Characterization of Bauxite Deposits From Kachchh Area, Gujarat
Characterization of Bauxite Deposits From Kachchh Area, Gujarat
Characterization of Bauxite Deposits From Kachchh Area, Gujarat
Abstract: The bauxites deposits of Kachchh area in Gujarat are investigated to characterize them based on mineralogical
and petrographic studies. The major bauxitic mineral in these occurrences is gibbsite, with minor concentration of
boehmite and diaspore. Apart from the bauxitic minerals, the other associate minerals are kaolin, calcite, alunite and the
iron ore minerals such as hematite and goethite and titanium rich anatase. The iron ore minerals (hematite and goethite)
are 10-50microns in size and are disseminated throughout the oolitic and pisolitic bauxitic minerals. At places the
goethite exhibits colloform texture. The preservation of basaltic texture in some of the samples indicate that the insitu
nature of these bauxites, which are formed by the alteration of calcic plagioclase from the parent basalt. Although, the
basalt occurs as the main parent rock for these bauxites, the presence of calcite in some of the samples represent the
possibility of having a limestone parent rock at least in some of the bauxite occurrences.
Keywords: Gibbsite, Boehmite, Diaspore, Alunite, Oolite, Pisolite, Colloform texture, Kachchh, Gujarat.
Deccan Trap
Cretaceous (Umia and Bhuj)
Gajnan series
Laterite belt with bauxite patches
Fig.1. Geological map of Kachchh showing the bauxite mines (five) of GMDC, Gujarat. (modified from the regional geological plan by
hematite /goethite. A ferruginous residual zone is best where rainfall is less than about 1700mm per year but
developed in the mafic/ultramafic bedrock, whereas kaolinite average temperatures are high (Tardy, 1992). Under higher
is more abundant in felsic lithologies. rainfall conditions ferricrete dissolution tends to occur and
This zone is also characterized by accretionary and aluminum hydroxide (gibbsite Al(OH) 3) accumulates.
dissolution textures such as pisoliths and nodules, or
kaolinite replacement by gibbsite or amorphous silica. In Formation of Bauxite Ore
the upper zone some metals like Au, Cr, V, Sc and Ga tend The accumulation of an alumina rich residuum, as
to be associated with Fe oxide/ oxy-hydroxides in the opposed to one enriched in iron, in the upper zone of lateritic
ferruginous residuum, whereas other elements are retained profile is a function of high rainfall, but also lower average
there as their hosts are particularly stable such as Zr, Hf in temperature (around 22°C rather than 28°C for ferricretes)
zircon, Cr in chromite, Ti in rutile etc (Robb, 2005). and higher humidity. Alumina enrichment is also due to
Ferricretes are characterized by a ferruginous residuum in relatively high Si mobility compared to Al, and probably
the upper zone where Fe2O3 content can be as high as reflects near neutral pH conditions like between 4.5 and 9
20%. They tend to form under specific climatic conditions (Fig.3). This results in differential dissolution of minerals
this field. The optimum condition of the bauxite formation BAUXITE PETROGRAPHY
lies in field-6 (Fig.4) as here Fe will be leached preferentially
by groundwater solutions. In this field Al hydrolysates are Microscopic studies of the samples collected from the
stable especially between pH 5 to 7, and gibbsite will field were carried out to study their optical properties both
accumulate. Thus this model shows the initial as well as the under transmitted and reflected light. Thin sections of these
subsequent Eh and pH condition along with the initial rock samples having thickness about 0.3 mm were prepared to
composition and the climatic conditions are equally study the samples under transmitted light. The samples were
important for the formation of the bauxite ore. So, in short, cut and polished to study their properties under reflected
three processes can be put forward for the formation of light (ore petrography) (Ineson, 1989).
bauxite, (a) weathering and leaching in-situ of bedrock to Under transmitted light, most of the bauxitic samples
produce alumina and iron rich residues; (b) enrichment of show oolitic and/or pisolitic textures. In general, the ore
sediments of weathered rocks in aluminum by ground- petrographic observation reveals the presence of two main
water leaching; and (c) erosion and redeposition of bauxitic metallic phases, hematite and goethite having size dimension
material. of approximately 10-50 microns which are disseminated
throughout the oolitic and/or pisolitic structured bauxites.
Big altered oolitic grains are surrounded by small grains.
Larger oolites are observed in many samples and are
The samples of bauxite, associated clay and the host rock having dimension of approximately 500 microns. The
collected from six working mines namely Roha-Kotda, detailed descriptions of these bauxitic and /or metallic
Ratadia, Goniassar, Naredi, Daban and Nandra from minerals in different mines are given below.
study area were studied using various analytical techniques.
Thin sections of these samples were prepared for Goniassar Mine (GNSR / GN)
petrographic and textural studies. Ore petrographic studies The samples from Goniassar mine are studied under
were carried out using doubly polished thin sections both transmitted and reflected light. The petrgraphic
(0.3 mm) and polished thick sections (around10 mm) of observation shows typical oolitic and pisolitc texture, where
each sample. A comprehensive and quantitative mineralogy the oolites are very large in size. Traces of iron oxides are
of these bauxites have been made by means of X-ray seen associated with bauxites, and at places replacement
Diffraction Studies (Fig.6). texture is seen where bauxitic minerals are being replaced
Fig.5. (A) Generalized laterite regolith profile showing the different horizons and the terminology used in the description. (B) Generalized
pattern of element mobility in lateritic regolith (after Butt et al. 2000).
by iron oxides, goethite (light grey) and hematite (white) oolitic gibbsite grains are surrounded by jasperoid (reddish
along the irregular fractures. It has been observed that, the brown), Fe-oxide in thin sections.
oolitc grains are mostly having very less metallic minerals
inside but their concentration is more in the matrix. Ratadia Mine (RD / RT)
The clay mineral content of Ratadia mine is more as
Roha-Kotda Mine (RK / RKD) compared with the other mines. The samples are
The Roha-Kotda mine bauxite is characterized by the characterized by irregular mesh like, complex growth of tiny
presence of big oolite/oolith of bauxitic minerals. The iron vein-lets of iron oxide material (whitish) in the groundmass
oxides, hematite and iron hydroxide e.g. goethite are of lateritic bauxite. Oolites and isolates of bauxite are
disseminated through out the samples. Concentric zone of common in the clayey matrix. A few opaque minerals are
oolite contains inclusion of hematite. Oolitic and pisolitic disseminated in the matrix as well as in the oolites.
textures of gibbsite are common which occur in the matrix
of mainly clay minerals.
Naredi Mine (NRD / NNDR) A precise estimate of bauxite mineralogy is essential for
The Naredi mine samples preserve well developed oolitic characterizing the bauxite deposits as well as establishing
texture with zoning of bauxitic minerals in the matrix of its suitability for alumina and non-metallurgical uses. X-
gibbsite and ferruginous clay. Some of these samples Ray Diffraction (XRD) is widely accepted as the standard
preserve the basaltic texture of their parent rock with the analytical tool for the mineralogical characterization of any
presence of less altered plagioclase feldspar grains. At crystalline solid. In the present work, XRD analysis (Fig.6)
places, the altered plagioclases are disseminated both within has been carried out to collect detailed information on the
the oolite and also in the matrix. The major minerals mineralogical composition of different bauxite, associated
observed under reflected light are, goethite, hematite and clay and host rock samples. Generally chemical variations
anatase. in lateritization processes are manifested by variations
in constituent bauxite minerals. Fine crystalline nature
Daban Mine (DBN) and its intense weathering unfortunately did not allow
In Daban mine, though the limestone samples are present identifying properly the modal composition of the rocks
in the working mines, bauxite sample give least evidence of through petrographic investigation. Therefore, the mineral
a limestone parent rock for the genesis of this bauxite. The assemblages were principally identified by the Reitveld
Fig.6. Comparative account of XRD charts of different bauxite samples collected from the study area where (i) Minerals: G = Gibbsite,
Go = Goethite, A - Anatase, K = Kaolinite, H = Hematite, C = Calcite, and (ii) Bauxite Mine Localities: DBN = Daban, GNSR =
Goniasar, RD = Ratadia, RKD = Roha Kotda and NNDR = Naredi.
Table 1. Major and minor oxide composition of bauxite samples analyzed by XRF (%)
Analyte GN-6 GN-7 RK-2 RK-3 NRD-2 NRD-11 DBN-7 DBN-8 RT-5 RT-7
Al2O3 52.98 48.12 58.12 58.65 49.15 58.83 49.29 63.51 50.72 50.9
Fe2O3 3.29 24.49 3.42 2.82 17.92 1.19 21.94 0.51 3.84 15.48
SiO2 12.48 1.7 3.09 2.94 1.78 1.43 1.72 1.76 10.94 2.73
TiO2 3.72 3.9 5.68 8.14 5.28 7.58 1.72 3.75 3.59 3.25
ZrO2 0.08 0.15 0.15 0.24 0.15 0.2 0.05 0.1 0.18 0.27
V2O5 0.12 0.18 0.16 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14
Cr2O3 0.04 0.08 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.1
CaO 4.09 0.14 0.54 0.14 0.07 0.95 0.37 0.09 4.6 0.06
MgO 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.23 0.01 0.01 0.03
K2O 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.38 0.5
Na2O 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.01
SO3 0.14 0.13 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.71 0.01
LOI 22.81 20.98 28.55 26.67 25.25 29.46 24.46 29.98 23.72 28.94
Sum 99.79 99.96 99.97 99.96 99.97 99.97 99.97 100.06 98.89 100.42
Bauxite mine localities: DBN = Daban, GN = Goniasar, RT = Ratadia, RK = Roha Kotda, NRD = Naredi
margin of India, which has comprised of sediments ranging mine is falling in the costal zone and Naredi mine is little
from middle Jurassic to Recent (Biswas, 1971). Basaltic inside the upland area. All the bauxite samples are studied
flows were erupted during the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene systematically with respect to petrography, ore-petrography
time. These represent the period of non-deposition in the and geochemistry. As bauxite is a weathering product of
stratigraphic column. According to Calvo et al. (1999), the the parent rock, many of the fine size ore minerals are
basalt layers of Kachchh are inclined from NE to SW and difficult to identify from the petrography under reflected as
has experienced several phases of subsidence followed by well as transmitted light. Under reflected light almost
marine transgression and regression, which has lead to the all the minerals in the thin sections show grey colour of
formation of a complete tertiary sequences in the western different shades. Simultaneous study of the same sample
part of the Kachchh region. In general bauxite is found above and same feature under transmitted light and/or reflected
the Deccan trap basalt but bauxite deposits are also reported light and/or under both lights, helped to identify them. Most
above Middle Eocene Shale in Ratadia river section of the bauxitic and/or lateritic bauxite samples showed
(Calvo et al. 1999). Tertiary rocks are exposed mainly in oolitic and/or pisolitic textures under transmitted light as
the narrow costal plains of Kachchh mainland and in well as in reflected light (Plate 1A and 1B). This texture
the peripheral plain of other highlands (Fig.1). Among the was found from the bauxite samples of all the mines. In
five mines visited for the present study three of them namely- general, the ore petrographic observations revealed the
Daban, Goniassar and Roha-Kotda mines are situated at the presence of two main metallic phases such as, hematite
boundary between the upland and coastal plain. Ratadia (Fe2O3) and goethite (FeO,OH) having size dimension
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Plate-1A Photomicrographs of bauxite ores from Kachchh. 1 - Thin section view under reflected light showing a big oolite of bauxitic(light
grey) material contains large, almost euhedral goethite (darker grey) crystal. Zoning is also visible at the boundary of the oolite which is
darker grey in colour. Black spots within as well as outside the oolite are cavities (GN). 2 - Thin section view under reflected light. Here
also a perfect zoned pisolite containing a euhedral goethite within it and some small goethites are also disseminated within and out side
the pisolite (GN). 3 - This thin section view under transmitted light is showing the typical oolitic and pisolitic and concentric zoning
texture of bauxite (GN). 4 - This thin section under reflected light is showing the big oolites and pisolites, which are embedded in a
matrix also found made up of small oolites and pisolites, specks of goethite, hematite and other opaque minerals (GN). 5 - Polished
section view under reflected light is showing the interstitial spaces between bauxitic ooids filled with hematite (white). Goethite (dark
grey) is disseminated with in this hematite as well as with in oolites (GN). 6 - This is the same photo of 5 with high magnification (10X)
the pattern of the diffused boundary is better visible ferruginous material is also visible at the boundary (GN). 7 - In this polished section
two oolites are joined together to form a big oolite (RK). 8 - This is showing typical oolitic texture with goethitic cement in the pore
spaces. Tiny Hematites are also disseminated within the oolites (RK). 9 - These ( 8 and 9) are thin section photomicrographs under
transmitted plane polarized light and cross polarized light respectively. Both he photographs are showing the several oolites which are
perfectly zoned. The big oolite contains relict part of the basalt (highly altered in to clay) at the center surrounded by the bauxitic
material (Naredi).
of approximately 10 to 50 microns, which are disseminated feldspar laths. This was the strong evidence of basalt being
throughout the oolitic and/or pisolitic structured bauxite as their parent rock. XRD analyses (Fig.6) of the same
sections (thick/thin) and present as cementing material as samples revealed that, in all the mines the gibbsite was the
well. Traces of iron oxides were seen to be associated with major bauxitic mineral with very minor concentration of
bauxites. At places replacement textures were seen, where boehmite and/or diaspore. Quartz was absent in most of the
bauxitic minerals were being replaced by goethite (light mines however, the minor quantity presence of anatase
grey) and hematite (white) along the cavities or vesicles of (TiO2) has been reported from all the mines. Considerable
irregular nature. Some of these samples e.g. samples from amount of Calcite has been reported from Ratadia and
Goniassar, Naredi and Daban, preserved the basaltic texture Goniassar mines, which has indicated that the presence of
with the presence of relict and less weathered plagioclase limestone as associated and/or parent rock. The detection
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Plate 1B. Photomicrographs of bauxite ores from Kachchh. 1 - In a few places of the sample the basaltic intergranular texture is well
preserved. (Naredi). 2 - In this, the plagioclase is seen to be preserved. Plagioclase is altered but the twin lamellae are still identifiable.
(Daban). 3 - The big grain in this photomicrograph is calcite (Daban). 4 and 5 - The photographs are showing the gibbsitic-oolite with
zoning in a ferruginous clay matrix. The big oolite is containing several micro-oolites and micro-pisolites within it. (Daban). 6 - Thin
section under plane polarized light showing bauxite oolites, laths, grains and disseminated goethite (Ratadia). 7 and 8 - These two
photomicrographs are showing perfectly zoned oolites. In 7, the oolites have iron rich outer zone, whereas in the 8 the oolite is having
gibbsitic (pinkish grey) central part and relatively lighter grey outer part. (Ratadia) 9 - This photo shows the evidence of alteration due
to solution activity along the grain boundary (Ratadia).
of alunite or alumstone (KAl3 (SO4)2 (OH)6) in one sample generated from basalt. The observations made from the
(RT-5) of Ratadia mine gives the possibility of presence of present study match well with this profile.
some sulfur source nearby this bauxite. In the present study the absence of smectite and presence
The XRF analysis of the samples analyzed revealed that of gibbsite as dominant Al mineral with minor concentration
alumina contents of most of the samples were of of kaolinite suggests that the samples were taken from the
commercially recommended level and good enough for horizon between Transition zone of Kaolinitic Saprolite and
aluminum production. Iron content showing a wide range, Ferricrete (Fig.7). The diagenetic transformation in saprolite
starting from 0.51 wt% in Daban samples to high order of transition zone was expressed by the replacement texture
24.49 wt% in Goniassar bauxite samples. The Al2O3 and and by occasional infilling of pores spaces by kaolinite and
Fe2O3 concentrations are found to have an inverse relation hematite, and/ or by goethite. Iron frequently posses a higher
(Table 1). Now these observations of the present study can mobility than aluminum, which can lead to pure yellow and
be combined with the generalized lateritic—bauxite profile whitish bauxite in the Alucrete zone. This bauxite horizon
to understand the genesis of the bauxite deposits of the can be capped or replaced laterally by lenses or horizon
present study area. Figure 7 represents the bauxite profile rich in iron and this is evidenced by the spectacular replace-
made by Calvo (1999) for the Kachchh bauxite ment texture photographs from Ratadia mine (Plate 1B).
Fig.7. Generalized profile of laterite-bauxite formed above Deccan Trap basalt in Kachchh (modified after Calvo et al. 1999).
The main minerals were gibbsite often with kaolinite, transition from a facies rich in alumina into a facies rich in
hematite and subordinate goethite. The diagenetic iron. The dominant iron mineral was hematite with the traces
transformation in the alucrete was characterized by the of goethite. According to Calvo et al. (1999), during the
texture changing from relict to deformed, gel-like, vesicular, lateral textural evolution the massive hard bauxite- rich in
fluidal, brecciated texture, whereas in single grain, nodular iron, changed in the seaward direction into yellow to white
and pisolitic texture. The diagenetic changes in the texture bauxite- relatively poor in iron with a bolder like structure.
were accompanied by the changes in mineralogy, which must Similarly in the present study, the bauxite in the Ratadia
have caused the separation of Si, Al and Fe accompanied mine was harder and red in colour (lateritic-bauxite) due to
by the crystallization of coarse grained gibbsite. Along iron concentration in comparison to the white and pinkish-
with all these observations the most important feature white bauxite in the Roha-kotda mine. Indurated bauxite
observed was the relict textures of basalt from Goniassar, concretions or nodules were embedded in a soft gibbsitic
Naredi and Daban mines, which also belong to this zone matrix. Calvo et al. (1999), also pointed out that in near
indicating the direct evidence of basaltic parent rock. In costal areas with the subsiding tendency during bauxitisation
the Goniassar and Naredi this basaltic texture was found a special pisolitic and boehmite-diaspore facies occur.
to be preserved within a pisolite (Ref. Plate 1B-1). The Accordingly in the present study, the bauxite from Goniassar
transformation of basalt into saprolite, ferralite and bauxite and Roha-Kotda mine which were in coastal area revealed
was the weathering process which appeared to be product the presence of both boehmite and diaspore in the XRD
of complete neomineralization via solution. All elements study (Fig.6). In his opinion the neclui of pisoliths composed
pass into solution, where the sequence and the rate of their of gibbsite or kaolinite also indicated well preserved relict
precipitation depends on environmental factors such as texture of basalt. Because the pisolitic gibbsite- boehmite
chemistry of primary and secondary mineral phases or the and diaspore facies have developed under ground water
concentration of elements in aqueous solution and the table, in depressions, indicating hydromorphic low pH and
intensity and rate of drainage. The lateral mineralogical low Eh condition. In this condition Fe minerals were more
evolution of the Box horizon (Fig.7) was characterized by a soluble than Al (Fig.4). So, the pisoliths composed of
gibbsite and kaolinite were formed from the decomposition paper, it was found that the U concentration of Ratadia
of plagioclase feldspars from the basalt and Fe from the samples was not much different from other mines
mafic minerals is selectively leached being more soluble. investigated. So, the evidence found in the present study
The environment was rich in humic acid and sulfur evidenced support that the basalt as the main parent rock of
by the presence of alunite. Roha-kotda mine was situated Ratadia and Roha-kotda mine as well. Absence of
very close to Goniassar mine and like other mines it was basaltic texture may be due to complete decomposition of
also laying above Deccan Trap basalt. Texturally and plagioclase feldspars into kaolinite and gibbsite, in these
minerologically it was almost similar with the Goniassar samples.
mine. So, considering these factors the genesis of the Roha-
kotda mine can be considered same as Goniassar Acknowledgements: PS(M) is thankful to the Mine
mine.Ratadia mine was situated far away from the Goniassar, managers of all the bauxite mines in the study area for
Daban and Naredi mines. As stated earlier that bauxite helping her to carryout geological field work and to collect
deposits were reported in two places in the startigraphic the representative samples. She is pleased to thank Mr. P.
column; one was the above the late Cretaceous to Paleocene Mathur, and several other officers from GMDC, who have
Trap Basalt and another was above Middle Eocene Shale in directly or indirectly helped her during geological field work.
Ratadia river section. This sample may be of secondary in PS(M) and GNJ are thankful to the GMRDS, Gandhinagar
origin i.e. formation of bauxite from the shale in marine for the partial financial support for the present research work.
environment. The presence of associated limestone in the PS(M) and GNJ are also thankful to Mr Mahesh Kulkarni
XRD analysis in the Ratadia mine sample might have favored (RS) and Mr. Sudhanshu Yadav (RS) for helping us to
the origin from shale in marine environment. But the upgrade figures, plates and tables of this joint manuscript.
limestone of same concentration has also been reported Authors are thankful to Dr. S. Vishwanathan (retired
from the Goniassar mine. If the bauxite of Ratadia mine Professor from IIT-B) for critically going through the initial
has formed in marine environment, according to manuscript and helping us to improve it further. Authors
Balasubramaniam and Sable, (1976), Balasubramaniam and wish to thank the staff of XRF lab of SAIF, IIT-B for helping
Namdas, (1978), Balasubramaniam, (1987) it should have PS(M) to carryout quantitative analysis of several bauxite
high concentration of U. But from the ICP analysis of present samples of study area.
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