goal is to reach out and empower every individual Payments Fraud Information Registry (CPFIR) for
with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate reporting4 of all payments related frauds.
this digital payments landscape with confidence and
Internet Banking is one of the oldest modes for
online merchant payment transactions. It is a preferred
Currently, the Reserve Bank, through its regional channel for payments like income tax, insurance
offices, conducts Electronic Banking Awareness and premium, mutual fund payments, e-commerce, etc. At
Training (e-BAAT) programmes across the country. present, such transactions processed through Payment
The main thrust of e-BAAT programme comprises of: Aggregators (PAs) are not interoperable, i.e., a bank
i. Awareness about Digital Payment Products; is required to separately integrate with each PA of
different online merchants. As a result, if a customer
ii. Awareness about Frauds and Risk Mitigation;
wants to make payment from his bank account to a
certain merchant, the merchant’s PA and customer’s
iii. Awareness about redress of grievances.
bank must have an arrangement. Given the multiple
In addition, the Reserve Bank conducts number of payment aggregators, it is difficult for
360-degree, multimedia and platform based public each bank to integrate with each PA. Further, due to
awareness campaigns under the tag of ‘RBI Says’ or lack of a payment system and a set of rules for these
‘RBI Kehta Hai’. Going forward, all the regional offices transactions, there are delays in actual receipt of
of the Reserve Bank will start regional campaigns to payments by merchants and settlement risks.
develop marketplaces like vegetable markets / mandis
Keeping in view these bottlenecks, in our Payments
and public transport infrastructure like auto/ taxi
Vision 2025, we had envisaged an interoperable
drivers as digitally enabled clusters in their chosen
payment system for internet banking transactions. In
pursuance of this objective, we have given approval
Historically, the Reserve Bank has been a for implementing such an interoperable system to
trendsetter in ensuring security of digital payment NPCI Bharat BillPay Ltd (NBBL). We expect the launch
transactions. We were one of the first countries to of this interoperable payment system for internet
fully adopt additional factor of authentication (AFA). banking during the current calendar year. The new
Since then a host of measures such as EMV3 Chip system will facilitate quicker settlement of funds for
and PIN based cards; transaction alerts; facility to merchants.
switch on and off and set or modify transaction limits
This measure will further boost the user
for all types of transactions; tokenisation of cards;
confidence in Digital Payments. As a regulator, we
restrictions on storage of actual card data; localisation
are committed to play our part in India’s journey in
of payments data etc., have been implemented to
digital payments. I urge all stakeholders like industry,
enhance the security of digital payments.
payment system operators, media, digital payment
All operators and participants of authorised users, and others to take up the responsibility of
payment systems are required to do time-bound fulfilling the mission of ‘Har Payment Digital’. It is
resolution of failed transactions. Failure to do so a mission not just for the Reserve Bank but for the
may lead to payment of compensation to the users. entire country.
Similarly, we have also implemented a web-based
Thank You, Namaskar
payment-related fraud reporting solution - Central
4 All payment-related frauds either reported by the customer to the
issuer banks / non-bank Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) issuers / non-
3 EMV is short for Europay, Mastercard and Visa: the three companies bank Credit Card issuers [together termed as Regulated Entities (REs)] or
that created the EMV standard. detected by the REs themselves, are required to be reported to the CPFIR.