’s stratosphere that contains high concentrations of ozone
and protects the earth from the harmful ultraviolet radiations of
the sun and is a lifesaver.
Ozone Layer Depletion
Ozone layer depletion is the gradual thinning of the earth’s ozone
layer in the upper atmosphere caused due to the release of
various chemical compounds from industries or other human
● Global Warming
Global warming also leads to ozone layer depletion.
● Nitrogenous Compounds
The nitrogenous compounds such as NO2, NO, N2O are
highly responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer.
● Natural Causes
Ozone layer also gets depleted due to natural causes like
volcanic eruptions
Effects on Animals
•Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiations leads to skin
and eye cancer in animals.
Damage to Materials
•Wood, plastic, rubber and many construction materials
are degraded by UVradiation.
Prevention of Ozone depletion:
1.CFC's (Chloro Fluro Carbons) should be replaced by HCFC's
(Hydro ChloroFluro Carbons).
2. Production, use and emission of ozone - depleting chemicals
should be controlled.
3.Servicing of refrigerators and air-conditioners should be
4.Adopt protection measures from sun's radiation
Greenhouse effect
The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in
Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes
Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. The
greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes Earth a
comfortable place to live.
Global warming
Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system
observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900)
due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which
increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s
Global warming is happening due to the greenhouse effect
combined with increased greenhouse gas emissions by human
2. Man-made causes
a. Deforestation
b. Use of vehicles
c. Industrial development
d. Agriculture
e. Overpopulation
2. Climate change
3. Threat to ecosystem
4. Spread of diseases
5. Higher mortality rates
6. Loss of natural habitat
The air pollution and the resultant air quality can be attributed to
emissions from vehicular, industrial and domestic activities. The
air quality has been, therefore, an issue of social concern in the
backdrop of various developmental activities.
Introduction to various disaster
● Disaster is a sudden, calamitous and unfortunate event that
brings with it great damage, loss, destruction, and
devastation to human life as well as property and also
hampers the ongoing developmental projects in a particular
area being affected by the disaster
● Disaster is a serious, dangerous catastrophe, a mishap, a
calamity or grave danger event occuring in an area.
● It may be arising from natural or man- made causes, or by
accident or due to negligence.
● This sudden event results in the substantial loss of life and
creates much suffering to humans and other life.
● It also includes much damage to and destruction of
property, or damage to and degradation of the environment.
● Disasters are catastrophic events shocking the whole world
and make humanity feel very sad and depressed.
● All life and life-support systems are also affected by these
unexpected incidences.
Disaster management is fundamentally disaster risk
• Damage to and destruction of plantations and crops,
• Disruption of production,
• Disruption of lifestyle,
• Disruption of transport,
• Loss of livelihood and occupation to people,
• Disruption to essential services like electricity, water
supply and gas supply,
• Disruption of communication and other networks
• Disruption to government systems and schemes,
• Shortage of food resources
• Spreading of diseases
• National economic loss,
• Sociological effects and
• Psychological after effects
Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness include Pre-
disaster activities focussed on reducing the human and
property losses caused by a potential hazard.
1. Prevention
It involves hazard identification and risk analysis to know the
types of disaster that can strike an area, the vulnerable
group that can be affected and the probable effects.
e.g., public awareness and education, environmental scanning.
It is an action taken to reduce the harmful effects of the
disaster on human health, property and protection of
vulnerable population.
e.g., mock drills on disaster management
3. Preparedness
Preparedness is an ongoing process in which individuals,
communities, businesses and organizations can plan and train
for what they’ll do in the event of a disaster ensuring the
highest level of readiness.
e.g., emergency response plan, communication plan, preparing
disaster teams, preparing resources such food, clothing, and
4. Response
Response is what happens after the disaster occurs. -It
includes action taken to save lives and prevent further
damage. e.g., medical care, evacuation, transportation
eg: During the response stage, any ongoing hazards are
removed from the area; for example, in the aftermath of a
wildfire, any lingering fires will be put out.
5. Recovery
It is the action taken to return to normal or even safer
e.g., surveillance for diseases, medical aid, psychological
support, temporary housing.
6. Reconstruction/Rehabilitation
It involves reconstruction of damaged physical and
psychological infrastructure, as well as economic and social
rehabilitation of the people in the affected region.
e.g., rebuilding houses, roads, revival of educational
activities, regular counselling, restoring employment.
● Biodegradable material : any organic material that can
be broken down by microorganisms into simpler, more
stable com-pounds. Most organic wastes (e.g., food,
paper) are biodegradable
● Leachate : liquid that has seeped through a landfill or a
compost pile and has accumulated bacteria and other
possibly harmful dissolved or suspended materials.
● Sampling of Water : The process of collecting a
representative portion of water, as from the natural
environment or from an industrial site, for the purpose
of analysing it for constituents.
● Chlorination : Chlorination is the process of adding
chlorine to drinking water to kill parasites, bacteria, and
● Dechlorination : Dechlorination is the process of
removing residual chlorine from disinfected wastewater
prior to discharge into the environment.
● Break point chlorination : Breakpoint chlorination is
the point where the demand for chlorine has been fully
satisfied in terms of chlorine addition to the water.
● Ozonation : Ozonation (also referred to as ozonisation)
is a chemical water treatment technique based on the
infusion of ozone into water.
● Storm water : The term storm water is used to
indicate the rain water of the locality
● Subsoil water : This indicates the ground water which
finds its entry into sewers through
● Per Capita Demand : It is the amount of water
required by one person per one day ( based on annual
● Environmental engineering : Environmental engineering
is the branch of engineering that is concerned with
protecting people from the effects of adverse
environmental effects, such as pollution, as well as
improving environmental quality. Environmental
engineers work to improve recycling, waste disposal,
public health, and water and air pollution control
● Smog : this term is derived from two words, smoke and
fog. It is an intense type of air pollution that reduces
● pH of water : pH is a measure of how acidic/basic
water is. The range goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being
neutral. pHs of less than 7 indicate acidity, whereas a
pH of greater than 7 indicates a base. The pH of most
drinking-water lies within the range 6.5–8.5.
● Sewer : The underground conduits or drains used for
carrying sewage are known as sewers.
● Sewage : The term sewage is used to indicate the liquid
waste water from the community and it includes sullage,
discharge from latrines, urinals, stables, etc., industrial
water and storm water. The term night soil is sometimes
used to indicate the human and animal excreta.
● Sewerage : it is the system of collection of waste
water and conveying it to a point of final disposal with
or without treatment.
● Turbidity: it is the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid
caused by large number of suspended particles which
are invisible to the naked eye.
Turbidity of water is the amount of cloudiness in water.
● Sullage : it is wastewater coming from bathroom,
kitchen and washbasins but it does not contain human
excreta and it does not create bad smell
● Flocculation : Flocculation is a process by which a
chemical coagulant added to the water acts to facilitate
bonding between particles, creating larger aggregates
which are easier to separate.
● Soft water: It lathers with soap. Water which is
obtained from the rains is soft water. This water is
suitable for household purposes for example laundry and
● Hard water: It is known as hard water because of the
presence of salts of calcium and magnesium. Hard water
does not lather with soap but instead forms a
Components of environment
The four major components of environment include lithosphere,
hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, corresponding to rocks,
water, air and life respectively.
It is the outermost layer of earth called crust, which is made
of different minerals. The main component of lithosphere is
earth’s tectonic plates.
It comprises of all forms of water bodies on earth including
oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, streams etc. It covers 70%
of earth’s surface. 97.5% of water found on Earth is in the
oceans in the form of salt water. Only 2.5 % of water on
Earth is freshwater.
It is gaseous layer enveloping the Earth. The atmosphere
with oxygen in abundance is unique to Earth and sustains life.
It mainly comprises nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide,
and traces of hydrogen, helium, and noble gases. The amount
of water vapour present is variable.
It refers to all the regions on Earth where life exists. The
ecosystems that support life could be in soil, air, water or
land. Biosphere refers to the sum total of all living matter.