Consumer Perception Towards Digital Payment Mode

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The document discusses how demonetization in India led to unprecedented growth in digital payments. It also talks about various factors like internet penetration, government initiatives that are facilitating increased adoption of digital modes of payment.

After demonetization in 2016, digital wallet companies saw a 271% growth in transaction value. The government and private players aggressively promoted apps like BHIM, UPI etc which made digital transfers more convenient especially in rural areas.

Factors mentioned include increased smartphone and internet penetration, support from non-banking financial institutions, one-touch payments, growth of fintech sector, and initiatives/incentives from the government.

January - March 2019 ISSN: 2250-1940 (P), 2349-1647(O)

Available online @

RESEARCH EXPLORER-A Blind Review & Refereed Quarterly International Journal
ISSN: 2250-1940 (P) 2349-1647 (O)
Impact Factor: 3.655 (CIF), 2.78 (IRJIF), 2.62 (NAAS)
Volume V, Issue 22
January - March 2019
Formally UGC Approved Journal (63185), © Author



Assistant Professors of Commerce
V.H.N.S.N.College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar


The demonetization resulted in unprecedented growth in digital payment. By February this

year, digital wallet companies had shown a growth of 271 percent for a total value of
US$2.8 billion (Rs. 191 crores), Indian government and private sector companies such as
Paytm, Freecharge and Mobikwik had been aggressively pushing several digital payment
applications, including the Aadhaar Payment app, the UPI app, and the National
Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) developed the Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM)
app. Digital transfers using apps has brought behavioural change and helped in the
adoption of digital payment. This has resulted in ease of transfer of money in rural areas
which was not touched earlier by the digital payment method.
Keywords: Demonetization, Consumer Perception, Digital Payment, Digital Wallet.

Introduction government reforms after demonetization

It has been said that every of high value currency of Rs. 500 and
disruption creates opportunities and one 1000 (86% of cash circulation). The
such disruption was the announcement of demonetization resulted in unprecedented
demonetization by Prime Minister growth in digital payment. By February
Mr.NarenderModi on 08 November 2016. this year, digital wallet companies had
Demonetization created huge growth shown a growth of 271 percent for a total
opportunity for digital payment in India value of US$2.8 billion (Rs. 191 crores),
and the digital wallet companies garbed Indian government and private sector
the opportunities with both the hands to companies such as Paytm, Freecharge and
expand their market share. Mobikwik had been aggressively pushing
Demonetization has presented a unique several digital payment applications,
platform for adoption of digital payment, including the Aadhaar Payment app, the
as an alternative to cash for Indian UPI app, and the National Payments
consumers. Corporation of India (NPCI) developed
Adoption of cashless transaction the Bharat Interface for Money(BHIM)
has been significantly pushed by Prime app. Digital transfers using apps has
Minister Mr.NarenderModi as part of brought behavioural change and helped in

Research Explorer 13 Volume VII, Issue22

January - March 2019 ISSN: 2250-1940 (P), 2349-1647(O)

the adoption of digital payment. This has services include balance enquiry, cash
resulted in ease of transfer of money in withdrawal, cash deposit, and Aadhaar to
rural areas which was not touched earlier Aadhaar fund transfers.
by the digital payment method. Now USSD: Stands for Unstructured
many foreign investors want to invest in Supplementary Service Data based
digital payment industry which is new mobile banking.It is linked to merchant’s
attractive destinations because of scope of bank account and used via mobile phone
tremendous expansion in India. on GSM network for payments up to Rs.
There are number of facilitators 5,000 per day per customer.
which are leading to the growth of digital UPI: The United Payments Interface
payment and transition from cash (UPI) envisages being a system that
economy to less cash economy. These powersmultiple bank accounts onto a
facilitators include penetration of internet single mobile application platform (of
connectivity on smart phones, non- any participating bank). Merges multiple
banking financial institution facilitating banking features, ensures seamless fund
digital payment, one touch payment, rise routing, and merchant payments. It
of financial technology sector and push by facilitates P2P fund transfers.
Government either by giving incentives or Digital payments in India have
tax breaks. These all factors are creating been experiencing exponential growth
positive atmosphere for growth of digital and with growth of internet and mobile
payment in India. penetration, in coming years the country
Digital Payment Modes in India is ready to witness a huge rush in the
There are several mode of digital adoption of digital payments. According
payment available in India. These are: to RatanWatal, principal advisor
Digital or mobile wallets: They are used NitiAayog and former finance secretary,
via the internet and through digital payments grew 55% by volume
smartphoneapplications. Money can be and 24.2% by value in 2016-17 over the
stored on the app via recharge by debit or previous year. Data from the Reserve
credit cards or net-banking. Consumer Bank of India (RBI) indicates that the rate
wallet limit is Rs. 20,000 per month and of adoption of digital payments had
the merchant wallet limit is Rs. 50,000 accelerated following demonetization last
per month after self-declaration and Rs. year but has slowed in recent months of
100,000 after KYC verification. 2017. Total digital transactions in April
Prepaid credit cards: Pre-loaded 2017 of Rs109.58 trillion are 26.78 lower
toindividual’sbank account. It is similar from Rs149.58 trillion in March2017.
to a giftcard; customers can make The volume of digital transaction
purchases using funds available on the has witnessed exponential growth in
card -and not on borrowed credit from the volume and value whether it is digital
bank. Can be recharged like a mobile wallet, interbank transfer or transaction
phone recharge, up to a prescribed limit. by debit or credit card. At merchant
Debit/RuPay cards: These are linked to places the number of card transaction at
anindividual’sbank account. Can be point of sale (PoS) terminal have
usedat shops, ATMs, online wallets, witnessed a huge serge which reflects that
micro-ATMs, and for e-commerce people have started making payment by
purchases. Debit cards have overtaken debit card instead of withdrawing cash
credit cards in India. from ATM to make payment. In January
AEPS: The Aadhaar Enabled Payment 2017 the number of transaction of debit
System uses the 12-digit unique card increased to one billion from 817
Aadhaaridentification number to allow million in previous year. It has been
bank-to-bank transactions at PoS. AEPS observed that ATM transaction are more

Research Explorer 14 Volume VII, Issue22

January - March 2019 ISSN: 2250-1940 (P), 2349-1647(O)

or less same at 700 million, the transaction etc. The focus of present
transaction at PoS terminal has increased study is to find how respondents are
three times from 109million in January adopting digital payment. The study
2016 to 328 million in Jan 2017. collected response from 150 respondents
India is heading on the path of a and analyzed their perception,
major digital revolution. The future preferences and satisfaction level of
economy will be driven by cashless digital payment. It further identifies the
transaction which will be possible only barriers and challenges to the adoption of
though digitalization of payment digital payment. The Table 1 gives the
mechanism at different location such as top five mobile payment wallet of India.
smart phone, internet banking, card
Table 1: Top five digital wallets in India
Wallet Name Key Features
Transferring money instantly to the bank from Paytm account Safe to store
customer’s CVV number. Paytm has launched an app password feature for
Paytm Paytm Wallet in order to ensure the money is safe even if the customer lose
or misplace his/her phone. A customer can use Paytm even without a
Introduction of M-Wallet for easy storing and transaction of money.
Mobikwik Instant recharge without sign-up. Encrypted and highly secured transactions.
User friendly mobile application.
Auto read of OTP. Picking up the transaction where it dropped. Risk
Citrus Fastest among all the digital wallets. Citrus Pay wallet offers and discounts,
Oxigen Send money to other mobile phones Shows transaction history
Literature Review money such as convenience, security and
Bamasak carried out study in affordability. Growth in technology has
Saudi Arabia found that there is a bright opened many modes of payments through
future for m-payment. Security of mobile which consumers can do transactions
payment transactions and the which are more convenient, accessible
unauthorized use of mobile phones to and acceptable, consumers have an
make a payment were found to be of great inclination towards mobile payment apps
concerns to the mobile phone users. usage. Offering various benefits such as
Security and privacy were the major flexi payment digital wallet brands are
concerns for the consumers which affect providing extra convenience to
the adoption of digital payment solutions. consumers. Major factor in adoption of
Doan illustrated the adoption of mobile digital wallet is convenience in buying
wallet among consumers in Finland as products online without physically going
only at the beginning stages of the from one location to another locatio.
Innovation-Decision Process. There has been many studies conducted
Doing payments via mobile in past on mobile payment application to
phones has been in use for many years find consumer interest and they found
and is now set to explode. Also mobiles consumer has positive inclination for the
are increasingly being used by consumers same.
for making payments. “Digital Wallet The factors such as perceived ease
“has become a part of consumers which of use, expressiveness and trust affect
are nothing but smart phones which can adoption of digital wallet as payment
function as leather wallets. Digital wallet method. These factors are termed as
offered many benefits while transferring facilitators and plays crucial role in

Research Explorer 15 Volume VII, Issue22

January - March 2019 ISSN: 2250-1940 (P), 2349-1647(O)

adoption of digital payment solution. feature of these digital apps, for instance
Usage of digital wallet among youth in the balance in your Paytm wallet can be
the state of Punjab was found to be very easily transferred to your bank
associated with societal influence and account as and when you want.
usefulness, controllability and security, Advantages of Cashless Transactions
and need for performance enhancement.  Convenience
Premium pricing, complexity, a lack of  Discounts
critical mass, and perceived risks are the  Tracking spends
barriers to adoption of digital payment  Budget discipline
systems.  Lower risk
A comprehensive model ‘Payment  Small gains
Mode Influencing Consumer Purchase Objectives and Hypothesis
Model’ was proposed by Braga and The objective of the study was to
Mazzon. This model considered factors find out the customer perception and
such as temporal orientation and impact of demographic factors on
separation, self-control and pain of adoption of digital mode of payment:
payment constructs for digital wallet as a In pursuance of the above objectives, the
new payment mode. Consumer following hypotheses were formulated for
perspective of mobile payments and testing:
mobile payment technologies are two H01: There is no significant difference is
most important factors of mobile perceived by respondents for
payments research. Mallat studied variousattributes of digital payment on
consumer adoption of mobile payments in the basis of gender of respondents.
Finland. Study found that mobile H02There is no significant difference is
payment is dynamic and its adoption perceived by respondents for
depends on lack of other payments variousattributes of digital payment on
methods and certain situational factors. the basis of age of respondents.
Digital wallet payments bring extra H03There is no significant difference is
convenience to shoppers by offering perceived by respondents for
flexible payment additions and variousattributes of digital payment on
accelerating exchanges. Shin and the basis of education of the respondents.
Ziderman tested a comprehensive model of H04There is no significant difference is
consumer acceptance in the context of perceived by respondents for
mobile payment. It used the unified theory variousattributes of digital payment on
of acceptance and use of technology the basis of profession of the
(UTAUT) model with constructs of respondents.
security, trust, social influence, and self- H05There is no significant difference is
efficacy. The model confirmed the perceived by respondents for
classical role of technology acceptance variousattributes of digital payment on
factors (i.e., perceived to users’ attitude), the basis of annual income of the
the results also showed that users’ attitudes respondents.
and intentions are influenced by perceived Research Methodology
security and trust. In the extended model, The current study is based on
the moderating effects of demographics on primary data collected from 150
the relations among the variables were respondents from the different parts of
found to be significant. Digital wallets Virudhunagar District. A well-structured
offer the consumers the convenience of questionnaire was designed to collect the
payments without swiping their debit or information from the respondents the
credit cards. Instant Cash availability and questionnaire was designed to study
renders seamless mobility is also a unique perception of customer towards adoption

Research Explorer 16 Volume VII, Issue22

January - March 2019 ISSN: 2250-1940 (P), 2349-1647(O)

of digital payment mode. Likert five point the reliability of the data. Frequency
scales were used for obtaining responses. analysis on the main factor under study,
The responses have been collected by indicate overall satisfaction levels of
means of face-to-face interviews by respondents with digital payment mode.
authors. ANOVA was carried out to find the
Sampling unit & size: This call is for variance in the responses and to test the
defining the target population to be hypothesis.
surveyed. In thisresearch the sampling Results and Discussion
unit was the customers who have been The respondent profile as
using the digital payment modes.In this displayed in Table 2 replicate the
survey the sample size decided was 150. population generally engaged in use of
Sampling procedure: The researcher digital payment. Most of the respondents
adopted Intercept interview method for are male (70%), employed either in
collection ofprimary data. private sector (44%) or government
Research and Statistical Tools sector (26%), are either graduate (52%)
Employed or 10+2 (18%) in the age group of 20-30
The research and statistical tools years (42%) or 31-40 years (30%). Their
employed in this study are ANOVA and annual income is Rs. 7.5 to 10 Lacs
frequency analysis. SPSS 19 was used to (63.3%). This is the ideal profile of
perform statistical analysis. digital mode & educated, employed and
Cronbach’sAlpha test was used to find having decent income
Table 2: Respondents Demographic Profile.
Variable Characteristics Frequency Percentage
Male 105 70
Female 45 30
20-30 yrs 63 42
31-40 yrs 45 30
Age group
41-50 yrs 24 16
51 yrs& above 18 12
Post-Graduation 15 10
Graduation 78 52
10+2 27 18
Matriculation or below 30 20
Student 15 10
Private Sector Employee 66 44
Public Sector Employee 39 26
Self Employed 30 20
Upto 2.5 Lacs 8 5.3
2.5-5 Lacs 6 4
Annual Income 5-7.5 Lacs 32 21.3
7.5-10 Lac 95 63.3
10Lacs & above 9 6
Hypothesis testing: given below. Table 4 gives the result of
ANOVA Computation ANOVA computation on the basis of
In order to test the hypothesis gender, age education, profession and
ANOVA was carried out. The results are annual income of the respondents.
Table 4: Computation of ANOVA.

Research Explorer 17 Volume VII, Issue22

January - March 2019 ISSN: 2250-1940 (P), 2349-1647(O)

Gender Age Education Profession
Characteristics/Attributes Income
F Sig. F Sig. F Sig. F Sig. F Sig.
Mobile Payment Wallet /
.193 .648 1.109 .345 13.829 .080 3.633 .004 1.038 .371
Digital payment used
Frequency of use digital
payment to make online
.002 .972 .789 .503 90.432 .000 5.997 .001 .657 .609
payment for bills and
Brand Loyalty of Digital
.979 .314 .923 .460 216.45 .000 2.236 .069 1.903 .103
payment mode
Convenience in use of
.141 .713 2.142 .080 17.103 .000 1.427 .231 .733 .588
digital payment mode
Secured Transaction 1.902 .163 1.009 .402 13.829 .000 2.252 .067 1.828 .118
Time saving through digital
8.242 .005 2.581 .046 66.488 .000 2.321 .043 1.091 .342
payment mode
Acceptance Wallet / digital
.435 .521 1.816 .127 20.513 .000 3.213 .011 .521 .551
payment mode
Price of Using digital
payment mode (service .122 .727 .461 .764 61.579 .000 1.507 .203 2.081 .086
charges etc.,)
Mobile wallets are capable
of providing benefits to
.880 .298 1.003 .460 34.389 .000 2.220 .066 1.762 .103
individual purchase of
Using the mobile wallet
improves the quality of my
3.004 .564 3.913 .00 3.2 .007 1.531 .160 .721 .821
decision making for buying
Believe mobile wallets are
useful in buying products .531 .421 3.331 .015 13.219 .000 1.004 .413 .872 .381
than the traditional methods
Think that using online
wallets can offer me a wider
.990 .309 .883 .460 24.491 .000 2.147 .066 1.681 .110
range of banking services
and Payment options
Interacting with mobile
2.758 .099 1.296 .275 89.375 .000 2.096 .084 .947 .439
wallet is helpful.
Trust the service providers
.421 .614 1.713 .127 12.781 .000 3.399 .011 .458 .700
of mobile wallet
The result of ANOVA computation shows that no significant differences are
shows that no significant differences are perceived by the respondents on the basis
perceived by male and female respondents of age, profession and annual income. This
for majority of attributes of digital leads to acceptance of H02, H04, and H05.
payment mode/digital wallets. Hence However significant differences are
accept the H01. This indicates that both perceived by respondents for majority of
male and female customer perceive digital attributes of digital payment mode/digital
payment mode/digital wallets in similar wallets on the basis of their education.
way. Similarly the ANOVA computation Hence the researcher reject the H03. This

Research Explorer 18 Volume VII, Issue22

January - March 2019 ISSN: 2250-1940 (P), 2349-1647(O)

indicted that education play a significant negative agreement which indicate

role in acceptance of digital payment negative perception. Strongly agree and
mode. Educated person are more inclined agree responses are the supporting
to use the digital payment modes. responses of the statement related to a
Frequency Analysis particular attribute of digital payment and
In order to find out respondent’s indicates satisfaction of respondents
perception and the overall satisfaction, whereas disagree and strongly disagree
frequency analysis has been carried. The responses are those which do not support
result is presented in the Tables 5 and 6. the statement related to particular
Highly important and important attribute and indicate no satisfaction .
responses are agreement to the statement Neutral responses neither support nor
which lead to positive perception and oppose the attribute.
slightly respondents and not important is
Table 5: Frequency Analysis ofRespondent’sPerception.
Highly Moderately Slightly Not Mean
Statement Important
Important important important important Score
Brand loyalty 72 54 17 6 1 42.6
Convenience in usage 27 71 27 12 13 35.8
Secured transactions 78 53 14 5 0 43.39
Time Saving through
113 20 9 6 2 45.49
digital payment mode
Wallet/digital 30 75 26 12 7 37.2
payment mode
Price of Using
digital payment mode 05 71 33 11 30 30.66
(service charges etc.)
Majority of respondent said it is followed by secured transactions with
important or highly important to associate mean score of 43.39, brand loyalty with
with time saving through digital payment mean score of 42.26 regarding the overall
mode with the mean score of 45.49, satisfaction of the respondents.
Table 6: Frequency Analysis of Respondents satisfaction.
Characteristics/Attributes Strongly Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly Mean
Agree Disagree score
Mobile wallets are capable of
providing benefits to
80 42 9 11 8 41.66
individual for purchase of
Using the mobile wallet
improves the quality of my
decision making for buying 113 24 8 3 2 46.13
Believe mobile wallets are
useful in buying products than 126 24 0 0 0 48.4
the traditional methods.

Research Explorer 19 Volume VII, Issue22

January - March 2019 ISSN: 2250-1940 (P), 2349-1647(O)

Think that using online

wallets can offer me a wider
range of banking services and 72 54 15 6 3 43.06
Payment options
Interacting with mobile wallet
138 12 0 0 0 49.2
is helpful.
Trust the service providers of
24 75 30 11 10 36.13
mobile wallet
Majority of the respondents agree that by the digital payment method. Now
interacting with mobile wallet is helpful many foreign investors want to invest in
with the mean score of 49.2, followed by digital payment industry which is new
helpful in buying products as compared attractive destinations because of scope
to traditional methods with the mean of tremendous expansions in India.
score of 48.4, followed by mobile wallet References
improves the quality of decision making 1. Dezan Shira and Associates (2017)
for buying products with mean score of Growth of Digital Payments Systems
46.13, regarding the satisfaction in the in India.
usage of various attributes of mobile
wallets. payments-systems-in-india-
Conclusion 14797.html/
Present study has made an 2. Watal R (2017) Digital payments surge
attempt to understand customer 55% in 2016-17.
perception regarding digital payment. It
was found that demographic factor D3D6bWBie6IoJzWtdZO/Digital-
except education does not have much payments-surge-55-in-FY17-Niti-
impact on the adoption of the digital Aayog.html
payment. Anova computation supported 3. Pratik B (2017) Demonetization effect:
this finding as there was no signification Digital payments India's new currency;
difference is perceived by the debit card transactions surge to over 1
respondents on the basis of gender age, billion.
profession and annual income. It was .com/industry/banking/finance/banking
only education level of the respondents /digital-payments-indias-new-
where signification difference is currency-debit-card-transactions-
perceived by the respondents. It indicates surge-to-over-1-
that adoption of digital payment is billion/articleshow/58863652.cms
influenced by the education level of the 4. Bamasak O (2011) Exploring
customer. If a person has studied beyond consumers acceptance of mobile
matriculation and internet savvy, he or payments-an empirical Study.
she will be inclined to use the digital International Journal of Information
payment mode. It was also found that in Technology, Communications and
the areas/region where education level is Convergence 1: 173-185.
high, the possibility of acceptance of 5. Dahlberg T, Mallat N, Oorni A (2003)
digital payment is much higher. Consumer Acceptance of Mobile
Digital transfers using apps has Payment Solutions-Ease of Use,
brought behavioral change and helped in Usefulness and Trust. The Second
the adoption of digital payment. This has International Conference on Mobile
resulted in ease of transfer of money in Business, Vienna, Austria, pp: 17-25.
rural areas which was not touched earlier

Research Explorer 20 Volume VII, Issue22

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