Slope Stability Analysis For Soil Erosion

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SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG - IJCE) – Volume 5 Issue 5 – May 2018

Slope Stability Analysis for Soil Erosion - A

Case Study on Nadukani Hills
Aruna Lakshmi K1, Mohammed Shaheer T2, Ragil T3, Reshma K4 and Salma V5, Neethu K6 and
Sivakumar Balakrishnan7
B. Tech Students, Department of Civil Engineering, Eranad Knowledge City Technical Campus,
Manjeri, Malappuram, Kerala, India
6 7
Assistant Professor, Professor and HOD, Department of Civil Engineering, Eranad Knowledge City
Technical Campus, Manjeri, Malappuram, Kerala, India.

In Kerala majority of the hilly or steep content in the soil. Other factors that induce soil
sloped regions are under the elevated risk of soil degradation are rainfall and rainwater runoff,
erosion. It is one form of soil degradation induced agricultural activities, vegetative cover, slope of the
mainly by the actions of wind or rain. The factors land etc. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the
affecting erosion includes land use, geology, slopes for stability. Slope stability is the resistance of
geomorphology, climate, soil texture, soil structure, inclined surface to failure by sliding or collapsing.
vegetation etc. Soil erosion may be a slow process The increasing demand for engineered cut and fill
that continues relatively unnoticed causing loss of slopes on construction projects has only increased the
fertile top layer soil, which is good for plant growth, need to understand analytical methods, investigative
and it may reduce the soils ability to absorb and store tools, and stabilization methods to solve slope
water, which is in increased rate results in landslides, stability problems. The need of slope stability in the
debris flows, rock fall etc., in the sloped regions. So it slopes along with highway is more than other slopes.
is essential to put as much as effort as possible into It is because the chances of the failure of the slopes
actions especially in slopes along with highway that and unexpected accidents are high. Slope stabilization
will stop the soil from washing away by suggesting methods involve special construction techniques that
methods to control it after the analysis of the stability must be understood and modeled in realistic ways. An
of that slopes. ‘Nadukani Hills’ is one of the frequent understanding of geology, hydrology, and soil
land slide region in Kerala. The stability analysis on properties is central to applying slope stability
that region is necessary. One of the method for principles properly [1].
stability analysis of slopes is by using the software
GEO5. Using this software, we can solve most In older times, the stability analysis is done
geotechnical tasks. By using the software’s output, by using graphs or hands. The conventional methods
factor of safety and comparing it with the standards, used for the analysis are limit equilibrium methods.
we can analyze the stability of slope against sliding. The method is mainly three types. Swedish circle
The stability analysis on Nadukani Hills shows that method, Friction circle method and Bishop’s method.
the areas are highly susceptible for erosion. The Nowadays all analysis can be done through software.
control measure using reinforcements and anchors GEO5 is such an advanced software suitable for
also suggested based on the analysis. solving geotechnical problems based on traditional
analytical method and Finite Element Method. Basic
Keywords - factor of safety, mitigation, soil erosion, geotechnical approaches implemented in the GEO5
slope Stability, slope stability analysis. programs are applicable all over the world. GEO5
offers a unique way of applying standards, which
significantly simplifies the work of a designer and at
I. INTRODUCTION the same time, allows for complying with all required
approaches. It is an accurate and easy to use tool in all
Soil erosion is one of the major
geotechnical problems. The output of the GEO5
environmental problems especially in the case of hilly
analysis is factor of safety, defined as the ratio of the
regions or slopes. Erosion is the natural process
shear strength to the shear stress required for
induced mainly by the wind or rain. It causes the loss
equilibrium. The factor of safety is determined for
of fertile top layer soil, which is good for plant
different slopes. If the value of factor of safety is less
growth, and it may reduce the soil’s ability to absorb
than 1.5, the slope is unstable. For the safe standing
and store water, which is in increased rate causes rock
of slopes, it is necessary to maintain the factor of
fall, debris fall etc. The determinant factor for erosion
safety [2].
is water

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II. METHODS OF SOIL STABILIZATION Data such as elevation, angle and gradient
Soil erosion is one of the major land of the slopes were collected using total station. Data
degradation in the hill eco systems. Soil erosion is in from total station is transfered to LISCAD Software
the form of gully, rill and sheet erosions leading to and the corresponding contours of the slopes were
rock falls and debris falls. If there is more compactive drawn.
effort on the soil, then the resisting against erosion is
also high. Like that, the methods in practice are
revegetation, sand dune stabilization, chemical
stabilization, grouting, fertilizer practices,
stabilization using coir, geo textiles, geo grids, geo
cells, soil nails, reinforcements, anchoring, retaining
walls, gabion walls, etc. [3, 4]. In the present study
the areas of soil erosion were identified, properties
and factors were detected and on the basis of analysis
a combination of anchors and reinforcement is
selected for the stabilization. The results are shown in
the analysis section.

The main steps of the project is listed below:
1. Site selection and sample and data collection from
the site.
2. Contour map preparation using LISCAD.
3. Laboratory experiments and analysis.
4. Analysis using GEO5
These are explained in detail in the following

A. Site selection

In view of continues failures of slope

occurred in recent times, we selected the site
Nilambur Nadukani Churam in Malappuram district Fig.1: Contour Plan of Slope 1
in Kerala, for doing this project. Two different slopes
from this region is considered for the analysis.

B. Data Collection

Details obtained from Soil Survey

Department, Malappuram, as secondary data,
indicates that the soil of Nadukani region is deep, and
excessively drained, brown to dark brown in colour,
strongly acidic and moderately fine to fine textured.
General pH of this soil is 5.5. These soils are
developed over gneissic parent material occur on
moderately steep to very steep side slopes of hills in
the high lands (600 to 1200 m above MSL). Boulders
and rock out crops are common on the surface. These
soils are generally forest soils and are medium in
general fertility status. The water table also follows
the slope topography and it passes at a depth of 25-30
m from the surface. The soils of the region are
suitable only for natural vegetation. The climate
under this region is generally humid tropical.

C. Contour Map Preparation Using LISCAD


Fig.2: Contour Plan of Slope 2

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Figure 1 and Figure 2 shows the corresponding Slope 1:

contour maps of slope 1 and slope 2. In the red line
boundary the green line indicates the 1m contour and
violet line represents the 5m contour in the site. Blue
line indicates the highway passes along with the
slopes. Taking the reduced levels of the contour, the
corresponding slopes can also be plotted in GE05

D. Laboratory Experiments

The collected soil samples from both the

slopes were oven dried and air-dried for the
determination of the properties of soil [4]. Different
laboratory tests on the soil samples were conducted
according to Indian standard codes [5, 6, 7, 8]. The
test results are shown in the Table 1.

Table 1: Properties of soil

Sample Sample
Sl.No Experiments
1 2
Average Water
1 21.48% 20.88%
Content, W
Average Specific
2 2.350 2.310 Fig 3: Stability analysis of Slope 1
Gravity, G
3 Liquid Limit 61.00% 61.00% The figure 3 shows the stability analysis for
slope 1. Here the top line indicates the slope surface
4 Plastic Limit 28.90% 28.90% and the lines beneath it shows different strata. Dotted
line represents the water table below the ground. Soil
5 Shrinkage Limit 18.00% 23.00% type is hatched in the figure. The slip surface obtained
Maximum Dry after the analysis in GEO5 is shown by yellow line in
6 1.75g/cc 1.80 g/cc the figure. The factor of safety value for the slope is
Density, MDD
Optimum Water 0.98 which is less than 1.5 (FOS<1.5). The results
7 12.00% 12.00% show that the area is highly susceptible to soil erosion.
Content, OMC
Cohesion Hence, the slope is not safe against erosion.
8 0.025 0.025
Intercept, C
Slope 2:
Angle Of Internal
9 1.400 1.400 The FOS value obtained for this slope is 1.42,
Friction, Փ
which is also unsafe against erosion.

E. Analysis From the analysis, it is clear that the both slopes 1

and 2 are coming under the erosion susceptible areas.
The stability of slopes was analyzed by
Therefore, as explained earlier, use of suitable
using the GEO5 software. The input parameters for
method for erosion control is compulsory. It is done
GEO5 includes [2],
in the stabilization step.
 Geometry: slope, inclination & height.
 Properties: soil parameters for soil in each 2) Slope stabilization: Here the best method of
zone. providing anchors and reinforcements are chosen
 Water levels: levels of water adjacent to the through trial and errors done on the stabilization
slope checks. Stabilization of slopes with anchors and
reinforcement is selected as best suited for the critical
1) Slope Stability Analysis: The stability of condition of the hills through as it gave high FOS
both the slopes from Nadukani Hills is analyzed with values. Detailed analysis is given below;
the help of slope stability tool in GEO5.

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Slope 1: Table 3: Anchor Details

Sl. Origin Length Slope spacing Force

X(m) Z(m) (m) (degree) (m) (KN)

1 -11.40 2.94 3.00 178.00 1.00 50.00

2 -10.10 1.17 4.50 178.00 1.00 50.00

3 -8.75 -0.67 6.00 178.00 1.00 50.00

Slope 2:

Fig 4: Stabilization of Slope 1

Figure 4 shows stabilization of slope 1. Here

we are using three anchors and two reinforcements.
The details of length, position, slope, angle etc., of the
materials are given in the table 2 and table 3. After
stabilizing with the combination of reinforcement and
anchors, the FOS becomes 2.02. The FOS value
greater than 1.5 shows that the slope becomes safe
against the erosion action.

Table 2: Reinforcement Details

Points to Points to Length
the left the right strength
Fig 5: Stabilization of Slope 2
(m) (KN/m) Figure 5 is the slope stabilization in slope 2.
(m) (m) (m) (m) After the stabilization here, the FOS becomes 1.91,
greater than 1.5. So the stability of the slope is safe.
The details of reinforcement and anchors used in this
1 -14.62 2.04 -10.90 2.19 3.72 50.00 slope is shown in the tables 4&5 below.

2 -14.44 0.23 -9.66 0.56 4.79 50.00

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Table 4: Reinforcement Details

Points to Points to the Tensile REFERENCE

Sl. the left right strength [1] A.R. Suleman. “The Modeling of Slope Erosion Rate by
No Using Paddy Straw Fibers as Cover for Land Surface”, Int.
X(m) Z(m) X(m) Z(m) (m) (KN/m) Journal for Civil Engineering Technology, vol. 6(1), pp-136-
146, 2015.
[2] R.K. Sharma, V. Kumar, S. Nandika and R. Ajender. “Slope
1 -12.29 -7.97 -10.16 -10.64 3.42 50.00 Stability Analysis Using Software GEO5 and C
Programming”, International Conf. of Chemical Ecology and
2 -11.12 -6.80 -8.14 -10.57 4.81 50.00 Environmental Science, Bangkok, 2017.
[3] N. Rajagopal and N. Arunachalam. “Identification of Soil
Erosion Prone Zones in Parts of Palani hills Tamilnadu India-
Using Remote Sensing and GIS”, Int. Journal for Remote
Table 5: Anchor Details Sensing and Geo Science, vol. 3(1), 2014.
[4] P. Vincent, T. Subash and N. Nalanth. “Geotechnical
assessment of soil in erosion prone zone”, Int. Journal for
Civil Engineering Technology, vol. 7(6), pp-227-240, 2016.
[5] Indian Standard Code for Methods of Test for Soil, IS 2720:
Anchor 1980.
Origin Length Slope Force
Sl. spacing [6] Indian Standard Code for Methods of Test for Soil, IS 2720:
No 1981.
[7] Indian Standard Code for Methods of Test for Soil, IS 2720:
X(m) Z(m) (m) (degree) (m) (KN) 1983.
[8] Indian Standard Code for Methods of Test for Soil, IS 2720:
1 -13.06 -8.54 2.87 50.00 1.00 40.00

2 -11.63 -7.26 4.36 50.00 1.00 40.00

3 -10.62 -6.35 5.23 50.00 1.00 40.00

If stabilization arrangements are executed at site as

per these details the erosion can be controlled to a
large extent.

The stability of slopes along with highway is
an important factor for resisting soil erosion
accidents. Two different erosion prone slopes from
Nadukani Churam is selected for the study. The
slope stability was analyzed using the GEO5
software. Control measures for the prevention of soil
erosion in these locations were suggested on the basis
of slope stabilization analysis. Anchors and
reinforcement installations were tried in the analysis.
Major findings in the study can be summarized as:
 The FOS values for both the slopes obtained
as 0.98 and 1.42 indicating high
susceptibility to erosion.
 Stabilization using anchors and
reinforcements will result an increase in the
FOS values to greater than 1.5 resulting in a
greater control of erosion.

Through the practical application of the

stabilization method simulated in the GEO5, as
explained earlier, we can control the soil erosion in
the region. Findings in this study can be extended for
stability analysis of similar locations in future and can
act as a great measure of safety to such erosion prone

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