English III Text Book 2024 - Compressed

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Class Three

(Experimental Edition)

Writers and Editors Art Direction

M S Hoque Hashem Khan

Dr. Md. Zulfeqar Haider
Sofiqul Islam
Md. Babul Akhter
Mohammad Abu Bakar Siddik
Farhana Yeasmin
Mohd. Golam Mostafa

National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh

Published by
National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh
69-70, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-100

(All right reserved by the publisher)

First experimental edition: October 2023

Akifa Haque Prima

Computer Graphics:
Jahirul Islam Bhuiyan Shetu

National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh

For free distribution under PEDP-4 of Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Printed by :
Avgv‡`i wk¶v e¨e¯’vq cÖv_wgK ¯Íi †_‡KB we`¨vj‡q Bs‡iwR †kLv‡bv eva¨Zvg~jK Kiv n‡q‡Q †hb
†QvU‡ejv †_‡KB wk¶v_©xiv †kªwYK‡¶ Bs‡iwR fvlv e¨envi K‡i GB fvlvi PviwU `¶Zv AR©b
Ki‡Z cv‡i, A_©vr wk¶v_©xiv Bs‡iwR ï‡b eyS‡Z cv‡i Ges Bs‡iwR ej‡Z, co‡Z I wjL‡Z
cv‡i| Gi d‡j wk¶v_©xiv fwel¨‡Z wek¦vqv‡bi GB hy‡M wewfbœ cwiw¯’wZ‡Z mnR I ¯^vfvweKfv‡e
Bs‡iwR fvlv e¨envi K‡i Ac‡ii m‡½ fve wewbgq Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e|
Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, wk¶v_©xiv †m fvlvB AvqË Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e †h fvlv Zviv me mgq
Zv‡`i Pvicv‡k †kv‡b| ZvB Bs‡iwR fvlv wkL‡Z n‡j GKRb wk¶v_©xi Rb¨ cÖPzi Bs‡iwR †kvbv
Avek¨K| GKRb wk¶KB cv‡ib †kªwYK‡¶ wk¶v_©x‡`i GB my‡hvM K‡i w`‡Z|
wk¶K cÖwZw`‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxq wKQz Bs‡iwR K_vevZ©v †hgb- greetings, farewells,
commands, instructions BZ¨vw` †kªwYK‡¶ wbqwgZ e¨envi Ki‡eb Ges Zvi gva¨‡g wk¶v_©x-
‡`i †mB me Bs‡iwR †kvbv I ejvi my‡hvM K‡i †`‡eb |
cvV¨cy¯Í‡Ki Qov, KweZv, Mí, K‡_vcK_b BZ¨vw` †ewki fvM welqe¯‘B wk¶K cÖ_‡g †Rv‡i †Rv‡i
¯có I ï× D”Pvi‡Y Ges Kɯ^‡ii mwVK IVvbvgv (Intonation) e¨envi K‡i c‡o †kvbv‡eb|
wk¶v_©xiv Zv AbymiY K‡i ejvi gva¨‡g DwjøwLZ welq¸‡jv AvqË Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
English For Today cvV¨cy¯Í‡Ki cvVwfwËK wkLb-†kLv‡bv Kvh©vewj †kªwYK‡¶ Kvh©Ki Kivi
mgq wk¶v_©xiv †hb ci¯ci wewfbœfv‡e interact Ki‡Z cv‡i, wk¶K Zv Aek¨B wbwðZ
Ki‡eb| GB D‡Ï‡k¨ wk¶K wk¶v_©x‡`i w`‡q pairwork, groupwork, chain drill, role
play BZ¨vw` Kiv‡eb|
A‡bK mgq wk¶‡Ki g‡b cÖkœ Rv‡M †h K¬v‡m KZLvwb evsjv e¨envi Kiv hv‡e| wk¶K‡`i g‡b
ivLv cÖ‡qvRb, whwb †kªwYK‡¶ hZ‡ewk Bs‡iwR ej‡eb, wk¶v_©xiv ZZ‡ewk Bs‡iwR ïb‡e I
Zv AvqË Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e| Z‡e A‡bK mgq †`Lv hvq †h, wk¶‡Ki Bs‡iwR‡Z ejv wb‡`©kbv
wk¶v_©xiv eyS‡Z cvi‡Q bv| ZLb wk¶K GKevi evsjvq cwi¯‹vifv‡e eywS‡q †`‡eb Ges m‡½ m‡½
GKB wb‡`©kbv Aek¨B Bs‡iwR‡Z cybive„wË Ki‡eb| Gi d‡j evsjvq hv ejv n‡jv Zv Bs‡iwR‡Z
†h IBfv‡e ejv hvq, wk¶v_©xiv wb‡Ri ARv‡šÍB eyS‡Z wkL‡e|
Unit-1 Greetings, Farewells, Page Page
Introductions and Numbers Lesson 3: Rhyme: Row, row,
row your boat 45
Lesson 1: Hello 2 Lesson 4: Say the middle sounds
Lesson 2: Talking about myself 4 /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ 47
Lesson 3: Greetings 6 Lesson 5: Numbers 91-100 50
Lesson 4: Goodbye 1 8 Lesson 6: Ordinal Numbers 52
Lesson 5: Goodbye 2 10
Lesson 6: Numbers 1-30 11 Unit-5 Their Days
Lesson 7: Introducing a student 13
Lesson 8: Introducing someone 14 Lesson 1: Joyful school time 1 56
Lesson 9: Numbers 11-20 in words 15 Lesson 2: Joyful school time 2 59
Lesson 3: Osman’s village life 62
Unit- 2 My Family Friends Lesson 4: Oyshi’s city life 65
Lesson 5: Rhyme: Rain rain
and Numbers go away 69
Lesson 1: Talking about friends
and family 16 Unit-6 Cleanliness
Lesson 2: Numbers 31-50 18
Lesson 3: My family 20 Lesson 1: Good habits 71
Lesson 4: Rhyme: It’s a happy home 21 Lesson 2: Steps for washing hands 76
Lesson 5: My friend 22 Lesson 3: When to wash
Lesson 6: Numbers 51-70 24 your hands 79

Unit- 3 Commands,Instructions, Unit-7 Save Our Planet

Requests and Numbers
Lesson 1: Water Pollution 83
Lesson 1: Simple commands, Lesson 2: Uses of water 86
and numbers 26 Lesson 3: Saving water 88
Lesson 2: Following and giving Lesson 4: Rhyme: Sing a rainbow 91
instructions 30
Lesson 3: Rhyme: Hello hello 32 Unit-8 Facts and Fables
Lesson 4: Following and
giving instructions 34 Lesson 1: The ant and
Lesson 5: Carrying out and making the grasshopper 93
requests in everyday life 36 Lesson 2: Enjoying the hill festivals 98
Lesson 6: Numbers 71-90 38 Lesson 3: A wonderful boy 105

Unit - 4 Let’s Play with Sounds,

and Numbers
Lesson 1: Say the middle sounds
/ æ/ and /e/ 40
Lesson 2: Say the middle sounds
/ɪ/ and /i:/ 43
glish for T
En oday
Unit 1 Greetings, Farewells,
Unit 1 Introductions and Numbers 1


A. Listen and say.

Fatiha: Good morning. What’s your name?

Sanjoy: Good morning. My name’s Sanjoy.
Fatiha: How are you?
Sanjoy: I’m good, thanks. And you?
Fatiha: I’m also good.

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Unit 1
B. Listen and say.
Hello, Rahat. Hi, Faria.
How are you? I’m fine. Thank you.

C. Pairwork. Introduce yourself.


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Unit 1
Talking about myself
A. Chain drill.

S1: Alex is my name.

Football is my game.
Red is my colour.
Rose is my flower.

S2: (Name) is my name.

_____ is my game.
_____ is my colour.
______ is my flower.

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Unit 1
Talking about myself
B. Listen and say.

Sakiba: Hello, Zahid. What’s your favourite game?

Zahid: Hi, Sakiba! Cricket is my favourite game. And yours?
Sakiba: I like to play football.
Zahid: What’s your favourite subject, Sakiba?
Sakiba: English is my favourite subject.
Zahid: Oh, I like English, too.

C. Act out the dialogue in activity B with your friend.


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Unit 1
A. Listen and say.

Good morning, students.

Good morning,

B. Listen and say.

Hello students,
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon,


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Unit 1
C. Look, listen and say.

Rahat: Good evening, Faria.

Faria: Good evening, Rahat.
Rahat: Who is she?
Faria: She is my cousin, Rita. And Rita, he is my friend, Rahat.
Rita: Nice to meet you.
Rahat: Nice meeting you, too.

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Unit 1
Goodbye 1
A. Look, listen and say.
Goodbye, Students.
It’s time to go.

Goodbye, teacher.

B. Listen and say.

Goodbye, Ripa.

Goodbye, teacher.


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Unit 1
Goodbye 1
C. Listen and say.
Rahat: Hello Namira, how are you?
Namira: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Rahat: I’m good. Where are you going?
Namira: I’m going to buy some medicines.
Rahat: Okay, goodbye. See you later.
Namira: Goodbye!

D. Act out the dialogue in activity C with your friend.


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Unit 1
Goodbye 2 5
A. Listen and say.
Good night, see you tomorrow. Good night,
see you in the morning.

B. Listen and sing.

It’s time to go home
It’s time to go home
It’s time to go home
It’s time to say goodbye.
I had so much fun
And you had so much fun
We all had so much fun
And now we say goodbye.
See you again
See you again.

C. Group work. Sing the song in groups.

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Unit 1
Numbers 1-30
A. Look at the calendar page. Read the numbers.

B. Read and write the numbers in words.


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Unit 1
Numbers 1-30
C. Write the numbers in the calendar page for the month of June.
One is done for you.


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Unit 1
Introducing a student
A. Read.

Hello! I’m Jerin. I’m 8 years

old. I’m in class 3 at
Mohonpur Primary School.
I live with my
family in Mohonpur.

B. Pairwork. Ask and answer the questions. Look at the information

in Activity A.
1. What is the girl’s name?
2. How old is she?
3. Where does she live?
4. What class is she in?

C. Complete the table with the information from Activity A.




School’s name

glish for T
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Unit 1
Introducing someone
A. Listen, say and read.

Zabed: Hello! Sabiha.

Sabiha: Hi, Zabed! How are you?

Zabed: Fine, thanks. Sabiha, meet my friend, Mahmud

Hasan. And Mahmud, this is Sabiha.

Sabiha: Hello, Mahmud. Nice to meet you.

Mahmud : Nice meeting you, too.

B. Introduce a friend.

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Unit 1
Numbers 11-20 in words
A. Read and say.

B. Trace and write.

el even t we l ve th irte e n fou rte e n

f i ftee s i xte e n se ve nte e n

ei ghte e n n i n ete e n tw e nty

C. Game.
Group 1: Every student picks a number card or wooden or plastic
number in figure from 11 to 20. They show their numbers and then
make a line in an order from 11 to 20.
Group 2: Every student picks a number card in words. They
show their cards and make a line from eleven to twenty. Finally,
group-2 members choose their respective numbers from group-1

and make pairs. Continue……

glish for T
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Unit 1 My Friends, Family
Unit 2 and Numbers 1

Talking about friends and family

A. Read and say.

Rishat: Hello, Sujana! How are you?

Sujana: Fine, thanks. And you?
Rishat: I’m fine too. Would you like to play with me?

Sujana: Yes, I’d like that, thank you.

glish for T
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Unit 2
Talking about friends and family

B. Listen and say.

Faria: Hello! I’m Faria.

Farzana: Hi, I’m Farzana. I’m a new student here.
Faria: Where are you from, Farzana?
Farzana: I’m from Rajshahi. And you?
Faria: I’m from Sylhet. My family lives near the school.
Farzana: My family also lives here.

C. Act out the dialogue in activity A and B with your friend.


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Unit 2
Numbers 31-50
A. Count, listen and say the numbers.

B. Read and say the numbers.

C. Game.
Pairwork: Every student picks up a number card or wooden/
plastic number in figure from 0 to 9. Now, in pairs, show two
number cards together to make the numbers from 31 to 50.

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Unit 2
Numbers 31-50
D. Write the numbers. Two are done for you.

E. Write the missing numbers or arrange the wooden or plastic


31, 32, ….. , ….. , 35, ….. , ….. , ….. , 39, 40, 41, ..... , ….. , 44,

…., 46, ….., 48, ….. , 50

glish for T
En oday
Unit 2
My family
A. Read and say.

I’m Sabiha. I’m a student.

I’m in class 3. There are four
members in my family. My
father Mr. Aminul Islam is a
teacher. My mother is Mrs.
Afroza Begum. She works in
a bank. My brother is only
one year old.

B. Read the sentences. Write T for True and F for False.

1. The girl’s name is Samia. _____________
2. She is in class 3. _______________
3. She is a student. _______________
4. There are four members in her family. ____________
5. Her brother is 3 years old. _____________
C. Pairwork. Ask and answer.
1. What is the girl’s name?
2. How many members are there in her family?
3. What does her mother do?
4. What does her father do?
5. How old is her brother?
D. Write three sentences about your family.

glish for T
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Unit 2
A. Listen and read the poem below.
It’s a Happy House
It’s a house,
It’s a happy house,
It’s a happy house,
Can you see?
Here’s a window,
Here’s a door,
Here’s a roof,
And here’s a floor!
It’s a house,
It’s a happy house,
It’s a happy house,
For you and me!

B. Draw a house in your notebook. Now recite the rhyme again

and point to each part of the house when you say that.
C. Make a list of all the parts of a house mentioned in the rhyme.
Can you add some more parts?
Share your completed list with your friend.
Grammar focus: Here’s = Here is
Personal pronoun: you and me

Vocabulary: window, door, roof, floor

glish for T
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Unit 2
My friend
A. Read and say.

I’m Sunil. I’m eight years old. I have many friends, and
Rahat is my best friend. He is also eight years old. He lives near
my house and we go to the same school. Rahat is good at
English. In the afternoon, we play football.

B. Pairwork. Ask and Answer.

1. How old is Sunil?
2. What is his best friend’s name?
3. Where does Rahat live?
4. What do they do in the afternoon?

glish for T
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Unit 2
My friend
C. Answer the questions about your friend. Use complete
1. What is your friend’s name?
2. How old is your friend?
3. Do you go to the same school?
4. Do you play together?
5. What game do you play?

D. Write four sentences about your friend.


glish for T
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Unit 2
Numbers 51-70
A. Count, listen and say the numbers.

B. Listen, say and read the numbers.

C. Game.

Pairwork: Every student takes a number card or wooden or

plastic number in figure from 0 to 9. Every pair makes a
numbers (from 51 to 70) and say the number.


glish for T
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Unit 2
Numbers 51-70
D. Write the next numbers.

50 ………….. 58 ………….. 54 …………..

68 ………….. 62 ………….. 66 …………..

64 ………….. 60 ………….. 52 …………..

E. Write the even numbers from 51 to 70. Colour the turtle. One is
done for you.

F. Say the numbers. How many even and odd numbers are there
in the circles or flashcards? Colour the even numbers in the

glish for T
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Unit 1 Commands, Instructions,
Unit 3 Requests, and Numbers

Simple commands, and numbers
A. Games: Do this/Do that
Follow you teacher’s instruction and play the game “Do this/Do

B. In pairs, make a list of the commands you hear in your drill


glish for T
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Unit 3
Simple commands, and numbers
C. Look at the picture below. It shows a student in ‘attention’
Listen and repeat the commands given in the box.

Keep your head upright

Look to the front

Keep your body straight

Keep your arms down

Keep your palms facing in
Keep your hands and fingers straight
Keep your Knees straight

Keep your heels together

Keep your mouth closed

Place your hands on lower chest

Breath in

Breath out

Keep your heels together


glish for T
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Unit 3
Simple commands, and numbers
D. What other commands may your drill teacher give you?
In pairs, take turns to give and follow the commands that go
with the pictures.
1. Breathing Exercise: Commands

Keep your head still

Face your palms outward
Keep your arms forward
Keep your arms sideways
Keep your arms downward
Keep your body straight
keep your heels together

Exercise 1

Keep your head still

Face your palms outward

Keep your arms forward

Keep your arms sideways

Keep your arms downward


glish for T
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Unit 3
Simple commands, and numbers
E. Now, complete the commands for the exercises shown in the
pictures. Then, in pairs, give and follow the commands.

Exercise 2

………………. ……your Head upright

Look ………………………… front

Keep your Back straight

Place your ……………….. on Hip


Raise your left ……………. forward

Keep your right knee ……………..

Feet apart ……………………………….


glish for T
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Unit 3
Following and giving instructions
A. Follow your teacher’s demonstration of how to make a simple
kite. In your notebook take a brief note of the major steps
shown by your teacher.
B. Read the instructions on how to make a simple kite. In small
groups one reads out the instructions and the others follow
them to make the kite.
Instructions for making a simple kite
1) Fold your A4 paper in half (like you are
folding a card).
2) Take the top corner and place it on the
opposite side.
3) Do the same on the other side.

4) Staple them in place.

5) Make a tail for your kite.

6) Put a hole punch around 1-2 cm from the

7) Thread the string through the hole and tie
in place.

8) Hold the end of the string and wave it

around to fly it!

glish for T
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Unit 3
Following and giving instructions
C. Project: Use the instructions given in the box above to make
your own kite at home. You may decorate your kite with
coloured papers, stickers and paint. You may use one of the
following samples for decorating your kite.
Bring your kite to the class on the day fixed by your teacher.
Your school/class may organise a “Kite Festival” with all the kites
made by you.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 3
Hello Hello
A. Listen to the poem and repeat after your teacher.

Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?

Can you stretch up high?

Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “ Hello”?

Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?

Can you stretch up high?

Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “ Hello”?

Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?

glish for T
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Unit 3
B. Listen to each instruction given in the poem. In pairs ask and
answer following the questen.
A: Can you clap your hand?
B: (Claps) Yes, I can.

Grammar focus: You may request someone to do something

using the following structure-
• Can you + verb (action word) + ……… + please ?
• Can you open the door, please?
• Can you move your seat, please?

glish for T
En oday
Unit 3
Following and giving instructions
A. Follow your teacher as she/he shows you how to use a
simple thermometer. Take note of all the important steps
followed by your teacher.
B. Now, listen and read the instructions for using a simple

1) Shake the thermometer well.

2) Put the tip under your armpit.
3) Make sure the thermometer is touching skin.
4) Press your arm to hold the thermometer.
5) Leave it there for one minute.
6) Remove the thermometer after one minute.
7) Hold it at your eye level.
8) Follow mercury line that shows your temperature.

C. In pairs, tell your partner the steps for taking someone’s

temperature using a simple thermometer.

glish for T
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Unit 3
Following and giving instructions
D. These are the instructions on a school library card. Some of
the instructions are ‘Don’ts’ and others are ‘Dos’. Listen to
the instructions and repeat after teacher. Then do the true/
false activity below. Which 3 of these instructions are most
important to you?

1) Use the books with maximum care

2) Please return the book timely.
3) Don’t fold over the pages.
4) Don’t write inside a book.
5) Always keep the book with face up.
6) Don’t lose or damage a book.
7) Pay your library fees regularly.
E. In pairs, Use the grid given below and list the above
instructions under the headings ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’.

Dos Don’ts

glish for T
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Unit 3 Carrying out and making
requests in everyday life 5
A. Look at the pictures and match each of them with a request
given in the box.

A. Hello, Can I borrow your pencil,

B. Sure.

A. Hi! Can I have an orange juice,

B. Off course. I will make you one.

A. Excuse me. Can I borrow this book,

B. Sorry, this book is not for borrowing.

A. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way

to the Zainul Park, please?
B. It’s on Kachari road, next to the big

A. Hello. I would like to change my

ticket, please?
B. Well. Let me check your ticket first.

A. Hi! Can you help me solve this puz-

zle, please?
B. Hmmn. Let me give a try.

B. Now, in pairs, practice the dialogues given in section A.


glish for T
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Unit 3 Carrying out and making
requests in everyday life 5
C. Match the requests with suitable responses B. Write the
responses under the requests. One is done for you.

Requests Responses

1. A: Could you please call me this evening? Sorry. I just have only
B: Of course. I have your phone number. one pen.

2. A: Can you repeat that, please? Yes, please. I will see

B: …………………………………….. you at 9 a.m.
Yes, you have been
3. A: Can I take a break from my study now?
studying for a long
B: …………………………………….

4. A: Could I have a look at your newspaper?

Sure. I am saying it again.
B: …………………………………….

5. A: Can I borrow a pen from you, please? Sorry, but I am reading it

B: …………………………………… now.
6. A: Can we meet at 9 a.m. in the morning? Oh, yes. Sorry for your
B: ……………………………………. inconvenience.
7. A: Can you turn down the music, please? Of course. I have your
B: ………………………………………… phone number.

D. Guessing game
Play the game in pairs. Partner A will request B for something.
She/he will use gestures/miming to make the request and must
not speak out. Partner B will guess and follow the request. A and
B take turns and continue.
Example: A may request B (through gestures/mimes) for borrowing
his/her pen/book/khata etc. B will try to guess the request and act
follow it.

glish for T
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Unit 3
Numbers 71-90
A. Count, listen and say the numbers.

B. Read and say the numbers.

C. Game.
Pairwork: Every student takes a number card or wooden or
plastic number in figure from 0 to 9. Every pair makes a
number (from 71 to 90) and say the number.

glish for T
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Unit 3
Numbers 71-90
D. Write the missing numbers before and after the following

……… 72 ……… ……… 80 ……… ……… 89 ………

……… 83 ……… ……… 77 ……… ……… 86 ………

E. Rearrange the numbers.

F. Game: Pick up a number card from the basket and say the

Continue (up to 90) …………

glish for T
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Unit 4 Let’s Play with Sounds

and Numbers
Say the middle sounds /æ/ and /e/
A. Look, listen and say the words.

bag mat hat cat

B. Look and listen. Say the words and their middle sounds / æ/ .
Finally, say the words again, for example:

T: bag Ss: bag

T: a (/ æ/) Ss: a (/æ/)
T: a (/ æ/) S1: a (/ æ/)
T: bag S2: bag
Continue …….

Continue as above

Continue as above

Continue as above

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Say the middle sounds /æ/ and /e/
C. Look, listen and say.

a cat on a mat

a hat on a cat

a bag on a mat

D. Look, listen and say the words.

pen hen red net

E. Look and listen. Say the words and their middle sound /e/,
and then say the words again, for example:
T: pen Ss: pen
T: ‘e’ Ss: ‘e’
T: pen Ss: pen Continue …..

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Say the middle sounds /æ/ and /e/
F. Look, listen and say.

a den and a hen

Ten men look into

a tiger’s den.

They see no tiger,

But a fat red hen.

G. Listen to each of the following pairs of words. Write S (same) if

the middle sounds of a pair are the same. Write D (different) if
the middle sounds of a pair are different. One is done for you.
1. pen pan D
2. man men
3. bag mat
4. pen ten
5. bed cat

H. Listen and say.

T: (writes on board) pen T: fan

S1: …………. S2: …………

glish for T
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Unit 4
Say the middle sounds /ɪ/ and /i:/
A. Look, listen and say.

tin pin hill pill

B. Look, listen and say each word. Then say the middle sound.
Finally, say the word again, for example:
T: tin Ss: tin
T: ‘i’ Ss: ‘i’
T: tin pin Continue …..

C. Listen to a word and say its middle sound, for example:

T: pin Ss: ‘i’
T: hill Ss: ‘i’ Continue ……

D. Look, listen and say the words.

bean sleep sheep feed


glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Say the middle sounds
E. Look, listen and say the words in D above. Then say their
middle sounds. Finally say the words again, for example:
T: bean Ss: bean
T: ea (/i:/ ) Ss: ea (/i:/ )
T: bean Ss: bean Continue…….

F. Listen and say the following pairs of words. Now read the pairs

1. slip sleep 5. ship sheep

2. feed fin 6. hit heat

3. bean bin 7. sheep sheep

4. slip slip 8. bin bin

G. Listen to each of the pairs of words in F above. Write S (same)
if the middle sounds of a pair are the same. Write D (different)
if the middle sounds of a pair are different.


glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
A. Match the pictures with the names of the animals.

Polar bear



B. Listen to the rhyme. When you listen to the name of an

animal, make the sound made by that animal.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
C. Now, read aloud the rhyme below.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently up the creek.
If you see a crocodile
Don’t forget to shriek!
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the river.
If you see a polar bear
Don’t forget to scream!
Row, row, row your boat
Gently to the shore
If you see a lion there
Don’t forget to roar!

D. Do you have a similar rhyme in your own language? If so

please share it in whole class.
stream= small river creek= bay
merrily= happily scream=shout

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Say the middle sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/
A. Look, listen and say the words.

cart heart bard card

B. Listen and say the words in A above and their middle sounds.
Finally, say the words again, for example:

T: cart Ss: cart

T: a (/ɑː/) Ss: a (/ɑː/)

T: cart Ss: cart

T: Say the middle sound in hard. S1: …….

Continue ……
C. Look, listen and say the words.

cut hut bud hush


glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Say the middle sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/
D. Listen and say the words with their middle sound /ʌ/ (short).
T: bud Ss: bud
T: u (/ʌ/) Ss: u (/ʌ/)
T: bud Ss: bud
T: cut S1: cut / u (/ʌ/)
Continue …..
E. Look, listen and say.

The cut in his finger

The bard sings. The rose is in bud.
is bad.

They live in a hut. Show me your ID card.


glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Say the middle sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/

F. Listen to each of the following pairs of words. Write S (same) if

the middle sounds of a pair are the same. Write D (different) if
the middle sounds of a pair are different.
1. heart hut
2. bud bud
3. cut cart
4. mug mug
5. bard bud

6. barn bun
G. Listen. Then write the word you hear. Finally, say the words
you have written.
hut, cart, jug, bard, tub, heart, nut

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Numbers 91-100
A. Count, listen and say the numbers.

B. Listen, say and read the numbers.

91 92 93 94 95

96 97 98 99 100
C. Game.

Pairwork: Every student takes a number card or wooden

or plastic number in figure from 0 to 9. Every pair makes a
number (from 91 to 100) and say the number.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Numbers 91-100
D. Let’s write the numbers from 81 to 100 and say. Two are done
for you.

E. Pick up a number card from the basket and say the numbers
13, 30, 14, 40, 15, 50, 16, 60, 17, 70, 18, 80, 19 and 90.

F. Say and w rite the numbers from 1 to 100.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Ordinal numbers
A. Look. Read the name of the months.

Calendar 2024
January February March
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

April May June

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

July August September

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30

October November December

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31

Grammar focus: We use capital letter for the first letter in the
names of the months.

Example: February, March, December, etc.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Ordinal numbers
B. Read and say as the months come one after another.

January is the first month of the year.

February is the second month of the year.
March is the third month of the year.
April is the fourth month of the year.

May is the fifth month of the year.

June is the sixth month of the year.
July is the seventh month of the year.
August is the eighth month of the year.

September is the ninth month of the year.

October is the tenth month of the year.
November is the eleventh month of the year.
December is the twelfth month of the year

C. Read. Write the ordinal numbers.

cardinal number ordinal number cardinal number ordinal number

1 one first 1st 6 six sixth 6th
2 two second 2nd 7 seven seventh 7th
3 three third 3rd 8 eight eighth 8th
4 four fourth 4th 9 nine ninth 9th

5 five fifth 5th 10 ten tenth 10th

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Ordinal numbers
D. Look at the school library. Fill in the blank with the ordinal
number following the book shelf. One is done for you.

Book name Shelf no. Book name Shelf no.

Health care Novel
Liberation war Art
Travel Religious
Poetry Rhyme

Science fiction Fable (1st shelf )

glish for T
En oday
Unit 4
Ordinal numbers
E. Project work.

Every student will create a home library. They will consider the
availability of book shelf, suitable space, sufficient light, comfort-
able seating, numbering (ordinal) of the shelves. The student will
invite the teachers and friends to visit the home library.

glish for T
En oday

Unit 5 Their Days

Joyful school time 1
A. Look at the picture. What are they doing?

B. Read.
Porshi lives in Kushtia. She goes to Chechua Government Primary
School. She is in class three. There are some student groups in
the school. Every group includes students of classes 3, 4 and 5. A
teacher leads a group. The Headteacher also leads a group and
supervises an others. Every Thursday, the groups clean the school
by turns. They clean the play ground, wash block, classrooms,
the garden, etc. They always use bins. Students help each other.
Porshi joins one of the groups and enjoys the following cleaning

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Joyful school time 1
group name week area
Padma 1st classroom
Meghna 2nd play ground
Jamuna 3rd wash block
Surma 4th garden

Grammar focus: We use capital letter for the first letter in the
names of the persons, places and things. We also use capital
letter for the first letter of the first word in a sentence.
Example: Porshi lives in Kushtia. She loves her school.
C. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. Where does Porshi live in?
2. What does Porshi clean in the 1st week?
3. Who supervises the groups of students?
4. How many classes are there in a group of students?

5. Where does Porshi work in the 4th week?

D. Fill in the blanks with the words from the boxes.

love teacher roof 3rd primary Jamuna 2nd

1. Porshi goes to a …………............ school.
2. A ……………… leads a students’ group.
3. In the ………. Week, ……… group cleans the wash block.
4. I like a …………. garden.

5. Do the students …………. their school?

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Joyful school time 1
E. Project work: Make a cleanliness plan for yourself and
share with others. One is done for you.

week day clean

1st Friday dress

Finally, follow the plan at home and invite your teacher and


glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Joyful school time 2
A. Look at the picture. What are they doing?

B. Read.
Rani and Porshi are neighbours. Rani is a special need student.
Every day, she goes to school with Porshi. They are attentive in
the class. Every Sunday, students change their seats. But Rani
always sits in the same chair. The students follow the sitting plan
in the class. Rani and her friends enjoy their classes. They like
group work, pairwork, role play, project work, etc. in the classes.
Sometimes, teachers give lessons outside the classroom. Rani
joins these classes in a wheel chair. Rani and her friends enjoy
these classes very much. They also like audio and video clips
which are shown in the classes. Every Thursday, students borrow

story books from the school library.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Joyful school time 2
Grammar focus:
We use capital letters for the first letter in the names of the days.
Example: Rani borrows story books on Thursday.

C. Read the text in section B again. Ask and Answer the

following questions. Now write the answers.
1. Who is a special need student?
2. How does Porshi help Rani?
3. Where do the students borrow story books from?
4. Why do you read story books?

D. Correct the sentences using the capital letters.

porshi and rani go to school. moloy is their friend. his village is
fulbari. the river padma flows by his village. friday and saturday
are their holidays.
E. Pairwork: Read the text in section B. Find out the parts of speech
with the help of teacher. One is done for you.

Noun Pronoun Verb

Rani she goes


glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Joyful school time 2
F. Game: Let’s make sentences with the words from the circle.
You can use a word more than once. One is done for you.
Finally, write the sentences in your notebook.

Rani enjoys the school time

Rani are
and to
They goes
she nature

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Osman’s village life
A. Look and read.

Osman lives in a village. He gets

up early in the morning. First, he
gets ready for breakfast. Then
he brushes his teeth and studies
for some time. After study, he
prepares for school. Osman
returns home in the afternoon.
Again, he studies in the evening.

In the afternoon, Osman plays

with his friends. Sometimes,
he goes fishing in the river
with his father. Every Friday,
he borrows story books from
the village library. In the free
time, Osman goes around
the village to see birds, trees,
paddy fields, etc. Osman is
proud of his village.

B. Read the text in the section A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Osman borrows story books from ….

a. the school b. his father c. the village library

2. Osman brushes his teeth ……

b. after breakfast b. before breakfast c. early in the morning

3. Osman studies in the ….

c. afternoon b. free time c. morning and the evening

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Osman’s village life
C. Match the words in column A with the words of similar
meaning in column B. One is done for you.


get up learn

beautiful support

help rise

breakfast pretty

study morning meal

D. Pairwork: Let’s read the text in section A again. Write the

parts of speech in the following table.

Noun Pronoun Verb

E. Write a short paragraph on “My village life” by answering

the following questions.

1. What is the name of your village?

2. Where is your village?

3. How beautiful is your village?

4. How do you spend your time in the village?

5. Do you love your village?


glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Osman’s village life

F. Let’s go outside the classroom with your teacher. Observe

a tree and write the names of the different parts of that tree.
You can use the following words from the box.

root leaf branch trunk twig

G. Project work: Let’s look at a fish and write the names of the
different parts of it.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Oyshi’s city life
A. Look and read.

Oyshi and her family live in

a city. Oyshi goes to school
with her father. After school,
she returns home with her
mother. They always use
the zebra crossing and foot
overbridge. Oyshi plays with
her brother in the afternoon.

They have a beautiful roof

top garden. Oyshi helps her
parents with gardening. She
waters the plants in their
garden. Oyshi likes to live in
a green city. Every Friday and
Saturday, Oyshi attends an art
class at ‘Bangladesh Shishu
She borrows story books
from the ‘Mobile Library of
Bishwo Shahitto Kendro’ on
Wednesday. Oyshi loves her
city very much.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Oyshi’s city life
B. Read the text in section A. Choose the correct answer.
1. Oyshi goes to school with her ….
a. father. b. brother. c. mother.
2. How many days does Oyshi attend the art class in a week?
a. one day b. two days. c. three days
3. Green city is a city where we can see more ….
a. schools. b. zebra crossings. c. trees.
C. Match the words in column A with the words with similar
meaning in column B.

return take something from someone
parents school
borrow back
academy mother and father

D. Pairwork: Let’s rearrange the words to make sentences. One

is done for you.

book a she borrows She borrows a book.

he group work his presents
shirt my is beautiful
want a city we green
Titu his city clean keeps
holiday Friday is a

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Oyshi’s city life
E. Write a sentence about each picture.

……………………....... ………………………………

……………………......... ………………………………
F. Write a short paragraph on “My city life” using the following
-school name - garden - zebra crossing -shopping
G. Make a list of the things and activities you like in your village
or city. One is done for you.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Oyshi’s city life
H. Project work: Let’s go to the vegetable shop with your moth-
er. Make a list of different types of vegetables. Finally, Share
your list with others in the next class. You can use the follow-
ing words from the box.

cabbage, cauliflower, pumpkin, chilly, ginger, gourd, cowpea,

turnip, parble, bottle gourd, bean, turmeric, lady’s finger


glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Rain Rain Go Away
A. Make a list of all the members in your family. Then share your
list with a partner in pair.
B. Listen to the rhyme. Clap every time you hear of a family

C. Read the rhyme aloud, first individually, then in pairs.

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.
Our daddy wants to play
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.
Sweet mommy wants to play
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.
Dear brother wants to play
Rain, rain, go away.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 5
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.
Lovely sister wants to play
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.
Little baby wants to play
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.
All the family wants to play
Rain, rain, go away.

Note: “Rain Rain Go Away” is a popular English language nursery rhyme that was pub-
lished in tne 17th century or earlier. Since then, a wide variety of alternatives have been

glish for T
En oday
Unit 1
Unit 6 Cleanliness 1

Good habits
A. Look and say.

B. Read and colour.

clothes Playing shoes

fingernails dirt washing hands


germs soap eyes

glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
Good habits
C. Read the text.
Little boy Nusair loves to play with his friends. He enjoys
playing in the field. Sometimes, he comes back home with
dirty clothes and shoes.
Nusair’s mother is Jesmin Akter. One day she notices some
dirt under Nusair’s fingernails. She tells him, “There are germs
in the dirt. Don’t touch your mouth, nose or eyes with dirty
hands. Dirt can make you sick. So, wash your hands properly
to clean the germs.”
Nusair does not know how to wash his hands properly.
His mother shows him how to clean hands with soap and
water. She then tells Nusair, “Always wash your hands before
eating and after playing.” From that day Nusair never
forgets to wash his hands regularly. This good habit makes
him healthy.
D. Write the word under each picture.

………………… ………………… ..………………


………………… ………………… …………………

glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
Good habits
E. Circle True or False for the sentences below.
a) Nusair loves to play alone. True False
b) Nusair plays in the field with his friends. True False
c) He comes from the field with dirt. True False
d) Germs are found in dirt. True False
e) Nusair follows what his mother says. True False
F. Look and read.

Singular Plural

cloth clothes

shoe shoes

eye eyes

hand hands

Grammar focus:

To make plurals, we usually add s to the end of a word. For

words ending in ch, sh, x or z, add es. For words ending in y,

change the y to i and add es.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
Good habits
G. Write and say the plural forms for each word.

apple ………….. door …………….

book ………….. baby …………….

box ……………. fish ……………..

bench …………. plate ………….

H. Read the text again. Ask and answer in pairs.

a) Who loves to play with friends?

b) How does Nusair look when he comes back home?

c) Who notices dirt under Nusair’s fingernails?

d) What can make us sick?

e) Why do we need to wash hands properly?

f) What should we use to wash hands?

g) What advice does Jesmin Akter give to Nusair?

h) What habit makes Nusair healthy?


glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
Good habits
I. Write the answers to the questions given in Activity H.

a) ……………………………………………………………………………..

b) ……………………………………………………………………………..

c) ……………………………………………………………………………..

d) ……………………………………………………………………………..

e) ……………………………………………………………………………..

f) ……………………………………………………………………………..

g) ……………………………………………………………………………..

h) ……………………………………………………………………………..

glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
Steps of washing hands
A. Look and say.

water soap tap towel

B. Read and say.
Dirty hands can spread germs. So, washing hands is important.
It is the best way to prevent germs.
Follow the steps to wash your hands properly.
1. Open the tap.Wet your hands with clean water.

2. Apply soap on your hands.

3. Turn the tap off. Rub your hands for at least 20 seconds.

4. Clean the back of your hands, fingers and under the nails.

5.Open the tap. Rinse your hands well with clean water.

6. Turn the tap off again.

7. Dry your hands with a clean towel.


glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
Steps of washing hands
C. Look at the steps of washing hands. Put the steps in order.
Number them from 1 to 6.

Rinse your hands with clean water.

Rub your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Put soap on your hands.

Open the tap. Wet your hands with clean water.

Dry your hands with a clean towel.

Rub the back of your hands, between fingers and under

the nails.

D. Complete the sentences. Use the right words from the box.

rub use rinse wash dry turn

a) …………….your hands for at least 20 seconds.

b) ……………. soap on your hands.

c) ……………. your hands with the soap.

d) ……………. your hands with clean water.

e) …………….the tap off.

f) ……………. your hands with a clean towel.


glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
Steps of washing hands
E. Write and draw.
Washing hands helps you to be healthy. What other things can
you do to be healthy? Draw a picture and write about them.

Example: Physical exercise.












F. Let’s wash our hands in the wash block. Follow the steps given
in Activity B to wash hands.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
When to wash your hands
A. Look at the pictures. Match them with the phrases. One is
done for you.

eating food

touching a wound

using a toilet


touching garbage

glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
When to wash your hands
B. Read and say.
Washing hands is a good habit. Read about when we should
wash hands:

• before and after eating food

• before touching the

nose, the mouth and eyes

• before touching a wound

• after using the toilet

• after coughing or sneezing

• after touching a pet or an


• after playing outside

• after touching garbage


Wash your hands during these times to stay healthy.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
When to wash your hands
C. Read the text again. List the activities in the right column. One
is done for you.

Washing hands
Before After
• eating food

D. Pairwork: Look at the pictures. Say when you should wash your
hands. One is done for you.

We should wash our

hands after using toilet. ................................

..................................... .....

................................... ................................... ...................................

glish for T
En oday
Unit 6
When to wash your hands
E. Read the text in B again. Ask and answer in pairs.

1. How do you wash your hands?

2. Why should you wash your hands?

3. When should you wash your hands?

F. How do you advise others to wash hands properly? Use the
following clues to write about it.

• Use clean water and…

• Rub your hands …

• Dry your hands …

• Wash hands before …

• Wash hands after …


glish for T
En oday
Unit 1
Unit 7 Save Our Planet 1

Water pollution
A. Look and say.
Please, don’t throw the rubbish
into the river. It pollutes the water.

B. Read and say.

danger riverside bathing

washing clothes kitchen rubbish swimming


glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
Water pollution
C. Read the text.

Shihab and Kaniz are walking to school along the riverside.

At one place, they stop to see some things. Some people are
bathing in the river. Some are washing their clothes. A man throws
some kitchen rubbish into the river. Shihab and Kaniz become
upset. They request the man, “Please, don’t throw the rubbish
into the river. It pollutes the water.”

Shihab and Kaniz also see some polythene bags, plastics

bottles and some other things floating on the river. They start
talking about it.
Kaniz: Look, Shihab, the water is so dirty!
Shihab: Yes, Kaniz. We can’t bathe in this polluted water.
Kaniz: Fishes also can’t swim easily.
Shihab: Yes. Sometimes, the fishes get caught into
polythene bags. It puts their lives in danger.
Kaniz: You are right. We should save them.
Shihab: Sure. We must keep the water clean.

Kaniz and Shihab reach school and share this story with their
friends. They discuss how to keep the water clean and safe.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
Water pollution
D. Circle True or False for these sentences.

a) Shihab and Kaniz go to the same school. True False

b) Shihab stops beside the river. True False

c) Kaniz sees people catching fishes in

the river. True False

d) Rubbish makes the river water dirty. True False

e) Fishes can swim easily in dirty water. True False

E. Correct the false sentences from Activity E. Write them in your

exercise book.

F. Read the text in C again. Ask and answer in pairs.

a) What do Shihab and Kaniz see in the river?

b) Why do they feel upset?

c) What things do they see floating on the river?

d) Why are the lives of fishes in danger?

e) How is the water polluted?

f) How can you keep the water clean?

G. Write the answers to the questions in Activity F in your exercise


glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
Uses of water
A. Look and say.

humans plant rain cooking

bathing soil farmer crops

B. Read the text.

Water is called life. All humans, animals and plants need

water to live. Oceans, rivers, rain and ponds are the main sources
of water. We need water every day. We use water for drinking,
cooking, bathing and cleaning. Animals drink water every day.
Plants and trees also take water from the soil for their growth.
The farmers use water to grow crops. So, we cannot live without

Sometimes, we do not get clean water for our everyday uses. We

pollute the water sources. This pollution decreases water quality.
Polluted water is also dangerous for our life. So, we must save
water from pollution. We should not throw any rubbish, plastics,
etc. into ponds, rivers and oceans. We must keep the rubbish in

a fixed place.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
Uses of water
C. Complete the sentences with the right words.

soil damages life dangerous water

a) Water is a part of our…………….

b) Animals need …………to live.

c) Plants take water from the …………

d) Pollution ……………the water quality.

e) Polluted water is ………….for our life.

D. Read the text again in B. Ask and answer in pairs.

a) What are the main sources of water?

b) What do we do with water in our everyday life?

c) Why do trees take water from the soil?

d) How can you save water from pollution?

e) Why should you keep all rubbish in a fixed place?

E. Write the answers to the questions in Activity G in your
exercise book.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
Saving water
A. Read the text.

The world population is increasing. The need for clean water

is also increasing. One day, we may not have enough clean
water. So, we should start saving water now!
Here are some tips to save water in our everyday lives.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

1. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.

2. Turn off the tap after you wash your face.

3. Do not use too much soap to wash your hands.

4. Do not use too much water when you take a bath.

5. Finish all the water in the glass, when you drink water.

6. Do not misuse when you water the plants in your garden.

We use water in the wash block and toilet at school. Sometimes,

we water the plants in our school garden. We must follow these

tips when using water.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
Saving water
B. Read the text in A again. Tick the best answer.
1) What should you do when you brush your teeth?

a) Brush quickly

b) Turn off the tap

c) Turn on the tap

2) When you use too much soap to wash your hands, you ...

a) save water.

b) feel better.

c) misuse water.

3) When you leave half a glass of water after drinking, you ...

a) save water.

b) help others to drink.

c) waste water.
C. Read the text in A again. Ask and answer in pairs.
a) Why may we not have clean water one day?
b) What should we do while we take a bath?
c) Why do we water the plants carefully?
d) How should we use water during school time?
e) Why do we follow the tips for using water?

glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
Saving water
D. Write the answers to the questions in Activity C in your
exercise book.
E. How can you and your family save water? The following
questions will help you to write the answers.

a) When do you use water at home?

b) When do your family members use water?

c) How do you save water at home?

d) What tips do your family members follow to save water?










glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
Sing a Rainbow
A. Look at the picture of rainbow. In pairs, discuss how many
colours are there in a rainbow.
B. Now listen to the rhyme below. Underline the name of each
colour when you hear it.

Sing a Rainbow
Red and yellow and indigo and green
Violet and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow too.

Listen with your eyes

Listen with your eyes
And sing everything you see
You can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow
Sing along with me.

Red and yellow and indigo and green

Violet and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow

Sing a rainbow too.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 7
C. Read aloud the poem first individually then in chorus.
D. Draw a rainbow using all the colours mentioned in the poem.

Grammar focus:
“Can” is a modal verb that can be used to express ability.
Example: I can sing.
red, yellow, indigo, green, violet, orange, blue

Note: “Sing a Rainbow“ is a popular song written by Arthur Hamilton and

sung by Peggy Lee in 1955 in the film Pete Kelly’s Blues. Two of the seven
colours mentioned in the original song (pink and purple) are not actually
colours of the rainbow. In the current version, these two colours are re-
placed with indigo and violet.]


glish for T
En oday
Unit 1
Unit 8 Facts and Fables 1

The ant and the grasshopper

A. Look at the pictures. Discuss in groups what you see in the


An ant and a grasshopper are two good friends. They live in a

grassy field.
It is a sunny summer morning. The grasshopper is enjoying the
sun. He is dancing and singing happily. He does not usually like
to work.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
The ant and the grasshopper

Now the ant is passing by the grasshopper. She is carrying an

ear of corns to her house. She is storing food for the winter. The
grasshopper laughs at her and says,
“Hey Ant! Why do you work hard all the time? Come and join
me. Let’s enjoy the sun.”
The ant goes her way and continues her work.

After the summer, the winter

begins. The days become very
cold. The leaves are falling
down everywhere. The grass-
hopper finds no food to eat.
He starves, and he becomes
weak and sad.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
The ant and the grasshopper

On the other hand, the ant has

plenty of food. She is passing
her time happily at her cozy

B. Listen to the story, one sentence at a time. Then read it in

groups. If necessary, help each other.
C. Read the story individually and tick the correct answer.
1. What is the grasshopper doing in the summer morning?

He is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a) carrying corns.
b) enjoying the sun.

c) making fun with the ant.

2. What is the ant doing in the summer?

She is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a) playing in the sun.

b) singing in the field.

c) carrying an ear of corns.


glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
The ant and the grasshopper
3. How does the grasshopper pass the winter?

He . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a) makes fun and sings all day.

b) finds no food and starves.

c) works hard.

4. How does the ant pass the winter?

She passes her time

a) happily at her cozy home.

b) starving.

c) working hard.

D. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.

1. Where do the ant and the grasshopper live?

2. What does the ant carry to her house?

3. What does the grasshopper say to the ant?

4. What happens to the grasshopper in the winter?

E. Write the words Summer and Winter in your exercise book

in two columns – Column A and Column B. Now write the
following words/phrases in the right column. Words/phrases:
dry leaves, sunny, enjoying the sun, gloomy, warm day, cold.

F. Role play: In pair, play the roles of the ant and the grasshopper

in the class.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
The ant and the grasshopper
G. Draw a picture of a sunny summer morning and a cold, gloomy
winter morning and display them in the classroom.

Grammar focus :
Use of punctuation mark.
For a surprise, an exclamation mark (!) is used. For making a
question, a question mark (?) is used; and for a short pause in
a sentence, a comma (,) is used.
What a beautiful bird! Who is he? I read, write and play.

H. In pairs read the story B above and underline question mark,

exclamation mark and comma.
I. Put punctuation marks.
What a bright day The grasshopper is dancing singing and
playing in the sun What is the ant doing She is carrying an ear
of corns

glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
Enjoying a hill festival
A. Listen to the story and read each line of the story in groups.
Help each other if necessary.


glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
Enjoying a hill festival

Hello! I am Anika. I live in the plain land. I like to attend the hill
festivals. So I am here in the hills to visit my friend.

She is Sangma. She welcomes me to her house, spraying water

upon me.
The house is decorated with colours and flowers. Her parents

greet me.
glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
Enjoying a hill festival

They entertain me with various food items.

Today is phulbiju. On this day hill girls float flowers wishing a

happy new year.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
Enjoying a hill festival

The next day is mulbiju. On this occasion, young boys and girls
spray water on each other. They believe that spraying water
washes away sorrows in life.

Then comes the new year’s day. It is called gajjya pajjya.


glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
Enjoying a hill festival

Cultural shows and carnivals are arranged to celebrate the day.

I am here almost the whole day with my friend. I enjoy the


festival very much.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
Enjoying a hill festival
B. Look at the pictures. Discuss the questions in small groups.
1. Where is the festival taking place?
2. What are the hill girls doing in the water?
3. What are the boys and the girls doing?
4. How are the two girls dancing?

Grammar focus :
Continuous tenses : actions or events continuing in the present.
Structure: subject + be + verb + ing. Example: He is reading. She
is writing.

C. Read the story and say if the sentences are true or false. If
false write the correct answers.
1. The name of the hill girl is Sangma.
2. Sangma welcomes a chakma girl to her house.
3. On the day of phulbiju hill girls float flowers in the water.
4. Young boys and girls throw flowers on each other.
5. The new year’s day is called mulbiju.
D. Read the story individually and write answer to each of the
1. Where does Anika live?
2. What is the name of the hill girl?
3. How does the hill girl welcome Anika?
4. Why do the hill people float flowers in the water?
5. What do hill people do on the day of mulbiju?

glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
Enjoying a hill festival
Grammar focus :
Verbs are words that tell us of actions. They are known as
‘doing words’.
Example: go, read, float, spread, dance
Simple present:
For any general statement, and for habits and facts the simple
present tense is used.
Example: He is a good boy. She goes to school every day. The
moon shines at night.
E. Act out in groups the scenes of floating flowers in the water
and spraying water on each other.

Grammar focus:
Declarative Sentences
Declaratives are simple statements.
Examples: She goes. He reads a book.
Negative form of declarative sentences: Auxiliary verb +(Be/
do, does) not + principal verb.
Examples: He does not read. She is not preasnt.
F. Read the following declarative sentences in groups and
make them negative.
1. Anika and Sangma are two friends.
2. Anika lives in the plain land.
3. Sangma is a hill girl.
4. The hill girl float flowers in the water.
G. Draw a picture of the festival, colour it and display it in the

class room.
glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
A wonderful boy

A. Look at the pictures, discuss in groups and say the names

of the persons. If you do not know any or some of them, ask
your teacher.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
A wonderful boy

A baby boy is born after a long time. With him happiness

comes down to the family. A few minutes later, the baby is put
on the lap of his elder sister.

The newborn baby looks like a shining star. Everybody is amazed

to see him. He gets love and affection from everybody around
him. Yet life is not easy and smooth for him.

He first visits the prison at the age of one and a half years.
glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
A wonderful boy

After that he often visits the prison to see his father. His father
is put there for his fight for the freedom of the nation. In the jail
gate the kid never smiles before seeing his father. Only when his
father comes to the meeting room, he jumps into his arms and

At their home, mother raises pigeons. The little boy feeds the birds
with his mother. He plays with them. He likes pigeons. So, he never
eats the meat of the birds he loves. The boy is very kind, like his


glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
A wonderful boy

He has a great heart like his father. Can you guess who the
boy is? He is Sheikh Russel, the youngest son of the Father of the
Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
B. Listen to the story and repeat after teacher. In pairs read the
sentences aloud.
C. Read the story again and answer the questions in groups.

1. Who is this little boy?

2. Who is his father?

3. Who is his elder sister?

4. Why does the boy often visit the prison?

5. Who raises pigeons?


glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
A wonderful boy
D. Read the story individually and fill in the gap in each sen-
tence with the right word.
1. With the birth of the baby the family becomes ------.
2. The newborn baby looks like a ----- star.
3. The baby never------at the jail gate.
4. His father is put in jail for his fight for the ------ of the nation.
5. The name of the boy is ------.
E. Read the story again and write answers to the following ques-
1. What happens to the family when the baby boy is born?
2. What does the newborn baby look like?
3. Why is the father of the baby put in jail?
4. What does the baby do when his father meets them in the
prison meeting room?
5. Why doesn’t the boy eat pigeons’ meat?

F. Write a few lines about your birth and early childhood.





glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
A wonderful boy
G. Listen to the rhyme, read each line in groups. Recite it in

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.


glish for T
En oday
Unit 8
A wonderful boy
H. Draw the picture from the dots.

glish for T
En oday
Unit 1
I. Colour the picture given below and write the name of the
person under the picture.


The End

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