Anritsums 610 A

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Anritsu I


with compliments
Helmut Singer Elektronik

The MS610A Spectrum Analyzer has a very broad frequency Applications P':-~ ;;;;:::i7(a
range (10kHz to 2 GHz) covering from the video region to the . Measurementof spuriousresponseduringmanufactureor
UHFNHF region. Fewer dial operations are required and adjustmentof electronicequipment.
measurement conditions can also be set directly by keyboard . Oscillation and distortion measurementsfor active ele-
input. A coupled function for improved measurement efficien- mentsandcircuits.
cy and a digital measurement level display raise operability . Measurement
of the trarismi§$jon
even further. The MS610A also boasts a wide variety of other impedance of electric parts using a bridge and the Track-
functions making it truly general-purpose spectrum analyzer. ing Generator (MH680A) in combination.
A GP-IB assists configuration of automatic measurement . Panoramicreceptionof broadcastwavesand measure-
systems, while a noise field measurement function in compli- ment of noise.
ance with CISPR specifications opens a broader range of ap- . Spectrum analysis for research and development appli-
plications. Together with all these features, the MS610A cations.
Spectrum Analyzer is also smaller and more portable than
ever before.
Application equipment and peripherals ~
Various accessories to permit a wider range of applications
Major specifications for the MS61 OA are featured on pages 79, 80 and 81.
. Frequencyrange: 10kHzto 2GHz
. Measurementlevel range: -115 to + 20dBm
. Resolutionbandwidth: 1kHzto 1MHz
. Dynamicrange: 70dB

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Automatic setting

Continued on next page

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I nput Terminal 5Ofi, N-type connector, VSWR ~ -- 1.5, at input attenuator ~ 1OdB
Input attenuator 0 to 5OdB in 1OdB steps
S Time 10ms to 10s in 1,2,5 sequence(10 steps)
Trigger FREE RUN, LINE, VIOEO and SINGLE modes
Calibrator output 5OMHzt150kHz, -3OdBm to.5dB, BNC connector
CRT Graticule: 8 DIV x 10 DIV, 6-inch size, long persistancephosphor (P39)
GP-IB, IEEE 488 compatible
R t 1(0 . 01) Interface functions: SH1,AH1,T6,L4,SRO,RL1,PPO,PC1,DTO,CO
emo e contro Pt Ion ... except power switch, CRT IntenSity,
All functions . frequency zero adjustment,
" gain
adjustment, and frequency setting dial can be operated by remote control.

~harging 1ms t20%

time constant
Quasi-peakdetector Discharging 160ms t20% (with 9kHz resolution bandwidth)
(Option 02) time constant 550ms t20% (with 120kHz resolution bandwidth)
Display time 100m t30%
constant s

Power AC 100V~~~~, 50/60Hz, ~75VA

Dimensions a~d weight 177H, 284W, 351 Dmm; ~13.5kg
Ambient temperature, rated rangeof use 0 to 50°C
A . i'ed One coaxial cable (S-5DWP,5D2W,S-5DWP): 1m
ccessorlessupp I One coaxial cable (BNC-P, RG-55/U-P): 1m

Application equipment
01 GP-IB MH680A Tracking Generator
02 Built-in OP detector The MH680A Tracking Generator is a wideband sweep gen-
erator used in conjunction with the MS610A Spectrum Ana-
Optional accessories (sold separately) ~~ lyzer. It permits direct observation of transmission charac-
Item Order number Remarks teristics for wideband amplifiers, filters and circuits.
CRT filter (smoked) BO075 Color: smoked Frequency range: 100kHz to 2GHz
Carrying bag BO076 Includes front panel cover Output level range: -10dBm to OdBm (continuously
C~rrYing case BO077 Includes front and rear variable)
with wheels panel cover Output level flatness: %O.5dB (at OdBm)
C~rrYing case BO078 Includes front and rear Output terminal: 50U, N-type connector
without wheels panel cover

58 /lnritsu

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