05 Microelectronics Brochure

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GasProTM High Purity Gasket Filters, Point of

Use Filters, Flow Restrictors and Chamber
Vent Diffusers

World Class Solutions in

❑ Filtration
❑ Separation
❑ Purification
High Purity Gasket of Use Filters, Flow Restrictors and Chamber Vent Diffusers INNOVATIVE FILTREX

INNOVATIVE FILTREX is an international leader in the

development and supply of materials and products for
applications in Filtration – Separation – Purification.

INNOVATIVE FILTREX manufactures in the INDIA and

USA and has an extensive network of sales offices and
distribution channels throughout the World. Our
expertise is wide and varied, with products used in
markets such as:

• Aerospace and Defence

• Food and Beverage
• Gasification
• Life Sciences and Scientific
• Microelectronics
• Nuclear
• Pharmaceutical
• Porous Media and OEM Materials
• Printing
• Process
• Transportation
• Water

Our ongoing success is based on a dedication to

technical excellence and exceptional customer
service. Our future will continue to be built on our
investment in research and development to provide
innovative new products that exceed the expectations
of our customers in solving the challenges they face.
GasPro TM

INNOVATIVE FILTREX in the Microelectronics Industry

INNOVATIVE FILTREX manufactures a wide

range of high purity porous media and reliable,
high efficiency filtration products.
These products ensure extreme cleanliness in
critical semiconductor and microelectronics gas
handling and delivery applications, including:

• Gas safety management

• Exhaust venting systems
• Flow control
• Yield enhancing particle reduction
• Laminar flow diffusing
• Pressure snubbing
• Flame arresting

We can custom engineer solutions for the most

demanding applications using porous PTFE
membrane, Sinterflo® F sintered metal fiber and
Sinterflo® P sintered powder metal media.

GasProTM Media and Materials

Superior Filter Efficiency Service in Severe Environments

GasProTM Point of Use (POU) filters are Our GasProTM filter media provides excellent
proven to provide greater than 9 LRV mechanical strength, enhanced corrosion
(99.9999999%) particle retention efficiency resistance and elevated temperature service in
>0.003µm (3 nanometers) and at the most severe environments.
penetrating particle size of 0.08um per
SEMI F38-0699 in gas filtration applications.
• Mechanical strength
Our sintered metal filter media and supporting
Materials of Construction structure are designed to withstand the highest
pressure differential. The mechanical strength of
Our wide range of porous media includes a the 316L stainless steel filter housings will provide
variety of pore sizes and material properties.
reliable service.
These high efficiency filters are offered in:

• PTFE membrane • Temperature resistance

• 316L stainless steel Sinterflo® F sintered metal fiber 316L stainless steel or nickel construction
provides elevated temperature service up to
• 316L stainless steel Sinterflo® P sintered metal 500°C (930°F). Hastelloy® C22 construction is
powder rated for 700°C (1290°F) in reducing or inert gas
applications. With PTFE filter media, the filters are
• Nickel Sinterflo F sintered metal fiber
rated up to 150°C (302°F).
• Nickel Sinterflo ® P sintered metal powder

• Hastelloy® C22 Sinterflo® P sintered metal powder

• Corrosion resistance
Our GasProTM filter hardware features electro
polished surfaces to prevent corrosion and
particle formation for years of reliable service.
Robust construction and excellent corrosion
resistance allow for service in a wide range of
processing gases.

Semiconductor Manufacture

Features and Benefits

The filters are precision welded in an inert atmosphere • 100% leak checked
to prevent oxidation. A deionized water flush, followed ilter housings are 100% Helium leak checked to
by a high pressure, 0.003µm filtered nitrogen flush greater than 1x10-9 atm scc/second.
removes particles and prevents particle shedding.
• Corrosion resistance
Our POU filters are vacuum dried to less than 10ppb electro polished to as low as a 5Ra surface finish
moisture as needed and the organics can be specified to prevent corrosion. The wetted surfaces are
to less than 10ppb THC. electro polished to enhance the Chrome to Iron
ratio on the surface layer, so the occurrence of
Particle free, chemically clean, organic free handling corrosion generated particles is minimized.
and bagging of the POU filters maximizes the out-
of-package cleanliness for installation in the most • Particle free manufacturing
demanding microelectronics applications. extensive cleaning and flushing with deionized
water and filtered Nitrogen in a Class 100
INNOVATIVE FILTREX high quality products are Cleanroom eliminates particles.
extensively tested to ensure that they meet the critical
filtration efficiency, precise flow control and safety • Highly efficient filtration media
requirements for gas delivery systems in filter efficiency rated at 9 LRV for 0.003µm
semiconductor manufacturing. particles per SEMI F38 and ISO 12500 test
methods, will remove any corrosion-generated
particles and particles generated from moving
parts such as pressure regulators, valves and
Applications MFCs used in the gas delivery systems.
• Filtration of inert gases used in load locks and
process chambers • Mechanical strength
GasProTM filter media is tested to ensure superior
• Point-of-use filtration of CVD (chemical vapor
service in manufacturing processes and for
deposition), epitaxial, diffusion, plasma etch, tools that often utilize high gas pressure and
and other critical dry processes challenging service environments.
• Instrument and component protection
• Reduction of pump-down cycle times and • Exceeds standard
INNOVATIVE FILTREX meets industry standards
particle contamination in load locks, as well as set by organizations such as the Semiconductor
cooling and process chambers. Equipment and Materials International (SEMI)
and is a SEMI Corporate Member.

Photovoltaic Manufacture

INNOVATIVE FILTREX GasProTM high purity Features and Benefits

filters are selected forcritical gas distribution
and delivery systems that are part of the thin • Increased yield and efficiency
film deposition process used to make of thin film deposition process.
photovoltaic devices.
Our GasProTM filters for the solar power panel industry • Protection of process equipment
are offered in PTFE membrane, Polypropylene, 316L PECVD process gas handling equipment.
Sinterflo® F sintered metal fiber, 316L Sinterflo® P
• Particle removal
sintered powder, Nickel fiber, Nickel sintered powder
remove toxic and abrasive particles from
and Hastelloy® C22 sintered powder.
exhaust gases.

• High efficiency filtration of gases

Applications high efficiency filtration of bulk and specialty
• Process gases used in Plasma Enhanced gases such as N2, H2, Ar, F2, NF3, He and Silane.
Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) systems for • Maximum cleanliness
the manufacture of solar cell panels. deionized water washed and filtered N2 flush to
• Processing gases for manufacturing the front maximize out of box cleanliness.
glass used for photocells and solar panels.
• Application and service environment
available with less stringent wetted hardware
surface specifications and with larger filter
grades depending on the application and the
service environment.

HB LED Manufacture

INNOVATIVE FILTREX GasProTM filters provide Features and Benefits

high efficiency removal of sub-micron particles
when handling the process gases used in the • High flow filters
manufacture of High Brightness Light Emitting superior particle removal when delivering bulk
Diodes (HBLEDs) for lighting, display and gases, on-site generated gases, specialty gases
electronic applications. and process gases.
Thin film, substrate and device manufacturing
processes require mechanically robust filters with • Gas cabinet protection
superior corrosion resistance, elevated temperature extend service life of mass flow controllers,
resistance, lower pressure drop and higher dirt loading regulators and valves.
capacity to increase the overall process efficiency and
• Process equipment protection
LED brightness.
protect process equipment such as vacuum
The filters are extensively cleaned and dried to low pumps when growing crystals, in EPI reactors
parts per billion (ppb) levels to minimize any potential and in other metal organic chemical vapor
interactions with the process gases. deposition (MOCVD) process gas handling
GasProTM filters are available in PTFE membrane, 316L
Sinterflo® stainless steel, nickel and Hastelloy® C22 • Particle removal
Sinterflo® P powder metal to offer superior corrosion remove toxic and abrasive particles from
exhaust gases.
resistant materials for handling reactive process gases
such as Ammonia, CH4, CF4 Hydrogen, N2O, NF3, • Last chance particle removal
Oxygen and Silane and inert gases such as argon, POU filters for last chance removal of particles.
helium and Nitrogen.
• Cost effective solutions
available with less stringent wetted hardware
surface specifications for additional cost savings
depending on the application and the service

Flow Restrictors

INNOVATIVE FILTREX GasProTM Flow Restrictors Features and Benefits

are designed with hundreds of small, interconnected
pore passageways which offer significant benefits • Improved gas safety
compared to single bore restrictive flow orifices. limit the maximum flow when handling
hazardous gases.
Flow limiting devices are often installed in compressed
gas supply lines and gas distribution manifolds to • Tamper proof flow control
prevent unintentional high gas flow caused by a individually calibrated for accurate, repeatable
ruptured gas line, malfunctioning valve or pressure flow with a set pressure. They provide a fixed flow
regulator. without moving parts or adjustments.

• Provide laminar flow

reduce turbulence in gas lines and for low
velocity gas delivery applications.
• Gas distribution panels
protect components and offer a possible • Corrosion resistant
replacement for MFCs in constant pressure and corrosion resistant porous and hardware fitting
materials 316L stainless steel and Hastelloy® C22.
flow applications.

• Exhaust venting systems • Ultrasonically cleaned

reduce exhaust system requirements and offer in reagent grade IPOH and deionized water
significant cost reduction. flushed for maximum cleanliness.

• Flow splitting, flow balancing, dilution and • High pressure N2 pulse flush
mixing with 0.003m filtered Nitrogen to remove particles
can be custom made for each gas supply line. and prevent shedding.
• Controlled venting flow rate
• Vacuum dried
during vacuum chamber venting or purging.
to less than 1ppm moisture content as needed.
• Pressure snubbers
prevents pressure surges and pressure shock. • Laser marked
with flow details for easy identification.
• Flame arrestors
can be designed to create a barrier to quench • Individually packaged
a flame and prevent the flame from igniting a in chemically clean, Class 100 nylon inner bag
combustible gas. and polypropylene outer bag.

Gas Diffusers

INNOVATIVE FILTREX GasProTM Diffusers ensure a Features and Benefits

smooth, laminar gas flow and remove sub-micron
particles when handling inert gases used wafter load • Faster venting and cost savings
lock vaccum/purge cycles. reduce both purging and pressurization time.
Diffusers prevent turbulence that can stir up particles in • Reduced turbulence and laminar flow
a vacuum chamber. minimize particle disruption for vent load lock
and vacuum chamber purging applications.
INNOVATIVE FILTREX GasProTM porous media is
also used by OEM purifier manufacturers to support • Process equipment protection
and to retain the fine, purifier media used to protect vacuum pumps, reduce pressure spikes
prevent contamination in bulk gas delivery and gas and act as a sub-micron particle filter to remove
distribution systems. toxic and abrasive particles from exhaust gases.
The porous media can be custom manufactured to
meet the critical pore size, pressure differential and • Improves temperature uniformity
flow requirements for each OEM design. less heat build-up than traditional orifice style
flow restrictors.

• Superior corrosion resistance

316L stainless steel, nickel and Hastelloy® C22
materials for handling reactive process gases.

• High purity cleaned

minimize potential interactions with theprocess
gasses as extensively cleaned and dried to low
ppb levels.

Product Innovation, Manufacturing, Testing and Quality

INNOVATIVE FILTREX has a policy of continuous Research and Development

improvement in all areas of its business. Listening
to customers’ present and future requirements is a Development plays a fundamental part in our
vital part of our operations and a key part of driving operations and, as a result, we have developed a
change. number of custom designed products based on our
We understand that product development involves established porous polymeric materials (Vyon®) and
building multidisciplinary teams, not only within the sintered metal media (Sinterflo®), as well as
company, but often in partnership with our developing a range of filters for fuel tank inerting
customers. This continuous development of products applications.
and materials is vital, to enable us to offer new and We operate across many filtration and separation
better solutions. markets with significant interaction between each
We have a dedicated team of scientists, engineers, division in terms of product research and
production and quality professionals working development. The new product development team is
towards the best possible filtration solutions for our drawn from scientists and engineers from across all
customers. divisions encouraging new ideas and new solutions.

The success of this approach has been in the

interaction of chemists and engineers working together
to find practical solutions to some extremely complex
scientific challenges identified in the chosen market

INNOVATIVE FILTREX produces filters and filtration
systems and a range of porous material at production
sites in the UK, USA and China. We manufacture for a
wide variety of industrial, microelectronics,
pharmaceutical and biomedical applications, as well as
supplying filtration solutions for extreme conditions of
temperature, pressure and corrosion for the aerospace
and nuclear markets.

Our production capabilities include the complete

element or cartridge construction, along with the
build of entire tubeplate and vessel assemblies. We
boast specialist fabrication skills and techniques in
all of our manufacturing sites around the world as
well as extensive ISO cleanroom facilities.

Engineering Quality
From initial concept design through manufacture Quality is at the forefront of everything we do. It
and validation to in-service support, our highly extends beyond product quality to cover all areas of
experienced team of dedicated engineers work to our business to enable us to provide the best possible
develop the optimal filtration solution. Our team level of customer satisfaction.
utilises the latest engineering tools of 3D AutoCAD®,
Finite Element Stress Analysis, Computational Fluid Our policy is to provide quality products and services
Dynamics (CFD) and bespoke pressure vessel design
that consistently satisfy the commitments made to our
software (PD5500, ASME VIII, EN13445). This is
customers by complying with their requirements,
combined with our knowledge and strong ethos of
working closely with our customers, ensuring working together as a team and by achieving continual
filtration solutions that meet improvement in our skills, systems, processes
customers requirements. and performance.

We have a dedicated team of quality professionals

with many years experience in definition,
Testing and Laboratory implementation and maintenance of quality
Our dedicated test, development and laboratory management systems meeting multiple industry
services underpin our design and development requirements. This extends across the workforce
activity; from filtration media and material through a strong quality culture and a philosophy of
characterisation, product verification testing to ‘getting it right first time’ driven from the top of the
customer systems simulation trials and in service organisation.
performance evaluation. Our capabilities include
filtration characterisation, environmental testing Our quality management systems are regularly audited
and analysis. internally by customers and regulatory bodies.

Contact details :
Phone : +91-261-2990121
: +91 9099722887
Email ID : [email protected], [email protected]


Anaya Business Center, T.F. 9, 10, 11, & 12,
Fourth Floor, Behind D-Mart, VIP-Bamroli-Pandesara Road,
Near Althan Khadi, Surat-394221, Gujarat (INDIA)
www.innovativefiltrex.com www.innovativefiltrex.net

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