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1.1 Smartphones and Their

Operating Systems

1.1.1 Smartphones

1.1.2 Android Phones

1.1.3 Apps and Google Play

1.2 Development Environment

for Android Apps

1.3 Our First App: HelloAndroid

1.3.1 Skeleton App

1.3.2 GUI Preview

1.3.3 XML Files:

styles.xml, strings.xml,

1.3.4 The MainActivity Class

1.4 Running the App Inside the


1.5 Debugging the App with

1.6 Using the Debugger

1.7 Testing and Running the

App on an Actual Device

1.8 The App Manifest and the

Gradle Build System

1.8.1 The
AndroidManifest.xml File:
App Icon and Device

1.8.2 The Gradle Build


Chapter Summary

Exercises, Problems, and Projects

Today, it seems that almost everybody has a
smartphone and is using apps. There are apps to
check our email, check the weather, play games,
calculate a mortgage payment, translate one
language into another, learn algebra, or even apps
for websites, social media, or news organizations
such as Facebook, Twitter, or CNN. In this chapter,
we learn how to develop our first app for Android
1.1 Smartphones and Their
Operating Systems

1.1.1 Smartphones
A smartphone is an intelligent cellular phone, or a
cellular phone with a computer inside, as well as
some extra hardware. Thus, programmers can
write application software for them; such
application software is called an app. A
smartphone has the typical components of a
regular computer: a CPU, memory, a storage
device, an operating system, and other devices,
such as a camera, an accelerometer, or a GPS.

The two most well-known operating systems are

the Android operating system, from Google, and
iOS, from Apple. Other popular operating systems
for smartphones include BlackBerry, Windows,
and Symbian. The annual number of smartphones
sold worldwide is now over one billion.
Furthermore, smartphones comprise an increasing
percentage of the mobile phones sold.
1.1.2 Android Phones
There are over 100 different varieties of Android
phones or tablets. They can have a different CPU,
a different screen resolution, and a different
amount of memory available. This makes it difficult
for developers to test their apps on actual devices.
The dimensions of the various components of the
user interface of an app can be different
depending on the Android phone or tablet.
Furthermore, in complex games where speed is an
issue, an app can run differently on an old and
slow Android device as compared to a more recent
one. This is something to keep in mind as we
develop apps for the Android market.
1.1.3 Apps and Google Play
Android apps are distributed via Google Play
(, which used to be
called the Android Market. Google Play is actually
a store for digital content, much like the Apple’s
app store, not just apps. In order to distribute apps
on Google Play, you need to become a registered
developer, which costs $25.

There are now over one million apps in Google

Play, and the vast majority of those apps are free.
Top categories include entertainment (games),
personalization, tools, books, and references.
Most of the downloaded apps are free apps. One
should also be aware that the Android operating
system is open, so anyone can easily copy an app
from one Android device to another. There is little
protection for intellectual property.
1.2 Development Environment for
Android Apps
The typical and recommended development
environment for Android apps is comprised of the

▸ Java Development Kit (JDK)

▸ Android Studio

▸ Android Standard Development Kit (Android


It is not a requirement to use Android Studio to

develop Android apps, we can run our code from
the command line or use another integrated
development environment, such as Eclipse.
However, Android Studio is Google’s official
development environment and is likely to quickly
become the industry standard; we use Android
Studio in this book.

In order to set up a complete Android app

development environment, we need to:

▸ Download and install the latest Java SDK (if

we have not done it yet), which we can find at

▸ Download and install Android Studio,

including the IDE, SDK tools, and the
emulator system, which we can find at
1.3 Our First App: HelloAndroid
Let’s create our first Android app.
1.3.1 Skeleton App
Open Android Studio. The first time we run
Android Studio, the environment checks that it is
up to date, asks us to download components if
needed. Once that is done and we click on Finish
(see FIGURE 1.1), we see the screen shown in
FIGURE 1.2. Recent projects are listed on the left
side; there will not be any the first time we use
Android Studio. To start a new project, click on
Start a new Android Studio project.

In the dialog box shown in FIGURE 1.3, we type in

our project name (we choose HelloAndroid) and
our domain (we chose; if we do not
have a domain name, we can choose any name);
the other two fields (package name and project
location) are automatically filled. If we prefer a
different project location, we can edit that field.
Note that the package name is our domain name
in reverse. It is typical for developers to name their
package with their domain name in reverse; it
insures that it is unique. When we are done, we
click Next.

The next dialog box (FIGURE 1.4) is used to

specify the minimum SDK for this project;
depending on our app, this can be important. For
example, if we incorporate advertising, this may
require a higher SDK level than the default level;
however, the more recent the SDK level we
specify, the more we restrict the potential number
of users for our app. For this app, we keep the
default SDK level and click Next.

FIGURE 1.1 Downloading components

FIGURE 1.2 Welcome screen

FIGURE 1.3 Dialog box for new project

FIGURE 1.4 Dialog box to specify the minimum

In the next dialog box (FIGURE 1.5), we can

choose among several templates; a template
creates skeleton code with some predefined user-
interface functionality; often, it provides a user
interface that is similar to what can be found in
native apps. For this app, we choose the Empty
Activity template—it creates a minimum skeleton
FIGURE 1.5 Dialog box to choose the type of

FIGURE 1.6 File names dialog box

In the next dialog box (FIGURE 1.6), we can
specify various names for the first activity class
and layout files. For this first app, we keep the
default names, MainActivity for the class, and
activity_main for the layout file. After we click on
Finish, our project is created.

The project directory structure has been created

along with many source files, which we can see on
the left pane of the Android Studio development
environment (shown in FIGURE 1.7).
FIGURE 1.7 The app directory structure in the

The program generates a lot of directories and

files automatically.
▸ The manifests directory contains the
AndroidManifest.xml file, automatically
generated and editable. Among other things, it
specifies the resources that this app uses,
such as activities, the file system, the Internet,
the device’s hardware resources. . . When a
user downloads an app, this file tells the user
about the resources that this app uses (e.g., if
it writes to the file system of the device).

▸ The java directory contains the Java source

files. We can add more Java source files as
our app gets more complex.

▸ The res ( res stands for “resources”)

directory contains resources such as utility
files (to define strings, menus, layouts, colors,
styles) and images, sounds, etc. Ids are
automatically generated for these resources
inside a file named should not
be modified.

▸ Inside the res directory, the drawable

directory is meant to contain images and other
drawable resources. It can contain jpegs,
pngs, gifs, files to define gradients, etc. As
needed, we can add resources to this
▸ Inside the res directory, the mipmap
directory contains the icon for the app. As
needed, we can add resources to this

▸ Inside the res directory, the layout directory

contains XML files defining screen layouts. At
this point, it contains the activity_main.xml file,
an automatically generated layout file for our
empty activity. We can edit this file to define
the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for this

▸ Inside the res directory, the values directory

contains XML files defining various resources
such as colors (in the colors.xml file),
dimensions (in the dimens.xml file), styles (in
the styles.xml file), or strings (in the
strings.xml file). We can edit these files to
define more color, dimension, style, or string

▸ The gradle scripts directory contains the

scripts used to build the app.

In this chapter, we look at the following files in

detail: AndroidManifest.xml,,
dimens.xml, strings.xml, styles.xml, colors.xml,
and activity_main.xml. We also add an icon for the
1.3.2 GUI Preview
A nice feature of Android Studio is that it lets us
preview a screen without running the app. A layout
file needs to be selected for the preview to show.
To select activity_main.xml, we double click on the
file name. In the menu, if we select View, Tool
Windows, Preview, a preview of the app shows on
the right side of the environment, as shown in
FIGURE 1.8. In this way, we can edit the GUI and
preview it without running the app. We can
preview a screen in both portrait and landscape
orientations by choosing from a menu (FIGURE
1.9). FIGURE 1.10 shows the preview in
landscape orientation. We can also preview the
app choosing a different theme by clicking on the
AppTheme drop-down list (FIGURE 1.11) and
choosing among many devices (FIGURE 1.12) by
clicking on the device drop-down list.
1.3.3 XML Files: activity_main.xml,
colors.xml, styles.xml, strings.xml,
The GUI for this app is defined in the
activity_main.xml file. Note that we can also set
the GUI by code.

To open activity_main.xml, we click on res, then

click on layout, then double click on
activity_main.xml. In order to see the actual XML
code, we may need to click on the Text tab at the
bottom of the panel.

Activity_main.xml, shown in EXAMPLE 1.1, is an

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file. The
Android development environment uses XML
extensively, in particular to define the user
interface of the various screens of an app and also
to define various resources such as strings,
dimensions, menus, styles, shapes, or gradients.

We may already be familiar with HyperText

Markup Language (HTML) and its syntax. HTML
is the language that web browsers use, and has a
fixed set of tags and attributes. XML uses
essentially the same syntax as HTML, but we can
create our own tags and attributes.
FIGURE 1.8 A preview of the app in the
FIGURE 1.9 Choosing the orientation for the
FIGURE 1.10 A preview of the app in landscape

FIGURE 1.11 Choosing a theme for the preview

(after selecting Holo Dark)
We can find the full XML documentation at

We will next outline the main characteristics of

XML. An XML document is made up of elements,
and each element can have 0 or more
attribute/value pairs. Elements can be nested. An
element can have content or not. A non-empty
element begins with a start tag and ends with an
end tag. The text between the start tag and the
end tag is called the element content.

Although the actual specification is a bit more

complex, we will use the following simplified
syntax to define a non-empty XML element:

<tagName attribute1=”value1”

attribute2=”value2” ... >

Element Content


Here are two examples:


<app language=”Java” version=”7.0”>Hello


If an element has no content, then we can use an

empty element tag with the following syntax:

<tagName attribute1=”value1”

attribute2=”value2” ... />

Here are two examples:

<website name=”twitter”/>

<app language=”Java” version=”7.0”/>

FIGURE 1.12 Choosing a device for the preview

There are rules for naming tags; we use only tag

names that start with a letter or an underscore and
are followed by 0 or more letters, underscores, or
digits. The official specification for tag names is
more complex than the earlier, and we can find it

Comments use this syntax:

<!-- Write a comment here -->

The file activity_main.xml defines how the GUI

should look like. The RelativeLayout element
defines that the various graphical elements will be
positioned and displayed in relation to each other
or their parent graphical container.

In the activity_main.xml file the element

RelativeLayout uses the first syntax and includes
attributes android:layout_width and
android:layout_height , which both have value
match_parent (lines 5–6). This means that the
RelativeLayout element will be as big as its parent
element, which in this example is the screen. It
also includes attributes android:paddingBottom ,

android:paddingLeft , android:paddingRight , and

android:paddingTop (lines 7–10). The
android:paddingBottom element has value
@dimen/activity_vertical_margin (line 7): this
means that there will be some padding on the left
side of the screen equal to the value of the dimen

element named activity_vertical_margin (in this

case 16 px) in the dimens.xml file located in the
values directory of the res directory.

Generally, if a constant named constant_name is

defined in a resource file named
resource_types.xml , we can access the value of
that constant using the syntax
@resource_type/constant_name .

Lines 13–16 define a TextView element that is

nested inside the RelativeLayout element; a
TextView element is an instance of the TextView

class, which encapsulates a label. This TextView

element is an empty element and as such has no

content; it has three attribute/value pairs:

▸ The attributes android:layout_width and

android:layout_height have value
wrap_content (lines 14 and 15). That means
that the TextView element’s width and height
are just as big as necessary to make the
contents of the TextView element fit; the
element “wraps” around its contents.

▸ The attribute android:text defines the

String displayed inside the TextView ; it has
value Hello World! .
EXAMPLE 1.1 The dimens.xml file

The activity_horizonal_margin and the

activity_vertical_margin values are defined within
two dimen elements in the dimens.xml file (lines 3–
4), shown in EXAMPLE 1.2. Their values are 16
px. The suffix dp stands for density pixels, which
means that the value is device independent. If our
app requires using a different value per screen
size, we can define many values in the dimens.xml
file, one per screen size.

Inside the dimens.xml file, the syntax for defining a

dimen resource is:

EXAMPLE 1.2 The dimens.xml file

Try to modify dimens.xml as in EXAMPLE 1.3. The
environment updates its preview as shown in
FIGURE 1.13.

EXAMPLE 1.3 The modified dimens.xml file

Similarly, the String whose value is HelloAndroid

(see the blue title of the app in Figure 1.13) is

defined at line 2 of the strings.xml file (EXAMPLE
1.4), located in the values directory of the res
directory. We can create String constants in our
Java files, but it is recommended to store String

constants in the strings.xml file as much as

possible. If we want to modify one or several
String values later, it is easier to edit that file than
to edit our Java code.

Inside the strings.xml file, the syntax for defining a

String resource is:


EXAMPLE 1.4 The strings.xml file

Try to modify strings.xml as in EXAMPLE 1.5. The

environment updates its preview as shown in
FIGURE 1.14. The String app_name is used in the
AndroidManifest.xml file, which is explained in
paragraph 1.7.
FIGURE 1.13 A preview of the app in the
environment after updating the dimens.xml file
FIGURE 1.14 A preview of the app in the
environment after updating the strings.xml file

EXAMPLE 1.5 The modified strings.xml file

The file styles.xml, located in the values directory
of the res directory, defines the various styles used
in the app. EXAMPLE 1.6 shows its automatically
generated contents.

Inside the styles.xml file, we can modify a style by

adding an item element using this syntax:

<item name=”styleAttribute”>valueOfItem</item>

The name of the style attribute that specifies the

text size inside a TextView is android:-textSize . In
EXAMPLE 11.7, we change the default text size to
40 at line 6. The environment updates its preview
as shown in FIGURE 1.15.

EXAMPLE 1.6 The styles.xml file

EXAMPLE 1.7 The modified styles.xml file

Note that the style defined in styles.xml consists of

three color constants using the syntax
@color/color_name . These constants are defined in
the colors.xml file, shown in EXAMPLE 1.8, and
also located in the values directory of the res
directory. Its contents are automatically generated.
Inside the colors.xml file, the syntax for defining a
color resource is:

<color name=”colorName”>valueOfColor</color>

EXAMPLE 1.8 The colors.xml file

FIGURE 1.15 A preview of the app in the
environment after updating the styles.xml file
FIGURE 1.16 A preview of the app in the
environment after updating the colors.xml file

The color values are defined using the syntax

æRRGGBB where R, G, and B are hexadecimal digits
representing the amount of red, blue, and green,

If we modify the value of the color named

colorPrimary to æFF0000 (full red), the preview is
updated as shown in FIGURE 1.16.
1.3.4 The MainActivity Class
The entry point for our app is the MainActivity

class, whose name is composed of the names

Main and Activity. It is located in the
com.jblearning.helloandroid package in the java
directory (shown in EXAMPLE 1.9).

The source code for an Android app uses Java

syntax. Line 1 is the package declaration. When
this project was created, we told Android Studio to
place the code in the package
com.jblearning.helloandroid . Lines 3–4 import the
classes used in this class. We need to import
AppCompat-Activity because MainActivity extends
it (line 6) and thus inherits from it.
AppCompatActivity inherits (indirectly) from the
Activity class and includes an action bar (in red
on Figure 1.16) above the activity screen, where
the app title shows.

An activity is a component that provides and

controls a screen with which users can interact. An
app can consist of several activities, possibly
passing data to each other. Activities are managed
on a stack (a last-in, first-out data structure). To
create an activity, we must subclass Activity or
one of its subclasses as done in the skeleton code
of MainActivity , which was automatically
generated. Some methods of the Activity class
are automatically called by the system when an
activity starts, stops, resumes, or is destroyed.

EXAMPLE 1.9 The MainActivity class

The onCreate method (lines 8–12) is automatically

called when the activity starts. We should override
this method and if needed, create the components
of the activity inside that method. At line 10, we
call the onCreate method inherited from Activity

via AppCompatActivity . At line 11, we define the

layout of the app by calling the setContentView

method, shown in TABLE 1.1. The layout is

defined in the activity_main.xml file. The argument
of the setContentView method is an integer that
represents the id of a layout resource defining a
screen layout. Ids of resources can be found in the file inside the
g/helloandroid directory. The R class contains
many inner classes: anim , attr , bool , color ,

dimen , drawable , id , integer , layout , menu ,

string , style , styleable . Each inner class is

public and static and contains one or many int

constants. Each int constant is accessible via the



The activity_main constant, the id for the

activity_main.xml file, a layout resource, is defined
in the layout class, inside the R class. Thus, it can
be referenced using R.layout.activity_main .

Calling setContentView with an integer argument

that represents a layout XML file, in this case
R.layout.activity_main , is called inflating the
TABLE 1.1 Selected setContentView methods of
the Activity class

Method Description

void Sets the content of this Activity to view

View view )

void Sets the content of this Activity using the

setContentView( resource with id layoutResID, which will be
int layoutResID ) inflated
1.4 Running the App Inside the
Android Studio includes an emulator so that we
can run and test an app inside the environment
before testing it on a device. We first run the app
in the emulator. In order for the emulator to work,
we may need to do three things:

▸ If needed, enable the virtualization

extension in the BIOS menu (if it is disabled;
note that it may be enabled by default). When
starting our computer, we need to interrupt the
boot process, access the system’s BIOS
menu, and enable virtualization. If the
computer does not support virtualization, it is
unlikely that the emulator will work.

▸ If needed, download, install, and run the

Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution
Manager (HAXM). It may already be on our
computer after we downloaded Android
Studio. It is also possible that it needs to be
updated. The file name should be intelhaxm-

▸ Close and restart Android Studio.

Most, if not all, recent computers support

The emulator runs inside an Android Virtual

Device (AVD). We can create AVDs with the AVD
Manager. To open the AVD Manager, choose
Window, AVD Manager, or click on the AVD
Manager icon, as shown in FIGURE 1.17. This
opens the AVD Manager, as shown in FIGURE
1.18. To create a new AVD, we click on the +
Create Virtual Device. . . button. That opens a new
panel (FIGURE 1.19) that allows us to select
among a list of premade AVDs. After selecting one
from the list and clicking on Next, it is displayed in
a new panel (FIGURE 1.20). We select the version
we want and click on next. The characteristics of
the AVD are displayed, as shown in FIGURE 1.21.
We can edit them if we want; in particular, we can
edit the Scale attribute if we want to change the
resolution of the AVD (and the size of the emulator
as a result) when we run. After we click on Finish,
the new AVD has been added, as shown in
FIGURE 1.22.
FIGURE 1.17 The AVD Manager icon

FIGURE 1.18 Opening the AVD Manager for the

first time
FIGURE 1.19 Selecting a new AVD

FIGURE 1.20 After selecting an AVD

FIGURE 1.21 Characteristics of the selected
FIGURE 1.22 The AVD Manager showing the
updated list of AVDs

In order to run the app, click on the Run icon in the

icon bar, as shown in FIGURE 1.23.

A dialog box opens (FIGURE 1.24) and we choose

the AVD we want to use by selecting one from the
list; then, we click on OK. We can also access the
AVD Manager by clicking on the Create New
Emulator button. Note that if the emulator is
already running or an actual device is connected
to our computer, it will show in the panel under
Connected Devices. After a couple of minutes, the
app should be running in the emulator. In order to
save time, we recommend that you leave the
emulator open as long as Android Studio is open.

FIGURE 1.23 Run configurations dialog box


emulator open for the length of your
development session in order to save time.
FIGURE 1.24 Deployment target dialog box,
after clicking on the Run icon
FIGURE 1.25 Emulator running the
HelloAndroid app
FIGURE 1.26 The toolbar of the emulator,
showing the Rotate tool

FIGURE 1.25 shows the app running in the

emulator. By default, the emulator runs in vertical,
also called portrait, orientation. It includes a
toolbar on its right that enables us to control some
of its features. In particular, we can rotate the
emulator using the tool shown in FIGURE 1.26.
We can also click on Ctrl+F11 to rotate the
emulator to the horizontal, or landscape,
orientation (see FIGURE 1.27; note that we did not
include the toolbar in this screenshot). Ctrl+F12
brings the emulator back to the vertical orientation.
We can move the emulator by clicking on the top,
white part of its frame and dragging it. TABLE 1.2
summarizes useful information about the emulator.

An interesting recent feature of Android Studio is

Instant Run. With Instant Run, we can modify
some selected components of an app, for example
the strings.xml file, click on the Run icon, and the
emulator automatically updates the app on the fly.
Instant Run is enabled by default. If we want to
disable it, we can choose File, Settings, and within
the Build, Execution, Deployment section, select
Instant Run, and then edit it, as shown in FIGURE
1.28. If we do not want to use Instant Run, we can
uncheck it and check Restart activity on code
FIGURE 1.27 Emulator running the
HelloAndroid app in horizontal orientation

TABLE 1.2 Useful information about the


Turn on virtualization in the BIOS (if Enable the emulator to

necessary) run

Install and run the HAXM executable Enable the emulator to

(if necessary) run

Ctrl+F11 and Ctrl+F12 Rotate the emulator

Toolbar Control features of the

FIGURE 1.28 The Settings panel showing the
Instant Run capability
1.5 Debugging the App with Logcat
Just like with a regular Java program, we can send
output to the console, which can be very useful for
debugging purposes. In order to do that, we can
use one of the static methods of the Log class
shown in TABLE 1.3. The Log class is part of the
android.util package. This can be very useful at
development time to provide us with feedback on
various objects and variables as we test our app.
Output from logging statements will show in the
lower panel (click on the Android tab located at the
bottom of the screen in order to open that panel) if
we click on the Logcat tab, as shown in FIGURE
1.29. If the Logcat tab does not show, we should
run the app in Debug mode first to force it to show.
To run the app in Debug mode, click on the Debug
button (the one with the bug icon, to the immediate
right of the Run button) as shown in Figure 1.23.
Logging statements should be commented out in
the final version of the app.

The main difference in these methods is how

verbose their output is. From the most to the least
verbose, the order is: v, d, i, w, e.

There can be a lot of output inside Logcat. We can

filter the output inside Logcat by using a filter so it
only shows the output that we select from the app.
To set up a filter, click on the drop-down list
located on the top right corner inside the lower left
panel; select Edit Filter Configuration (shown on
the right side of FIGURE 1.30). Inside the dialog
box shown on FIGURE 1.31, give the filter a tag.
We choose MainActivity : in this way, it identifies
that this output was generated by some code
inside the MainActivity class. When using the
methods of the Log class to output data, we use
MainActivity as the first argument (the tag) of
those methods. In turn, when we run the app, if we
select the filter named MainActivity , as shown in
FIGURE 1.32, we only see the output that was
tagged with MainActivity .
TABLE 1.3 Selected methods of the Log class

Method Description

static int d( This method sends a debug message; tag

String tag, identifies the source of the log message; it can
String msg be used to filter messages in Logcat.

static int e( This method sends an error message.

String tag,
String msg

static int i( This method sends an info message.

String tag,
String msg

static int v( This method sends a verbose message.

String tag,
String msg

static int w( This method sends a warning message.

String tag,
String msg
FIGURE 1.29 The lower panel—the Logcat tab
and the MainActivity filter are selected

EXAMPLE 1.10 shows the updated MainActivity

class, including a feedback output statement. The

Log class is imported at line 5. We declare a
constant named MA at line 8 to store the String

MainActivity . The output statement at line 14 uses

MA as its tag, and outputs the value of the
resource R.layout.activity_main .

FIGURE 1.30 Opening the Logcat filter dialog

FIGURE 1.31 Setting up a Logcat filter

As we run the app, we see the result of our output

statement in Figure 1.29. As the figure shows, the
Logcat tab is selected (top left), and the
MainActivity filter is selected (top right). We can
verify that the id of the resource
R.layout.activity_main (2130968601) matches the
value found in the file (hexadecimal number
FIGURE 1.32 Selecting the MainActivity filter

EXAMPLE 1.10 The modified MainActivity

class, HelloAndroid, Version 1

As always with programming, we could have

compiler errors, runtime errors, and logic errors.
By default, Android Studio compiles our code as
we type. It flags compiler errors with a small red
line and warnings with a small orange line on the
right margin of our code; it also shows a red tilde
where the error is. For example, if we forget to
include the semicolon at the end of line 14,
Android Studio will signal the error as shown in
FIGURE 1.33. If we move the mouse over the red
line on the right margin or the red tilde, we see one
or more suggestions to help us correct the error. In
this case, we see:

';' expected

FIGURE 1.33 Compiler error flagged by

Android Studio

The Android Studio includes many features that

improve the programmer’s experience, saves time
by automatically generating code and prevents
errors. Here are a few of these features:

▸ When we type a double quote, it

automatically closes it by adding another one;
furthermore, if we close it ourselves, it
automatically deletes the extra double quote.

▸ If we use a class that has not been imported

yet, it will underline it and suggests to import it
by typing Alt+Enter, saving us some time.

▸ If we type an object reference and then a

dot, it suggests methods of the object’s class
that we can call, and updates and restricts the
list as we type.


to minimize the output inside Logcat.
1.6 Using the Debugger
In addition to Logcat, Android Studio includes
traditional debugging tools, such as setting up
breakpoints, checking the values of variables or
expressions, stepping over code line by line,
checking object memory allocation, taking
screenshots and videos. In this section, we learn
how to set up breakpoints and check the values of

To set up a breakpoint, we click on the left of a

statement—an orange filled circle appears.
FIGURE 1.34 shows that we have set up two

To run the app in debug mode, we click on the

debug icon on the toolbar, shown in Figure 1.23.
The app runs and stops at the first breakpoint. The
debugger tab is selected in the panel at the bottom
of the screen and we can see some debugging
information and tools. Under Frames, we can see
where in the code we are currently executing.
Under Variables, we can check the values of the
various variables, for example MA , which has value
MainActivity . To resume the app, we click on the
green Resume icon at the top left of the panel, as
shown in FIGURE 1.35.
FIGURE 1.34 Breakpoints in the code

FIGURE 1.35 After stopping at the first


FIGURE 1.36 Breakpoints in the code

FIGURE 1.37 Managing a list of variables to

As we resume, stop at breakpoints, and resume

the app a few times, the values of the various
variables in our app are displayed under Variables.
FIGURE 1.36 shows that count and i both have a
value of 2 at that point.

If there are too many variables showing up under

Variables and we only want to look at a few of
them, we can make a list of variables in the right
bottom panel, under Watches. We click on the +
sign to add a variable to the list and click on the –
sign to take a variable off the list. FIGURE 1.37
shows the value of count after we have added it to
the list of watched variables.
1.7 Testing the App on an Actual
In order to test our app on an Android device, we
need to:

▸ Download the driver for our Android device.

▸ Connect our Android device to our


The driver for the Android device can be

downloaded from the device manufacturer’s
website. For example, for Samsung’s Android
devices, the website is

FIGURE 1.38 The device’s name and API level

FIGURE 1.39 Choose device dialog box

Once we have done that, Android Studio will

detect the connected device and display its name
as well as its API level at the top left corner of the
lower panel (assuming the lower panel is open,
i.e., the Android tab is selected), as shown in
FIGURE 1.38. We use a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
7.0 tablet.

After we click on the Run or Debug button, a

dialog box appears (FIGURE 1.39). The device
appears in the list of devices or emulators we can
run on. Select the device and click on OK. A few
seconds later, the app runs (and is installed) on
the device. Testing an app on an actual device is
easier and faster than using the emulator. FIGURE
1.40 shows the app running in the tablet. Note that
we can still see the output in Logcat if we have
output statements.

FIGURE 1.40 HelloAndroid app running inside

the tablet
1.8 The App Manifest and the
Gradle Build System
1.8.1 The AndroidManifest.xml File:
App Icon and Device Orientation
The AndroidManifest.xml file, located in the
manifests directory, specifies the resources that
the app uses, such as activities, the file system,
the Internet, and hardware resources. Before a
user downloads an app on Google Play, the user
is notified about these. EXAMPLE 1.11 shows
AndroidManifest.xml’s automatically generated
version. Among other things, it defines the icon
(line 7) and the label or title for the app (line 8).
The text inside the label is the app_name String

defined in strings.xml.

We should supply a launcher icon for our app. This

is the visual representation of our app on the
Home screen or the apps screen. A launcher icon
for a mobile device should be 48 × 48 dp. Various
devices can have different screen densities, thus,
we can supply several launcher icons, one for
each density. When doing that, we should follow
the 2/3/4/6/8 scaling ratios between the various
densities from medium (2) to xxx-high (8). If we
only supply one icon, Android Studio will use that
icon and expand its density as necessary. TABLE
1.4 shows an example of possible dimensions
using that rule. If we intend to publish, we should
provide a 512 × 512 launcher icon for display in
Google Play. We can find more information at
s.html. FIGURE 1.41 shows the mipmap directory
after we added a file named hi.png whose
dimensions are 48 × 48.

EXAMPLE 1.11 The AndroidManifest.xml file

To set the launch icon for the app to hi.png, we

assign the String @mipmap/hi to the android:icon

attribute of the application element in the

AndroidManifest.xml file. The @mipmap/hi

expression defines the resource in the mipmap

directory (of the res directory) whose name is hi

(note that we do not include the extension). Line 7

of Example 1.11 becomes:
TABLE 1.4 Launcher icon ratios and possible

Density Medium High X- XX- XXX-

High High High

Scaling 2 3 4 6 8

Dots per 160 dpi 240 320 480 dpi 640 dpi
inch dpi dpi

Dimensions 48 × 48 72 × 96 × 144 × 192 ×

px 72 px 96 px 144 px 192 px
FIGURE 1.41 The hi.png file in the mipmap


One thing we have to worry about is that some

users will use the app in vertical (portrait)
orientation, and others will use the app in
horizontal (landscape) orientation. The default
behavior for an app is to rotate the screen as the
user rotates the device, thus, our current app
works in both orientations. FIGURE 1.42 shows
the app running inside the tablet in horizontal
orientation. As an app gets more complex, this
becomes an important issue. Later in the book, we
discuss alternatives and strategies to manage
orientations. Sometimes, we want the app to run in
only one orientation, vertical for example, and
therefore we do not want the app to rotate when
the user rotates the device. Inside the activity

element, we can add the

android:screenOrientation attribute and specify
either portrait or landscape as its value. For
example, if we want our app to run in vertical
orientation only, we add:


Note that we can control the behavior of the app

on a per activity basis. In this app, there is only
one activity, but there could be several. EXAMPLE
1.12 shows the updated AndroidManifest.xml file.
If we run the app on a device, the screen does not
rotate as we rotate the device; it stays in portrait
orientation. FIGURE 1.43 shows the icon for the
app in the emulator (among native apps).

EXAMPLE 1.12 The modified

AndroidManifest.xml file

FIGURE 1.42 HelloAndroid app, running inside

the tablet in horizontal orientation
FIGURE 1.43 The emulator screen showing the
app icon
1.8.2 The Gradle Build System
Android Application Package (APK), is the file
format for distributing applications that run on the
Android operating system. The file extension is
.apk. To create an apk file, the project is compiled
and its various parts are packaged into the apk
file. At the time of this writing, the apk file can be
found in the projectName/app/build/outputs/apk

Apk files are built using the gradle build system,

which is integrated in the Android Studio
environment. When we start an app, the gradle
build scripts are automatically created. They can
be modified to build apps that require custom
building, for example:

▸ Customize the build process.

▸ Create multiple apks for the app, each with

different features, using the resources of the
project. For example, different versions can
be made for different audiences (paid versus
free, consumer versus corporation).
Chapter Summary
Android Studio is the official development
environment for Android apps.
In addition to the JDK, an Android SDK is
available for development.
Android Studio is free and available from
Android development uses XML files to define
the Graphical User Interface (GUI), strings,
styles, dimensions, etc.
The res directory stores some of the app
resources, such as activity_main.xml in the
layout directory, and strings.xml, styles.xml,
colors.xml, and dimens.xml in the values
The layout and GUI can be defined in XML
files; the starting default file is
Strings can be defined in the strings.xml file.
Styles can be defined in the styles.xml file.
Dimensions can be defined in the dimens.xml
Colors can be defined in the colors.xml file.
The class is generated automatically
and stores ids for various app resources.
Android Studio includes a preview mode that
can display the GUI for layout XML files.
An activity is a component that provides a
screen with which users can interact.
An app can consist of several activities,
possibly passing data to each other.
Activities are managed on a stack (last-in,
first-out data structure).
To create an activity, we subclass the
Activity class or an existing subclass of the
Activity class.
The onCreate method of the (entry point)
Activity class is called automatically when
the activity starts.
We specify the View for an activity by calling
the setContentView method.
An app includes a manifest, the
AndroidManifest.xml file, which defines the
resources used by the app.
The emulator enables us to simulate how an
app would run on various devices.
We can test an app in the emulator or on a
The Instant Run feature enables us to modify
various components of an app and run without
restarting the app from scratch inside the
When it is ready for installation, an app is
packaged in a file with the .apk extension,
known as the app’s apk.
Gradle is the build system for Android apps.
Exercises, Problems,
and Projects
Multiple-Choice Exercises
1. AVD stands for
Android Validator
Android Virtual Device
Android Valid Device
Android Viral device
2. XML stands for
eXtended Mega Language
eXtended Multi Language
eXtensible Markup Language
eXtensible Mega Language
3. Mark the following XML snippets valid or


<c digit=”6”></c>

<d>He there</e>

<f letter='Z”/>

<1 digit=”8”>one</1>

<g digit1=”1” digit2=”2”></g>

<h><i name=”Chris”></i></h>

<j><k name=”Jane”></j>

<l><m name=”Mary”></l></m>

4. What is the name of the string that is defined

by the following XML snippet inside
<string name=”abc”>Hello</string>





5. What is the value of the string that is defined

by the following XML snippet inside

<string name=”abc”>Hello</string>





6. What will be the text displayed inside the

TextView widget defined by the following XML
snippet inside activity_main.xml?



android:text=”@string/hi” />



the value of the String named hi as

defined in strings.xml


7. The AppCompatActivity class is found in the



8. The AppCompatActivity class is a subclass of

the Activity class

Fill in the Code
9. Inside the XML snippet next activity_main.xml,
add a line of XML so that the text displayed in
the text field is the value of the string book
(assume that the string book has been
defined in strings.xml)





10. Inside the onCreate method, fill in the code so

that we set the layout and GUI defined in

public void onCreate( Bundle

savedInstanceState ){


// Your code goes here

Write an App
11. Write an app that displays ”I like Android”
12. Write an app that only runs in horizontal
orientation. It displays “This is fun!” on the top
left corner of the screen with no margin either
from the top or the left.

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